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SSBU/Pit/Matchups: Difference between revisions

From Dragdown
< SSBU‎ | Pit
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(Extremely barebones page for now. I'll add the rest of the (empty) page later)
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- Please be as unbiased as possible. Don't try to downplay Pit/Dark Pit in the MU, no matter how difficult said MU is. You can still say things about its difficulty, however
- Don't write advice such as "pick someone else" or "literally how can you lose to this character?". It doesn't help anybody, and it's not funny
- The previous rule doesn't apply for certain situations where there is literally no counterplay. However, this is extremely unlikely to happen
- Do not write MU numbers (things like 6-4, -2, even...). People will only read those numbers and use them all over the Internet without understanding why this number was given
- Stick to the wiki's general editing rules

Sorry if this was a certified "Literally 1984" moment, but it had to be said for this page in particular -->

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== Banjo & Kazooie ==
[[#top|Back to summit]]

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Banjo & Kazooie</span> ====
=== Which Pit? ===
|character=Banjo & Kazooie
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Bayonetta</span> ====
=== Neutral ===
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[[{{PAGENAME}}#Banjo_&_Kazooie|Back to the beginning]]

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Bowser</span> ====
=== Advantage ===
==== Edgeguard ====
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==== Ledgetrap ====
==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Bowser Jr.</span> ====
|character=Bowser Jr.
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Byleth</span> ====
==== Juggling ====
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[[{{PAGENAME}}#Banjo_&_Kazooie|Back to the beginning]]

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Captain Falcon</span> ====
=== Disadvantage ===
==== Recovery ====
|character=Captain Falcon
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==== Getting out of Ledge ====
==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Chrom</span> ====
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==== Landing ====
==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Cloud</span> ====
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==== Out of Shield ====
==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Corrin</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Diddy Kong</span> ====
==== Combo Breaking ====
|character=Diddy Kong
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[[{{PAGENAME}}#Banjo_&_Kazooie|Back to the beginning]]
==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Donkey Kong</span> ====
|character=Donkey Kong
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Dr. Mario</span> ====
=== In short ===
|character=Dr. Mario
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[[{{PAGENAME}}#Banjo_&_Kazooie|Back to the beginning]]

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Duck Hunt</span> ====
=== Tips & Tricks ===
|character=Duck Hunt
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[[{{PAGENAME}}#Banjo_&_Kazooie|Back to the beginning]]

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Falco</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Fox</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Ganondorf</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Greninja</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Hero</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Ice Climbers</span> ====
|character=Ice Climbers
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Ike</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Incineroar</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Inkling</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Isabelle</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Jigglypuff</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Joker</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Kazuya</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Ken</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">King Dedede</span> ====
|character=King Dedede
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">King K. Rool</span> ====
|character=King K. Rool
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Kirby</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Link</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Little Mac</span> ====
|character=Little Mac
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Lucario</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Lucas</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Marcina (Marth & Lucina)</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Luigi</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Mario</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Mega Man</span> ====
|character=Mega Man
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Meta Knight</span> ====
|character=Meta Knight
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Mewtwo</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Mii Brawler</span> ====
|character=Mii Brawler
* Placeholder

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Mii Swordfighter</span> ====
|character=Mii Swordfighter
* Placeholder

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Mii Gunner</span> ====
|character=Mii Gunner
* Placeholder

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Min Min</span> ====
|character=Min Min
* Placeholder

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Mr. Game & Watch</span> ====
|character=Mr. Game & Watch
* Placeholder

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Ness</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Olimar</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Pac-Man</span> ====
|oneliner= Pit is the better choice in this MU, but Dark Pit is still valuable
* Pit is one of the only characters in the game who can reliably edgeguard Pac-Man from afar. Use his {{clr|special|arrows}} to snipe his {{clr|special|Side-B}}. This will greatly reduce the move's travel distance and either let him open for a punish or force him to use riskier options
* When Pac-Man is recovering using his trampoline ({{clr|special|Up-B}}), go offstage and use it when it turns yellow. If Pac-Man didn't hit the ledge soon enough, he will be forced to fall to his death
* '''Don't hit the hydrant unless Pac-Man is nearby and already hit it once'''. None of Pit's attacks can send the hydrant flying in one hit, so hitting it will most likely backfire. A way to prevent this is to hit it once (from far away) before jumping away and using {{clr|special|Down-B}} just in case Pac-Man sends it flying
* If possible, send the hydrant at a vertical angle with moves such as {{clr|tilt|Dtilt}}, {{clr|aerial|Dair}} or {{clr|aerial|Bair}}'s sourspot. This will give you better pressure and possible combos
* '''Don't roll through Pac-Man's {{clr|special|Up-B}}''' when at the ledge. Instead, use your double jumps to get around it
* After hitting Pac-Man with a bell, don't go for {{clr|smash|Fsmash}}, as there's a chance the second hit won't connect. Instead, use either a {{clr|special|Side-B}} or a charged {{clr|smash|Dsmash}} (preferably the second hit)
* '''It's better to shield Pac's fruits then pick them up''' rather than reflecting them with {{clr|special|Down-B}}. Pac-Man becomes much weaker without his fruits, so try to keep them for as long as possible
* During juggles, Pit's {{clr|aerial|Uair}} can protect him from random {{clr|special|Hydrant}} drops in disadvantage
* Pac-Man can have some trouble closing out stocks once his confirms stops working. Once you're at these percents, try to avoid the following moves:
** {{clr|special|Hydrant}}
** {{clr|special|Apple}} (fruit)
** {{clr|special|Bell}} (fruit)
** {{clr|aerial|Bair}}
** {{clr|grab|Bthrow}} at the ledge
** All {{clr|smash|Smash attacks}}
* '''Don't ever spotdodge against Pac-Man'''. His {{clr|grab|grab}} and {{clr|smash|Fsmash}} can very easily beat it, on top of a myriad of anti-spotdodge setups

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Palutena</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Peach</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Pichu</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Pikachu</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Piranha Plant</span> ====
|character=Piranha Plant
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Pit</span> ====
* Placeholder
|-|Dark Pit=
|character=Dark Pit
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Pokemon Trainer</span> ====
|character=Pokemon Trainer
* Placeholder

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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Aegis (Pyra/Mythra)</span> ====
|character=Pyra & Mythra
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Belmonts (Simon & Richter)</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Ridley</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">R.O.B.</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Robin</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Rosalina & Luma</span> ====
|character=Rosalina & Luma
* Placeholder

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Roy</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Ryu</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Samus</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Sephiroth</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Sheik</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Shulk</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Snake</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Sonic</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Sora</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Steve</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Terry</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Toon Link</span> ====
|character=Toon Link
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Villager</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Wario</span> ====
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==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Wii Fit Trainer</span> ====
|character=Wii Fit Trainer
* Placeholder

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Wolf</span> ====
* Placeholder

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Yoshi</span> ====
* Placeholder

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Young Link</span> ====
|character=Young Link
* Placeholder

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Zelda</span> ====
* Placeholder

==== <span style="visibility:hidden;font-size:0">Zero Suit Samus</span> ====
|character=Zero Suit Samus
* Placeholder

<!-- == Bayonetta == -->


[[Category:Super Smash Bros. Ultimate]]
[[Category:Playable Character]]

Latest revision as of 08:37, 18 April 2023


Quick MU Navigation

Banjo & Kazooie



Bowser Jr.


Captain Falcon




Diddy Kong

Donkey Kong

Dr. Mario

Duck Hunt






Ice Climbers









King Dedede

King K. Rool



Little Mac



Marcina (Marth & Lucina)



Mega Man

Meta Knight


Mii Brawler

Mii Swordfighter

Mii Gunner

Min Min

Mr. Game & Watch




Pac-Man Pit is the better choice in this MU, but Dark Pit is still valuable
  • Pit is one of the only characters in the game who can reliably edgeguard Pac-Man from afar. Use his arrows to snipe his Side-B. This will greatly reduce the move's travel distance and either let him open for a punish or force him to use riskier options
  • When Pac-Man is recovering using his trampoline (Up-B), go offstage and use it when it turns yellow. If Pac-Man didn't hit the ledge soon enough, he will be forced to fall to his death
  • Don't hit the hydrant unless Pac-Man is nearby and already hit it once. None of Pit's attacks can send the hydrant flying in one hit, so hitting it will most likely backfire. A way to prevent this is to hit it once (from far away) before jumping away and using Down-B just in case Pac-Man sends it flying
  • If possible, send the hydrant at a vertical angle with moves such as Dtilt, Dair or Bair's sourspot. This will give you better pressure and possible combos
  • Don't roll through Pac-Man's Up-B when at the ledge. Instead, use your double jumps to get around it
  • After hitting Pac-Man with a bell, don't go for Fsmash, as there's a chance the second hit won't connect. Instead, use either a Side-B or a charged Dsmash (preferably the second hit)
  • It's better to shield Pac's fruits then pick them up rather than reflecting them with Down-B. Pac-Man becomes much weaker without his fruits, so try to keep them for as long as possible
  • During juggles, Pit's Uair can protect him from random Hydrant drops in disadvantage
  • Pac-Man can have some trouble closing out stocks once his confirms stops working. Once you're at these percents, try to avoid the following moves:
    • Hydrant
    • Apple (fruit)
    • Bell (fruit)
    • Bair
    • Bthrow at the ledge
    • All Smash attacks
  • Don't ever spotdodge against Pac-Man. His grab and Fsmash can very easily beat it, on top of a myriad of anti-spotdodge setups

Opponent's Overview | Advanced Stats | Inverse Matchup Return to the top





Piranha Plant


Pokemon Trainer

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Opponent's Overview | Advanced Stats | Inverse Matchup Return to the top

Aegis (Pyra/Mythra)

Belmonts (Simon & Richter)




Rosalina & Luma












Toon Link



Wii Fit Trainer



Young Link


Zero Suit Samus



Character Select

System Explanations

The Basics
Detailed & Advanced Information
Damage/KnockbackFrame Data ExplanationsStates of PlayUniversal StrategyEsoterica
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Mechanics Glossary


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