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From Dragdown


Spotdodge:The duration and intangibility of this character's on-spot dodges.26F (3~17F intangible)
Air Dodge:The intangibility of this character's air dodges, both neutral and directional.4~31F intangible (Neutral)
4~22F intangible (Directional)
Unique Recovery Options:Recovery options that this character may have other than their Up Special.Quick Draw
Fastest OOS:BAir (3+7F)
Ike is a heavyweight, hard hitting swordfighter who relies on proper spacing and fundamentals to succeed. Using his sword Ragnell, Ike possesses moves with raw power and potent range, allowing him to thrive off of simple combos, setups, and stray hits.

Ike has many strong and straightforward tools in his kit, especially his aerials. Nair is notorious for being a combo starter and his main neutral tool. Bair is a fast, powerful swing that is one of his many KO options and safe if spaced. U-air covers a wide range above him, and is used in many combos and set ups, and Dair is a powerful spike that can even strike through stages, and even the weaker hitbox is potent at KOing.

Ike also has many useful options on the ground such as his quick down tilt, a strong poke in f-tilt and his up special Aether, which has armor properties to allow him to shrug off attacks during startup. Using his slew of useful tools, Ike can rack up damage, take stocks off of virtually any hit, and keep momentum in his favor.

Ike is not without his flaws, however. While having raw strength, he is rather slow both on the ground and the air. His lack of mobility hinders him in many ways, such as being able to position himself to be spaced correctly and escaping pressure. While he does have Quick Draw as a unique movement option, using it as one is rather niche. Additionally, while having a great presence in advantage due to his threatening range, Ike lacks a substantial combo game. While he does have combos and kill confirms off of things like Nair and down tilt, Ike can struggle to find the hits he needs at higher percents if he loses his momentum. His recovery is also rather shaky. While not particularly bad, Aether and Quick Draw can be exploited, with the former being easier than the latter.

Overall, Ike is a powerhouse sword character who is able to take stocks quickly with solid fundamental play. Due to his straightforwardness, he's relatively easy to pick up and understand and rewards smart play and game knowledge. If these aspects seem interesting to you, then give the Radiant Hero a try!

Ike is a heavyweight swordfighter who relies on spacing his very disjointed attacks to bait and punish his opponents who attempt to retaliate.
Pros Cons
  • Big Sword: Ike's sword gives long, disjointed attacks that he can use to effectively control the midrange while staying hard to punish on shield.
  • Heavy Hitter: Ike's raw strength allows him to quickly rack up damage in neutral or advantage, even with stray hits.
  • Easily Kills: Ike's confirms begin killing surprisingly early, making closing out stocks quite easy for him - especially on a good read.
  • Heavyweight: Ike is tied for the 13th heaviest fighter in the game, meaning he can take more hits than usual.
  • Straightforward: Ike is a relatively simple character to pick up and learn, and is great for learning and maintaining fundamentals.
  • Poor Mobility: Ike's grounded speed is very sluggish, meaning he will struggle against fast characters who can quickly close the gap.
  • Sluggish Frame Data: Many of Ike's normals have either slow startup or a lot of endlag.
  • Predictable Recovery: Ike has 2 options to choose from to mix up his recoveries. Though his recovery is not as exploitable as Chrom, both his options Quick Draw and Aether are linear and easy to predict. Combined with his poor mobility, he will be easy to edgeguard.
  • Prone to Parries: Ike doesn't have a single multi-hit attack in his kit. This makes parrying him easier compared to most characters, so attacking shields come with risk.

Normal Moves


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Jab 1 2.5 4-5 24 361/180 -15 to -14 N/A
Jab 2 2.5 3-4 28 361 -20 to -19 N/A
Jab 3 7.0 5-8 41 45 -28 to -25 N/A

Ike's fastest grounded attack and the fastest move in his kit in terms of startup. It is quite strong for a jab, the final hit being a reliable KO option at the ledge at really high percents. Otherwise, jab is Ike's most reliable close range attack due to its speed.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Jab 1 35/25 15/12 N/A N/A 4
Jab 2 35/30 25/15 N/A N/A 4
Jab 3 60 100 N/A N/A 7

Forward Tilt

/ +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
13.5 12-13 42 361 -17 to -16 N/A

Ike swipes Rangell in front of them. F-tilt functions as an effective poke in neutral and KO option. Though it's not very safe on shield, it trades this safety for range as well as kill power. It can be made safer if spaced near the tip of the sword.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
30 97 N/A N/A 12
  • Angleable

Up Tilt


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Clean 12.0 11-16 40 95 -17 to -12 N/A
Late 8.0 17-21 40 85 -14 to -10 N/A

Ike thrusts Ragnell up while it being parallel to the ground. Due to its massive disjoint, it can be used to counter opponents jumping in or attacking from above, though its speed leaves something to be desired. Like with most of Ike's kit, up tilt can also be used as a KO option.

Interestingly, it can also be used to 2 frame opponents, as the beginning of the hitbox can hit slightly below ledges.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Clean 50 90 N/A N/A 11
Late 50 90 N/A N/A 8

Down Tilt


DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
8.0 7-8 29 80 -13 to -12 N/A

Ike swipes Ragnell on the ground. While this tilt attack doesnt kill outright, it has fast startup and relatively low end lag, allowing Ike to get follow ups and even confirms off of it. Down Tilt can also be used to 2-frame and catch ledge hangs, which can also lead to a combo at certain percents.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
70 55 N/A N/A 8

Dash Attack

while dashing or running

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Clean 14.0/11.0Blade/Body 15-16 48 52 -17 to -16/-20 to -19 N/A
Late 9.0 17-19 48 45 -20 to -18 N/A

Ike lunges forward, swinging Ragnell upwards with two hands. Ike's dash attack is one of the strongest in the game in terms of damage and knockback, with it's sweetspot being able to KO very early, however it is also one of the slowest. It is mostly used to punish opponents from a distance or catch their landings.

Dash attack also has an anti-rebounding property on the clean hit, meaning that if it clanks with any move, Ike will not be put in the rebound animation, while the opponent may be put in a lengthy one.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Clean 70 88 N/A N/A 15/12
Late 60 110 N/A N/A 10


  • Values seperated as Blade/Body

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash

/ + or /

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Early 19.028.5 charged 31-32 84 361 -39 to -38-34 to -33 charged N/A
Clean 22.0/19.033/28.5 charged 33-35 84 361/57 -36 to -34/-37 to -35-29 to -27/-32 to -30 charged N/A

Big, two handed overhead swing of Ragnell. F-smash is extremely slow, and doesn't have any applications in true combos, but can be used to call out rolls, air dodges, and unsafe approach options, as well as for hard punishes. Although it's speed is slow, it is one of the strongest F-smashes in the entire game, capable of killing extremely early.

  • Has a weaker tipper hitbox, but landing it is a rare occurrence.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Early 40 90 N/A N/A 136 charged
Clean 49/40 85/86 N/A N/A 14/136/6 charged


  • Values seperated as Tip/Blade

Up Smash

+ or

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
(Clean) 17.025.5 charged 25-29 71 82/75/70/65 -34 to -30-29 to -25 charged N/A
Late 10.015 charged 30-31 71 65 -33 to -32-30 to -29 charged N/A

An overhead arcing slash above Ike. Slightly faster than F-smash, but weaker and still relatively slow. Much like F-smash, it can be used to call out rolls, air dodges, and otherwise hard reads or punishes.

  • has a weaker shockwave hit when Ragnell slams into the ground.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
(Clean) 49 90 N/A N/A 115 charged
Late 50 85 N/A N/A 74 charged

Down Smash

+ or

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Forward Slash 16.024 charged 13-15 71 48 -46 to -44-42 to -40 charged N/A
Back Slash, Clean 19.028.5 charged 32-33 71 48 -25 to -24-20 to -19 charged N/A

A two hitting swipe on the ground. Ike's fastest smash attack in terms of startup, the first hit on the front having 13 frames of startup. Compared to his other smash attacks, it is considerably weaker, but still boasts impressive kill power. The back hit is much more powerful than the front hit, and has a longer lingering hitbox.

Despite it's fast startup, it still has considerable endlag, so it is easy to punish.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Forward Slash 40 100 N/A N/A 115 charged
Back Slash, Clean 40 100 N/A N/A 136 charged


Neutral Aerial


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Clean 7.5 10-14 60 80 -5 N/A
Late 6.0 15-22 60 80 -5 N/A

Ike's staple aerial and the cornerstone to his kit. It's low landing lag, wide range surrounding Ike, and its generous launch angle makes it his main combo starter. Nair's disjoint makes it also a safe move if spaced properly. Nair can combo into tilts and into grab at low percents, and at mid percents it can combo into other aerials including itself. At high percents it can lead to kill confirms into B-air and U-air as well.

However, at too high of percents, the front hit of Nair can launch too high for Ike to get a true follow up, but it still leaves Ike in a good position. At those percents, the later back hit of Nair can lead to kill confirms. Though the front hit becomes more unreliable, it can still lead to confirms if the move is staled.

Nair's main weaknesses are it being weak to parries, and it's lack of being a good aerial to be used while rising. However, these weaknesses can be circumvented by smart play.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Clean 35 130 8 ? 3
Late 35 130 8 ? 3

Forward Aerial

Airborne +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
13.0 11-15 52 30 -9 N/A

A large swing in front of Ike, capable of hitting slightly above and below him. Forward air is one of Ike's main follow ups in his combo routes. It's not an incredible KO option, but it's wide range makes it a decent option during edgeguard situations. But in terms of kill power, Bair and U-air are more reliable.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
55 60 14 ? 5

Back Aerial

Airborne +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
14.0 7-9 55 361 -6 N/A

Ike's fastest aerial, and one of his strongest. Bair is one of Ike's primary KO follow ups off of starters like Nair and Down Tilt. It's speed, disjoint, and low endlag makes it viable as a safe approach option as well.

  • Autocancels off of a shorthop.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
30 100 11 ? 5

Up Aerial

Airborne +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
11.0 13-18 57 80 -5 N/A

A large overhead slash above Ike. U-air has incredible range, damage, and kill power, being a primary follow up off of Nair. It has the 2nd lowest landing lag out of all his aerials, making it an excellent combo and juggling tool, and it can even be used as a niche approach option. It has pretty low startup for an aerial, but its other traits make it another corner stone in Ike's kit that compliments Nair in almost any way.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
55 94 9 ? 4

Down Aerial

Airborne +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
15.0 16-17 55 50/270 -9 N/A

A downward slash of Ragnell. While it's Ike's slowest aerial at frame 16, it's incredibly powerful. The tip of Ragnell serves as a spike, while the rest of the sword sends more horizontally. However, the non-spike hitbox is still incredibly powerful, having high knockback and dealing the most damage out of all Ike's aerials. As it goes straight down, it has virtually no horizontal range, but due to its massive size, it can hit below the stage if timed correctly, making it useful for two framing recoveries.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
30/20 100/90 14 ? 5
  • Values seperated by Sword/Tipper



(Hold OK)

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Min Charge, Explosion 9.0 11-15 60 80 -39 to -35 N/A
Min Charge, Sword Hitbox 9.0 11-17 60 85 -39 to -33 N/A
Mid, Close Geyser 35.0/28.0/26.0 11-15 from release 60 361 -18 to -14/-24 to -20/-26 to -22 all armor 6-10
Mid, Far Geyser 31.0/25.0 15-20 from release 60 361 -18 to -13/-22 to -17 all armor 6-10
Max, Close Geyser 35.0/28.0/26.0 11-15 60 361 -18 to -14/-24 to -20/-26 to -22 all armor 6-10
Max, 2nd Geyser 31.0/25.0 15-20 60 361 -18 to -13/-22 to -17 all armor 6-10
Max, 3rd Geyser 27.0/22.0 19-22 60 361 -17 to -14/-21 to -18 all armor 6-10

A chargeable move where Ike engulfs Ragnell in flames and stabs it into the ground. The longer Eruption is charged, it gains additional pillars that go outward, up to a maximum of three. When fully charged, Ike deals 10% recoil damage to himself, but a fully charged Eruption is capable of breaking full shields and KOing incredibly early.

Eruption boasts good kill power and impressive range, and can be used for 2-framing recovery attempts. However, outside of shield break punishes, Eruption is a move that does not see much use.

  • Has transcendent priority.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Min Charge, Explosion 40 100 N/A N/A 9
Min Charge, Sword Hitbox 40 100 N/A N/A 9
Mid, Close Geyser 20 70 N/A N/A 30/24/22
Mid, Far Geyser 60 46 N/A N/A 26/22
Max, Close Geyser 20 70 N/A N/A 30/24/22
Max, 2nd Geyser 60 46 N/A N/A 26/22
Max, 3rd Geyser 60 47 N/A N/A 23/19

Mid, Close Geyser:

  • Damage values seperated by as Close/Far/Furthest

Mid, Far Geyser:

  • Damage values seperated by as Close/Far

Max, Close Geyser:

  • Damage values seperated by as Close/Far

Max, 2nd Geyser:

  • Damage values seperated by as Close/Far

Max, 3rd Geyser:

  • Damage values seperated by as Close/Far

Quick Draw

/ + (Hold OK)

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
9.0 2-4 35 60 -23 to -21 N/A

A chargeable attack that has Ike charge forward upon release. When Ike gets within range of an opponent while charging forward, he preforms a lunging slash automatically. Quick Draw has pretty substantial endlag if there is no opponent within range.

Quick Draw is one of Ike's primary recovery tools other than Aether. It's generally used for high recoveries, as the distance Ike travels is longer if it's charged. However, if there is no opponent for Ike to slash at in the air, he is put in free fall and cannot act. Quick draw can also be used as a niche movement tool, as when used at certain heights, it's endlag can be canceled completely. This also makes it even more useful for recovery, as Ike can act instantly upon landing.

  • Does more damage the longer it is charged.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
70 88 N/A N/A 9



Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Ground, Initial Hit 6.0 15-16 61 88/94/96/86 -39 to -38 all armor 5-35
Ground, Spinning Hits 1.0 44-54 61 367 -14 to -4 all armor 5-35
Aerial, Initial Hits 6.0 15-16 61 88/94/96/86 -39 to -38 all armor 15-35
Aerial, Spinning Hits 1.0 44-54 61 367 -14 to -4 all armor 15-35
Falling, First Frame 3.0 1 6 70/270 0 N/A
Falling, Later Frames 3.0 2-5 6 70/270 1 to 4 N/A
Landing 6.0 1-4 37 50 -29 to -26 N/A
Sword Multihits 2.0 1-22 47 90 -42 to -22 N/A

Ike tosses his sword up, follows it up, catches it and spins around in the air, then slams back down to the ground. You can slightly influence the direction Ike travels when going down. An extremely powerful (though committal) reversal and combo ender, but a third-rate and highly exploitable recovery.

Aether does impressively high damage (total 21% in most cases) and has very good kill power, KOing most characters around 110% at the latest with the final hit, although this becomes lower with stage positioning, ceiling height and platforms. Importantly, a landing Nair hit at the edge will confirm directly into Aether around 60-90% for an easy kill. This makes it a very attractive move to hit, and helpfully, it is a near-constant threat.

Its horizontal range is fairly good, comparable to Ftilt, but its vertical range is very long and Ragnell reaches its maximum height quickly. This makes it very strong not only as an anti-air and combo ender, but as a very powerful out-of-shield thanks to its completely unbreakable super armor. In the air, the armor is timed with the first hitbox (frame 15) but on the ground it activates on just frame 5, making this one of the fastest out-of-shield options in the game. In tandem with its high damage and kill power, it is a constant threat the opponent needs to factor in when pressuing Ike.

However, Aether is saddled with several critical flaws. First, like most Up-Bs, it's extremely punishable on shield and even more so on whiff. Second, the super armor comes with all the downsides of armor: that it can be grabbed freely in startup; that Ike still takes full damage if hit during it; and that the actual hitbox comes out late enough that many fast attacks can hit the armor and still recover in time to shield the hit. Third, it somewhat often fails to combo into itself, usually in cases that involve the hit of Ragnell rising up before it reaches its max height. Ike cannot afford to use Aether predictably or thoughtlessly, as he risks death if he does.

Finally, it is also a very poor recovery move. It travels almost no horizontal distance and barely acceptable vertical distance, making Ike very weak to gimps and greatly limiting the area that he can safely travel offstage, especially considering that all his aerials have very high in-air endlag since they are meant to be use landing. Furthermore, if Ike is forced to use it at certain heights beneath the stage, opponents with counters (such as other Fire Emblem characters) can very easily just use them and gimp Ike for free.

Overall, Aether is Ike in a nutshell: strong and large, but committal, unsafe, and inflexible. Try to counterpick to stages with platforms and always ban Final Destination to enhance Aether's strengths and downplay its weaknesses.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Ground, Initial Hit 150 FKB/145 FKB/140 FKB 100 N/A N/A 6
Ground, Spinning Hits 50 FKB 100 N/A N/A 2
Aerial, Initial Hits 150 FKB/145 FKB/140 FKB 100 N/A N/A 6
Aerial, Spinning Hits 50 FKB 100 N/A N/A 2
Falling, First Frame 120/165 FKB 30/100 N/A N/A 4
Falling, Later Frames 0/150 FKB 50/100 N/A N/A 4
Landing 70 155 N/A N/A 6
Sword Multihits 90 FKB/40 FKB (Frame 22) 100 N/A N/A 3/2 (Frame 22)



Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Detection N/A 9-33 73 - - full intangibility 8-15
Hit 10.0 min 5-6 42 361 -26 to -25 full invuln 1-4

A standard Fire Emblem counter. Ike strikes a pose and flashes purple; if hit during this time, he strikes back with 1.2x the damage he would have taken. A niche hard callout that should be used sparingly.

Ike's version of Counter is arguably one of the worst counter moves in the game, a dubious honor given the sheer number of counters in Ultimate. It has the slowest startup of all counters at frame 9, comes with a counter's usual vulnerabilities like grabs and its very long whiff endlag, and it has fairly poor range on the actual counterattack, on top of said attack having very high endlag should it whiff.

The only upside to balance this out is that it has very high minimum damage compared to other counters and fairly consistent kill power as a result. This isn't enough to justify using it much outside of the universal applications of a counter such as opponents committed to hitting you and hard reads.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Detection - - N/A N/A -
Hit 48 100 N/A N/A 10


  • 1.2x multiplier

Grabs & Throws


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Standing N/A 7-8 37 N/A N/A N/A
Dash N/A 10-11 45 N/A N/A N/A
Pivot N/A 11-12 40 N/A N/A N/A
Pummel 1.6 1 7 361 -2 N/A
Standing Grab

Dash Grab ( or > )

Pivot Grab ( > + )

Pummel ( > )

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Standing N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dash N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pivot N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pummel 40 FKB 100 N/A N/A 3

Forward Throw


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 3.5 5-7 33 361 -23 to -21 all invincible 1-8
Throw 4.0 8 33 28 N/A all invincible 1-8

A standard forward throw. Ike kicks them forward. Pretty much never better than back throw, as its knockback is very poor and stays poor through all percents, and its damage is also quite low. Should only be used for stage positioning, or if you hard read the opponent misinputting the wrong recovery move because they expected to be launched farther or something.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 30 150 N/A N/A 4
Throw 55 75 N/A N/A N/A

Back Throw


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 3.0 20-21 38 361 -13 to -12 all invincible 1-22
Throw 4.0 22 38 28 N/A all invincible 1-22

This sure is a back throw. Ike tosses the opponent behind him then kicks them straight back. Has poor kill power for a back throw, almost never killing earlier than down throw, but typically leads to better stage positioning if it doesn't kill.

  • Doesn't combo into anything, ever, on anyone

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 30 150 N/A N/A 4
Throw 55 75 N/A N/A N/A

Up Throw


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 3.5 18-19 43 361 -20 to -19 all invincible 1-20
Throw 4.0 20 43 87 N/A all invincible 1-20

A bog-standard up throw, launching the opponent straight up. Doesn't combo into anything at any percent against anyone. Only has applications in niche frametraps into Aether if you hard read that the opponent is going to DI in expecting you to down throw (and thus avoid the forward air), but even then, this is ironically one of the few ways to set up Aether failing to combo into itself.

There isn't much reason to use this throw besides the novelty of having Ike put down Ragnell and smack someone upside the face.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 30 150 N/A N/A 4
Throw 70 72 N/A N/A N/A

Down Throw


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 3.0 35-39 58 361 -18 to -14 all invincible 1-40
Throw 4.0 40 58 80 N/A all invincible 1-40

Ike's go-to throw. At lower percents, always combos into up-air, and combos into the slightly more damaging forward air if the opponent DIs neutral or away. Big-body heavyweights like Bowser can be hit with the even more damaging Aether instead at <25% or so. Stops comboing into much of anything past 50%.

Unusually for a throw, this is not only Ike's combo throw but also his kill throw, sending opponents upwards to KO them starting around 180%. This should rarely come into play besides flexing on your opponent, however.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 30 150 N/A N/A 4
Throw 75 120 N/A N/A N/A

Misc. Attacks

Ledge Attack

while holding the ledge

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
10.0 19-21 56 45 -26 to -24 all intangible 1-21
  • Placeholder

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
90 20 N/A N/A 10

Getup Attack

after getting knocked down

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Up 7.0 17-22 46 48 -21 to -16 all intangible 1-22
Down 7.0 17-22 46 48 -21 to -16 all intangible 1-22
  • Placeholder

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Up 80 48 N/A N/A 7
Down 80 48 N/A N/A 7

Trip Attack

after tripping

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
5.0 19-24 50 361 -24 to -19 all intangible 1-7
  • Placeholder

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
60 50 N/A N/A 6


To edit frame data, edit values in SSBU/Ike/Data.

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