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SSBU/Mii Brawler/Matchups

From Dragdown

Mii Brawler

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Banjo & Kazooie


Bayonetta Depriving Bayonetta of kill opportunities is the best way to get ahead, even if it means taking 200% every stock.

Relative Merits: Bayonetta's combo game is typically exceptional, but gets put to the test by Mii Brawler's status as a midweight fastfaller. At the same time, many of Mii Brawler's most reliable combos, including his kill confirm dThrow into Thrust Uppercut are hampered by Bat Within. When both combo games are reduced to the basics, the neutral game matters much more, at which Brawler's higher mobility, safety, per-hit damage, and durability grant him a clear advantage.

Tactics: Bayonetta's neutral relies heavily on ABK and Witch Twist, but both are punishable on block, an option that Bayo struggles to punish at midrange thanks to her slow ground speed and grab. Moving or jumping in before shielding is a great way to bait these options out, and force her to pick nonstandard options to even open you up.

Bayonetta's combo game is less effective than average, so making use of SDI is important. Upwards SDI against UpB will make Bayo have to spend a jump to reach you, while downwards SDI is massively improved by Brawler's fallspeed and high gravity. Alternating between every form of SDI is important to keep Bayonetta on her feet and create opportunities for early escape from combos.

Bayonetta's uTilt is one of her better combo starters against Mii Brawler, able to convert into bAir for a kill. dodging this move is a top priority. Without it, Bayo has to lean on her smash attacks and raw bAirs, which have considerable startup. Meanwhile, Bayonetta must always fear your burst options when in close proximity to you, as your attacks come out much faster and kill much earlier than hers.

Additional notes:

  • Jumping in front of Bayonetta before landing and shielding is a strong way to bait out a Witch Twist out of shield, which gives you a clear opening to attack.

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Bowser Jr.


Captain Falcon

Captain Falcon Stocks are going to fly, so do your best to stay alive.

Relative Merits: Both Brawler and Falcon like up-close combat & high-damage combos, backed up by a stockpile of midrange burst options. While Brawler's options may cover more distance, Falcon's tend to kill or convert into damage. Moreover, Falcon's leg attacks like fTilt make for great midrange pokes and keepaway tools, allowing him to preserve some range advantage, even if not disjointed. However, his disadvantage is markedly worse, having worse aerials to land with and a more linear recovery trajectory.

Tactics: In neutral, Brawler should look to spend as little time in Falcon's burst range as possible, either being far enough away to where an approach is reactable, or so close that anything will hit (and as a result, where Brawler has the upper hand as a majority of his moves are faster than Falcon's). Thanks to BDK and Dash Attack, Falcon will need to respect you from further away than you need to respect him, giving some leverage at longer distances to get Falcon to close in himself or time to pick your own approach.

When Falcon is in disadvantage, they are often tempted to take advantage of their high speed or hard-hitting options to reverse the situation. A cornered Falcon may do Falcon Kick right after a neutral getup, or dAir when they see you jump up to them. It is important that you take notes on which options they choose, as each of them only cover a few options and are typically easy to punish on whiff or block.

Additional Notes:

  • Falcon Dive is a common option from Falcon to punish shields in general, as it has deceptively long horizontal reach.
  • Falcon's uSmash is a very dangerous move that's safe on whiff, capable of taking stocks below 100%. Be careful when moving around and above Falcon!
  • When Falcon is recovering to ledge with his Up-B, a falling weak nAir will trade and potentially set up for an easier edgeguard with bAir.
  • Falcon's high fallspeed leaves him susceptible to big combos that counterbalance his higher-than-average weight stat.

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Cloud Cloud has too much range & safety to face head-on.

Relative Merits: Cloud's strength lies in his Buster Sword, giving him great midranged combat with good shield safety. Because of this, Brawler often struggles to punish on shield or whiff, instead needing to rely on preemptive movement callouts or punishing rising aerials. What's more, one of Cloud's most vulnerable positions - offstage - is not something that Brawler is suited for taking advantage of. However, this does not mean that Brawler is totally out of options, as his punish game is as devastating as always, and his high burst range gives him modest threats from beyond Cloud's immediate reach.

Tactics: As cloud generally has longer startup on most of his attacks, the best way for Brawler to get an opening is to strike first, usually with Dash Attack or approaching aerials. This doesn't mean to take every shot that you can, though - Cloud's range advantage can let him opt to simply retreat backwards as he throws out an aerial like fAir or bAir, or even go for punishes as simple as dashing back to dodge Dash Attack and returning fire with his own.

Because of this, it's important that Brawler incorporates parrying to mitigate Cloud's range advantage, reduce his shield safety, and grant access to longer-ranged moves out of shield. Dash Shielding frequently is a good option so long as your shield is in good health, as Cloud's grab game is mediocre and largely only provides him with positioning.

Additional Notes:

  • Cloud's recovery is very good at taking suicide stocks, so safe use of 2-framing and Shot Put is recommended.
  • Cross Slash is one of Cloud's few multihit attacks, giving him mixups against parry. However, hits 3-5 will always come out at the same timing from each other, so if Cloud decides to commit to his side-B fully, it's a consistent parry punish.
  • Cloud will often mix up their aerial timings on landing to combat parry, giving access to your fast Out-of-Shield options like uSmash or Thrust Uppercut if improperly spaced.

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Corrin Stay grounded and take advantage of Corrin's sluggish movement.
Slight Advantage

Relative Merits: Corrin behaves similarly to other swordfighters, forced to stuff out approaches instead of outmaneuvering them as a result of her slow overall mobility. nAir and fAir do a great job at this, but being forced to meet Brawler head-on will eventually lead to an opening for him, either by whiff punish or by Brawler getting to the meeting area first.

Tactics: Corrin leans dominantly on her aerials to keep out opponents, making air-to-air exchanges with her difficult. Luckily, none of her aerials are safe enough to recover from landing lag before Thrust Uppercut can hit her, and her low airspeed makes spacing her landing aerials difficult (except for bAir, which spaces on its own). Noticing this trend and either dash-shielding in before the hit or whiff punishing the landing will force Corrin to mix up her approach, mixing in grabs or charging fSmash to disincentivize you standing so close with your shield up.

Additional Notes:

  • Corrin only has two moves, dAir and Dash Attack, that are multihit. This makes going for parries considerably easier.
  • Be extremely cautious of over-shielding or doing a neutral getup from ledge, as Corrin's fSmash charge will lock you into your shield, forcing a shield break in many situations and covering a wide area in many others.

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Diddy Kong

Donkey Kong

Dr. Mario

Dr. Mario Put the impetus on Doc to approach as best you can.
Slight Advantage

Relative Merits: Dr. Mario & Brawler both possess excellent close quarters combat, with Doc slightly edging out Brawler in frame data and per-hit damage. Brawler makes up for this with greater combos and a noticeable mobility advantage, which allows him to run circles around Doc and leverage a life lead by picking his battles.

Tactics: In neutral, Brawler can abuse his much greater burst range to threaten Doc from a range where he cannot do the same. To supplement this, Doc will often use pills to pressure and cover their approach, mixing up where they cover by using them at different heights. This in turn can be avoided, shielded, or challenged with nAir, which will cancel out the pill while still being able to hit Dr. Mario. When Doc uses pill at an inopportune time, it's a perfect opportunity to close the distance with Dash Attack or BDK.

Playing more passively against Doc can also work, attempting to get him to over-extend and be whiff punished, but this can quickly lose ground and put Brawler in a precarious position. Be sure to take note of stage control, and only cede space when necessary.

Additional Notes:

  • Dr. Mario has the fastest Out-of-Shield option in the game in his upB, so it's advised to time or space landing aerials to avoid getting hit by it.
    • Alternatively, baiting out the move with an empty hop and shielding can condition Doc away from using his OoS options and more towards his grab.

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Duck Hunt





Greninja Play defensively and counterattack Greninja's combo starters.

Relative Merits: Greninja is a highly mobile character with the potential to rack up damage very quickly. It is difficult to catch him as Mii Brawler because of his speed and low profile, so Brawler usually has to slow down the pace of the game to have a chance. Luckily, Many of Greninja's combo starters - dTilt, Dash Attack, and nAir - are unsafe on shield and can be punished with good reaction time, forcing Greninja to be measured in how he attacks.

Tactics: As mentioned earlier, Greninja's combo starters are unsafe on block, losing to nAir, uSmash, or Thrust Uppercut, which makes him have to think more carefully about when to go for a hit. Greninja has a variety of options - spacing his moves, waiting to catch a landing, or going for cross-ups where possible. In turn, Mii Brawler can take advantage of this behavior with short hops; Baiting Greninja to approach by presenting multiple small opportunities, then making him undershoot you, hit your shield, or get stuffed out. What you and the opponent are looking out for will change rapidly, so pay close attention to the movements and intents of the Greninja player.

Additional Notes:

  • Greninja's grab will typically lead to good damage, but falls apart more against Mii Brawler, who's fastfall speed makes it tricky to convert off of. This makes shield an even safer option than usual.
  • Greninja has a terrible out-of-shield game, having slow aerials that struggle to hit around him because of his high short hop.
  • Suplex is advised in this matchup, as Burning Drop Kick struggles to hit Greninja's low profile.

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Ice Climbers




Inkling Though Inkling finds comfort on the back foot, don't count them out.

Relative Merits: Inkling typically plays a safe game, characterized by tapping their Splattershot to zone and using bAir for safe pressure. These options are perpetually put to the test against Brawler, who boasts high vertical mobility and a frame 3 killing option out of shield. While Inkling does have mix-up potential with grab & cross up Dash Attack, and anti airing potential with (uTilt & (uSmash, the playstyle will generally force her to retreat over time, backed into a corner and forced into a scramble, where Mii Brawler both excels and can convert into devastating kill confirms.

Tactics: Inkling will be doing her best to keep you out with the previously mentioned attacks, so mix up between full hop approaches and running approaches.

Additional Notes:

  • Splattershot is -6 on shield, so you can shield tilt towards Inkling and force them to deplete their ink reserve to push you further back, otherwise eating a Thrust Uppercut
  • Inkling's initial dash is very strong as it lowers their profile to the floor, making aerials occasionally whiff.
  • Inkling is quickly able to close percent leads thanks to their quick rapid jab and ink mechanic, so be careful when approaching
  • Stay cautious of Roller, as it can lead to early kills. Also make sure to learn the Boo-Yah window, as Brawler's window is decently wide with little escape options.

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Kazuya Mii Brawler is outstripped in damage output, but has some tools to fight back.
Noticeable Disadvantage

Relative Merits: Kazuya's brute force invincible attacks and devastating punish game are extremely effective against Mii Brawler, who must get close to get much of anything done. While this does give Kazuya an edge overall, Mii Brawler can strike back, capitalizing on Kazuya's terrible disadvantage stats and negating his durability and escape options by killing him with true ladder combos.

Tactics: Kazuya players are extremely adept at catching vertical approaches and nullifying them with Electric Wind God Fist (EWGF), but less adaptive to stopping horizontal approaches. Utilizing burst options like dash attack or dash grab can force Kazuya off the ground, immediately hampering his ability to kill you off one hit. As Kazuya adjusts to playing horizontally, he will pay less attention to the air game, letting you reclaim the position as a means of entry. Mixing between all your options and taking advantage of Mii Brawler's extremely fast and far-reaching burst options is the best way to play when you have to.

When you don't have to play, Mii Brawler's mobility far outpaces Kazuya's, able to hop from platform to platform and use Feint Jump as an added level of mix, letting the clock run down when at a stock advantage and depriving Kazuya of opportunities to one-shot you.

Extra Notes:

  • Helicopter Kick is a good alternative to Thrupper, as a common tactic for Kazuya players when juggled is to go to ledge.
  • Approaching with Suplex is a risky play, but has the potential to win trades against Kazuya's weaker attacks, giving it some value over BDK, which has a chance to be armored through.
  • Final Destination and Town & City are not advisable counterpicks, so you should ban them where possible. Kalos lends itself to great platform camping, as the platforms are in the corner of the stage, relatively high up, and Mii Brawler can travel from one to the other without touching the ground.

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King Dedede

King K. Rool



Little Mac



Lucas Force big commitments to anti-air you, then capitalize on Lucas's floatiness and slow aerials.

Relative Merits: Lucas's toolkit lends itself to great boxing and horizontal control, but struggles to deal with vertical approaches, either needing to make a committal callout or willingly retreat to cover the landing area. Likewise, Mii Brawler has great tools to approach from all angles and overwhelm Lucas, but can easily get bombarded with damage and outranged if Lucas is given any time or space.

Tactics: Lucas will usually play a midranged game, using PK Fire and aerials to keep you out, while using fTilt or grab if you ever get too close. Much of this forces Lucas to play close to the ground, as going up to meet you in the air is compromising on whiff, having no reliable landing option and a slow fall speed. Jumping forward then holding backward to repeatedly threaten this approach angle will put Lucas on edge, forcing him to either take this risk or surrender space, space that you can now take.

Additional Notes:

  • Watch out for zAir off the ledge, as it can lead to snake loops that rack up big damage.
  • Lucas's aerials off ledge are generally slow to start, leading to them being easily stuffed out by spamming nAir near ledge and forcing him to pick a different option.
  • All of Lucas's throws except for dThrow will kill at high percent, so be sure to avoid them if Lucas ever gets too close.

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Marcina (Marth & Lucina)



Mega Man

Meta Knight

Meta Knight You fall too fast to be reliably one-touched, so just try not to get edgeguarded.
Significant Advantage

Relative Merits: Meta Knight is typically an exceptional execution character, able to kill off bridges started around mid-percents. Mii Brawler, however, is the exact type of fallspeed and weight class that makes these kinds of kills difficult, forcing Meta Knight to take stocks in less preferred ways, like edgeguards or fsmash. Brawler only sees benefit from Meta Knight's characteristics, able to take stocks earlier than usual and perform combos easier. While Meta Knight is not a "pass go & collect" matchup, proper exploitation of his shortcomings will go a long way.

Tactics: Meta Knight's linear toolkit gives him few good anti-airs, often deferring to simply running backwards and punishing landings with dTilt or Dash Attack. This doesn't give him big kills very often, but it can set up for edgeguards. Take notice of how Meta Knight deals with your approach, forcing him to deal with nAir frequently and changing up your options on whiff to avoid becoming predictable.

Additional Notes:

  • Good SDI is an effective way to further mitigate Meta Knight's punish game, as it makes bridges and ladders significantly harder.
  • Meta Knight's shield grab has terrible range, suffering enough pushback from Brawler's fTilt to be out of range.
  • If Meta Knight commits to edgeguarding too early, its possible to jump over him using Feint Jump or BDK.
  • Meta Knight's airspeed is poor, and the range on his aerials is lacking. Brawler will frequently win air-to-air trades.

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Mewtwo Mewtwo cannot engage with you in any capacity, needing to stay locked in the corner just to survive.
Significant Advantage

Relative Merits: Many of Mewtwos strengths do not come into play when fighting Mii Brawler, needing to rely strictly on zoning with Shadow Ball and tilt attacks. While this can work, his large hurtbox size and extremely low weight stat can get him killed from effectively anywhere by a stray uTilt or nAir. Mewtwo also struggles to stop vertical approaches, an option which Brawler uses frequently.


Additional notes:

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Mii Brawler

Mii Swordfighter

Mii Gunner

Min Min

Mr. Game & Watch







Pichu kill it
Significant Advantage

Relative Merits: Pichu's size, mobility, and toolset would normally be a formidable combination of traits that would make her a worthy fight for Mii Brawler. Unfortunately, she's the lightest character in the game by a noticeable margin. For Brawler, this means that any grab around 60% is instant death for Pichu, provided he's running Thrust Uppercut. What's more, a raw Thrupper will outright kill Pichu a little past 100, which is made significantly more scary by the fact that her fastfall is slower than the average fighter (30% increase, as opposed to 60%), giving her worse airdodges to land with. Pichu's fragility may be exploited hard in this matchup, but her explosivity can pull victory back into view for her.

Tactics: The most difficult part about fighting Pichu may be in getting her into or beyond that 60-70% kill window or beyond, as she will usually play defensively until an opening is spotted. In turn, finding openings through bad uses of T-Jolt or by catching full hops is your best way to get that starting damage. Once Pichu is at death percent (60% or higher), she may begin to play more cautiously around grabs, uTilt, or uAir, the most reliable way to confirm into Thrust Uppercut. If she is making it too difficult for you, it's entirely viable to continue dealing more damage to her until a raw upB works, as it would effectively keep her grounded for the rest of her stock if she wishes to play around it.

Additional Notes:

  • Pichu's baloonweight status can make her hard to combo. Suplex does a solid 22%, making it a solid alternative to get early damage in.
  • T-Jolt can be clanked with by NAir, mitigating one of Pichu's more reliable approach options.
  • Pichu may go deep for an edgeguard or cover Feint Jump with Thunder, so be careful whenever offstage.

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Piranha Plant


Pokemon Trainer

  • Placeholder

  • Placeholder

  • Placeholder

  • Placeholder

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Aegis (Pyra/Mythra)

Belmonts (Simon & Richter)



R.O.B. R.O.B. might have better projectiles, great boxing, strong ledgetrapping and edgeguarding, AND a superb punish game - but he's big.

Relative Merits: R.O.B. has exceptional ability in nearly every aspect of the game, possessing tools to compete with Mii Brawler at every turn. However, R.O.B. is among one of the most vulnerable characters in the game to Brawler combos, including devastating Thrust Uppercut confirms that have much more forgiving timing windows than average on the ground, and that work concerningly early with the aid of platforms.


Additional Notes:

  • Suplex allows Mii Brawler to both hold Gyro and grab R.O.B. for high damage, depriving him of a core neutral tool while staying flexible.

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Rosalina & Luma












Toon Link



Wii Fit Trainer



Young Link


Zero Suit Samus


Mii Brawler

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