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From Dragdown


Spotdodge:The duration and intangibility of this character's on-spot dodges.26F (3~17F intangible)
Air Dodge:The intangibility of this character's air dodges, both neutral and directional.3~29F intangible (Neutral)
3~21F intangible (Directional)
Unique Recovery Options:Recovery options that this character may have other than their Up Special.Tether Recovery
Fastest OOS:Uppercut (6F)
Due to his long, disjointed whip and utility-heavy projectiles, Simon is a character with impressive range and setplay that can zone out opponents and set up deadly traps. Simon's whip moves, notably F-Air, B-Air, and F-Tilt, command the midrange due to their excellent ranges for their move categories, allowing him to wall out approaches at a distance where most characters simply cannot contest him. U-Tilt and Dash Attack are good at covering aerial approaches while Downward F-Air and Downward B-Air (henceforth referred to as DF-Air and DB-Air) can create distance on the ground. Furthermore, Simon's outward whip moves all have sweetspots on the tip that reward him for precise placement and timing of attacks.

Complementing Simon's excellent space control are his set of strong projectiles. Simon's Cross (Side-B) gets the most use thanks to its utility as a as a poke, setplay tool, and combo starter/extender on its return path. Simon's Holy Water (Down-B), which has fire properties, functions very similarly to Ness's PK Fire and/or Robin's Arcfire, locking opponents in place for a combo or Smash attack. Lastly, Simon's Axe (Neutral-B) is a slow but damaging projectile that can be angled and has the ability to go through the stage, allowing him to cover both aerial approaches and recovery attempts with little danger to himself. These all coalesce into a very strong ledgetrapping game, as he can cover nearly every option with his projectiles and whip moves, of which some, like DF-Smash and DF-Air/DB-Air, are long enough downward to hit ledge if the invulnerability wears off.

However, Simon's downsides are very pronounced, with his recovery and disadvantage being particularly bad. Offstage, Simon has two options for recovery: his tether, activated by using F-Air, B-Air, or U-Air toward a ledge, and his up special, Uppercut. However, the tether itself has merely average range, even with Upward F-Air and Upward B-Air (henceforth referred to as UF-Air and UB-Air, respectively), while Uppercut travels mild vertical distance and poor horizontal distance. As a result, Simon has no recovery mixups and is likely dead if he's caught offstage without a jump. His onstage disadvantage isn't much better. Simon is prone to early-game combos and isn't great at dealing with juggling. He does have his stall-then-fall D-Air, falling N-Air, Holy Water, and the typical jump and airdodge, but these either don't provide enough coverage or are too committal. While Uppercut does work as a good out-of-shield option thanks to its frame 6 startup and decent damage (17.6% when fresh), opponents who are ready for Simon to use it can easily punish him. He also tends to struggle to kill during the late game, particularly due to his main reliable kill options seeing heavy use as neutral tools and thus easy prey for move staling, while his more committal options require reads or setup to hit reliably.

To avoid having to deal with these brutal flaws, Simon must play a careful, deliberate neutral game, slowly forcing his opponent into a corner with decisive hits and zoning before achieving critical kills during the late game, taking care not to stale his kill options during the match.

Richter, Simon's echo fighter, is the same character functionally except for one notable difference pertaining to their Holy Water moves. This difference is explained on Richter's page.

Simon is a zoner that performs well in neutral and advantage, using his long-ranged whip and projectiles to trap and suffocate his opponents.
Pros Cons
  • Huge range: Simon's whip goes a massive distance, even outranging characters like Shulk and Pyra & Mythra on occasion. When complimented with his projectiles, very few characters can outpoke Simon.
  • Stellar Ledgetrapping: Simon's ledgetrapping is extremely good. Holy Water and Cross can both threaten various parts of the ledge depending on spacing, Simon's aerials and Axe can hit jump, neutral getup, or even ledge, and D-Smash (or F-Smash on characters with worse ledgerolls) can hit roll. There is no one option you can keep picking.
  • Decent Reward off of Combos: Simon has a solid repertoire of combos. His Cross and Holy Water are particularly good at helping to rack on damage, as a simple combo can do around 30%-40% damage, while more extravagant combos can even kill at early percents.
  • Solid OOS: Uppercut is a frame 6 out-of-shield option that deals 17.6% when fresh. Although it doesn't kill on the ground until ridiculous percents, it will still punish opponents for not respecting Simon in his shield.
  • Bad recovery: Simon's recovery is awful. Even with the use of UF-Air/UB-Air, his bad airspeed almost makes using your airdodge for distance a necessity. Without a jump, Simon will almost always lose a stock offstage.
  • Low Active Frames: Most of Simon's whip moves are not very active, only lasting around 1-3 frames. Considering this and how thin the whip is, Simon players must be very precise with their strikes.
  • Below Average Framedata: Simon also suffers from bad framedata. Most whip moves are around frame 12-14, and all of his projectiles are even slower. His only fast attacks are his frame 5, very bad Jab, his frame 6 Uppercut, his frame 7 D-Tilt, and his frame 8 N-Air.
  • Combo Food: Simon is a heavy fastfaller, meaning he will be in combos for a while. Only made worse by how vulnerable he is in disadvantage, particularly after using D-Air.
  • Tough Time Killing: Outside of setups and ledgetrapping, Simon can have a very hard time killing. Because the whip moves that are used in neutral are the same moves used to kill in these scenarios, they are often stale. As a result, a lot of Simon players end up having to kill at above 150% either to a stray F-Air/B-Air/F-Tilt or to an Uppercut out-of-shield.
  • Vulnerable to SDI: Holy Water can be SDI-ed out of easily to avoid certain followups. SDI is the act of continuously pressing a direction to alter the user's position during hitstun, particularly during a multihit.

Normal Moves


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Jab 1 2.5 5 29 361/180 -21 N/A
Jab 2 2.5 3-4 29 361 -23 to -22 N/A
Rapid Jab 0.6 3/6/9/12/15 20 361 NaN N/A
Rapid Jab Finisher 3.1 3-4 44 55 -37 to -36 N/A
  • Simon's fastest move at frame 5.
  • Jab 1 can jab-lock.
  • Rapid Jab Finisher has transcendent priority.

Not a good jab at all. Its only use is as a low-risk get-off-me tool, but considering just how stubby it is, how low the damage output is, and the entire existence of Uppercut, a move only 1 frame slower, it's best to generally avoid using it. Since it jab-locks, it is possible to go for D-Smash after, but this is a 1-frame window and overall not too useful.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Jab 1 20/15 20 N/A N/A 3
Jab 2 30/20 25/15 N/A N/A 3
Rapid Jab 8 10 N/A N/A 4
Rapid Jab Finisher 80 115 N/A N/A 4

Forward Tilt

/ +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Wall Detection N/A 10-11 30 NaN to NaN N/A
Hit 2.5/12.6/15.1Arm/Chain/Ball 12-13 30 361 -7 to -6/-8 to -7/-15 to -14 N/A
  • Amazing poke.
  • Can be low-profiled easily.
  • Has wall detection.
  • Arm-Chain-Ball segmented hitbox.

One of the best of its kind, Simon's F-Tilt does a lot of things really well. It's a poke that goes around dashback to roll distance, it sends into a techchase situation, and it can even kill at the sweetspot. Its only glaring flaw is how easy it is to low profile it, particularly with a landing aerial.

It should be noted that a lot of Simon's outward whip moves have some sort of wall detection. For most competitive stages, this doesn't matter much except in one specific situation regarding his aerials, but if the move detects a wall before it comes out, the hitbox will not appear. Steve's Blocks do not count as walls.

Something else about a lot of Simon's outward whip moves is the segmented hitbox that usually consists of an arm hitbox that sends a small distance, a chain hitbox spanning most of the whip that sends a decent distance, and a ball hitbox at the tip of the whip that sends the farthest. This is a common pattern in Simon's non-Smash outward whip moves.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Wall Detection N/A N/A NaN
Hit 65 65 N/A N/A 11/10/3

Whip Dangle

Hold after Jab or Forward Tilt

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
1.2/1.8Chain/Ball N/A Active+19 80/83/85/45 NaN/NaN N/A
  • Can cancel out projectiles.
  • Chain-Ball segmented hitbox.
  • No real use.

As sad as it is to say it, Whip Dangle is Simon's worst move, and it could make a serious argument for the worst move in the game. It has no use besides cancelling out projectiles, applying very weak, very low reward pressure, and as a ledgetrapping tool. As a result, everything it can do, something else in Simon's arsenal can do better. A niche application comes with a very specific input allowing the whip to dangle and stay active in a short time, but once again, it is usually better to not bother with this move.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
40/73 35/85 N/A N/A 2/3

Up Tilt


DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
2.5/12.6Arm/Chain 10-22 37 93 -17 to -5/-24 to -12 N/A
  • Standing anti-air.
  • Longer active frames than most of Simon's whip moves.
  • Arm-Chain segmented hitbox.

A passable anti-air due to its active frames, this move is mostly used for catching opponents directly above Simon under a platform. Its killpower is not great, as it will usually kill at around 160%, but the arm hitbox can be particularly useful for stringing into U-Smash at mid-high percent since it starts to send towards the tip around then.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
88 57/82 N/A N/A 10/3

Down Tilt


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Down Tilt 1 6.3 7-23 44 40 -31 to -15 N/A
Down Tilt 2 , Clean 8.8 8-19 57/43Grounded/Aerial when move ends 361 -29 to -18 N/A
Down Tilt 2, Late 4.4 20-28 57/43Grounded/Aerial when move ends 50 -20 to -12 N/A
  • First hit is a typical sliding D-Tilt except for the launch angle being more horizontal.
  • Second hit is a diving lunge forward from the first part of the move.
  • Can low-profile some moves.

A move stolen from Richter, this move has two parts. The first is a low-profile slide that can even go under moves like Wolf's Blaster, and the second is a diving lunge. Simon has the option to only do the first part of the move. This can be useful, as the first hit can be used as a tick throw or mix-up button at lower percents and as a way to set up techchases at higher percents. The second part of the move can end in midair, allowing Simon to potentially get an early kill with double-jump F-Air, but this is a committal option and may result in an SD for less-experienced players. Keep in mind that this is a fairly committal move that is particularly easy to punish on shield if the opponent knows what you want.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Down Tilt 1 65/55 20 N/A N/A 6
Down Tilt 2 , Clean 90 55 N/A N/A 7
Down Tilt 2, Late 60 40 N/A N/A 4

Dash Attack

while dashing or running

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Multihits, Top Hitboxes 2.5 10 - 11/13 - 14/16 - 17/19 - 20 54 10/367 NaN N/A
Multihits, Bottom Hitboxes 2.5 10 - 11/13 - 14/16 - 17/19 - 20 54 40/367 NaN N/A
Final Hit 4.4 25-26 54 47 -25 to -24 N/A
  • Running anti-air.
  • Active, but hitboxes flicker.
  • Can catch some recoveries to ledge if the opponent is not careful.
  • Generally lacks killpower.

A tackle forward with the whip spinning around. Its main purpose is as an anti-air specifically to cover Simon's blindspot a little bit upward and outward from him. However, due to how committal this move can be, players should make sure that the move will hit before using it. The final hitbox is also low enough to hit or 2-Frame some characters on ledge. Don't expect to be killing with this move until around ~175% unless you manage to catch your opponent off-guard.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Multihits, Top Hitboxes 55/70 10 N/A N/A 3
Multihits, Bottom Hitboxes 50/70 10 N/A N/A 3
Final Hit 80 105 N/A N/A 4

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash

/ +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Wall Detection N/A 22-23 62 N/A N/ANaN to NaN/NaN to NaN charged N/A
Neutral 17.6/20.1/22.624.6/28.2/31.7 charged, Arm/Chain/Ball 24-25 62 361 -28 to -27/-27 to -26/-26 to -25-24 to -23/-23 to -22/-21 to -20 charged N/A
Up 17.6/20.1/22.624.6/28.2/31.7 charged, Arm/Chain/Ball 24-25 62 361 -25 to -24/-24 to -23/-22 to -21 N/A
Down 17.6/20.1/22.624.6/28.2/31.7 charged, Arm/Chain/Ball 24-25 62 361 -25 to -24/-24 to -23/-22 to -21 N/A
  • Long-range kill move.
  • Can be angled slightly.
  • When angled down, can hit a good number of ledgehangs.
  • Has wall detection.
  • Segmented hitboxes.

The big move. Goes a huge distance and has a lot of reward, but with a startup of 24 frames, it's best to only throw it out raw very sparingly. The most common finisher move for opponents trapped in Holy Water.

The segmented hitboxes on Simon's smash attacks are different. There is no low-reward arm hitbox, but rather all hitboxes have at least medium reward, sending a fair distance and killing generally before ~125% except in extreme cases. In the case of F-Smash, the tip hitbox is extremely rewarding not only due to its notable knockback, but also its range. This means that opponents hit by the tip offstage have the potential to die at as low as 30%.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Wall Detection N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ANaN/NaN charged
Neutral 60 74/80 N/A N/A 10/11/125/5/6 charged
Up 60 74/80 N/A N/A 13/14/16
Down 60 74/80 N/A N/A 13/14/16

Up Smash


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Wall Detection N/A 14-15 53 N/A N/ANaN to NaN/NaN to NaN charged N/A
Hit 17.6/20.124.6/28.2 charged, Chain/Ball 16-18 53 90 -26 to -24/-27 to -25-22 to -20/-23 to -21 charged N/A
  • Long-range kill move (vertically).
  • Has wall detection.
  • Chain-Ball segmented hitboxes.

An exceptionally powerful combo ender at the tip, and a very rewarding, if not committal, long distance anti-air. No side hitboxes to scoop the opponent means that this move is virtually impossible to hit on a grounded opponent, but considering this move kills at ~60%, potentially earlier, at the tip, there is definitely a lot of reason to use this move.

For starters, the move is frame 16 and lasts 3 frames, meaning that it's slightly more active than the average outward whip move and quite powerful for how fast it is. As stated earlier, it also functions as an amazing and satisfying combo ender, particularly in regards to Cross and falling U-Air. It also works as a safe, medium-reward option after Holy Water to catch SDIInfluencing the user's position while in hitlag, typically in multihits up on opponents trying to avoid F-Smash.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Wall Detection N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ANaN/NaN charged
Hit 64/63 91/85 N/A N/A 11/105/5 charged

Down Smash


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Front Hit 15.1/17.6/20.121.1/24.6/28.2 charged, Arm/Chain/Ball 14-15 55 48 -33 to -32/-31 to -30/-30 to -29-29 to -28/-27 to -26/-26 to -25 charged N/A
Back Hit 15.1/17.6/20.121.1/24.6/28.2 charged, Arm/Chain/Ball 20-21 55 48 -27 to -26/-25 to -24/-24 to -23-23 to -22/-21 to -20/-20 to -19 charged N/A
  • Hits a wide range on both sides.
  • Hits some ledgehangs.
  • Arm-Chain-Ball segmented hitboxes.

A solid, high-reward techchase and roll-catching tool. Its range is very large, especially for a D-Smash that hits both sides, making it very good as a way to catch rolls. It also goes low enough to catch higher ledgehangs and 2-Frame some characters. Compared to F-Smash, the one-sided lateral range is smaller, but the move is faster at frame 14, has slightly less endlag, and has the same segmented hitboxes. The killpower is not anything to gush about, but the tip still kills reliably at ~90%.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Front Hit 65 82 N/A N/A 8/10/114/5/5 charged
Back Hit 65 87 N/A N/A 8/10/114/5/5 charged


Neutral Aerial


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Multihits, Top Left Hitbox 1.2Shorthop: 1.0 8 - 9/11 - 12/14 - 15/17 - 18/20 - 21 42 367/93 -12 N/A
Multihits, Top Right Hitbox 1.2Shorthop: 1.0 8 - 9/11 - 12/14 - 15/17 - 18/20 - 21 42 367/88 -12 N/A
Final Hit 5.0Shorthop: 4.2 26-27 42 50 -11 N/A
  • Flicker N-Air.
  • Dragdown.

Decent move. It functions best as a dragdown tool to combo into Uppercut or to string into a grab or F-Tilt. It is also a way to cancel out weaker projectiles while midair or to summon a hitbox to contest badly-placed aerials. If not used as a dragdown or as a way to combo into double jump F-Air, the general reward is typically low, and the move, by itself, doesn't kill until ridiculous percents.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Multihits, Top Left Hitbox 55/45 10 14 ? 2
Multihits, Top Right Hitbox 55/45 10 14 ? 2
Final Hit 60 105 14 ? 3

Forward Aerial

Airborne +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Wall Detection N/A 12-13 39 N/A N/A N/A
Neutral 2.5/12.6/15.1Shorthop: 2.1/10.7/12.8, Arm/Chain/Ball 14 39 361 -5/-6/-8 N/A
Up 2.5/12.6/15.1Shorthop: 2.1/10.7/12.8, Arm/Chain/Ball 14 39 361 -14/-15/-22 N/A
Down 2.5/12.6/15.1Shorthop: 2.1/10.7/12.8, Arm/Chain/Ball 14 39 361 -14/-15/-22 N/A
  • Great aerial poke.
  • Can be aimed upward or downward.
  • Can tether to ledge.
  • Has wall detection.
  • Arm-Chain-Ball segmented hitboxes.

Like F-Tilt, this move is one of the cornerstones of Simon's neutral. It has amazing use as an aerial poke that can be used both approaching and retreating to cover both the ground and the air. If used low enough, it can even hit certain ledgehangs. Another offensive use of this move, though a high-risk one, is double-jumping from ledge and using it to hit opponents ledgetrapping Simon from a distance that ledge attack would not reach (keep in mind Simon's abysmal recovery, as getting hit could mean death). However, this move does have some downsides offensively. For starters, the move is only active for one frame, and like most of Simon's outward whip moves, there is wall-detection. Lastly, F-Air is typically a higher risk option than F-Tilt since it is frame 14, has more endlag, and puts Simon in the air, which is generally not where he wants to be. Don't let that fool you, though, because you will most likely be using this move a lot.

A just-as-important application of this move is its tether properties when used to recover. When this move, as well as the UF-Air and DF-Air variations, are used toward the ledge of a stage, Simon will tether to that ledge. The range is slightly larger than you may think, particularly when using UF-Air, and, just for sheer distance, it's better to recover using this than with Uppercut when diagonally down from the ledge. It's important to be mindful of the distance, though, because since this move has wall detection, if it's used too close to the ledge, the tether won't come out, so be ready to airdodge (thankfully, Simon's directional airdodge is one of the better ones) or Uppercut if you can't tether.

The arm hitbox of Simon's aerials are strangely useful, as all of them have the potential to combo into high-reward options like Smash attacks. Here, the arm hitbox of F-Air can hit opponents right to the tip of F-Smash at low-mid percents. This is an extremely high reward way to cash out on trapping an opponent in Holy Water assuming your opponent doesn't SDI out of the way, but the execution is difficult.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Wall Detection N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Neutral 80 55 10 ? 5/4/2
Up 80 55 N/A N/A 11/10/3
Down 80 55 N/A N/A 11/10/3

Back Aerial

Airborne +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Wall Detection N/A 12-13 39 N/A N/A N/A
Neutral 2.5/12.6/15.1Shorthop: 2.1/10.7/12.8, Arm/Chain/Ball 14-15 39 361 -5/-6/-8 N/A
Up 2.5/12.6/15.1Shorthop: 2.1/10.7/12.8, Arm/Chain/Ball 14-15 39 361 -14 to -13/-15 to -14/-22 to -21 N/A
Down 2.5/12.6/15.1Shorthop: 2.1/10.7/12.8, Arm/Chain/Ball 14-15 39 361 -14 to -13/-15 to -14/-22 to -21 N/A
  • Another great aerial poke.
  • Can be aimed upward or downward.
  • Can tether to ledge.
  • Has wall detection.
  • Arm-Chain-Ball segmented hitboxes.

This move is very similar to F-Air, so the differences will be explained here. Like F-Air, the move is frame 14, but it is active for 2 frames instead of 1 while sacrificing a very small, almost negligible amount of length. In particular, the activity makes it easier to hit someone on ledge with DB-Air than DF-Air. This move also has less base knockback than F-Air, but it has more knockback growth, meaning that if you want to kill someone, B-Air will give you a slightly better shot than F-Air.

Like F-Air, B-Air and its variations can be used to tether, and all of the variations have wall detection.

A weird interaction is having the arm hitbox of Simon's UB-Air or DB-Air hit the opponent forward instead of backward when the hitbox connects with an opponent directly in front of him. If the opponent is trapped in Holy Water, Simon can drift forward, use the move while falling, and combo into an F-Smash at low-mid percents or a F-Air at higher percents assuming the opponent doesn't SDI out of the way, but the execution is tight.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Wall Detection N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Neutral 70 70 10 ? 5/4/2
Up 70 70 N/A N/A 11/10/3
Down 70 70 N/A N/A 11/10/3

Up Aerial

Airborne +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Wall Detection N/A 12-13 39 N/A N/A N/A
Hit 2.5/12.6/15.1Shorthop: 2.1/10.7/12.8, Arm/Chain/Ball 14-16 39 90 -5/-6/-8 N/A
  • Long vertical hitbox.
  • Combo tool, juggle tool, and anti-air.
  • Can tether to ledge
  • Has wall detection
  • Arm-Chain-Ball segmented hitboxes.

An upward whip strike similar to both F-Air and B-Air, it's very useful for several reasons. Keep in mind that this aerial reaches high, so you can usually catch less experienced opponents off guard with the range. As a combo tool, U-Air can either be used falling on an opponent hit by one of Simon's projectiles or rising from U-Throw, U-Tilt, or another U-Air. Around 50%, a falling U-Air at near ground level will convert into an U-Smash, potentially killing. At later percents, both the arm and chain hitboxes can still combo fairly well, but at that point, Simon typically has better options.

If you already have your opponent in the air, U-Air can be used to juggle the opponent, keeping them in the air or even taking their stock with a well-placed tipper. U-Air is also very good at catching aerial approaches, typically from platforms, that are meant to go around Simon's more commonly-used aerials like the variations of F-Air and B-Air.

U-Air can also tether to stage like F-Air and B-Air can, but the range is different, instead aiming more directly above Simon. This is useful against characters like Zelda whose ledgetrapping can be stalled out by hanging under the effective range. However, U-Air also has wall detection, so if a wall is in the way, the tether won't come out. Something else that pertains specifically to U-Air but not F-Air or B-Air is that it seems to prioritize the hitbox over the tether, so if you want to recover with U-Air, make sure no one's in the way. Either way, if you have no reason to stall, recovering with Uppercut is generally a better idea.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Wall Detection N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Hit 60 75 10 ? 5/4/2

Down Aerial

Airborne +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Clean 15.1Shorthop: 12.8 13-14 48After bouncing off of a hit: 26 280 -21 N/A
Late 8.8Shorthop: 7.4 15-36 48After bouncing off of a hit: 26 72 -23 N/A
  • Divekick without a landing hitbox.
  • Early hit spikes, late hit sends up.
  • Will bounce off of whatever is hit.

Generally considered Simon's worst aerial due to its committal nature, somewhat negative disjoint on the early hitbox, and the fact that missing it offstage can result in an SD, but it still has use. It's the default option for Simon trying to get out of disadvantage from high up, but even at lower levels, this can become predictable, so use this move for that purpose only sparingly. Only made worse by the long landing lag if Simon hits the ground before the ending portion of the move.

Offensively, the move is very risky, but can lead to huge reward. The early hit spikes, which can be comboed into from returning Cross or Holy Water both onstage--where at higher percents, it can lead into Uppercut or U-air--and, if you're daring enough, offstage. Spiking with D-Air is also the best way to catch regrabs on characters that have ledgehangs too low for Simon's other moves. The late hit sends the opponent at an amazing position for Simon to follow up at nearly any percent. At low percents, a dragdown N-Air into mixup is generally the best followup. At medium percents, D-Air begins to combo into Uppercut or F-Air depending on their DI. At even higher percents, Simon can also follow up with U-air or, if reading an airdodge, Axe. These combos can rack on damage for Simon or potentially take the opponent's stock.

Note that when Simon bounces off of something, such as a player, shield, or projectile, the direction he bounces toward can be influenced by tilting the left stick forward, backward, or letting it stay neutral. This is useful when comboing using the late hit, for mixing up an opponent after bouncing on their shield, or even for recovering off of a projectile. Keep in mind that if an opponent knows that you want to hit them with this move, they can spotdodge on reaction and leave you open for a punish.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Clean 35 85 26 ? 5
Late 88 55 26 ? 3

Special Moves


DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
18.9 30-97 66 74 NaN N/A
  • Projectile with a roughly parabolic path.
  • Can be angled forwards or backwards (far Axe / close Axe).
  • Goes through the stage.
  • Sends mostly upward and slightly outward.

A slow and generally telegraphed projectile, Axe is the projectile in Simon's arsenal that sees the least amount of use. Due to its 66 frame duration, throwing out Axe is a huge commitment, and, if done recklessly, can leave Simon wide open. As a result, using Axe in neutral or disadvantage is usually not a good idea.

However, Axe can be a crucial tool in advantage. At low-mid percents, it acts as a combo starter, either into F-Air/B-Air or Uppercut, with combos into either at higher percents potentially killing if the opponent is caught below the ledge. It also works as a projectile to simply throw something to threaten the opponent, as the knockback on Axe is decent enough to take stocks at around ~130% (height-dependent). In particular, against Snake, Axe can destroy his Cypher and send him plummeting to the bottom blast zone. The activity of the projectile combined with its falling speed being around the same as most characters also allows it to catch airdodges at some points.

Axe is also good, though not amazing, for ledgetrapping. Axe is best at covering jump, neutral getup, and ledge attack. An opponent jumping into Axe can be immediately hit with F-Air or B-Air at lower percents or sent into a juggle situation or KO'd at higher percents. For neutral getup, opponents who shield can have their shield broken by close Axe into F-Smash, opening them for a punish or a guaranteed kill with F-Smash at around 40%. However, Axe is especially weak against roll getup due to the move's long duration. An opponent can see the windup for Axe, roll from ledge, and still have time to punish Simon for even throwing out the move. An opponent can also time their neutral getup or jump from ledge right before the Axe hits the ledge and use the invincibility to get past it.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
50 75 N/A N/A 5
  • Angleable


/ +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
7.5/10.1/6.3Tilt/Smash/Returning Hit 19-64 44 65/75 NaN4/5 N/A
  • Sideways moving projectile.
  • Returns after a certain distance or after being intercepted by an obstacle.
  • Different distance and damage based on tilt/smash inputs (short Cross / long Cross).

Simon's best projectile and the one that sees the most use. Cross acts as a poking/pressure projectile in neutral, a ledgetrapping tool in advantage, and, when it hits, particularly on the return path (R-Cross), a combo starter and extender in Simon's most rewarding combos. It is also arguably Simon's only move without a glaring downside, save for its mild startup and Simon being unactionable during the catching animation. If Simon catches Cross while offstage, he cannot grab ledge, so be ready to recover when that happens.

Unlike other boomerang-like projectiles such as those used by the Links, Cross's path is predetermined and goes sideways only. However it can go one of two distances depending on if the move is inputted like a tilt or like a smash attack. The tilt version will travel around half a stage length, while the smash version will travel just under a full stage length. Both versions reach their peak distance at around the same time, meaning that the input used also affects Cross's speed.

Cross's distance allows Simon to safely pressure opponents from much farther away than his whip would normally allow, and close Cross can combo into F-Air at low-mid percents, potentially sending opponents offstage for Simon to begin ledgetrapping. It can also be sent at short-hop height to threaten jump-ins or as a way to begin setting up. At ledge, Cross can threaten neutral and jump getup options while allowing Simon to keep opponents to the ledge should the opponent roll getup. The main purpose of Cross here is to lock the opponent out of certain options under the threat of getting hit by R-Cross and suffering a combo.

Because of the return hit, Cross is instrumental in Simon's combo and setup game. R-Cross in particular can combo into almost all of Simon's kit, including Uppercut, Axe, all of Simon's aerials, U-Smash, Simon's other smash attacks on a platform, and even the fire from Holy Water on a platform. R-Cross allows Simon to be creative with his combos, as many routes exist at many different percent ranges all with varying levels of reward.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
75/55 60/95 N/A N/A 3



Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Initial Hit 2.5 6 47 95 -38 all intangible 5-6
Multihits 1.8 9-20 47 367 -35 to -24 all intangible 5-6
Final Hit 7.5 21 47 61 -20 all intangible 5-6
  • Simon's fastest out-of-shield option.
  • Good anti-air and combo ender.
  • Below average recovery move.
  • Path can be changed slightly using the Left Stick.

Simon's primary recovery option from below the stage and primary out-of-shield option. Uppercut is a decent move for its ability to hit characters from below the ledge, disrupting both some edgeguarding and ledgetrapping attempts when recovering. Furthermore, if down is held on the left stick while recovering, Simon can connect the remaining hits of the move and/or land onstage, skipping ledge entirely. The latter, however, will get Simon punished if the opponent is holding shield or is out of range, but can be quite rewarding if the opponent is caught off-guard.

As an out-of-shield option, Uppercut is notable for its above average (but not amazing) speed at frame 6, decent damage at 17.6% fresh in a 1-on-1, and surprisingly okay range. Note that if an opponent is ready for Simon to use Uppercut out-of-shield and either spaces themself or uses a safe enough move, Simon is wide open for a punish. Uppercut is also one of Simon's most common combo enders. Combos from Cross, D-Air, dragdown N-Air, and, on some characters, U-Throw can all lead into Uppercut, which, if the opponent is high enough, can lead into a kill. As an anti-air, it works well as a way to catch people double-jumping away to get center stage, as the hitbox is higher than U-Tilt and Dash Attack and more outward laterally than U-Air.

Uppercut's downsides, however, are very pronounced. As a recovery move, the distance is below average, and, coupled with Simon's general inability to recover, using Uppercut far offstage won't help much to allow Simon to keep his stock. As both an out-of-shield option and a combo ender, if the opponent knows how to DI the move, they won't be KO'd until absurd percents, sometimes living past 200% at ground level. Lastly, as a multihit, Uppercut is prone to having opponents fall out of it every now and then, mostly from combos at high percent from a returning Cross or from using it out-of-shield when it hits right at the edge of its range.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Initial Hit 155 FKB 100 N/A N/A 3
Multihits 80 FKB 100 N/A N/A 3
Final Hit 85 86 N/A N/A 6

Holy Water


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Item 3.4 N/A 45 60 NaN N/A
Burst, Initial Hit 1.6 1 45 130 -47 N/A
Burst, Linking Hit 1.6 2 45 366 -46 N/A
Burst, Multihits 1.6 4-52 45 93/80 -44 to 4 N/A
  • Bottle that explodes after contact with the ground or after losing all of its "health."
  • Can be grabbed as an item.
  • Throw angle dependent on whether it's used on the ground or in midair.

Like Cross, Holy Water is an important part of Simon's advantage, ledgetrapping, and combo and setup game. While its two glaring weaknesses--how easy it is for opponents to SDIInfluencing the user's position while in hitlag, typically in multihits out of it and the possibility of opponents grabbing the bottle--are very much there, its sheer ability to lock opponents in place for pressure, followups, and kill setups makes it critical for Simon's lockdown.

The first part of the move is the bottle throw. This can go at two different angles depending on whether Simon throws it on the ground or in midair. On the ground, the bottle goes straight forward and slightly down--at a 20 degree angle to flat ground--allowing for Simon to throw the bottle on a platform and have it reach the opposite ledge. In midair, the bottle goes diagonally down at a 45 degree angle. Using aerial Holy Water gives slightly more frame advantage than using grounded Holy Water, which allows for more rewarding routes. As stated earlier, remember that opponents can grab the bottle, so against prepared opponents, avoid recklessly throwing out Holy Water and handing it to them.

The bottle also has 6 HP, and it will automatically burst when it reaches 0. The only ways to damage the bottle are to have it hit a player which lowers the bottle's health by 3 HP, and to have a move hit it, lowering its health by however much damage that move deals. Having the bottle hit a shield will not deal damage to the bottle, but it will make the bottle neutral, meaning that if the bottle bursts, both Simon and his opponent will be damaged by the fire. A bottle at 3 HP or less--referred to as Primed Holy Water--will automatically burst the next time it hits an opponent, allowing for niche combos if acquired as an item. Also, when acquired as an item, the throw angle is different from when Holy Water is used as a move, and the actual angle the bottle is thrown is lower than most items.

When the bottle explodes, a pillar of fire will form for a little less than a second, trapping opponents inside it and allowing Simon to follow up with almost anything, but most notably F-Smash for a high-reward kill, U-Smash for a medium-reward kill, falling U-Air for combos at lower percents, D-Air for combos at higher percents, and F-Air/B-Air/F-Tilt/Dash Attack for safe, low-medium reward followups. As a result, Holy Water is arguably Simon's best move for ledgetrapping, with Cross being the only other move in contention. Holy Water automatically catches neutral getup and ledge attack, jump and ledge hang if positioned right, and when used standing, the bottle can even catch some ledge rolls.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Item 44 FKB 100 N/A N/A 2
Burst, Initial Hit 30 FKB 100 N/A N/A 2
Burst, Linking Hit 30 FKB 100 N/A N/A 2
Burst, Multihits 10 20/33 N/A N/A 2


  • Item Throw Durations: Normal/Smash = 24, Dash = 29, Air = 19, Z-Drop = 1

Grabs & Throws


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Standing N/A 10-11 37 N/A N/A N/A
Dash N/A 13-14 45 N/A N/A N/A
Pivot N/A 14-15 42 N/A N/A N/A
Pummel 1.7 1 18 361 -2 N/A

A very bad grab. It goes as far Cloud's grab while its speed is as fast as Greninja's. On top of that, this is on a character with below-average run speed. Besides being Simon's only unblockable, its only saving grace is how useful his throws can be in aiding him in setting up, ledgetrapping, and killing.

Standing Grab

Pivot Grab (While Dashing, / > )

Dash Grab (While Dashing, )

Pummel (After grabbing, )

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Standing N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dash N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pivot N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pummel 30 FKB 100 N/A N/A 3

Forward Throw

After grabbing,

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
8.8 24 41 40 N/A all invincible 1-24

Simon's killthrow and one of his two better throws. Typically takes stocks around ~130%, meaning it works really well as a way to punish neutral getup shield on ledge. Besides that, it can also setup into Cross for a combo.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
75 75 N/A N/A N/A

Back Throw

After grabbing,

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
8.8 18 41 44 N/A all invincible 1-18

A lateral throw with generally worse knockback than F-Throw. It can still kill at around ~175% or setup into Cross for a combo, but this is usually considered Simon's worst throw.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
75 70 N/A N/A N/A

Up Throw

After grabbing,

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 7.5Entire throw: 12.6 25 46 89 -15 all invincible 1-26
Throw 5.0Entire throw: 12.6 26 46 90 N/A all invincible 1-26

Simon's most damaging throw and the other of his two best throws. Sending straight up, U-Throw can combo into jump-Uppercut at very low percents for ~27%. At mid-high percents, sets up a true combo on a lot of characters into U-Air which has the potential to kill. At the same time, opponents who airdodge or linger when U-Air would not be a true followup could get punished thanks to Simon's good frametrapping. Besides that, U-Throw is good for setting up general juggle situations and even for setting up combos on a platform.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 55 100 N/A N/A 6
Throw 70 82 N/A N/A N/A

Down Throw

After grabbing,

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
10.0 33 48 57 N/A all invincible 1-33

Average throw that combos well into F-Air, RAR/IRAR B-Air, or even a returning Cross depending on positioning. There is a very specific window around mid-percent where this throw into IRAR B-Air can kill at the ledge, but past around 60%, other throws are typically better.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
80 65 N/A N/A N/A

Misc. Attacks

Ledge Attack

while holding the ledge

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
11.3 21-23 55 45 -25 to -23 all intangible 1-23

The length is on the lower end of average, but remember that this is still a tool in your arsenal.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
90 20 N/A N/A 9

Getup Attack

after getting knocked down

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Facing Up 8.8 19-27 45 48 -19 to -11 all intangible 1-27
Facing Down 8.8 19-27 45 48 -19 to -11 all intangible 1-27

It's a Getup Attack.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Facing Up 80 48 N/A N/A 7
Facing Down 80 48 N/A N/A 7

Trip Attack

after tripping

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
6.3 19-32 50 361 -25 to -12 all intangible 1-7

It's a Trip Attack.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
60 50 N/A N/A 6


To edit frame data, edit values in SSBU/Simon/Data.

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