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Misc: Some Bayos will try to use Witch Time in neutral or after a shielded ABK so they can get an easy kill. If you recognize their pattern of doing this, punish with a free grab, delayed normal, or FCSB. Just something to be aware of.
TL:DR: Bait and Punish is a typically good neutral gameplan with some aggro mix. Always keep the threat of Shadow Ball apparent. Advantage relies a lot on strays and ledgetrapping. Mix up your SDI a lot and do whatever it takes to get to ledge in disadvantage. Also Witch Time exists.

Revision as of 20:14, 30 April 2023


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This page includes write ups and various other notes from various Mewtwo players. The names of who wrote the matchup write up will be listed.

Banjo & Kazooie


Bayonetta "It's like Kickball but the Ball wins."

From Vaeyguh: This matchup becomes significantly easier when Mewtwo understands what they need to do. Many Mewtwo mains find this matchup very irritating but with some practice, it becomes far easier

Neutral: Most of the time the Bayonetta is looking for whiff punishes or to catch Mewtwo off-guard (ex: Charging Shadow Ball with poor positioning). To rectify this, Mewtwo needs to be moving around a lot in this matchup. Make it harder for Bayonetta to hit you by playing around platforms and using short hops and shield. You always want to keep the Bayonetta guessing as to what you'll do and when you'll do it. Many of Bayonetta's neutral options are relatively committal due to Mewtwo's speed and ability to punish, so you want to be playing more of a bait-and-punish-esque gameplan. Punishing ABK or uptilt on shield are good starts and for more niche options like downward ABK you want to run away and then punish while she's in lag. Also, always keep the threat of shadow ball apparent. Shadow Ball is a killer in this matchup (on top of what it's already good for) since it can shut down one of her best options for air mobility and approaching, air ABK. Don't be afraid to condition shield and later go for grabs either, as due to her low weight Mewtwo's throws are exceptional against her. Don't be afraid to mix in an aggressive option like run up fair or up air for soft jump reads either, as long as you mix up your options Bayonetta's burst options are not nearly as scary.

Advantage: Bayonetta getting hit by strays does a lot against her, as well as common juggling options like up air or options if they recover on plats such as fair, bair, Shadow Ball, or Up Smash on stages that allow it. Due to her amazing recovery and reversal potential, I personally don't advise trying to edgeguard Bayonetta and instead recommend going for ledgetrapping. Mewtwo's ledgetrapping against Bayonetta is actually quite good considering the options Bayonetta's commonly take. Shadow Ball is the big standout here as, with proper timing, it can hit ABK from ledge pretty hard or at the very least force Bayonetta into a close-quarters situation while she has to consider the extra landing lag she has to deal with from the ABK. Holding shadow ball also allows you to cancel it into a quick run up fair for an easy ledgejump kill or go for a run up grab mixup. Aside from that many of Mewtwo's general advantage options still work against Bayonetta, aside from edgegaurding and possible overextensions, so in that regard changing your gameplan isn't as necessary as the other states.

Disadvantage: SDI. SDI like crazy. Mix up your SDI and DI. Do whatever necessary to get to ledge. You can sometimes get a cheeky kill by DI'ing ABK out and doing a fair when she tries to follow up, but other than that the disadvantage gameplan is to just get away from her by any means. Her ledgetrapping against Mewtwo isn't the greatest so long as you mixup recovery options and ledge options. Mixing up teleport to stage (the distance for where you end up) is generally pretty good to do if you don't do it every time. Double jump fair/Confusion 50/50 from ledge also works well as a good option, as well as drop ledge up air. What you mainly want to be aware of and avoid in disadvantage is her immediate kill options. Typically these are bair (a lot of Bayos will spam in near ledge which is your cue to either teleport or ledgedrop up air when she's trying to land), uptilt bair, rapidjab/fair into rapidjab, or ABK into another option (typically bair or waiting for your reaction). Shielding/Countering/Avoiding these options is your key to get back to neutral or punish her hard with a reversal.

Misc: Some Bayos will try to use Witch Time in neutral or after a shielded ABK so they can get an easy kill. If you recognize their pattern of doing this, punish with a free grab, delayed normal, or FCSB. Just something to be aware of.

TL:DR: Bait and Punish is a typically good neutral gameplan with some aggro mix. Always keep the threat of Shadow Ball apparent. Advantage relies a lot on strays and ledgetrapping. Mix up your SDI a lot and do whatever it takes to get to ledge in disadvantage. Also Witch Time exists.

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From TechnoPuff:
This matchup goes both ways. On one hand, Bowser can absolutely slaughter you with nearly any hit, has massive hitboxes to back it up and has an amazing OOS option in Whirling Fortress. On the other, Mewtwo edgeguards him easily, controls neutral very well and can keep him in advantage for a very long time, not to mention Mewtwo can actually KO bowser fairly consistently despite his weight. Just be wary of him in general and avoid using Rapid Jab due to Bowser's Tough Guy mechanic, and you can pull through.

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Bowser Jr.


Captain Falcon



From TechnoPuff:
big sword hurt a lot, edgeguard good

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Diddy Kong

From: Mr Hokckey (aka Leonidas)

This is not a fun matchup. It's hard for Mewtwo to play his normal game because Diddy has such strong burst options in banana peel and Monkey Flip. So you need to be VERY prepared against these two moves if you want to do well in this matchup. Monkey Flip in particular is VERY difficult to punish; you basically have to know exactly when and how they are going to use it, and also how to actually punish it. The kick version goes through mini Shadow Ball, but a fully charged one will beat it out. Banana peel also goes through Shadow Ball and conditions you to shield, which Diddy can then punish with Monkey Flip.

If you successfully pick up a banana peel, hold onto it for dear life and start camping with Shadow Ball. Holding onto Banana is so powerful against Diddy because not only does it become MUCH easier to camp him, but you can punish him for shielding with SideB while still holding onto the banana. Additionally, Mewtwo can combo banana into Disable, which is probably the best banana punish that anyone could ask for.

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Donkey Kong

Dr. Mario

Duck Hunt


From TechnoPuff:
Mewtwo heavily dislikes this MU, as many of Falco's moves and aspects don't bode well. Falco's infamous advantage and combo game is even more prominent against Mewtwo, due to their large frame and poor disadvantage, which combines with Mewtwo's featherweight to allow Falco to have an extremely easy time KOing Mewtwo with his many kill confirms. Falco's extreme vertical mobility also cannot be remedied with Mewtwo's committal and long double jump.

Furthermore, Mewtwo has a difficult time playing around many of Falco's individual moves. Falco's massive Up Tilt can swat Mewtwo's out of the air extremely easily and lead into a devastating combo/kill confirm, often catching the tail hurtbox even when specifically trying to avoid the move. Blaster seems tailor-made for disrupting Mewtwo from neutral, halting Mewtwo in their tracks when trying to approach or charge a Shadow Ball, and is difficult/not worth it to reflect with Confusion. Even if Mewtwo is able to gain Shadow Ball charge, they still have a difficult time threatening Falco with it due to Reflector's frame 1 reflecting properties, forcing Mewtwo to nearly forego using higher charged Shadow Balls in fear of getting instantly reflected. Mewtwo also has a difficult time contesting Falco's long lasting aerials in air-air situations, and them being fairly unsafe on shield is a moot point against Mewtwo's poor OOS options.

Luckily it's not all bad. Mewtwo has a much, much easier time edgeguarding Falco than the other way around, and Mewtwo can just as easily keep Falco in disadvantage for long periods of time, although Falco can easily escape more committal options with Falco Phantasm or a fastfall airdodge due to his fast falling speed. Mewtwo can also very easily play around and punish Falco's OOS options, due to Mewtwo's safety and ability to space moves.

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Ice Climbers







= Kazuya

From TechnoPuff:
As it turns out, the guy that's has the best anti-air in the game and kills fighters really easily, especially those with big hurtboxes, is pretty good against Mewtwo. If you get stuck in a Kazuya combo, I'm sorry to break it to you but you're most likely dead. Furthermore, he doesn't need to worry about edgeguarding your amazing recovery if you're dead because of how easily he kills you. Luckily, though, Kazuya may somehow have even worse disadvantage than Mewtwo, which can and should be exploited when playing against him. Shadow Ball is invaluable here for keeping Kazuya out, as his reflector is extremely committal, and your projectiles are both equally non-committal and can be faked out. Kazuya can be edgeguarded easier than some other characters, but hitting him out of Devil Wings is deceptively difficult so Mewtwo should be wary of that. Kazuya's options are committal in general, and Mewtwo has all the movement needed to avoid and whiff punish him, even with Mewtwo's large hurtboxes. Certain moves such as Gates of Hell or Oni Front Kick are also ineffective against Mewtwo, as their low knockback angles are a moot point against such a powerful recovery.

All in all, I personally like to think of Kazuya as a Souls-style boss fight. If he hits you, you will die. But you have all the tools to play around his predictable and slow attack patterns/smaller burst range and whittle him down without him ever laying a finger on you.

Oh yeah, don't use Rapid Jab either, he's got Tough Guy.

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From TechnoPuff:
In my opinion, the worst of Mewtwo's FGC matchups. Ken has no trouble hanging with you in neutral with his passable projectile Hadouken, and once he gets close to you he can absolutely rend you in half with his oppressive frame data, damaging combos and kills you extremely early with his potent Shoryuken. You do edgeguard him very well though, but other than that there's not much else to say, he's basically just Kazuya-lite against Mewtwo.

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King K. Rool

From TechnoPuff:
On paper, this matchup doesn't seem great, as K.Rool's killpower, notoriously difficult to edgeguard recovery, less committal projectiles and large hitboxes seem bad for Mewtwo, but practice this matchup feels extremely Mewtwo favoured. K.Rool is one of the easiest characters to combo in the game, and that stays true for Mewtwo: his comically large body and slower moves can sometimes allow Mewtwo to keep him in disadvantage until taking the stock. In fact, I'd argue that K.Rool is 'the' easiest and best character to combo with Mewtwo in the game, as unlike Kazuya or Bowser you can end combos with Jab to deal extreme damage, which combines with his ridiculous hurtbox to let you have your way with him. K.Rools projectiles, while often not actually hitting K.Rool back if reflected, are still usually worth it to reflect, as he cannot punish you for reflecting them due to his slow speed, often being left to try and commitally reflect them back or avoid them. K.Rool's reflector, while definitely something you need to be wary of as Mewtwo, is much more telegraphed than reflector's like Falco's. Furthermore, while Mewtwo has little hope vertically edgeguarding K.Rool(although I personally have actually done it before with rising DJ Dair), Mewtwo's best edgeguaridng tools just so happen to be kinda good horizontally, so Mewtwo just has to go for earlier edgeguards, which they already should be doing against most characters. Finally, most of K.Rools other options are very committal, and Mewtwo also just so happens to be kinda good at whiff punishing, and Mewtwo has all the attributes and tools needed to easily outmaneuver K.Rool.

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This is a deceptively difficult matchup that might actually be losing for Mewtwo, though I'm willing to believe it's even. Boxing situations against Kirby are extremely dangerous for Mewtwo. He doesn't have any fast out of shield options to stop Kirby from spamming tilts on his shield, meaning that you will have to rely more on defensive mixups such as holding shield, dodges, parries, or any other way to disengage that you can think of. Kirby also has very strong anti-air tools against Mewtwo. His tiny hurtbox and general preference to stay grounded makes it very hard for Mewtwo to land aerials on him. Kirby can easily punish his landings with Utilt and Usmash (which are both intangible on the foot), and even his aerials can sometimes cleanly beat Mewtwo's. And of course, almost any move that Kirby lands can easily guarantee massive damage or an early kill. Aside from that,

The typical answer to beating Kirby is to wall him out in neutral with projectiles or disjoints, but Mewtwo doesn't have enough of either for this to be easy. Thus, Mewtwo has to go about this in a rather unorthodox way. In my opinion, the four most important moves to master in this matchup are Shadow Ball, Confusion, Jab, and Dsmash. Charging Shadow Ball is great to force specific reactions. Confusion (SideB) is a big, disjointed command grab that is great against shield, and can also be used in the air. Jab is a fast "get off me" tool that is basically free 20% every time you land it, but unfortunately, Kirby can crouch under it. Finally, Dsmash is huge, strong, and lagless, and very difficult for Kirby to punish because he's slow. Simply standing in place and charging it sets up a mindgame that is heavily skewed in your favor. Of course, your other moves will be useful in other situations, but those four are the most important IMO.

That said, because Mewtwo isn't built to zone out Kirby with ease, you will find yourself in a lot of scramble situations, but panicking will only get you punished harder. The scramble situations are indeed doable and potentially very rewarding for Mewtwo; just stay on your toes and hold your ground.

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Little Mac



Marcina (Marth & Lucina)



Mega Man

Meta Knight


Mii Brawler

Mii Swordfighter

Mii Gunner

Min Min

Mr. Game & Watch


From: Mr Hokckey (aka Leonidas)

This is a matchup that a lot of Mewtwo players hate, but in my experience, it gets much better the more you know about the character. Ness can be very tricky because he has a LOT of movement mixups, and many of his moves have deceptively low lag. If you want to REALLY know Ness's gimmicks by heart, you might want to research the character yourself. But here are a couple of things that have been particularly useful to me.

  • Watch out for the diagonal PK Fire from a platform. Shield or reflect.
  • If he's doing weird PK Thunder mindgames, just don't contest it unless you have a 100% free punish.
  • You can true punish Ness for absorbing Shadow Ball with PSI magnet, but for some reason, only if he uses it in the air.
  • Ness has a lot of crazy shield pressure. Look for gaps where you can disengage, or punish out of shield.
  • A lot of Ness's aerials have HUGE hitboxes and autocancel windows that can trip you up if you aren't ready. They are very hard to punish, and often it's best to just not try it. But if you pay close attention, you'll find windows.

As long as you know what you can or can't punish, you'll find that neutral is very doable with the right usage of speed, hitboxes, and camping tools. Ness is vulnerable to edgeguards and juggling, so take full advantage of that.

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From: Mr Hokckey (aka Leonidas)

Jab and Shadow Ball absolutely carry Mewtwo in this matchup. When using Shadow Ball, try to charge it enough so that it can pass through Thunder Jolt; the more charge, the better. Pikachu loves approaching by jumping in at a 45 degree angle with a Tjolt, and it is a very threatening approach. This means that throwing a fully charged Shadow Ball at jump height is one of the best things that you can do in this matchup. You'll need the right distance and timing and it might not hit, but it discourages this approach option while being very safe.

As for boxing situations, literally just Jab. It's Mewtwo's fastest move (frame 5), hits both on the ground and in the air, and is basically free 20% with one button, sometimes even more. Pikachu is very good up close and Mewtwo will probably be combo'd a lot, but hilariously, he can often make up all that damage with just one or two Rapid Jabs. There will be plenty of times to use other moves as well, but when in doubt, just Jab. :)

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Piranha Plant


Pokemon Trainer

* Placeholder

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Aegis (Pyra/Mythra)

From TechnoPuff:
The big strong sword woman is very scary. That's about all this MU boils down to. Tail moments can and will happen frequently here, and Pyra Dair lets her be so comically ignorant you'll want to tear your tail out. You do have some positve aspects though. Pyra has poor disadvantage when you're right in her face and during combo situations. Reflecting Blazing End is difficult and must be done as a read, but will give you crazy combos and make you feel like a god. Furthermore, Pyra is very easy to edgeguard, so abuse that. You do have to be wary of stalling offstage and recovering predictably against Pyra, as she can easily shut you down offstage with her fast and massive Fair, and her Dair can very easily 2-frame you or shut down sharking attempts.

From TechnoPuff:
Hoo boy, Mythra... basically everything she has just destroys Mewtwo, with your only consolation being that she has to switch to a slightly better matchup to KO you really early a lot of the time. She's got it all: a sword, amazing frame data that Mewtwo can't punish, extended combos made easier by Mewtwo's large frame, oppressive advantage and neutral, great disadvantage, Foresight which invaliditates certain combos... Honestly, the 'weakness' of Mythra's struggle to secure KOs is much less prevalent against a character like Mewtwo, and a smart Pythra player, who's likely just more comfortable with Mythra anyways, will just stick with her against you for the whole match to eventually secure their stocks with her smash attacks or Lightning Buster, and there's not much you can do about it.

From TechnoPuff:
Definitely hard winning for the bae-blades. While this matchup is really bad on paper, I actually don't have to bad of a time with it, but I'm likely biased because it's my most played matchup by far.

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Belmonts (Simon & Richter)


In exchange for a huge hurtbox and overall horrible disadvantage state, many of Ridley's moves have ENORMOUS hitboxes, decent frame data, and lot's of damage, and he's also quite fast. The key to this matchup is the right amount of respect. If you don't respect Ridley and try to mash at him mindlessly, he will punish you very hard. On the other hand, if you respect him too much and play scared, you'll give him too much breathing room, and he will overwhelm you easily. In short, Mewtwo has more than enough tools to control neutral and bully Ridley in disadvantage, as long as you don't let him get in your head.

For this, it's helpful to know Ridley's best moves and what they're good at. Here's a list of them.

  • All of his tilts are big and can be safe if used properly. Ftilt is especially strong in the corner and on ledge, and it does kill when sweetspotted. Utilt is a good anti-air and can combo into Uair for a kill. Dtilt has REALLY far range and can combo. However, they can all be whiff punished from the right angles.
  • Fsmash and Usmash have pretty good frame data for how strong they are. They're punishable, but don't be surprised to see these thrown out from time to time. Also, don't fall for Dthrow into airdodge read with Fsmash! You'll die at 40!
  • His air game is solid. He has three jumps and can use them for timing mixups. Nair is HUGE, long lasting, and can autocancel towards the end. It has many uses, but is definitely punishable.
  • SideB can catch you shielding, but it has to be used preemptively because it is very slow. As long as you're ready for it, you can simply react and whiff punish.
  • Ridley's UpB can hit you from below the ledge while he's recovering, so don't stand too close to the ledge.

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Rosalina & Luma



From TechnoPuff:
Mewtwo really hates Roy, and it's very easy to see why. Roy obviously has a sword, which while not as profound against Mewtwo as other characters, Mewtwo's hurtboxes often lead to Roy landing sweetspots that he otherwise would not. Roy's speed and rushdown style puts constant pressure on Mewtwo in neutral, preventing Mewtwo from keeping a consistent space to execute their gameplan. Roy's extreme safety on shield and fast large aerials does not bode well for Mewtwo either due to their poor OOS and anti-air options. And, of course, the elephant in the room: Roy's killpower and damage output absolutely shreds Mewtwo to pieces. Roy's recovery is also surprisingly hard to edgeguard, although even if it wasn't that would be a moot point, as you can't edgeguard someone if you never get them offstage. This is the MU that personally forced me to pick up a secondary.

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Toon Link



Wii Fit Trainer



Young Link


Zero Suit Samus



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