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From Dragdown
Revision as of 13:50, 26 February 2023 by Powthe (talk | contribs) (made yoshi overview page)
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Spotdodge:The duration and intangibility of this character's on-spot dodges.26F (3~17F intangible)
Air Dodge:The intangibility of this character's air dodges, both neutral and directional.3~30F intangible (Neutral) 3~21F intangible (Directional)
Fastest OOS:N-Air (6F),U-Air (8F), U-Smash (11F)
This is a character in SSBU. (Placeholder)
Yoshi does things (Placeholder)
Pros Cons
  • Amazing Air Mobility: With the fastest air speed and great air acceleration combined with better than average ground mobility, Yoshi is able to manuever very well despite what their weight class suggests.
  • Heavy: Yoshi is the 14th heaviest character in the game, meaning it'll be harder than usual to KO them.
  • Well Rounded Toolkit: Having access to a command grab and projectile means that Yoshi won't be at a huge disadvantage at different engagement ranges.
  • Frame 1 Escape Option: Yoshi's unique Double Jump has Subtractive Armor capable of absorbing damage from frame 1. This bolsters Yoshi's defence further as they can simply jump out of some combos which are untrue.
  • Immune to Shield Poking: Their unique Egg Shield means that Yoshi's are immune to shield poking.
  • Weak to disjoints: Yoshi's moves have small hitboxes, making them particularly vulnerable to being outranged by characters who have big disjointed moves like Lucina or Shulk

|unique_mechanic1_name= Yoshi Egg Shield |unique_mechanic1=Yoshi's shield is in the form of an egg that does not change in size when hit. This means that their shield is immune to shield pokes. However this also means that attacks which normally wouldn't hit a severely damaged shield would hit Yoshi's shield, causing a shield break.

|unique_mechanic2_name= Subtractive Armor Double Jump |unique_mechanic2=From Frames 1-44, Yoshi's double jump can absorb up to 120 KB worth of knockback before breaking(about the knockback of a Smash Attack). This makes it very easy for Yoshi to escape combos that are not true.

Normal Moves

Smash Attacks


Special Moves

Grabs & Throws

Misc. Attacks

(Page content goes here)


To edit frame data, edit values in SSBU/Yoshi/Data.

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