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SSBU/Mii Brawler

From Dragdown
Revision as of 05:09, 14 April 2023 by FireThePyro (talk | contribs) (→‎{{clr|smash|Forward Smash}}: this one was just straight up wrong)


Mii Brawler
Spotdodge:The duration and intangibility of this character's on-spot dodges.25F (3-17 intangible)
Air Dodge:The intangibility of this character's air dodges, both neutral and directional.3-29 intangible (Neutral)
3-21 intangible (Directional)
Fastest OOS:Thrust Uppercut(Up B 3) (3F), NAir (6F),Up Smash (8F)
Mii Brawler (Brawler) is a rushdown character with high vertical mobility and excellent close-range attacks both on the ground and in the air that allow for combos and whiff punishes alike. His versatile moveset gives the player multiple options to deal with various characters they will encounter.

Mii Brawler’s NAir is core to his toolkit, and sees use in nearly every situation, including combos - which are further complimented by his long-lasting Up Tilt and highly versatile Up Air, both of which can convert into death with platform combo extensions or optimal positioning near the ledge. To aid his approach, both Grab and Suplex can be used against frequently shielding opponents, making them think twice about staying put and opening them up to other attacks. Lastly, Mii Brawler’s gameplan is usually determined by his Up Special, which can either incentivize pushing an opponent to the corner for an early kill with Helicopter Kick, or threatening jumps and landings throughout the stage with Thrust Uppercut.

Players interested in a close-range, well rounded character with a move for any situation and reward for any opening should consider Mii Brawler, picking their special moves based on what positions they favor the most, or even switching from matchup to matchup.

Mii Brawler is a beginner friendly rushdown character that excels at using their quick moves to whiff punish opponents, with the ability to customize their moveset to adapt to their opponents.
Pros Cons
  • Large Burst Range: Thanks to his fast jump, fallspeed, and Dash Attack, Mii Brawler can quickly close the distance with a hitbox from nearly anywhere.
  • Great Frame Data: Almost all of Brawler’s options come out extremely fast and recover quickly, with only 2 of his normals being slower than frame 10.
  • Reliable Damage: From simple grab confirms to 65% strings, Mii Brawler can deal enough damage to make any opening worthwhile.
  • Adaptable: Alongside Mii Gunner and Mii Swordfighter, Mii Brawler is one of the only character that can adjust their special moves depending on the matchup. Custom specials allow for Brawler to change key moves to become more effective versus specific opponents.
  • Fantastic OoS Game: Being one of the few characters privileged to have a 3F OoS Option in Thrust Uppercut(Up B 3), opponent's will find it hard to counter Brawler's shield. Even if Brawler does not bring along Thrust Uppercut(Up B 3), he has plenty of other OoS options that are either fast(NAir), far reaching Soaring Axe Kick(Up B 1) or have KO potential(Up Smash).
  • Matchup Knowledge: Very few people play the Miis, meaning that opponent's may not be aware of some counterplay to Brawler.
  • Poor Defensive Frame Data: Mii Brawler’s rolls and standard ledge options are slower than average, meaning he relies on his shield to escape pressure more often.
  • Easy to Combo: Although Brawler does have decent recovery tools to mix up his options and an average weight, his fast falling speed makes it easy for him to get edgeguarded and get combo'd.
  • Lack of offstage presence: Mii Brawler’s fast fall speed in combination with his average at-best vertical recovery means chasing opponents far offstage comes with great risk.
  • Lacks Approach Options: Brawler does not have many long range options, lacking significant disjoints or a usable projectile in neutral. He must use moves that require a lot of commitment for approaching, which increases his risk in neutral.
  • Limited Kill Confirms: Brawler can struggle to take stocks if he is outside kill confirm percents, having few specific moves that lead to kill confirms. If Brawler becomes too predictable using these moves, he will have to rely on his mediocore edgeguarding to take stocks.
Adjustable Moveset
Sharing this trait with his fellow Miis Mii Gunner and Mii Swordfighter, Mii Brawler is equipped with twelve custom specials - three for each slot. While some options are objectively inferior (such as Exploding Side Kick for Neutral-Special or Onslaught for Side-Special) the options at the player’s disposal allow for multiple viable movesets, with about a dozen ranging from modestly effective to extremely viable.

Though this allows Brawler to be adaptable, bear in mind that each move has its drawback that another special move can cover. Weigh the pros and cons in the matchup, and consider opportunity costs of selecting each special move before selecting them.

Normal Moves


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Jab 1 1.8 2-3 16 361/180 -10 to -9 N/A
Jab 2 1.0 2-3 19 361/180 -14 to -13 N/A
Rapid Jab 0.5 2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16 19 361 NaN N/A
Rapid Jab (Finisher) 2.0 4-5 41 45 -33 to -32 N/A
  • Transitions into a multi-hit jab with a finisher.

A simple jab and Brawler’s fastest ground normal. Works as an effective low-percent combo breaker. As NAir has high shield safety, mashing Jab to catch people dropping shield can be a reliable frame trap. Additionally, Jab1 only lasts 16 frames, making it Brawler's best jab lock and a safe catch to stop opponents from extending into Brawler's range.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Jab 1 25/20 25/15 N/A N/A 3
Jab 2 25 25/20 N/A N/A 2
Rapid Jab 7 20 N/A N/A 2
Rapid Jab (Finisher) 65 130 N/A N/A 3

Forward Tilt

/ +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
(Neutral/Up/Down) 8.0/8.5/8.3Neutral/Up/Down 6-8 28 361 -13 to -11 N/A

A reliable grounded poke, effective when used in close range situations to create space or put the opponent in a tech-chase scenario. Can also be pivot canceled to be used like a second dash attack, which also sets up for tech-chases.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
(Neutral/Up/Down) 34 86 N/A N/A 8

Up Tilt


DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
6.0 5-12 30 96 -18 to -11 N/A
  • Active for eight frames, spending six of which at its maximum height
  • First frame of activity can hit below ledge.

One of Brawler’s best combo tools, capable of both initiating and extending them. Beginning around 30-40 percent, Up Tilt can link into itself. Higher percentages can lead into uAir and other various combo routes, which can be even further assisted by platforms. Additionally, the lingering hitbox makes it ideal for catching opponents landing with no hitbox.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
28 130 N/A N/A 6

Down Tilt


DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
8.0 7-8 28 80 -12 to -11 N/A
  • Hits below ledge

Brawler’s best combo starter and extender from 0 to 50%, converting out of nAir and into other aerials on most characters. Extremely effective in tandem with Helicopter Kick near ledge to convert into kills as early as 50%, but proper DI from the opponent (Out) can limit combo potential at higher percents compared to uTilt.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
50 90 N/A N/A 8

Dash Attack

while dashing or running

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Clean 11.0 6-9 36 60 -19 to -16 N/A
Late 6.0 10-17 36 60 -19 to -12 N/A
  • Crosses up at extremely close range.
  • A combo finisher at low percents.

A very fast whiff punish and landing-catch tool. Its large, lingering hitbox and fast startup make it useful for juggling the opponent or closing the distance. While not a kill move, it gives great stage positioning at any percent and launches the opponent at high percents enough to grant juggling or edgeguarding opportunties.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Clean 100 50 N/A N/A 10
Late 100 40 N/A N/A 6

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash

/ +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
18.027 charged 17-18 68 361 -38 to -37-33 to -32 charged N/A
  • Hits every ledgehang in the game.
  • Confirms out of a jab lock using jab 1.

Mii Brawler’s slowest yet strongest normal, only useful for hard reads or in confirms with demandingly specific percent windows. It has high endlag, meaning whiffing one can lead to an easy punish for the opponent. Angling this attack down against opponents regrabbing the ledge can lead to very early kills.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
35 102 N/A N/A 126 charged
  • Can be angled

Up Smash


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Clean 14.021 charged 8-12 48 84 -29 to -25-25 to -21 charged N/A
Late 10.015 charged 13-14 48 84 -27 to -26-24 to -23 charged N/A
  • Legs are invincible.
  • Has a weaker hitbox in the back that rarely, if ever kills.

A very powerful option to use out of shield, and one of Mii Brawler’s most reliable kill moves. Brawler’s intangible leg makes it useful against opponents that land with hitboxes frequently, such as Wolf. It is also effective in reading tech and ledge options at high percents.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Clean 33 96 N/A N/A 105 charged
Late 32 93 N/A N/A 74 charged

Down Smash


DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
13.019.5 charged 9-10 44 32/35 -25 to -24-21 to -20 charged N/A
  • The leg hitbox has slightly more knockback than the fist.

A reliable tool for catching opponents in special fall that are making their landing location ambiguous, or for corner scenarios where there isn’t enough time to use Forward Smash. Opportunities where Down Smash is the best option are rare, but not nonexistent.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
41/50 85/88 N/A N/A 95 charged


Neutral Aerial


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Clean 10.0 3-5 46 361 -2 N/A
Late 5.0 6-29 46 361 -3 N/A
  • Virtually lagless at 6 frames, making autocanceling a nonissue.
  • Lasts for the duration of an entire short hop.

Brawler’s all-around most versatile and reliable attack, being usable in virtually every situation. Works as a combo starter, combo extender, ledgetrapping tool, projectile stuffer, approach stopper, recovery interrupter, and kill confirm into normals or specials. The strong hit of nAir can even kill by itself near ledge around 150%, further improving its potency as a ledgetrapping tool.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Clean 20 100 6 1-2, 37+ 4
Late 20 90 6 - 3

Forward Aerial

Airborne +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 5.0 8-9 45 25 -7 N/A
Hit 2 6.0 15-17 45 40 -7 N/A
  • Hits twice, Brawler’s only aerial to do so.

A useful combo tool at low-mid percents, but struggles at higher percents. Its two hits and relatively far range make it both a decent poke and ledge option, as it’ll catch shielding opponents off guard between hits. The first hit of forward air can also link into moves at extremely high percent, including Thrust Uppercut around 150+% for a KO. Outside of these scenarios however, it is not wise to use this move often, as it does not autocancel in a shorthop.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 39/47 10 11 1-2, 30+ 3
Hit 2 35 100 11 - 3

Back Aerial

Airborne +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
12.0 7-9 40 361 -6 N/A
  • Autocancels in a short hop.

The best tool Mii Brawler has for taking stocks in the air. Can also be used as a combo finisher or attack out of down throw at low-to-mid percents. It’s also useful near ledge and offstage when attempting to take stocks at or above 100%, as well as for walling cornered opponents out.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
10 105 11 28+ 5

Up Aerial

Airborne +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
9.0 6-10 36 75 -6 N/A
  • Almost autocancels in a short hop fastfall, requiring Mii Brawler to delay their fastfall by a few frames to get it to autocancel optimally.

One of Mii Brawler’s best juggling tools, combo extenders, and kill confirms, capable of linking into itself around mid-high percents, making it a potent ladder tool. Hitting Up Air right before landing can convert into several potential kill moves, including DAir and F-Smash around mid-percents and BAir or any Up-Special starting around 70% and into nearly 140% against most characters.

Up Air is also invaluable for juggling situations where the opponent has platforms at their disposal, disrupting their landing timing and forcing them to act preemptively to avoid Mii Brawler.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
9 100 10 23+ 4

Down Aerial

Airborne +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Clean 13.0 16-17 50 270/70 -13 N/A
Late 12.0 18 50 361 -13 N/A
  • Mii Brawler’s only normal meteor. Can hit below ledge with the correct timing.
  • The sourspot launches directly away from Brawler, meaning that a badly-timed DAir can still lead to a KO.
  • This move also cannot meteor grounded opponents - only launch them at an angle comparable to Up Smash.
  • Mii Brawler always makes the same noise when using this move, regardless of voice selection. Use this how you will.

While typically not the best move to use in many situations, DAir still has some utility. Being able to hit below ledge gives it strong use cases against characters with linear, defenseless recoveries like Pit or Fox. Opponents with somewhat unsafe attacks on shield can also be punished with this move as it kills off the top, similar to Up Smash.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Clean 10/30 95/100 18 1-4, 37+ 5
Late 30 100 18 5

Special Moves

Neutral Specials

Shot Put

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
15.0/11.2Falling/After Bounce 28 onwards 67 47 NaN N/A
  • Shot Put becomes weaker as it bounces on terrain, causing it to deal less damage but potentially become more unpredictable and cover small areas for longer.
  • Lasts roughly a little over a second before disappearing (100 frames after input)
  • Shot Put has a hurtbox which is capable of eating projectiles, depending on various factors. Interactions with most projectiles in the game can be seen here.

Mii Brawler’s only projectile. Most effective as an edgeguarding tool, allowing for him to apply pressure on a recovery without risking danger to himself. It’s slow to start and has considerable endlag, making Shot Put risky to use onstage - but it’s not without payoff, as it can deal a lot of damage or shield damage, or force the opponent to navigate around it, which is more effective against characters with large hurtboxes and/or bad rolls.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
50 58 N/A N/A 5/4

Flashing Mach Punch

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Initial hits 0.4x5 10, 14, 17, 20, 22 107, 59 on whiff 190/80/366/60 -29 N/A
Successive Hits 0.4x20 25-53 107 366 N/A N/A
Launcher 9.5 65 107 75 N/A N/A
  • Flashing Mach Punch is fully invincible when it connects with a hitbox, making it effective in doubles or against opponents with setplay items like Snake.
  • Move will not complete on whiff or block, but transitions into the full attack on hit.
  • Stalls Mii Brawler in the air on the first use.

A multi-hit move that launches at a similar angle to Up Smash , but with more power. The similar animation to Rapid Jab in combination with its lower endlag and more ambiguous ending on whiff can make it tricky for opponents to properly punish.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Initial hits 35 FKB/50 FKB/30 FKB/110 FKB 100 N/A N/A 2/4
Successive Hits 50 FKB 100 N/A N/A 2
Launcher 65 109 N/A N/A 9

Initial hits:

  • If any of the 5 hits land, Brawler will continue doing Flashing Mach Punch. Else, it will enter a fail animation

Fail animation 23F

Exploding Side Kick

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Normal/Reversed 25.0/28.0 50-52, up to 72-74 80 361 -7 to -5/-9 to -7 N/A
  • The window to reverse this move is 30 frames long - The first 10 frames will only add 2 frames of startup to the kick, but every additional frame will add a frame to the startup, capping at 72 frames.

Basically Falcon Punch - long startup and small hitbox, with added super armor before the kick if the kick was initiated on the ground. It is surprisingly safe on shield, with the reversed hit being impossible to punish out of shield using any aerial in the game.

Please don't use this move. There are better options for Brawler's Neutral B. If you want to have a big flashy move, just play Captain Falcon.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Normal/Reversed 40 80 N/A N/A 22/20

Side Specials

/ +


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Ground, Rushdown 2.0 16-30 74 60 -54 to -40 N/A
Ground, Multihits 2.0 x4 4-5, 8-10, 13-16, 18-19 N/A 70,367,367,270 N/A N/A
Ground, Launcher 7.0 28-29 71 -35 to -34 N/A
Air, Rushdown 2.0 16-30 N/A 75 N/A N/A
Air, Multihits 2.0x4 4-5, 8-10, 13-16, 18-19 N/A 367, 367, 367, 60 N/A N/A
Air, Launcher 7.0 28-30 N/A 70 N/A N/A
  • Final hit launches independent of the opponent’s weight
  • Onslaught has an aura recharge mechanic - Onslaught launches further the more damage that Mii Brawler has (separate to the effects of rage), but this launch modifier resets on a successful hit. After using it, the move will recharge passively over time - Brawler’s ankle will flash purple when fully charged.
  • Under optimal conditions, this move is capable of killing most of the cast around 50% on FD and stages with similar ceiling heights.
  • The penultimate hit of Onslaught meteors opponents. If the opponent is airborne, they will be launched down out of the move instead of up.
  • Places Mii Brawler into special fall after use.

Launches a flurry of attacks similar to Flashing Mach Punch, stopping if it hits a shield and entering freefall if it’s used in the air. Its weight-independant knockback can make it useful as a comeback option, as it will kill Bowser as early as it will kill Pichu. If the opponent blocks it, however, be ready to be hard punished.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Ground, Rushdown 130 FKB 50 N/A N/A 3
Ground, Multihits 11 FKB, 16 FKB, 50 FKB, 55 FKB 100/100/100/80 N/A N/A N/A
Ground, Launcher 58 144 N/A N/A N/A
Air, Rushdown 60 FKB 100 30/40 N/A 3
Air, Multihits 30 FKB, 16 FKB, 50 FKB, 40 FKB 100/100/100/70 30/40 N/A N/A
Air, Launcher 54 135 30/40 N/A N/A

Burning Dropkick

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Early/Late 13.0 18-26/27-29Early/Late 34 on hit, 69 on whiff 44 -22 N/A
  • Commonly shortened to BDK.
  • B-reversing this move while moving the opposite direction Mii Brawler intends to go with BDK while airborne will dramatically increase its distance. This can be combined with a double jump backwards to effectively do this while moving forwards.
  • Can be used multiple times in the air, and is Mii Brawler’s only side special to not put him in freefall.
  • When passing over a surface, refreshes Mii Brawler’s resources

Primarily a recovery move, though capable of killing opponents at high percents, even being a true combo out of landing NAir at high percents.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Early/Late 70/60 60/54 18 on hit, 30 on whiff N/A 12


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Dash Grab N/A 13-21windbox on 9-12 51 N/A N/A N/A
Aerial Grab N/A 13-21 windbox on 9-12 60 N/A N/A N/A
Initial Hit 3.0 2-5 80 50 N/A 14% heavy armor 1-71
Landing 15.0 47-48 80 361 -28 to -27 14% heavy armor 1-71
  • If this move is B-reversed while airborne, Suplex reaches noticeably further.
  • This pairs nicely both with using it out of shield and in reducing endlag, as a Suplex done instantly out of a jump has significantly less endlag than a Suplex done on the ground.
  • Puts Mii Brawler into special fall if whiffed.
  • When Suplex successfully connects, Mii Brawler will brush off any move that deals less than 13% damage in a single hit. This armor is capable of winning trades.
  • Suplex has multiple collateral hitboxes when it successfully connects, making it difficult to punish in doubles and effective against characters like Rosalina & Luma or Ice Climbers.
  • Before the grab becomes active, a windbox is placed in front of Brawler.

An unreactable horizontal command grab that can be used as a close-range whiff punish out of dashback or to open up the opponent by punishing them for shielding when they see Mii Brawler jump. It’s also an excellent out of shield option against crossups and opponents who like to shield after landing. Additionally, it covers a large area of most platforms, making it a strong tool for tech situations on platforms. Suplex can also be useful as a sacrificial KO from ledge, but many characters are capable of surviving it on stages with shallower blastzone floors due to opponents gaining height from the release.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Dash Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Aerial Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Initial Hit 60 100 N/A N/A 4
Landing 65 70 N/A N/A 4

Up Specials


Soaring Axe Kick

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Rise 4.0 10-15 56 86/96/83 -23 N/A
Fall 3.0/6.0Sourspot/Spike N/A 2 273/268/260/45 - N/A
Landing 4.0 1-2 30 45 -23 to -22 N/A
  • Commonly referred to as SAK
  • Works similar to Cloud's Climhazzard - using the move will make Mii Brawler rise, pressing the button again will make him fall with a spiking hitbox.

Mii Brawler’s farthest-reaching attack out of shield, capable of reaching extremely well-spaced attacks from sword characters or characters with high aerial mobility. The falling hitbox will always spike opponents with set knockback, making it a consistent source of sacrificial KOs and ledge-hang KOs when edgeguarding.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Rise 79 FKB/63 FKB 100 29Without follow up N/A 5
Fall 123 FKB/127 FKB/135 FKB/125 100/45 N/A N/A 4/6
Landing 45 170 N/A N/A 5

Helicopter Kick

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Ground (1, 2-5, Launcher) 3.0, 1.5, 6.01, 2-5, Launcher 8-9, 15, 20, 26, 31, 36-37 N/A 75, 367, 55 -26 legs intangible 8-37
Air, (1, 2-5, 6) 1.5, 1.5, 61, 2-5, 6 8-9, 15, 20, 26, 31, 36-37 N/A 367, 367, 43 -26 legs intangible 8-37
  • Grants lower body intangibility to Mii Brawler.
  • Depending on the direction held on the final hit, the opponent will either be launched upwards or horizontally forward.

An extremely potent kill move near ledge, capable of killing as early as 40% on even the heaviest opponents. Several moves can confirm into Helicopter Kick, including Down Tilt , Up Air, Down Throw, NAir, or Up Air, all at various percents. Additionally, the lower body intangibility allows Mii Brawler to “block” the ledge against defenseless recoveries by using Helicopter Kick facing away from the ledge.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Ground (1, 2-5, Launcher) 70 FKB, 70 FKB, 65 100, 100, 113 26 N/A 4, 3, 6
Air, (1, 2-5, 6) 70 FKB, 65 100, 100, 108 26 N/A 3, 3, 6

Thrust Uppercut

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Multhit, Launcher 0.8/9.0Multihit,Launcher 3/5-6/8-9/11-12/14, 19-20 N/A 80/105/367, 89 N/A Left arm 3-6
  • Grants left arm intangibility for the first few frames of the attack
  • The final hitbox is deceptively large.

Mii Brawler’s fastest option out of shield, capable of punishing extremely safe moves with a little bit of firepower. Its modest hitbox size makes it useful preemptively as well, since it can stuff out landing aerials as a result. It has decent kill power, capable of killing grounded opponents around 150%, kill confirming out of Up Air from 90% to 140% against most of the cast, being usable as a finisher in ladder combos that utilize platforms, and punishing opponents going extremely high to recover, sometimes as high up as the magnifying glass. While it can also confirm out of down throw on the ground, grabs on platforms around 60% can also spell death with much less precision and timing required.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Multhit, Launcher 170 FKB/160 FKB/80 FKB/90FKB, 74 100, 71 N/A N/A 2, 9

Down Specials


Head-On Assault

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Ground Scoops 6.0 8,9-11,12-15 75/91/93,40,10 N/A N/A
Air, Hit 1 16.0 23 60 N/A N/A
Falling hits 1.0 26, 29, 32... 270 N/A N/A
Landing 14.0 1-4 94 if initiated on the ground, N/A if airborne 60 -44 N/A
  • Move is a multihit on its way down on aerial opponents, increasing its damage value with distance and dragging the opponent with Brawler.
  • A singular hit with high shield damage on grounded opponents

Mii Brawler rises and then falls in a similar manner to Yoshi or Bowser’s Down B. Capable of killing at high percents. Its unique dragdown mechanic also allows it to be used as a sacrificial KO near the ledge, confirming out of down tilt at low percents.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Ground Scoops 83 FKB/80 FKB,40,35 100,5,5 N/A N/A 6
Air, Hit 1 120 51 N/A N/A 14
Falling hits 60 FKB 100 N/A N/A 2
Landing 120/122 48/56 N/A N/A 13

Feint Jump

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Jump - 56 - fully intangible 2-4
Autokick 7.0 1-2 27 340/300 -27 N/A
Kick 10.0 8-21 43 35/60 -27 N/A
  • Feint Jump has two parts to it: The jump, and the footdive, which is performed by pressing the attack button again. The jump will also stomp on any opponents below Brawler as they descend. The window to be able to dive lasts as long as he is in the animation.
  • The Jump can be angled forwards or backwards, and the kick can be directed left or right depending on which way the stick is held when attack is pressed.
  • Autocancels if done at the peak of a full hop.
  • The footdive will launch grounded opponents up and airborne opponents sideways.
  • Can walljump, but this overall loses height for Mii Brawler.

Feint Jump mainly acts as a third jump, giving Mii Brawler an additional recovery option. Using the kick to leap out of a juggle situation or to return to stage faster is a strong option, but as Mii Brawler can only use Feint Jump once before landing or grabbing the ledge, it can be risky to commit to. Feint Jump can also be used as a novel way to read the opponent throwing out a projectile from across the stage, but this can be easily punished on whiff and block; both the kick and passive landing of Feint Jump have very high landing lag.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Jump - - 29 N/A -
Autokick 80/65 11/80/14 37 N/A 7
Kick 65 90 37 N/A 10


    • Total frames only applies if you do not land the whole animation
  • Has detection frames 27-42, which will transition to Autokick.


  • Spikes

Counter Throw

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Counter Window -- 6-23 39 N/A N/A int 6-7
Throw 14.0 13 49 45 N/A all intangible 1-2, invulnerable 3-24
  • On a successful counter, grabs the opponent and throws them behind, with the launch angle changing depending on Mii Brawler’s air/ground state.
  • Hit detection is shorter than other counters and only detects physical attacks around Mii Brawler’s elbow, creating a blind spot below and behind Brawler.
  • Projectiles do not activate hit detection.
  • Much lower endlag relative to other counters, allowing this move to be spammed or quickly recovered from.

Counter Throw is loaded with quirks and gimmicks relative to other counters, but they all come together to create an inconsistent and manipulatable counter. Regardless, using one is low-risk and high-reward, as the full animation only lasts a second and the counter is absurdly strong, making it useful for keeping the opponent on their feet when they would otherwise try to run Brawler over.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Counter Window N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Throw 75 70 N/A N/A N/A

Grabs & Throws


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Standing N/A 6-7 35 N/A N/A N/A
Dash N/A 9-10 43 N/A N/A N/A
Pivot N/A 10-11 38 N/A N/A N/A
Pummel 1.3 1 7 361 -2 N/A
  • PlaceHolder

Standing Grab

A short-ranged, quick grab.

Pivot Grab (While Dashing, / > )

Dash Grab (While Dashing, )

Pummel (After grabbing, )

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Standing N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dash N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pivot N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pummel 30 FKB 100 N/A N/A 3

Forward Throw

After grabbing,

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
9.0 14 38 42 N/A all invincible 1-14

Useful as a kill throw on opponents near ledge at very high percents. Its quick startup gives it the opportunity to catch opponents DIing poorly if buffered. However, it’s prone to becoming stale.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
60 65 N/A N/A N/A

Back Throw

After grabbing,

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Collateral 4.0 9-10 43 45 -28 to -27 all invincible 1-11
Throw 5.0 11 43 45 N/A all invincible 1-11
  • Sports a collateral hitbox on frame 9.

Strictly a positioning throw, useful for reversing Mii Brawler and the opponent’s positioning and setting up for edgeguards and ledgetraps.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Collateral 50 130 N/A N/A 5
Throw 70 60 N/A N/A N/A

Up Throw

After grabbing,

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
11.0 16 40 93 N/A all invincible 1-16

While not a strong combo or kill throw, Up Throw sets up for juggles while dealing the most individual damage out of any of Mii Brawler’s throws, making it useful center stage at high percents.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
100 30 N/A N/A N/A

Down Throw

After grabbing,

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Collateral 2.0 18-19 36 361 -14 to -13 all invincible 1-20
Throw 4.0 20 36 80 N/A all invincible 1-20
  • Sports a collateral hitbox on frame 18.

Mii Brawler’s best combo throw, converting into much of his kit for damage or kills up until about 100% against most characters. Its collateral hitbox combined with its invulnerability allow it to interact with nearby opponents and tools without interrupting the attack, making it an excellent option to close in on characters like Snake without fear of interference. Additionally, it kills off the top around 200%, making it a good last-resort kill option.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Collateral 80 40 N/A N/A 3
Throw 65 120 N/A N/A N/A

Misc. Attacks

Ledge Attack

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
9.0 23-25 56 45 -23 to -21 all intangible 1-25
  • PlaceHolder

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
90 20 N/A N/A 9

Getup Attack

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Up 7.0 16-21 46 48 -22 to -17 all intangible 1-21
Down 7.0 16-21 46 48 -22 to -17 all intangible 1-21

It's a Getup Attack.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Up 80 48 N/A N/A 7
Down 80 48 N/A N/A 7

Trip Attack

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
5.0 19-32 50 361 -24 to -11 all intangible 1-7
  • PlaceHolder

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
60 50 N/A N/A 6


To edit frame data, edit values in SSBU/Mii Brawler/Data.
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