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SSBU/Yoshi/Strategy: Difference between revisions

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Yoshi has a kit geared mostly towards direct offense with movement to support both it and defensive capabilities. With that said, he can be somewhat linear and his range is exploitable. The player will need to be comfortable using all of his tools on the fly and have a strong sense of spacing - not just for his moves, but in regards to his position relative to the opponent, stage positioning, and managing burst range interactions. He's not quite built to dominate neutral and the player may often find empty movement to be more effective than pressing buttons as smarter opponents will try to abuse his few shortcomings. Patience and observing the opponent's habits in interactions is ideal and will allow Yoshi to pick his spots to land combo starters that lead to massive damage or secure a KO. Despite having a weaker neutral than plenty of other offensively-oriented characters, he doesn't suffer from a common weakness of relying on specific confirms and struggling to KO otherwise if the opponent avoids them or falls out of percent range - he has many confirms and a high amount of raw KO power. The issue is landing the hit.
Yoshi is not a particularly poke-heavy character - that is, he doesn't benefit too much from swiping at the opponent from a safe range and much prefers to close the gap for direct pressure. His two poking tools to rely on are his Dtilt and in certain scenarios his jab. The former is a very useful low sweep that shrinks Yoshi's profile and at low-mid percents sends opponents at the ground, giving fast-fallers infamously little time to react unless they are paying close attention; relatively floaty characters like Jigglypuff and Luigi can hold up to avoid the ground outright depending on the percent. Regardless, it makes for a crucial tool for Yoshi, particularly in matchups where the opponent makes an effort to prevent him from getting past their range or recklessly runs up on him. It works fairly well if you can manage some degree of precision to get past moves like Lucina's' landing fair while also being able to check aggressive dashes in to his space if used pre-emptively. The resulting tech chase is generally highly fruitful for Yoshi, which in turn means the return on this move can be very high for Yoshi despite not being too committal; missed techs can be instantly converted off of with sliding ftilt and dsmash while any opponent who gets jab locked is at his mercy.
Jab is a quick frame 3 move, making it fairly useful in scramble situations, but unlike other quick jabs it's one of the safest in the game. It isn't enough to make it spammable or reliable as a shield pressure tool, but being -11 is generally not bad for Yoshi unless the opponent has a very strong and fast punish. While it's difficult and not frequently worth it, jab can also be spaced outside of moves like Mario's shield grab. Unfortunately, spacing this move will often put Yoshi at risk of hitting the outer hitbox of the move, preventing any true follow-ups and even allowing the opponent to shield in between hits if they're buffering it.
'''Air to Air'''
This is an inconsistent area for Yoshi but not an outright weakness. He generally lacks the hitboxes to contest with many aerials thrown out in this area, and he'll find himself outright losing to most disjointed moves while also losing to or trading with moves like Peach's nair or Kirby's fair with regularity depending on what he's trying to use. In general, Fair, Nair, and Bair will be the moves of choice for this area of neutral, and each has a different use. Fair requires the most finesse of the three but can also have the best reward. As his slowest normal that exposes a negative disjoint for half its duration, it can easily lose to quicker, bigger moves. The secret to success with it in these situations is to avoid the hitboxes entirely using its hurtbox shift during the startup so that he's only exposed when the opponent's move is no longer active or has whiffed. These interactions typically happen too fast to humanly react to so the player must anticipate and utilize Yoshi's high horizontal airspeed to help him weave around attacks. Nair is similar in that it will likely lose to most moves that are active against it. Unlike fair, however, it is one of the fastest aerials in the game while being decently active - the key here is not to battle against another move but to essentially intrude on the opponent's airspace where they'll want to jump, catching them with what will likely be a late hitbox of nair and potentially starting a combo or leading to a late grounded follow-up/nair. Lastly, bair is his best tool at contesting other buttons in aerial duels. It's not consistently active but the third hitbox has a large hitbox that can be used to truly outrange non-disjointed moves.
Rather than trying to fight other hitboxes, Yoshi can also take the route of pre-emptively attacking the space the opponent will be with his air mobility and versatile aerials. Slightly delayed rising dair is an all-time classic, as it will catch opponents spamming predictable full or even short hops and allow Yoshi to autocancel on landing and convert into uair at low-mid percents. Fair can be used similarly. Getting caught by either of these will typically make a lasting impression and potentially discourage the opponent from jumping so much to prepare a landing aerial.
If it's preferred that Yoshi doesn't take to the air to counter an aerial approach, he has a great suite of anti-air tools. His Utilt is similar to his dtilt in that it low profiles him, although to a lesser degree. The front hit of Utilt typically whiffs against most standing opponents but will catch a character rising into their jump once they've left their jumpsquat animation - this requires good anticipation as an opponent shielding this or not jumping can get a strong punish. Reverse utilt may be more desirable as it leads to great confirms with the most reliable being uair. The reverse hit will reach quite low behind Yoshi and with its latest possible hit is potentially twice as safe as the initial hit on shield. Usmash is a strong option that is both relatively quick and capable of beating out most descending options from an opponent thanks to the intangibility granted to his foot. While the move is somewhat notorious for never getting the KO when Yoshi needs it most, it is still fairly strong and at a little over 100 it can be quite effective when hitting airborne opponents (this will also scoop rising opponents thanks to its animation). Fsmash is potentially the most extreme option he has for anti-airing. While whiffing this is quite bad for Yoshi, the reward is immense. The intangibility granted to his entire head allows him to blow through many attacks including the average disjoint and the hurtbox shift on his head during the charge animation can cause some infuriating whiffs for the opponent. The hit itself is incredibly strong, and leads to early KOs at ledge. Pivot grab can also be helpful against close-range characters with somewhat predictable opponents like Roy, where the high active frames and disjointed tongue can catch many extended hurtboxes.
'''Shield Pressure'''

Revision as of 01:31, 10 June 2023


Gameplan Summary

Yoshi's great speed and versatile moveset gives him the freedom of being able to adapt his neutral to any matchup. In general, Yoshi gets the mileage off point-blank aerials that he can use to start combos, initiate KO confirms, pressure shields, or launch the opponent offstage for an edgeguard or ledgetrap sequence. Against characters that are more oppressive in close quarters, such as Kirby or Ken, he will look to keep them at some length, poking at them with his longest range tools such as Dtilt and Bair. Conversely, characters that benefit from walling or zoning will see Yoshi closing the gap to make them uncomfortable using their tools and force a mistake out of them which he can convert into big damage.

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Yoshi has a kit geared mostly towards direct offense with movement to support both it and defensive capabilities. With that said, he can be somewhat linear and his range is exploitable. The player will need to be comfortable using all of his tools on the fly and have a strong sense of spacing - not just for his moves, but in regards to his position relative to the opponent, stage positioning, and managing burst range interactions. He's not quite built to dominate neutral and the player may often find empty movement to be more effective than pressing buttons as smarter opponents will try to abuse his few shortcomings. Patience and observing the opponent's habits in interactions is ideal and will allow Yoshi to pick his spots to land combo starters that lead to massive damage or secure a KO. Despite having a weaker neutral than plenty of other offensively-oriented characters, he doesn't suffer from a common weakness of relying on specific confirms and struggling to KO otherwise if the opponent avoids them or falls out of percent range - he has many confirms and a high amount of raw KO power. The issue is landing the hit.

Pokes Yoshi is not a particularly poke-heavy character - that is, he doesn't benefit too much from swiping at the opponent from a safe range and much prefers to close the gap for direct pressure. His two poking tools to rely on are his Dtilt and in certain scenarios his jab. The former is a very useful low sweep that shrinks Yoshi's profile and at low-mid percents sends opponents at the ground, giving fast-fallers infamously little time to react unless they are paying close attention; relatively floaty characters like Jigglypuff and Luigi can hold up to avoid the ground outright depending on the percent. Regardless, it makes for a crucial tool for Yoshi, particularly in matchups where the opponent makes an effort to prevent him from getting past their range or recklessly runs up on him. It works fairly well if you can manage some degree of precision to get past moves like Lucina's' landing fair while also being able to check aggressive dashes in to his space if used pre-emptively. The resulting tech chase is generally highly fruitful for Yoshi, which in turn means the return on this move can be very high for Yoshi despite not being too committal; missed techs can be instantly converted off of with sliding ftilt and dsmash while any opponent who gets jab locked is at his mercy.

Jab is a quick frame 3 move, making it fairly useful in scramble situations, but unlike other quick jabs it's one of the safest in the game. It isn't enough to make it spammable or reliable as a shield pressure tool, but being -11 is generally not bad for Yoshi unless the opponent has a very strong and fast punish. While it's difficult and not frequently worth it, jab can also be spaced outside of moves like Mario's shield grab. Unfortunately, spacing this move will often put Yoshi at risk of hitting the outer hitbox of the move, preventing any true follow-ups and even allowing the opponent to shield in between hits if they're buffering it.

Air to Air This is an inconsistent area for Yoshi but not an outright weakness. He generally lacks the hitboxes to contest with many aerials thrown out in this area, and he'll find himself outright losing to most disjointed moves while also losing to or trading with moves like Peach's nair or Kirby's fair with regularity depending on what he's trying to use. In general, Fair, Nair, and Bair will be the moves of choice for this area of neutral, and each has a different use. Fair requires the most finesse of the three but can also have the best reward. As his slowest normal that exposes a negative disjoint for half its duration, it can easily lose to quicker, bigger moves. The secret to success with it in these situations is to avoid the hitboxes entirely using its hurtbox shift during the startup so that he's only exposed when the opponent's move is no longer active or has whiffed. These interactions typically happen too fast to humanly react to so the player must anticipate and utilize Yoshi's high horizontal airspeed to help him weave around attacks. Nair is similar in that it will likely lose to most moves that are active against it. Unlike fair, however, it is one of the fastest aerials in the game while being decently active - the key here is not to battle against another move but to essentially intrude on the opponent's airspace where they'll want to jump, catching them with what will likely be a late hitbox of nair and potentially starting a combo or leading to a late grounded follow-up/nair. Lastly, bair is his best tool at contesting other buttons in aerial duels. It's not consistently active but the third hitbox has a large hitbox that can be used to truly outrange non-disjointed moves.

Rather than trying to fight other hitboxes, Yoshi can also take the route of pre-emptively attacking the space the opponent will be with his air mobility and versatile aerials. Slightly delayed rising dair is an all-time classic, as it will catch opponents spamming predictable full or even short hops and allow Yoshi to autocancel on landing and convert into uair at low-mid percents. Fair can be used similarly. Getting caught by either of these will typically make a lasting impression and potentially discourage the opponent from jumping so much to prepare a landing aerial.

Anti-air If it's preferred that Yoshi doesn't take to the air to counter an aerial approach, he has a great suite of anti-air tools. His Utilt is similar to his dtilt in that it low profiles him, although to a lesser degree. The front hit of Utilt typically whiffs against most standing opponents but will catch a character rising into their jump once they've left their jumpsquat animation - this requires good anticipation as an opponent shielding this or not jumping can get a strong punish. Reverse utilt may be more desirable as it leads to great confirms with the most reliable being uair. The reverse hit will reach quite low behind Yoshi and with its latest possible hit is potentially twice as safe as the initial hit on shield. Usmash is a strong option that is both relatively quick and capable of beating out most descending options from an opponent thanks to the intangibility granted to his foot. While the move is somewhat notorious for never getting the KO when Yoshi needs it most, it is still fairly strong and at a little over 100 it can be quite effective when hitting airborne opponents (this will also scoop rising opponents thanks to its animation). Fsmash is potentially the most extreme option he has for anti-airing. While whiffing this is quite bad for Yoshi, the reward is immense. The intangibility granted to his entire head allows him to blow through many attacks including the average disjoint and the hurtbox shift on his head during the charge animation can cause some infuriating whiffs for the opponent. The hit itself is incredibly strong, and leads to early KOs at ledge. Pivot grab can also be helpful against close-range characters with somewhat predictable opponents like Roy, where the high active frames and disjointed tongue can catch many extended hurtboxes.

Shield Pressure




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