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|attack=Dash Attack
|attack=Dash Attack
|description={{clr|tilt|Dash Attack}} is one of Meta Knight's main ladder starters, and as such a lot of new Meta Knights fall into the trap of mashing the ever living hell out of it in neutral. This is generally a pretty bad idea, since it's fairly unsafe on block and whiff, and you will likely get clapped for doing it versus an opponent who knows what they're doing (or just has the braincells to not run into it headfirst). It can cross up shield if hit at point blank, but this doesn't add all that much to its safety. Additionally, if the opponent takes the hit, you'll be spaced for them to get hit by the absolute worst part of {{clr|tilt|Dash Attack}} to combo off of, so doing this isn't super recommended.

{{clr|tilt|Dash Attack}} has three hitboxes, all of which launch at different angles. The innermost hitbox launches the most horizontally, the outermost (tipper) hitbox launches straight upwards, and the middle hitbox launches at an angle between the innermost and tipper hitbox. Generally, to start ladders, one should aim to hit the tipper hitbox, as its launch angle makes it the easiest to combo off of and the least prone to DI out of the three. The other hitboxes will not reliably combo, as DI out will deny Meta Knight of most true followups off of non-tipper {{clr|tilt|Dash Attack}} if the opponent is past very early percents.

Depending on the opponent's percent and weight, the best followup off of {{clr|tilt|Dash Attack}} will be shorthop {{clr|aerial|Uair}}, IDJ {{clr|aerial|Uair}}, or fullhop {{clr|aerial|Uair}}. You'll most likely also have to microdash forwards before jumping to cover DI out, especially as your opponent gets closer to the end of {{clr|tilt|Dash Attack}}'s combo window.

In addition to the 3 most common followups, fullhop double jump {{clr|aerial|Uair}} can be used to extend ladder windows slightly past when they would normally end. Although it isn't incredibly common to need, it's a good tool to have in your arsenal to make your early-percent punish game as deadly as possible.

At low percents, one can also perform {{clr|tilt|Dash Attack}} > {{clr|smash|Up Smash}} for quick and easy damage. From 0%, this combo puts most characters at a good percent to ladder off of, so it can be good for beginners or those who land a very low-percent dash attack that they can't perform a full ladder off of.

At ~70%, tipper {{clr|tilt|Dash Attack}} combos into {{clr|special|Shuttle Loop}} for a powerful kill confirm. Note that one will need to jump before performing {{clr|special|Shuttle Loop}} once their opponent gets into the early-mid percents of this confirm's percent range, or the combo won't connect.

Revision as of 10:08, 14 April 2023


Meta Knight
Spotdodge:The duration and intangibility of this character's on-spot dodges.24F (3~16F intangible)
Air Dodge:The intangibility of this character's air dodges, both neutral and directional.2~26F intangible (Neutral)
2~19F intangble (Directional)
Unique Recovery Options:Recovery options that this character may have other than their Up Special.5 Air Jumps
Mach Tornado
Drill Rush
Dimensional Cape
Fastest OOS:DAir (7F)
Meta Knight (MK) is a small, evasive character who can end stocks incredibly quickly. He specializes in early-percent death combos, called ladder and bridge combos, which enable him to kill an opponent off of just one or two hits. These combos are generally started off of his Dash Attack and dThrow, or a landing aerial (most commonly Nair) into one of the previously mentioned options, and consist of repeated usage of his Uair and/or Dair to drag the opponent close to a blastzone in tandem with his many double jumps before ending with a finisher (common ones are Shuttle Loop, Fair, Nair, and Bair) in order to secure the kill.

Aside from early-percent death combos, Meta Knight also specializes in edgeguarding. His Dair is quite spammable and sends at a nasty angle, able to gimp opponents, his Nair is a lingering Nair with a lot of active frames that's a great option if one is unsure exactly where the opponent will recover to, or if one isn't confident in their ability to Dair an opponent's recovery due to its relatively precise hitbox. Bair is an absolutely disgusting kill move if used offstage, but has less utility than Dair or Nair due to its much longer endlag in comparison to its amount of active frames. Mach Tornado is great for when Meta Knight is out of jumps but still wants to extend his offstage pressure, such as after a ladder or bridge that didn't kill. Its massive hitbox, insane amount of active frames, high knockback, and windbox that pulls in opponents makes it a very hard option for most characters to deal with, but one must be careful using it offstage as it doesn't snap to ledge while the hitbox is active (or for a considerable amount of time after the hitbox is no longer active), making it easy to SD with if you're not careful.

Meta Knight is somewhat of a glass cannon, packing a devastating punch with his early-percent death combos and terrifying edgeguarding, but being very light and easy to kill in exchange.
Pros Cons
  • Good Frame Data: Most of Meta Knight's attacks start up fast and have little endlag on them.
  • Touch of Death: Meta Knight is designed to kill off of just one or two neutral wins. This results in him having an explosive punish game at low percents, able to wipe away stocks off of a single hit at anywhere from 0-30% with his ladder and bridge combos.
  • Mobile: Meta Knight has quite decent ground mobility across the board, having a top 11 initial dash, top 16 run speed, and top 25 walk speed. Additionally, although his air speed is quite middling compared to the average character, his five air jumps and good air speed for a multi-jump character allow him to have extremely flexible air mobility. Combined, these factors enable Meta Knight to get wherever he needs to be in a timely manner, whether it's in his opponent's face or far offstage.
  • Recovery Extraordinaire: Meta Knight can use all of his specials for recovery and has 5 midair jumps, giving him both incredible recovery distance and an insane amount of mixups, whether it be stalling with his 5 jumps to change up his recovery timing or approaching ledge at any angle he pleases with clever use of his specials to get back to stage unharmed.
  • Offstage Warrior: Meta Knight’s flexible and high-distance recovery allows him to go for edgeguards that other characters can only dream of and still comfortably make it back to stage. Most of his aerials have low launch angles and high enough knockback to gimp or straight out kill if used to edgeguard (notably, Dair is an excellent gimping tool and can also kill confirm into Bair offstage to steal stocks incredibly early), and Mach Tornado can be used to exert additional offstage pressure after all of Meta Knight’s jumps have been expended due to its high knockback, high amount of active frames, windbox that pulls in opponents, large hitbox, and long horizontal travel distance.
  • Featherweight: Meta Knight is one of the lightest characters in the game, being tied with Zero Suit Samus for the 7th lightest. This means that he tends to die much earlier on average than most characters.
  • Dead Zone: Past ladder percents and before Meta Knight's kill confirms and kill moves start killing, he has trouble threatening his opponent onstage as his true combos other than his ladders and bridges tend to be semi limited and fairly low-damage. During this threat deadzone, Meta Knight generally has to focus on slowly racking up damage until he leaves this threat deadzone, or getting his opponent offstage where he can once again be threatening.
  • Poor Air-to-Air: Meta Knight can struggle to challenge other fighters in the air due to his low active frames and poor startup-to-range ratio on his sword aerials compared to other swordfighters.
  • Combo Food: Despite his small standing hurtbox, Meta Knight’s tumble hurtbox is extremely large compared to his normal hurtbox, making him easier to combo than one would expect. His semi-fast fall speed also doesn't do him any favors in that regard.
  • Short Active Frames: A good portion of Meta Knight’s normals and aerials (including many of the ones he likes to use often) have extremely low active frames, often just one or two frames, forcing him to be much more precise than most characters to get his hits in.
  • High Execution: Meta Knight’s ladder and bridge combos have different routes depending on the fall speed, gravity, and percent of the character he’s comboing, requiring the player to react to their position and adjust accordingly for every hit of the combo. As such, a large part of Meta Knight’s combo game is developing a feel for how his combos work rather than learning set routes. Additionally, Meta Knight must also react and adjust accordingly to his opponent's SDI during his death combos, adding an extra layer of mastery that must be acquired over his combo game to play him proficiently.

Normal Moves


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Rapid Jab 1.0 4/7/10/... 22 361 N/A N/A
Rapid Jab Finisher 2.0 3 30 361 -24 N/A

Jab is a fast but committal option. It deals excellent damage for how fast it comes out, often 20% or more. It can be combo'd into out of dTilt at mid percents for a bit of quick and easy damage. Past that, it also excels at anti-airing shorthops and screwing over certain recoveries, in particular recoveries that don't snap to ledge (such as Chrom's Soaring Slash and Terry's Rising Tackle), since it hits slightly below ledge, is fairly disjointed, is a rapidly-hitting multihit (making it very pseudo-active), and launches at a low angle. Despite its strengths, one should aim to use it intelligently and sparingly, as it's highly punishable if whiffed.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Rapid Jab 10 30 N/A N/A 5
Rapid Jab Finisher 60 140 N/A N/A 3

Forward Tilt

/ +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Forward Tilt 1 2.0 6 25 68/88 -16 N/A
Forward Tilt 2 2.0 2 27 60/85 -22 N/A
Forward Tilt 3 4.0 2 30 60/85 -25 N/A

fTilt is a 3-hit rekka type move. Each hit is progressively less safe on shield and whiff compared to the previous one. If using tilt stick, it's recommended to input the first hit of fTilt with the stick, then to use A (or whatever your bound attack button is) to input the last 2 hits.

Sends at a shallow angle and has quite decent launching power, so it can be used to set up for edgeguards and to kill at higher percents by ledge. If spaced closer to the ledge, its initial hits can be used to hit some ledgehangs, which pairs well with its good launching power. Overall a quite decent move and pretty usable, but it lacks a clear niche in Meta Knight's kit. It's really up to the individual player to decide where they prefer to use fTilt, if at all.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Forward Tilt 1 25 20 N/A N/A 3
Forward Tilt 2 20 20 N/A N/A 3
Forward Tilt 3 20 20 N/A N/A 3

Up Tilt


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Sweetspot 7.0 9-14 34 95 -18 to -13 N/A
Clean Hit, Sourspot 6.0 9-10 34 95 -19 to -18 N/A
Late Hit, Sourspot 5.0 11-14 34 85 -17 to -14 N/A

uTilt is a sword poke above Meta Knight. It's quite active, but fairly small and outclassed by many of MK's other moves and as such is rather limited in use. Its main usage comes from extending ladders should you land on a platform without enough distance between you and your opponent to combo into another Uair, anti-airing opponents trying to land on you with short range nairs (Such as Fox, Mii Brawler, and Mario's Nairs), and kill-confirming into Shuttle Loop.

Note that uTilt's combo ability is fairly poor (and sometimes nonexistent) if one lands an early hit, and that it's much easier to combo off of should one land the move much later into its animation.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Sweetspot 60 90 N/A N/A 7
Clean Hit, Sourspot 60 90 N/A N/A 6
Late Hit, Sourspot 35 120 N/A N/A 6

Down Tilt


DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
5.0 3-4 18 361 -9 to -8 N/A

dTilt is a quick low thrust, great for safely poking opponents at mid-close range. It's technically not safe on shield, but given its low shieldstun, fast startup, and low endlag, Meta Knight can get away with poking his opponent's shield as one dTilt on shield will not be reactable.

  • Trips at low percents, although given the semi-low trip chance (roughly 25%) and that fact that you can't react to the move not tripping (meaning, if you try to react to a trip and it doesn't happen, you'll just stand there like an idiot and probably get hit), it's generally not a great idea to specifically use it to fish for trips. However, if you do happen to get a trip, the trip itself is reactable and you should be able to combo off of it. Additionally, one can dash back or fullhop after landing a dTilt then punish a trip on reaction, circumventing the standing there like an idiot issue.
  • After early percents (~30%), it'll start comboing into Jab, dSmash, and itself, then into Dash Attack > Shuttle Loop for a potent kill confirm at high-mid percents (~70%). Additionally, at higher percents (~100%), it sends into a tech situation. dTilt techchase into reverse dSmash is a commonly used and powerful kill setup for MK, and one that's well worth learning.
  • Additionally, it has a specific air-only hitbox that covers a bit of MK's sword hand and hits slightly higher than the ground hitbox. This hitbox does quite literally nothing else differently than the ground hitbox, and will just be useless 99% of the time, as it just isn't high enough off of the ground to hit aerial opponents. This hitbox is a failure and a disappointment to its family, and should be ashamed.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
15 88 N/A N/A 6

Dash Attack

while dashing or running

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
7.0/6.0Foot/Tip 7-11 32 60/70/80 -18 to -14/-19 to -15 N/A

Dash Attack is one of Meta Knight's main ladder starters, and as such a lot of new Meta Knights fall into the trap of mashing the ever living hell out of it in neutral. This is generally a pretty bad idea, since it's fairly unsafe on block and whiff, and you will likely get clapped for doing it versus an opponent who knows what they're doing (or just has the braincells to not run into it headfirst). It can cross up shield if hit at point blank, but this doesn't add all that much to its safety. Additionally, if the opponent takes the hit, you'll be spaced for them to get hit by the absolute worst part of Dash Attack to combo off of, so doing this isn't super recommended.

Dash Attack has three hitboxes, all of which launch at different angles. The innermost hitbox launches the most horizontally, the outermost (tipper) hitbox launches straight upwards, and the middle hitbox launches at an angle between the innermost and tipper hitbox. Generally, to start ladders, one should aim to hit the tipper hitbox, as its launch angle makes it the easiest to combo off of and the least prone to DI out of the three. The other hitboxes will not reliably combo, as DI out will deny Meta Knight of most true followups off of non-tipper Dash Attack if the opponent is past very early percents.

Depending on the opponent's percent and weight, the best followup off of Dash Attack will be shorthop Uair, IDJ Uair, or fullhop Uair. You'll most likely also have to microdash forwards before jumping to cover DI out, especially as your opponent gets closer to the end of Dash Attack's combo window.

In addition to the 3 most common followups, fullhop double jump Uair can be used to extend ladder windows slightly past when they would normally end. Although it isn't incredibly common to need, it's a good tool to have in your arsenal to make your early-percent punish game as deadly as possible.

At low percents, one can also perform Dash Attack > Up Smash for quick and easy damage. From 0%, this combo puts most characters at a good percent to ladder off of, so it can be good for beginners or those who land a very low-percent dash attack that they can't perform a full ladder off of.

At ~70%, tipper Dash Attack combos into Shuttle Loop for a powerful kill confirm. Note that one will need to jump before performing Shuttle Loop once their opponent gets into the early-mid percents of this confirm's percent range, or the combo won't connect.

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
65/67 107 N/A N/A 7/6

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash

/ +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
16.024 charged 24 41 361 -6-2 charged N/A

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
30 108/98 N/A N/A 115 charged

Up Smash


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 4.06 charged 8 49 366/130 -37-36 charged N/A
Hit 2 3.04.5 charged 12 49 366/130 -34-33 charged N/A
Hit 3 5.07.5 charged 17 49 85/90 -28-26 charged N/A

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 30 FKB 100 N/A N/A 43 charged
Hit 2 30 FKB 100 N/A N/A 33 charged
Hit 3 65 148 N/A N/A 43 charged

Down Smash


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Front Hit 10.015 charged 4 37 35 -26-23 charged N/A
Back Hit 13.019.5 charged 9 37 35 -19-15 charged N/A

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Front Hit 50 77 N/A N/A 74 charged
Back Hit 50 78 N/A N/A 95 charged


Neutral Aerial


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Clean 10.0 6-7 43 361 -3 N/A
Late 7.5 8-20 43 361 -4 N/A

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Clean 40 100 7 ? 4
Late 40 100 7 ? 3

Forward Aerial

Airborne +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 2.0 9 39 367/70/60 -8 N/A
Hit 2 2.0 12 39 367/70/60 -8 N/A
Hit 3 3.0 15 39 48 -8 N/A

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 40 FKB/65 FKB 100 10 ? 2
Hit 2 40 FKB/65 FKB 100 10 ? 2
Hit 3 60 140 10 ? 2

Back Aerial

Airborne +

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 2.0 7-8 51 367/55 -9 N/A
Hit 2 2.0 13-14 51 367/55 -9 N/A
Hit 3 4.0 20-21 51 361 -8 N/A

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 90 FKB/55 FKB 100 11 ? 2
Hit 2 90 FKB/55 FKB 100 11 ? 2
Hit 3 30 198 11 ? 3

Up Aerial

Airborne +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
4.0 6 26 67/50 -6 N/A

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
30 128 9 ? 3

Down Aerial

Airborne +

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
6.0 4 27 35/50 -6 N/A

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
30 108 9 ? 3

Special Moves

Mach Tornado

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
12.0/0.0/8.0Clean/Windbox/Late N/A 361 361/180 -81 N/A

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
90/30/70 44/100/60 N/A N/A 11/2/8

Drill Rush

/ + (angleable)

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Multihits x11 1.1x11 26-69 97 363/367/30/365 N/A N/A
Final Hit 3.0 70 97 40 -24 N/A

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Multihits x11 45 FKB/30 FKB/25 50 26 N/A 2
Final Hit 40 185 26 N/A 4

Shuttle Loop


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Ground, Hit 1 Clean 9.0 8 64 86/88 -47 N/A
Ground, Hit 1 Late 6.0 9 64 86 -49 N/A
Ground, Hit 1 Latest 6.0 10-12 64 84 -48 to -46 N/A
Ground, Hit 2 6.0 22-27 64 80 -36 to -31 N/A
Aerial, Hit 1 Clean 6.0 7-8 63 88/86 -50 to -49 N/A
Aerial, Hit 1 Late 6.0 9-10 63 86 -48 to -47 N/A
Aerial, Hit 2 6.0 20-26 63 80 -37 to -31 N/A

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Ground, Hit 1 Clean 125 FKB/120 FKB 120 N/A N/A 9
Ground, Hit 1 Late 100 FKB 120 N/A N/A 6
Ground, Hit 1 Latest 68 FKB 100 N/A N/A 6
Ground, Hit 2 55 130 N/A N/A 6
Aerial, Hit 1 Clean 116 FKB/110 FKB 120 N/A N/A 6
Aerial, Hit 1 Late 80 FKB 100 N/A N/A 6
Aerial, Hit 2 55 118 N/A N/A 6

Dimensional Cape


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Ground Forward 13.0 6 64 53 -46 N/A
Ground Backward 15.0 6 64 53 -44 N/A
Air Forward 14.0 6 64 53 -45 N/A
Air Backward 16.0 6 64 53 -44 N/A

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Ground Forward 40 98 N/A N/A 12
Ground Backward 40 98 N/A N/A 14
Air Forward 40 98 N/A N/A 13
Air Backward 40 98 N/A N/A 14

Grabs & Throws


Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Standing N/A 7-8 36 N/A N/A N/A
Dash N/A 11-12 44 N/A N/A N/A
Pivot N/A 12-13 37 N/A N/A N/A
Pummel 1.0 1 5 361 -2 N/A

Standing Grab

Pivot Grab (While Dashing, / > )

Dash Grab (While Dashing, )

Pummel (After grabbing, )

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Standing N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dash N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pivot N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pummel 30 FKB 100 N/A N/A 2

Forward Throw

After grabbing,

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 6.0 8-9 27 40 -13 to -12 all invincible 1-10
Throw 3.0 10 27 65 N/A all invincible 1-10

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 10 100 N/A N/A 6
Throw 50 140 N/A N/A N/A

Back Throw

After grabbing,

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 7.0 16-17 34 45 -11 to -10 all invincible 1-18
Throw 3.0 18 34 45 N/A all invincible 1-18

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 10 100 N/A N/A 7
Throw 60 140 N/A N/A N/A

Up Throw

After grabbing,

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Hit 1 7.0 42-45 77 65 -28 to -25 all invincible 1-46
Throw 10.0 46 77 77 N/A all invincible 1-46

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Hit 1 85 150 N/A N/A 7
Throw 70 76 N/A N/A N/A

Down Throw

After grabbing,

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Multihits x9 0.5x9 11 - 13/17 - 19/23 - 25/29 - 31/35 - 37/41 - 43/47 - 49/53 - 55 86 270 NaN all invincible 1-75
Final Hit 1.0 73-74 86 70 -11 to -10 all invincible 1-75
Throw 2.0 75 86 60 N/A all invincible 1-75

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Multihits x9 10 FKB 100 N/A N/A 2
Final Hit 60 200 N/A N/A 2
Throw 50 170 N/A N/A N/A

Misc. Attacks

Ledge Attack

while holding the ledge

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
9.0 25-27 55 45 -21 to -19 all intangible 1-27
  • PlaceHolder

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
90 20 N/A N/A 9

Getup Attack

after getting knocked down

Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
Facing Up 7.0 16-25 45 48 -22 to -13 all intangible 1-25
Facing Down 7.0 16-25 45 48 -22 to -13 all intangible 1-25

It's a Getup Attack.

Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
Facing Up 80 48 N/A N/A 7
Facing Down 80 48 N/A N/A 7

Trip Attack

after tripping

DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.
5.0 19-26 49 361 -24 to -17 all intangible 1-7
  • PlaceHolder

Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier
60 50 N/A N/A 6


To edit frame data, edit values in SSBU/Meta Knight/Data.
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