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SSBU/Dark Pit/Data

From Dragdown
< SSBU‎ | Dark Pit
(Redirected from Dark Pit/Data)


Character Stats

IconCharacterWeightNeutral Air DodgeNeutral Air Dodge TotalDirectional Air DodgeDirectional Air Dodge TotalJumpsquatShort Hop HeightFull Hop HeightDouble Jump Height
Dark Pit----3F---
Short Hop DurationFull Hop DurationShort Hop Fast Fall DurationFull Hop Fast Fall DurationTotal JumpsGravityFall SpeedFast Fall SpeedHard Landing FramesAir Speed
Base Air AccelerationAdditional Air AccelerationMax Air AccelerationWalk SpeedInitial DashRun SpeedDash FramesPivot Dash FramesBackwards RollsForward Rolls
Spot Dodge Total Frames (Cancel/Full)Spot Dodge Intangible FramesGrab Range

Silver Bow

Dark Pit
Silver Bow
Silver Bow
File:SSBU Dark Pit DarkPitSilverBowMinimum 0.pngFile:SSBU Dark Pit DarkPitSilverBowMinimum 0 hb.webm
DamageTotal FramesFrames ActiveAngleBase Knockback
5.514.0 fully charged-16~454
Knockback GrowthFixed KnockbackShield SafetyLanding LagAutocancel
88--23-20 fully charged--
ProtectionHitlag MultiplierSDI MultiplierBonus Shield DamageRehit Count
Shield LagShieldstunDirect HitboxClang ReboundHit Effect
Can be charged
Release can be delayed up to 76F
Total frames vary based on which version is used (Ground vs Air + Straight vs Up)
Put the hitbox in full screen in order to see anything

Electroshock Arm

Ground dash
Dark Pit
Electroshock Arm
Ground Dash
File:SSBU Dark Pit DarkPitUpperdashArmG 0.pngFile:SSBU Dark Pit DarkPitUpperdashArmG 0 hb.webm
DamageTotal FramesFrames ActiveAngleBase Knockback
--16~35 Reflect3610
Knockback GrowthFixed KnockbackShield SafetyLanding LagAutocancel
ProtectionHitlag MultiplierSDI MultiplierBonus Shield DamageRehit Count
super armor 11~26----
Shield LagShieldstunDirect HitboxClang ReboundHit Effect
Worst reflector in the entire game
Ground hit
Dark Pit
Electroshock Arm
Ground Hit
File:SSBU Dark Pit DarkPitElectroshockArmHitG 0.pngFile:SSBU Dark Pit DarkPitElectroshockArmHitG 0 hb.webm
DamageTotal FramesFrames ActiveAngleBase Knockback
Knockback GrowthFixed KnockbackShield SafetyLanding LagAutocancel
ProtectionHitlag MultiplierSDI MultiplierBonus Shield DamageRehit Count
Shield LagShieldstunDirect HitboxClang ReboundHit Effect
Ground hit
Dark Pit's only way to kill at 60
Aerial dash
Dark Pit
Electroshock Arm
Aerial dash
DamageTotal FramesFrames ActiveAngleBase Knockback
--19~35 Reflect361-
Knockback GrowthFixed KnockbackShield SafetyLanding LagAutocancel
ProtectionHitlag MultiplierSDI MultiplierBonus Shield DamageRehit Count
super armor 11~26----
Shield LagShieldstunDirect HitboxClang ReboundHit Effect
Aerial hit
Dark Pit
Electroshock Arm
Aerial Hit
File:SSBU Dark Pit DarkPitElectroshockArmHitA 0.pngFile:SSBU Dark Pit DarkPitElectroshockArmHitA 0 hb.webm
DamageTotal FramesFrames ActiveAngleBase Knockback
Knockback GrowthFixed KnockbackShield SafetyLanding LagAutocancel
ProtectionHitlag MultiplierSDI MultiplierBonus Shield DamageRehit Count
Shield LagShieldstunDirect HitboxClang ReboundHit Effect
Air hit


Dark Pit

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