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From Dragdown
Revision as of 18:26, 22 October 2022 by Naptec (talk | contribs) (→‎Overview: Un-Frenched the pros and cons, and reformulated some of them. I also added some more stats)


Spotdodge:The duration and intangibility of this character's on-spot dodges.-
Air Dodge:The intangibility of this character's air dodges, both neutral and directional.-
Fastest OOS:Dair (6f)
Snake is a character in SSBU.
Snake does things (Placeholder)
Pros Cons
  • Great Zoning: Snake has a combination of great projectiles and great normals. This allows him to easily keep his opponents away from him.
  • Oppressive Ledgetrap: Snake's C4 and Usmash allows him to cover most ledge options
  • Great Chip Damage: Most of Snake's attacks (normals and projectiles) hits fairly hard, allowing him to quickly rack up percents while zoning
  • Impenetrable Defense: Grenade and a 6f Dair OOS gives Snake one of the best defenses in the entire game.
  • Hard to Combo: Despite being combo food in terms of stats and hurtbox, Snake can easily break out of most combos with his frame 1 Neutral-B, making combos harder on him than on other characters.
  • Setplay: Snake's Dthrow allows him to start a loopable tech chase situation, which will eventually lead to a kill
  • Sluggish: Snake is one of the slowest characters in the game, both on the ground and in the air.
  • Struggles to Land Due to being a floaty character, Snake can have a rougher time getting back to the ground than average.
  • Exploitable Recovery: While Snake can theoretically recover from anywhere, his up-B moves him very slowly upwards, making him pretty vulnerable offstage.
  • High Endlag: Most of Snake's normals have lots of endlag, making him prone to whiff punishing
  • Self-Damage: While Snake's defensive and recovery options are extremely strong, they also force him to take damage in order to reset neutral

Normal Moves

(Page content goes here)


To edit frame data, edit values in SSBU/Snake/Data.

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