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From Dragdown

Gameplan Summary

Simon's gameplan revolves around his oppressive neutral with his whip and projectiles. Using fast, precise whip strikes and Cross to keep the opponent out and force them into a corner is Simon's main objective, as this is where he shines. By forcing his opponent to the ledge, he can begin ledgetrapping, keeping opponents there for potentially a long time or until the opponent loses their stock. Because of Simon's much less than favorable disadvantage, this gameplan must be carefully implemented, and Simon needs to make sure to keep as many bases covered as possible.


Simon's excellent space control is thanks to his whip and set of projectiles, all of which are tools that he can use to lock off parts of the screen and punish opponents for committing in neutral. The tools below are the most common and useful ones, but the majority of Simon's arsenal can have a place, no matter how niche, in his gameplan. Effective ranges are described in terms of roll distances (Short: <1, Medium: 1-2, Long: 2+)

Neutral ToolsKeep your opponent out and force them away!

  • Cross (Effective Range: Long)

Simon's best projectile in neutral and the one that covers the most space. Use it to cover the ground, at SH height to cover the air/platforms, or returning to go through other projectiles.

  • F-Tilt (Effective Range: Short-Medium)

Simon's least-committal neutral tool. Covers the ground in front of him well (with the exception of low-profiling moves) and sends into a techchase even at low percents.

  • F-Air/B-Air (Effective Range: Medium)

Simon's most versatile tool in neutral. Can be used approaching or retreating, can be angled up or down, and can be used rising or falling. A swiss-army knife that you should be careful not to cut yourself on since using it recklessly will get you punished.

  • (Dash) Grab (Effective Range: Short)

Simon's only unblockable. Use if an opponent is getting too comfortable shielding, as Simon is very weak to patient shield use. Keep in mind that Simon's grab is below average, but it's still necessary in a few situations.

Below this point are Simon's less valuable but still notable neutral moves.
  • N-Air (Effective Range: Short)

Simon's close-range air-to-air used to catch unsafe approaches and generally put hitboxes around him. Can either drag down or combo into DJ F-Air/B-Air.

  • D-Tilt1 (Effective Range: Short)

Simon's way of low-profiling some projectiles. Can tick throw if opponents are too comfortable shielding, expecting D-Tilt2, or lead into D-Tilt2 on those expecting the former. Sends at a fairly low angle.

  • Holy Water (Effective Range: Medium-High)

A wall that can be placed in between Simon and his opponent. Used mostly for punishing opponents for approaching too recklessly or condition an aerial approach. On a platform, can travel much farther.

Because of Simon's above average range, he benefits a lot from dashing back after a poke. A lot of Simon players will land with an aerial, create space by dashing back, then anticipate an approach with F-Tilt, and for good reason as well.


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Tips and Tricks

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