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== Ledgetrap ==
== Ledgetrap ==
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== Common Set-ups ==
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Revision as of 03:25, 10 July 2023

Meta Knight


General Notes

Because Smash Ultimate's combos are very freeform, the following strings aren't full combos (unless stated otherwise). Think of a Smash combo as a LEGO building, in which you assemble different strings of moves in order to achieve a big combo.

Example Combos

Combo Theory

Common combo starters

Fair 1, Nair, Bair, Up Air, Dash Attack, Down throw, Back Throw, Down Tilt, Up Tilt

Low Percents

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Mid Percents

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High Percents / Kill Confirms

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Juggling with Meta Knight is normally hitting a rising up air or fast fall up air to then combo into a ladder. Starting a ladder with an up air at a mid percent or high percent could result in a stock taken if finished with a strong enough finisher.


Meta Knight is one of the best characters in the game when it comes to edge guarding. He has 4 different options, depending on the situation.


Nair is a long lasting, strong aerial. It is the most versatile as it can be used in almost any scenario. However, there are normally better options as the move is not disjointed, and it puts MK in 23 frames of endlag. On the first two frames of the move, the hitbox is bigger and stronger. This move will kill relatively early when hit this way. The next 12 frames have a smaller and weaker hitbox, but the length of it can catch people off guard.


Dair is a fast, disjointed aerial. When edge guarding with Dair, he is able to use roughly two per second and can stay above the opponent the entire time as to not commit until necessary.

When using this move, note the percent of the opponent. If you are able to combo Dair into either another Dair or into Bair, make sure to face the stage. The back hitbox is the only hitbox that sends the opponent behind MK, and Bair is a stronger finisher than Fair.

If the opponent can't be combo'd out of a Dair, make sure to face towards the opponent. The middle hitbox sends at a lower angle than either of the other two hitboxes, making it easier to edge guard with.


Bair is MK's strongest aerial. The drawback to this aerial is the large amount of endlag (30 frames) and the fact that it is a multi-hit. If the first hit of the move trades with the opponent, it will send them downwards with a decent amount of lag, but usually not enough to warrant a trade. This move should only be used if Dair won't combo and Nair is too risky.

Mach Tornado

Mach Tornado is similar to Nair in that it is one long lasting hitbox. The move comes out on frame 12, twice as slow as Nair. This means that you cannot use this move against recoveries with disjoints, because if used to soon, the Nado hitbox will be too small, and if used to late, it won't come out in time. This move is typically used to edge guard teleport recoveries at ledge.


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Meta Knight

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