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From Dragdown
< SSBU‎ | Simon
(Redirected from SSBU/Simon/Advantage)

General Notes

Because Smash Ultimate's combos are very freeform, the following strings aren't full combos (unless stated otherwise). Think of a Smash combo as a LEGO building, in which you assemble different strings of moves in order to achieve a big combo. Most of these are true combos on an opponent who is not attempting to escape through DI or SDI. However, these strings/combos can still generally be considered freeform, as it is still possible to link the moves together even if the combo isn't true. Considering that this is a platform fighter, it is especially important to be aware of your and your opponent's position. Use this, along with the timing of offensive actions relative to the timing of your opponent's defensive actions, to determine whether a combo or string is possible.

For Simon, a lot of your damage will come from stray hits, mostly from moves such as Cross, F-Air/B-Air/U-Air, and F-Tilt. Although two-piece combos are fairly common for Simon, don't let going for them or more extravagant combos that require setup cause you to leave yourself open.

Unless stated otherwise, most combos generally do not have a solid variation of F-Air or B-Air that must be used in a combo. In those few cases where it does matter, the variation will be listed, but if just F-Air or B-Air is listed, you may use your own discretion as far as what variation should be used. This also goes for F-Smash, but this generally does not go for the variations of Axe.

Approximate percent ranges (nearest 5% unless stated otherwise) will be stated in the title. Mario will be used as the singular opponent (the 1.2x 1v1 multiplier is present) to determine approximate percent ranges for when a combo or string works due to his relatively average stats across the board. Assume that all moves are fresh. Remember that mechanics such as DI, SDI, Staling, and Rage can all influence the range and behavior of the combo. Exceptions to any rule will be stated in the one-liner.


  • > - True Followup, or go directly into next move
  • >> - False Followup (has gaps)
  • >* - True Followup, but very tight
  • delay - Delay the next move
  • FW - Forward (Toward opponent)
  • BW - Backward (Away from opponent)
  • Land - Must land before performing the next action
  • Walk(X) - Walk in X direction
  • Dash(X) - Dash in X direction
  • SH(X) - Shorthop in X direction
  • SH(X-Air) - Do a shorthop aerial X-Air
  • FH(X) - Fullhop in X direction
  • DJ(X) - Double Jump in X direction
  • FF - Fastfall
  • [X] - Charge X move.
  • RAR/IRAR - Must (Instant) Reverse Aerial Rush
  • B-Reverse - Must perform a B-reverse
  • Wavebounce - Must perform a Wavebounce
  • NIL - Must perform a No-Impact Land (Simon-specific, check the Tech section)
  • Opponent(X) - Opponent performs X option
  • U-Tilt* - Must hit the arm hitbox of U-Tilt
  • DF-Smash - Downward-angled F-Smash
  • UF-Smash - Upward-angled F-Smash
  • DD N-Air - Dragdown with N-Air. Avoid landing the final hit.
  • DF-Air - Downward-angled F-Air
  • UF-Air - Upward-angled F-Air
  • DB-Air - Downward-angled B-Air
  • UB-Air - Upward-angled B-Air
  • F-Air* - Must hit the arm hitbox of F-Air
  • B-Air* - Must hit the arm hitbox of B-Air
  • U-Air* - Must hit the arm hitbox of U-Air
  • D-Air(X) - Must bounce in X direction after hitting D-Air
  • C-Axe - Must hold backward when throwing Axe to perform close Axe
  • F-Axe - Must hold forward when throwing Axe to perform far Axe
  • S-Cross - Must do a tilt input when throwing Cross to perform short Cross
  • L-Cross - Must do a smash input when throwing Cross to perform long Cross
  • R-Cross - Specifies the return hit of Cross
  • HW - Abbreviated Holy Water
  • HW* - Specifies that the opponent is now trapped in Holy Water's flame pillar
  • Primed Holy Water/PHW - Specifies a Holy Water bottle with 3 HP or less

Combo Theory

Common Combo Starters & What To DoListed in roughly descending order of commonality.

  • R-Cross - One of the two most common combo starters Simon has. Hits backward and up at a perfect angle for Simon to follow up. If this is out, any of Simon's moves that send the opponent into it can be classified as a combo starter. The remaining entries will be for moves that do not need R-Cross to start combos.
  • Holy Water - The other of Simon's most common combo starters. Traps opponents inside a multihit, allowing Simon to follow up.
  • Grab - Simon's throws, particularly D-Throw and U-Throw, have potential to start combos, and his other two throws can start combos with the aid of an R-Cross.
  • Axe - A niche, rewarding combo starter that works best in advantage when the opponent is trying to recover.
  • D-Air - An unsafe but rewarding combo starter and extender if the opponent is caught off-guard with Simon above them.
  • N-Air - Four hitboxes around Simon that can be thrown out to threaten opponents approaching unsafely. Can dragdown.
  • U-Air while falling - A hard-to-hit but rewarding falling U-Air that can lead into solid combos and juggle pressure. Best used on an opponent just above the ground.

At low percents, most combos will involve one of the top two moves in some way. However, this is also the percent that N-Air true combos into DJ F-Air or B-Air. At mid-percents, D-Air becomes available as a combo starter/filler as opponents are now bounced up high enough to reasonably convert. Throw combos are generally less rewarding with the exception of Begone at mid-high percents and any throw into an R-Cross. At high percents, Simon generally has much less to work with besides R-Cross and Holy Water, the latter of which two-move combos works at any% regardless. D-Air becomes less reliable as DD N-Air's only consistently true followup is Uppercut.

The following combos will be listed by the percents they work at. If a combo works in multiple percent ranges, it will be listed in the lowest most rewarding category. For example, if a kill confirm exists that works at any percent but starts killing at mid percent, it will be listed under mid percent. The exception to this rule is if it is preferable to use a combo for damage instead of as a way to kill.

Low Percents

This is for combos that work at around 0% to 50%. Kill confirms may be included in this section, but only if they work at this percent range.

0-65% Bread and Butter Combo (Cross Starter)Your most common combo.
(1) Very Easy

Cross > SH(F-Air)

Standard combo. Easier off of S-Cross than L-Cross. Adjust jump height and variation dependent on opponent's position.

  • 20.4%/22.9%
0-45% Bread and Butter Combo (D-Throw Starter)Classic D-Throw combo.
(1) Very Easy

D-Throw > SH(F-Air)

Standard combo. Adjust jump height and variation dependent on opponent's position.

  • 22.9%, DEATH at ledge beginning at 45%
Any% Holy Water Followup
(1) Very Easy

HW HW* > Dash Attack

Safest way to follow up after hitting Holy Water due to Dash Attack's fairly large area of coverage.

  • ~30.4%, DEATH at ledge beginning at ~150%
0-200% R-Cross FollowupWorks as long as you're in position.
(1) Very Easy

R-Cross > SH/FH > N-Air

Safest but low-reward way to follow up on R-Cross. Adjust jump height or double jump based on position and opponent's damage.

  • ~18.9%, DEATH at ~185%
0-40% Rising N-Air FollowupEasier if you drift forward.
(1) Very Easy

FH N-Air > DJ(FW) > F-Air

Common way to convert off of a rising N-Air. Typically ended with UF-Air instead of F-Air.

  • 25.2%/27.7%
0-40% Rising N-Air Followup (Facing Away)Backward analog of the above combo.
(1) Very Easy

FH N-Air > DJ(FW) > B-Air

Common way to convert off of a rising N-Air while facing away from the opponent. Typically ended with UB-Air instead of B-Air.

  • 25.2%/27.7%
Any% Holy Water FollowupBest balance of safety and reward.
(2) Easy

HW > SH(FW) HW* > DD N-Air Land > Uppercut

A low-execution combo to safely capitalize off of landing Holy Water.

  • 38.3%, DEATH at 130%
Any% Holy Water Smash FollowupThe classic. Deals more damage at the tip and if charged.
(2) Easy

HW > [F-Smash] HW* > F-Smash

The most common high-reward way to follow up on Holy Water. It's best not to use this against opponents who SDI.

  • <48.8%, DEATH at ledge beginning at 15%
0-40% Bread and Butter Combo (D-Throw Starter)Reversed for easier kills.
(2) Easy

D-Throw > IRAR > SH(B-Air)

A variation of the other D-Throw combo used to take advantage of B-Air's different properties. Can do a FH at later percents.

  • 22.9%, DEATH at ledge beginning at 40%
0-50% Cross FollowupCan be done with a simple turnaround.
(2) Easy

Cross > IRAR > SH(B-Air)

A way to use B-Air instead of F-Air after Cross to take advantage of the differences.

  • 20.4%/22.9%
0-70% C-Axe Followup (At or Above Ground Level)
(2) Easy

C-Axe > FH(FW) > DJ(FW) (if higher) > F-Air

Most common way to confirm off of C-Axe. Usually done at lower percents as a jump read from ledge, but can confirm at higher percents the lower the opponent is. At very low percents, can even confirm off of Axe or F-Axe. Use your own discretion to determine what variation of F-Air to use and how high you should be.

  • 34.0%, DEATH at ledge beginning at 70%
0-70% C-Axe Reverse Followup (At or Above Ground Level)
(3) Medium

C-Axe > IRAR > FH(FW) > DJ(FW) (if higher) > B-Air

Modified version of the above confirm off of C-Axe to take advantage of B-Air's generally better knockback but besides that has the same purpose. Use your own discretion to determine what variation of B-Air to use and how high you should be.

  • 34.0%, DEATH at ledge beginning at 55%
0-70% C-Axe Followup (Below Ground Level)
(3) Medium

C-Axe > [F-Smash] > F-Smash

Most rewarding way to confirm off of C-Axe, popping up the opponent for a really early kill. Release F-Smash as they rise to ground level. Note that, in the setup section, this is also described as a way to break shields.

  • ~42.0%, DEATH at ledge beginning at ~20%, reliably at 30%
0-35% R-Cross Followup
(3) Medium

R-Cross > FH > N-Air > DJ > F-Air/B-Air

A reliable R-Cross followup for use mostly at low percent.

  • 34.0%
0-90% F-Tilt Rebound ComboCan also be done with F-Air or B-Air.
(3) Medium

F-Tilt R-Cross > FH(FW) > DJ(FW) (if higher) > F-Air/B-Air

A common way to convert an F-Tilt into a combo thanks to the use of R-Cross. Typically favorable after L-Cross

  • 31.5%/34.0%, DEATH at ledge beginning at ~70%
0-70% F/B/D-Throw Rebound ComboMore consistent with F-Throw and B-Throw.
(3) Medium

F/B/D-Throw R-Cross > FH > DJ(FW) (if higher) > F-Air/B-Air

A common way to convert some of Simon's Throws into a combo thanks to the use of R-Cross. Typically favorable after L-Cross

  • 30.2%/31.5%, DEATH at ledge beginning at ~55%
0-15% Followup Combo (F-Air Starter)Don't forget the microdash.
(3) Medium

F-Air(FW) Land > Dash(FW) > SH(F-Air)

Not a combo seen too often, but works to get extra damage if Simon swats a close opponent right above the ground.

  • 21.8%/23.7%
15-90% Ledgejump Holy Water Followup
(3) Medium

Ledgejump HW > DJ(FW) > S-Cross > HW* > D-Air R-Cross > Uppercut

A consistent setup that works best off of ledgejump. Pay attention to the opponent's position, especially right before and right after R-Cross to determine which direction to use Uppercut in or whether it should even be used at all; the combo can also be ended with U-Air until around 75%.

  • ~48.8%, DEATH at 45%
0-15% Holy Water Followup
(3) Medium

HW > Dash(FW) HW* > F-Tilt >* Dash(FW) > SH(F-Air)

A consistent way to get solid damage on someone in Holy Water at low percent. Gets much harder to do near the end of the percent range.

  • ~40.6%
0-20% Holy Water Alternate Followup
(4) Hard

HW > IRAR > SH(FW) HW* > B-Air FF Land >* Dash(FW) > SH(F-Air)

Serves the same purpose as the combo above, but has slightly higher damage and a slightly larger effective range in exchange for slightly tighter execution.

  • ~42.0%
0-15% Holy Water Damage Followup
(4) Hard

HW > SH(FW) HW* >* U-Air FF Land > FH >* N-Air > DJ(FW) > F-Air/B-Air

Serves the same purpose as the combo above. Similar level of execution and does more damage, but has a slightly smaller effective range. Works best on opponents trying to SDI up.

  • ~53.0%
0-45% Holy Water FinisherThis one's important.
(4) Hard

HW > SH(FW) HW* >* U-Air FF Land >* U-Smash

One of Simon's best ways to convert into a kill at low-mid percents. Works best on opponents trying to SDI up. Note that Simon also has enough time to catch DI in or out on the U-Air and dash either forward or backward before the U-Smash. It is typically better to go for the above combo at percents below where this combo kills.

  • ~43.5%/47.7%, DEATH at 35%
0-15% Holy Water Platform Damage FollowupCan do Uppercut instead of the Throw.
(4) Hard

HW > SH(FW) HW* >* U-Air FF Land > FH delay >* DD N-Air FF Land >> D-Throw > SH(F-Air)

Probably the best true way to take advantage of a platform after landing Holy Water. The N-Air is the hardest part of the combo, as it must be fast enough such that the combo stays true but delayed slightly such that a fastfall can come out before the final hit does. Using Uppercut instead of D-Throw deals closer to 50%, but the combo is completely true and works up to ~30%.

  • ~58.0%
0-20% Bread and Butter Combo (U-Throw Starter)For more damage than D-Throw F-Air.
(4) Hard

U-Throw > FH >* Uppercut

Higher execution throw combo with more reward damage-wise. Uppercut should be inputted a few frames after Simon leaves the ground. Note that this combo isn't necessarily true according to the combo counter, but the escape window for most characters doesn't account for this.

  • 27.7%
0-60% F-Tilt Rebound FinisherThis one's also important. Also possible off of F-Air or B-Air.
(4) Hard

F-Tilt R-Cross > Dash(FW) >* U-Smash

An important way to confirm into a kill off of an F-Tilt thanks to the use of R-Cross. Typically favorable after S-Cross

  • 36.8%/39.0%, DEATH at 45%
0-10% Holy Water Damage FollowupCan even do reverse N-Air into B-Air.
(5) Very Hard

SH/FH > HW Land > Dash(FW) > SH(FW) > S-Cross HW* Land >* F-Tilt > Dash(FW) R-Cross > FH(FW) >* N-Air > DJ(FW) > F-Air

The highest damage that can be done off of Holy Water. Although it has the potential to link into a kill, against an opponent who can SDI, it's not recommended to do this combo. Cannot be done off of standing Holy Water as there is not enough time to truly link into the F-Tilt.

  • <63.9%, DEATH at ledge
0-5% Holy Water FinisherVery DIable, but can kill anywhere.
(5) Very Hard

SH/FH > HW Land > Dash(FW) > FH(FW) > S-Cross HW* >* D-Air > DJ(FW) R-Cross > D-Air(FW) > Uppercut

A similar combo to the above that is used more to kill. The main problem is how easy it is for the opponent to DI certain moves such that other do not hit. Still nets a large reward if the second D-Air happens to spike. Cannot be done off of standing Holy Water as there is not enough time to truly link into the first D-Air.

  • 59.0%, DEATH
0-30% Holy Water Followup OR FinisherFor just a little higher percents.
(5) Very Hard

SH/FH > HW Land > Dash(FW) > SH(FW) > S-Cross HW* Land >* F-Tilt R-Cross > Dash(FW) > U-Smash

A similar combo that does not kill until a little later but does comparable damage even at 0%. Cannot be done off of standing Holy Water as there is not enough time to truly link into the F-Tilt.

  • 57.8%, DEATH at 25%
0-50% Holy Water FinisherCan be done with DB-Air* as well.
(5) Very Hard

HW > Dash(FW) > SH(FW) HW* UB-Air* FF Land >* F-Smash

A followup that lacks in damage but can potentially kill at extremely early percents. Uses the arm hitbox of UB-Air*/DB-Air* to send forward into the F-Smash. The positioning is extremely precise though, and it's typically recommended to use this only when it'll kill due to other combos having better damage.

  • ~39.9%, DEATH at ledge beginning at ~20%
0-15% Holy Water Platform FinisherNote that the second Holy Water is false.
(5) Very Hard

HW > SH(FW) HW* >* U-Air FF Land > FH(BW) >> HW > DJ(FW) HW* >* U-Air FF Land > U-Smash

A "combo" that can be used to capitalize off of landing Holy Water under a platform. Even if the second Holy Water is false, this combo is quite useful for its ability to take stocks quite literally at 0% at a place on the stage where other combos simply would not work due to the platform.

  • ~73.9%, DEATH at 0%
0-15% F-Tilt Platform Rebound FinisherAlso possible off of F-Air or B-Air.
(5) Very Hard

F-Tilt R-Cross > Dash(FW) > FH(FW) > HW > DJ(FW) HW* >* U-Air FF Land > U-Smash

An important way to confirm into a kill at very early percents off of an F-Tilt thanks to the use of R-Cross and a platform. Most common after techchasing with S-Cross and reading either roll in or neutral getup with an F-Tilt to lead into the R-Cross hit. The Holy Water starts becoming untrue at the latter portion of the effective range, but the combo still works.

  • ~64.4%/68.6%, DEATH at 5%

Mid Percents

This is for combos that work at around 50% to 100%. Kill confirms may be included in this section, but only if they work at this percent range.

Any% Holy Water Followup
(1) Very Easy

HW HW* > F-Smash

Most common finisher for Holy Water. If closer, dash back to make sure the tip hitbox is being landed.

  • ~30.4%, DEATH at ledge beginning at ~50%
30-100% D-Air FinisherHit lower, bounce lower.
(1) Very Easy

D-Air(FW) > Uppercut

Most common finisher for D-Air at mid-percents. Pay attention to your opponent's position relative to you, and be aware that your opponent can survive for much longer with good DI. Can be done while the opponent is trapped in Holy Water.

  • 26.4%, DEATH at 70% at ground level
0-100% R-Cross FollowupPay attention to the Cross.
(2) Easy

R-Cross [U-Smash] > U-Smash

Best way to follow up off of R-Cross at mid-percent. The only difficult part about this combo is recognizing it. Kill percent varies with height and the U-Smash hitbox. At even higher percents, this can even combo while Simon is on a platform. Can be done while the opponent is trapped in Holy Water.

  • 24.0%/30.8%/26.5%/34.5%, DEATH beginning at 55% for fully charged
25-80% R-Cross FollowupHit lower, bounce lower.
(2) Easy

R-Cross > D-Air(FW) > Uppercut

A way to follow up off of R-Cross in the air at mid-percent. Can be done while the opponent is trapped in Holy Water. While this combo can kill in the low% range, it is listed here due to being more common (and easier to kill with) in this range due to DI.

  • 32.7%, DEATH at 35%
95-165% D-Air FollowupTo account for DI out.
(2) Easy

D-Air > DJ(FW) (if higher) > F-Air

The other finisher for D-Air typically used at mid-high percents. Pay attention to your opponent's position relative to you. Note that the combo still works comfortably at lower percents, but opponents can escape if they have an option that works quickly enough. 95% is just the lowest percent that the combo is true at. Can be done while the opponent is trapped in Holy Water.

  • 21.4%/23.9%, DEATH at ledge
Any% Holy Water Followup
(2) Easy

HW* Walk(FW) > [D-Smash] > D-Smash

A finisher for Holy Water used most often at ledge. There is plenty of time to line up to land the tip and be able to charge somewhat, but be careful of an opponent rising above the hitbox. This becomes a big problem if they get hit by the bottle, so for this one, try to avoid hitting them with it.

  • ~37.1%, DEATH at ledge beginning at ~60%
Any% Holy Water Followup
(2) Easy

HW > Dash(FW) HW* > [U-Smash] > U-Smash

Safest way to kill off of Holy Water at higher percents, especially against opponents who can SDI. Be careful for if they're too low, especially if they're a smaller character.

  • ~30.4%, DEATH beginning at ~70% if charged/90% if uncharged
85-90% Bread and Butter Combo (U-Throw Starter)Begone.
(3) Medium

U-Throw > FH >* U-Air

Very important combo. Move to catch DI in or out. Simon can perform this combo truly on a good portion of the cast, and the percents vary decently with weight and fall speed. Can be done while the opponent is trapped in Holy Water.

  • 27.7%, DEATH at 85%
50-130% C-Axe Followup (Below Ground Level)Block off the ledge, and be ready.
(3) Medium

C-Axe > Dash(FW) > FH(FW) > DJ (if higher) F-Air/B-Air

A way to pop up an opponent for an earlier kill than what Axe could do by itself. If possible, B-Air is preferable due to its better killpower at mid-percents and its 2 frames of activity compared to F-Air's 1.

  • 31.5%/34.0%, DEATH at 60%
0-90% R-Cross Platform FollowupBe prepared. SBF platform used as reference.
(3) Medium

R-Cross > F-Smash

A way to follow up off of R-Cross while on a platform at mid-percent. While the combo is low-execution, it can be very difficult to locate it and/or be in the correct position, and at higher percents, the timing becomes quite strict for lower platforms. While this combo can kill in the low% range, it is listed here due to being more common (and easier to kill with) in this range due to DI. Can be done while the opponent is trapped in Holy Water.

  • >23.9%/>26.4%/>28.9%, DEATH beginning at ledge at 45% uncharged/20% charged
40-130% F-Tilt Rebound Followup or FinisherPay attention to the Cross. Can also be done off of F-Air or B-Air.
(3) Medium

F-Tilt > Dash(FW) > FH(FW) > DJ (if higher) R-Cross > U-Air

A way to convert F-Tilt into a vertical combo at mid-percent thanks to R-Cross. Typically works better off of S-Cross, especially one thrown at SH or FH height.

  • 31.5%/34.0%, DEATH at 85%
0-140% F-Tilt Rebound Alternate Followup or FinisherPay attention to the Cross. Can also be done off of F-Air or B-Air.
(3) Medium

F-Tilt > Dash(FW) > FH(FW) > DJ(FW) (if higher) R-Cross > Uppercut

The same combo as above but with an Uppercut ender. Use for damage or to cover a different area instead of for killing.

  • ~36.5%, DEATH at 75%
30-95% D-Tilt Rebound Followup or FinisherCan be easily ruined by the dreaded Cross catch.
(4) Hard

D-Tilt1 R-Cross > Dash(BW) > U-Smash

A way to convert, potentially into a kill, off of D-Tilt thanks to R-Cross. The window is tight, as the D-Tilt could fail to truly combo into the Cross, or Simon could catch Cross before being able to U-Smash.

  • 30.3%/33.0%, DEATH at 65%
20-90% Holy Water Rebound Followup or Finisher
(4) Hard

SH/FH > HW Land > Dash(FW) > SH(FW) > S-Cross HW* Land >* F-Tilt R-Cross > FH(FW) > DJ (if higher) > U-Air

A higher-percent analog for some of the low% Holy Water combos, allowing for kills at later percents. Although it can easily link into a kill, against an opponent who can SDI, it's not recommended to do this combo. Cannot be done off of standing Holy Water as there is not enough time to truly link into the F-Tilt.

  • 50.1%/52.6%, DEATH at 60%
0-90% Holy Water Rebound Alternate Followup or Finisher
(4) Hard

SH/FH > HW Land > Dash(FW) > SH(FW) > S-Cross HW* Land >* F-Tilt R-Cross > FH(FW) > DJ (if higher) > Uppercut

The same combo as above but with an Uppercut ender. Use for damage or to cover a different area instead of for killing. Cannot be done off of standing Holy Water as there is not enough time to truly link into the F-Tilt.

  • 52.6%/55.1%, DEATH at 55%
10-105% Holy Water Rebound Followup or FinisherYou have one frame to hit that F-Air.
(5) Very Hard

HW > Dash(FW) > FH(FW) > S-Cross HW* >* F-Air FF Land R-Cross > FH(FW) > DJ (if higher) > U-Air

A different variation of the same combo that works more consistently at high percents and can be done off of a standing Holy Water, but requires an extremely precise fastfall F-Air to hit. Although it can easily link into a kill, against an opponent who can SDI, it's not recommended to do this combo. While it doesn't necessitate an aerial Holy Water, the combo is significantly easier if done with one.

  • 50.1%/52.6%, DEATH at 60%
10-115% Holy Water Rebound Alternate Followup or Finisher
(5) Very Hard

HW > Dash(FW) > FH(FW) > S-Cross HW* >* F-Air FF Land R-Cross > FH(FW) > DJ (if higher) > Uppercut

The same combo as above but with an Uppercut ender. Use for damage or to cover a different area instead of for killing.

  • 52.6%/55.1%, DEATH at 50%
50-70% Late U-Tilt* Followup
(5) Very Hard

Late U-Tilt* >* U-Smash

A niche combo usually used for catching I-frames, especially after a neutral getup or roll getup from ledge. Can potentially catch DI in or out with a dash.

  • 22.6%, DEATH at 60%

High Percents / Kill Confirms

This is for combos and kill confirms that work at 100% or above.

Any% Holy Water Followup
(1) Very Easy

HW HW* > F-Tilt

Most common finisher for Holy Water at high percents. There is plenty of time to space such that the tip hitbox lands.

  • <33.6%, DEATH at ledge beginning at ~100%
Any% Holy Water FollowupCommon ledgetrapping sequence.
(1) Very Easy

HW HW* > SH > F-Air/B-Air

Another way to follow up on Holy Water at high percents. There is plenty of time to space such that the tip hitbox lands. Using B-Air is preferable for killing due to its higher knockback growth. While this combo can kill in the medium% range, it is listed here due to being more common (and easier to kill with) in this range due to DI.

  • <33.6%, DEATH at ledge beginning at ~90%
0-200% R-Cross FollowupUseful, but unreliable.
(1) Very Easy

R-Cross > Uppercut

One of the two ways Simon has to follow up off of R-Cross at high percent. More reliable at lower percents, but, due to the properties of multihits, can be extremely difficult to hit past ~150% without a clean hit. Can be done while the opponent is trapped in Holy Water. While this combo can kill in the medium% range, it is listed here due to being more common (and easier to kill with) in this range due to DI.

  • 23.9%, DEATH at 85%
90-160% D-AirSPIKE FinisherIt says it kills, but not if your opponent DIs it.
(1) Very Easy

D-AirSPIKE(FW) > Uppercut

Best way to convert into a kill off of the spike hit of D-Air. Pay attention to your opponent's position relative to you, and be aware that your opponent can survive for much longer with good DI. Can be done while the opponent is trapped in Holy Water.

  • 30.4%/32.7%, DEATH
Any% - Finisher Combo (N-Air Starter)Buffer the Uppercut.
(2) Easy

DD N-Air Land > Uppercut

Standard combo that works at any percent. Be aware of the opponent's positioning.

  • ~20.8%, DEATH at ~150%
0-200% R-Cross FollowupUse to get a feel for R-Cross.
(2) Easy

R-Cross FH > DJ (if higher) > U-Air

One of the two ways Simon has to follow up off of R-Cross at high percent. More reliable at higher percents, but requires a little more precision. Can be done while the opponent is trapped in Holy Water.

  • 18.9%/21.4%, DEATH at 110%
95-155% D-Air FinisherLine the FF up with the tip.
(2) Easy

D-Air(FW) > U-Air FF (if lower)

Most common finisher for D-Air at high percents, especially on an opponent DIing D-Air in. Pay attention to your opponent's position relative to you. Can be done while the opponent is trapped in Holy Water.

  • 21.4/23.9%, DEATH at 110% at ground level
Any% Holy Water Followup
(3) Medium

HW > Dash(FW) HW* > F-Throw

An "option select" followup for Holy Water at high percents to cover shielding opponents. Very helpful due to F-Throw's status as a killthrow. Be careful of opponents rising too high to get grabbed, especially at higher percents.

  • <27.4%, DEATH at ledge beginning at ~100%
30-180% D-Tilt Rebound Followup or FinisherA more reliable but less rewarding D-Tilt1 combo.
(3) Medium

D-Tilt1 R-Cross > FH(FW) > DJ (if higher) > Uppercut

A way to convert, potentially into a kill, off of D-Tilt thanks to R-Cross at higher percents.

  • 30.2%, DEATH at 100%
60-150% D-Tilt Rebound Alternate Followup or FinisherAdjust drift direction based on position.
(4) Hard

D-Tilt1 R-Cross > SH/FH > U-Air

Another way to convert, potentially into a kill, off of D-Tilt thanks to R-Cross at higher percents. Less vulnerable to the faults of DI and multihits but requires more precision. At lower percents, if a shorthop is necessary to get the tip, it's worth it to kill. At higher percents, delay the U-Air.

  • 23.3%/25.4%/25.2%/27.7%, DEATH at 110%



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