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SSBU/Pyra & Mythra

From Dragdown
Revision as of 07:03, 24 February 2023 by Powthe (talk | contribs) (fix some of pyra cards (hopefully)→‎Normal Moves)

Pyra & Mythra (Aegis, Pythra) are a duo of characters with opposing strengths built to complement each other. With Mythra's speed and Pyra's strength, they are well equipped for almost every situation.

Pyra relies on keeping her opponent at her sword's length, and not letting them get any closer. She accomplishes this primarily by wallingZoning an opponent at a midrange via physical hitboxes with aerials and tilts; and zone-breakingGetting through an opponent's attempt to zone using Blazing End to beat out projectiles or a walling opponent. Pyra has high damage per hit and good kill power, but is limited heavily in her speed. This makes Pyra more comfortable forcing an opponent to come to her than approaching an opponent.

Mythra relies on fast speed and large burst range to whiff punishPunishing a missed attack opponents in neutral. Her most notable burst optionA fast, unreactable attack often with good distance are Dash Attack and Dash Grab, but both are risky on successful block or whiff. Because of this, Mythra often waits till an opponent commits to an option to use these tools. To force an opponent to commit, she uses movement to threaten her burst options, combined with safe pokeA low-risk attack such as DTilt or FTilt. While she has good moves, they aren't unpunishable and so shouldn't be overused. In advantage, Mythra relies on fast moves and high gravityDownwards acceleration when falling to oppress an opponent and frame trapString that allows an escape option while also catching that escape option's lag options, in exchange for somewhat low damage per hit.

Overall, Aegis is a character built around playing defensively and oppressing their opponent when holding the advantage.

Pyra does things (Placeholder)
Pros Cons
  • Stance Change: Swap (Down Special) allows the Aegis player to control the speed and flow of the match at will.
  • Expressive Gameplay: The player can choose to play Pyra or Mythra in any situation, giving them many options in various game states.
  • Space Coverage: Pyra's sword is exceptionally large and disjointed, covering lots of space. In addition, Blazing End(Side Special) allows Pyra to challenge opponents that try to stay out of her sword range.
  • High KO Power: Lots of Pyra's Attacks deal a lot of damage and can KO quite easily.
  • Sluggish Mobility: Pyra's mobililty is quite sluggish, having the 6th slowest dashing speed and below average walk speed. Thus, she can struggle against characters who can keep out of her sword range and pressure her.
  • Flawed Recovery: Pyra's main recovery tool Prominence Revolt(Up Special) travels upwards in a very predictable manner, making it very easy to edgeguard. Combined with lackluster mobility, she will either have to space her recovery carefully or switch over to Mythra.
  • Terrible Out of Shield Game: Pyra's fastest out of shield option is her Grab, which comes out on Frame 11. Shielding attacks means that Pyra will be forced to reposition and continue being pressured or switch out to Mythra.
Mythra does things (Placeholder)
Pros Cons
  • Stance Change: Swap (Down Special) allows the Aegis player to control the speed and flow of the match at will.
  • Expressive Gameplay: The player can choose to play Pyra or Mythra in any situation, giving them many options in various game states.
  • Fast: Unlike Pyra, Mythra's movement is much faster, allowing her to manuever well around the stage. Combined with the disjoint her sword gives, she can cover space very quickly.
  • Foresight: Foresight allows Mythra to counter attacks by dodging. Foresight slows the opponent down on hit, and gives Mythra the opportunity to reverse the pressure.
  • Combo Starter: Many of Mythra's moves can combo into each other, allowing her to get many hits off on the opponent once hit.
  • Poor Damage Output: As a tradeoff to better frame data, Mythra's moves do less damage compared to Pyra. This means that although she can easily combo attacks into each other, they won't be racking up a lot of damage.
  • Can't KO: With less damage and knockback on her moves, Mythra will struggle to KO opponents. She must either rely on edgeguarding the opponent, or switch over to Pyra to secure stocks.
  • Flawed Recovery: Although Mythra does have better air mobility and more options to mix up her recovery than Pyra, they are flawed. Ray of Punishment (Up Special) and Photon Edge (Side Special) are both vulnerable to attacks from above, and her Double Jump is poor.
Mythra - Foresight
Mythra's spotdodge, rolls, and airdodges can trigger Foresight at the beginning of their duration; this slows down the opponent and gives Mythra time to punish them. During the Foresight window on Mythra's dodges, Mythra is still vulnerable to grabs. This makes all her dodges, most notably spotdodge, worse for escaping grabs. Additionally, if Foresight triggers in the air, Mythra can no longer grab ledge. This may cause Mythra to fall too far to recover. Foresight begins on frame 2 of a dodge, and ends when the dodge's intangibility starts.

Pyra & Mythra
Pyra & Mythra
Spotdodge:The duration and intangibility of this character's on-spot dodges.25F (3~17F intangible)
Air Dodge:The intangibility of this character's air dodges, both neutral and directional.3~30F intangible (Neutral)
3~21F intangible (Directional)
Fastest OOS:Up Special (13F)
Pyra & Mythra
Spotdodge:The duration and intangibility of this character's on-spot dodges.31F (2~6F foresight, 7~21F intangible)
Air Dodge:The intangibility of this character's air dodges, both neutral and directional.2~5F foresight, 6~33F intangible (Neutral)
2~5F foresight, 6~24F intangible (Directional)
Fastest OOS:Up Smash (9F)


Normal Moves


No results
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.

3-hit jab with good damage or exceptional kill power.

  • At frame 3, it's Pyra's fastest option by far although it lacks range.
  • Rapid Jab is good for damage, while Jab 3 is the fourth strongest killing jab in the game and kills at around 145% and gives better positioning due to the lower angle.
  • Due to the speed, Jab is often her best tool out of parry or a clank, if it will reach.
  • Jab 1 can lock after an opponent mistechs, and is +20 meaning it can link into FSmash if done frame perfectly. Jab 2 can also lock, but has much less advantage. However, due to Jab 1's high hitbox, it can only lock many characters during their mistech bounce.
  • Shield drop Jab is tied with FAir and NAir for Pyra's second fastest OoS option.

No results
Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier

Forward Tilt

/ +

No results
DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.

Large, safe, and strong poke although somewhat slow.

  • Most commonly used in corner pressure, it deals a lot of shield damage and kills at around 110% which pressures an opponent to pick an option and pick it quickly.
  • Despite the visual effects, this move is only mediocre at anti-airing due to how the hitboxes are interpolated. While it hits high up close, when spaced it often loses to jumps.
  • Being frame 12, this move is exceptionally slow for a FTilt.
  • Does plenty of shield stun, which makes this much safer on block than on whiff.

No results
Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier

Up Tilt


No results
DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.

Very large dedicated anti-air with good KO power.

  • Being fairly unsafe on shield, this is primarily used to catch landings and aerial approaches, or to pressure platforms.
  • Has niche uses for covering getup options, as due to its size it can cover many at once. This is most notable against roll and jump getup, because it kills vertically and covers a large area.
  • Has a blind spot behind her under the sword.

No results
Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier

Down Tilt


No results
DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.

Relatively quick and safe poke, with ability to combo start.

  • At low percent, it can combo into most aerials or specials.
  • Can hit many ledgehangs, and can combo into almost any move when done successfully. This includes FSmash, at the right percents.
  • Due to how she crouches during DTilt, she can low profile many aerials done out of shield, making it safer than it may seem.

No results
Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier

Dash Attack

while dashing or running

No results
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.

A large sweep done out of a deep lunge with incredible kill power.

  • Usually used to catch landings due to tremendous size and power.
  • Due to being slow and unsafe on shield or whiff, use in neutral as a burst option is limited.
  • Pyra's deep lunge can low profile some projectiles and attacks.

No results
Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier

Flare Smash (Forward Smash)

/ +

No results
DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.

Pyra's FSmash is an incredibly powerful smash attack for its speed, even being able to be comboed into.

  • Flare Smash provides incredible leanback on startup, allowing Pyra to float over the ledge and avoid many getup attacks with a reverse FSmash.
  • Flare Smash doesn't hit as high above Pyra, nor lingers as long after the swing, as the visual effects would lead one to believe
  • DAir can combo to FSmash at around 50% on midweights, being a powerful kill confirm. Additionally, DTilt can combo to FSmash at some percents when hitting ledge hang.
  • This is Pyra's third highest damaging move versus a shield, the first two being Nova3 and double-hit DSmash. However, it is still very unsafe on shield if it doesn't break the shield.

No results
Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier

Up Smash


No results
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.

A large, lingering anti-air with strong kill power.

  • Can be comboed into out of DAir as one of Pyra's premier kill confirms.
  • The startup crouches considerably and so can low profile some rising aerials
  • Can be used out of an empty hop to catch people jumping preemptively OoS

No results
Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier

Down Smash


No results
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. DamageThe raw damage percent value(s) of the listed move that the game calculates damage and staling from. Frames ActiveThe frames of this move where there are active hitboxes that can affect opponents. Total FramesThe total number of animation frames for this move. Landing lag for applicable moves will be listed under "Additional Data". AngleThe launch angle of this move. 0 degrees is directly away from the attacking character, and this value angles up counter-clockwise. Shield SafetyThe difference between the attacker's endlag and the period that the opponent is in shieldstun. This frame advantage value is based off the assumption that the very first active frame connects with the opponent's shield. ProtectionAny kind of body part intangibility, invulnerability, or armor that the move has.

A quick two-hit down smash with a low angle and strong shield damage.

  • When both hits connect and the sword hit lands its sweet spot, this is Pyra's highest damaging move against shield, except for charged Flame Nova.
  • At frame 12, it is as fast as FTilt and can be a decent get-off-me tool, as well as being a strong option for covering neutral getup and roll at the same time on reaction.
  • The low angle on DSmash can set up for edgeguards well, especially when paired with DAir or Flame Nova
  • DSmash low-profiles considerably on startup, allowing it to low-profile some moves. This is especially effective when combined with DTilt when going for shieldbreaks, as you can be completely safe from traditional OoS options.

No results
Hit / Hitbox Base KB Fixed KB KB Growth Landing Lag Autocancel Window Shieldstun Shieldlag Bonus Shield Damage Direct Hitbox Clang ReboundThe type of interaction when a hitbox interacts with another hitbox

Rebound interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, causing the rebound property if the hitbox doesn't deal over 9.0% damage than the opposing hitbox it is clanking with.

Trample interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't cause the rebound property.

Transcendent cannot interact with other hitboxes.

No Stop interacts by clanking with other hitboxes, but doesn't stop being active. Unique to Mii Gunner's Grenade Launch.
Rehit Hitlag Multiplier SDI Multiplier

Aerial Moves

Neutral Air

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraNAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraNAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Commonly considered one of Pyra's worst tools, it provides a lingering hitbox for landing and can kill.

  • Tied with FAir for Pyra's fastest aerial, but unlike FAir it starts behind Pyra
  • Autocancels out of a FH
  • Fairly strong vertical kill aerial, although weaker than UAir
  • Due to high landing lag and late autocancel, it's a niche move in neutral and should often be avoided in ledgetrapping.
  • High angle makes NAir unsuitable for edgeguarding
  • Large lingering hitbox can help Pyra land safely, although high landing lag makes punishing it easy when not autocanceled and when expected
  • Can punish overextensions in juggles and lead to early kills due to high vertical knockback

Forward Air

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraFAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraFAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Strong, large aerial good for killing and pressure in neutral

  • Near ledge, is Pyra's second best killing aerial after BAir
  • Tied with NAir for Pyra's fastest aerial, but FAir starts in front of her while NAir starts behind
  • FAir is Pyra's earliest actionable aerial without landing, which allows her to do two in one airtime with a sh and double jump
  • Generally one of Pyra's best aerial poking tools due to being relatively fast, large, and safe

Back Air

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraBAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraBAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Very large and powerful swing, good for kills at high% or setting up juggles

  • Second highest damaging aerial after DAir
  • Best aerial at killing raw when near ledge
  • Autocancels out of a SH
  • The angle it sends at is very prone to DI, making it slightly worse at killing than FAir when even slightly offstage, despite higher knockback
  • Great tool to cover when retreating thanks to its ability to SH autocancel

Up Air

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraUAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraUAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Very large and strong anti-air, exceptional at frametrapping.

  • Autocancels on SHFF
  • Due to its autocancel and large size, it is exceptional at keeping an opponent in the air and allowing Pyra to punish their airdodge.
  • DTilt > IDJ.UAir is Pyra’s longest lasting combo out of DTilt, can kill confirm on platforms
  • DAir > UAir is DAir's final kill confirm, working at around 115%
  • Aegis’s safest attack on shield, given she lands the frame after the hit

Down Air

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraDAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraDAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Notorious for being one of the best DAirs in the game. It combos exceptionally well, strong spike and sour spot for kills, and is very large.

  • DAir's spike can combo into any attack in Pyra's kit, making it fantastic for damage or kill confirming
  • DAir's optimal set of kill confirms with approximate starting percents are: FSmash (50%), USmash (75%), Up-b (85%), FAir or BAir, depending on positioning(100%), and UAir (120%)
  • DAir autocancels out of a SH
  • DAir is Pyra's most common follow-up to a grounded footstool, although it's not universal. From a footstool, DAir can still combo to most of Pyra's moves, although at higher percents than normal.
  • DAir is tied Pyra's lowest hitting option at ledge with landing Up-b
  • DAir is one of Pyra's best moves at twoframing due to its size and relatively low commitment. Its size allows it to hit many characters before they even begin their ledge grab animation.

Special Moves

Flame Nova (Neutral Special)

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraFlameNova1_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraFlameNova2_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraFlameNova3_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraFlameNova1_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraFlameNova2_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraFlameNova3_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Large horizontal move with three charge stages

  • Due to stalling Pyra in the air, Flame Nova is an effective edgeguarding tool versus some recoveries. This stall can also help her recovery have more effective timing mixups.
  • Due to how Nova1 has low endlag, Nova1 can string into other moves and be an effective tool for escaping tumble as Pyra when trying to land
  • Nova3 is her highest damaging move on an opponent’s shield, breaking a full shield if both sides of Nova are hit
  • Nova’s 3 charge stages are accessible from frame 10-20 (Nova1), 21-35 (Nova2), and 36-50 (Nova3). On frame 50, Nova3 automatically releases
  • Pyra can move slightly in either direction horizontally during Flame Nova, allowing her to microspace in the air and space for safety on shield
  • This move can be spotdodged when hit on shield, making it much less safe. Nova1 and Nova2 can also be jumped out of.

Blazing End (Side-B)

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraBlazingEnd_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraBlazingEnd_1' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraBlazingEnd_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraBlazingEnd_1' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Blazing End is a long-range projectile dealing high damage and setting up for combos or strings

  • Blazing End has three main parts to it: the melee hit on Pyra's hand when she throws, the traveling (also called linking) hits on the sword as it moves to position, and the spinning hits once the sword gets in position
  • The melee hit can clank, the traveling hit effectively has trample, and the spinning hits are transcendent
  • Due to having a property similar to trample on the linking hit, Blazing End beats many projectiles and attacks, becoming a strong zone-breaking tool
  • When the sword returns to Pyra, it causes a pickup animation that's completely inactionable. This animation can be skipped by many animations, notably shielddrop and jumpsquat. This is called pickup skip
  • When pickup skipping with shielddrop, Blazing End gains the ability to combo into Jab or Grab at low %’s. With platform setups, it can combo into most of Pyra's moveset

Prominence Revolt (Up-B)

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraProminenceRevolt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraProminenceRevolt_1' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraProminenceRevolt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Large kill move, primarily used as an OoS option.

  • With proper DI (Down and very slightly away when centerstage, directly in when at ledge), this kills much later, at around 130%
  • This can kill much earlier if the opponent is higher in the air, such as on platforms. However, if they are too high they will hit the sourspot which kills much worse.
  • This scales phenomenally with rage, allowing DAir > PR to kill even before 60% at ledge.
    • However, it also scales with staling very harshly, killing much later with even one stale. Because of this, it's important to keep in mind that Mythra up-b also stales this move.
  • At frame 13, this is Pyra's fastest OoS option
  • Both the falling hit and explosion can twoframe, making this Pyra's longest lasting twoframe in exchange for being slow to start. This is mostly useful if Pyra is already offstage and wants to try to twoframe. This often loses to timing mixups, but if Pyra's opponent is put in a situation where they have only minor timing mixups it can be extremely effective.
  • When spaced properly, the pushback from hitting a shield can cause this move to ledge cancel, putting pyra in special fall and letting her grab ledge. This makes it much safer to use aggressively when recovering

Switch to Mythra (Down-B)

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraSwitchToMythra_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraSwitchToMythra_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Quickly change between Mythra and Pyra
  • Keeps horizontal momentum with lower traction, and removes Pyra/Mythra's jostle box allowing you to cross up an opponent. Sliding with Swap is known as Swapskate
  • Due to intangibility frames 6-18, it can function as a slower and shorter but less laggy airdodge, with no limit on uses per time in the air.
  • Due to allowing people to control whether they have Pyra or Mythra out, it allows complete control over the flow of the game with little commitment

Grabs and Throws

Standing Grab

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Average grab range, but Pyra's fastest OOS option

  • Often one of Pyra's win conditions, as it gives her strong positional advantage

Dash Grab

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraDashGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraDashGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Although slower than standing grab, much better range and sliding means it works decently as a burst option

  • Often one of Pyra's win conditions, as it gives her strong positional advantage

Pivot Grab

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraPivotGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraPivotGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Niche tool with very little use due to Pyra's speed

  • Sometimes can be used to catch landings from behind due to Pyra low profiling moves during run


Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraPummel_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraPummel_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Helps to deal extra damage and, cruicially, unstale moves. This is very notable, as staling can effect the killpower of Pyra's moves a notable amount.

  • At least one pummel should always be used after grab, sometimes two or even three as Pyra's opponent's percent rises.

Forward Throw

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraFThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraFThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Good positioning throw with techchase ability

  • Can start techchases
  • Sends at a low angle good for setting up edgeguards
  • Earliest killing throw when near ledge, killing at around 225%
  • Fairly strong base knockback makes it effective at positioning at all percentages

Back Throw

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraBThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraBThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
  • Basic positioning throw
  • Can start techchases on platforms
  • At low percent can string into a DA if pyra's opponent doesn't jump
  • Pyra's worst throw at killing, will not kill even in Sudden Death
  • Generally, not as effective at positioning as FThrow, but due to sending the opposite direction is still very good for positioning

Up Throw

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraUThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraUThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
  • Good vertical positioning and frametrapping tool
  • This doesn't have as much reward at low percents as DThrow, but sets up strings and No results better at higher percents.
  • UThrow > UAir is a strong string, forcing the opponent to either burn a jump, get hit outright, or get their airdodge frametrapped.

Down Throw

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraDThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraDThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
  • Pyra's primary combo throw
  • Earliest killing throw when not by ledge, at around 230%
  • Is Pyra's only true combo throw, although only able to combo at low percents.

Misc. Attacks

Ledge Attack

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraLedgeAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraLedgeAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Getup Attack

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraGetupAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraGetupAttack_1' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraGetupAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraGetupAttack_1' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
  • Placeholder

Trip Attack

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraTripAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PyraTripAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Normal Moves

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraJab1_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraJab1_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

A basic jab with good string potential or damage.

  • At frame 2, it's Mythra's fastest attack. Due to the speed, Jab is often her best tool out of parry or a clank, if it will reach.
  • Rapid jab is good for damage, while the Gentleman sends at a higher angle for platform techchases or strings
  • Jab 1 can lock after an opponent mistechs, and is +20. Jab 2 can also lock with much less hit advantage, but can hit more easily.
  • Despite numerically being unsafe, the fast speed, low hitlag, and innate jab mixups make it very hard to punish and make it effective for checking if they shield with low commitment.
Forward Tilt
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraFTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraFTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Fast poke good for starting strings

  • Generally outclassed by DTilt as a poke unless you need the larger range, due to DTilt’s speed and hurtbox shifting. It can still be better than DTilt at times due to its interpolated hitbox hitting higher in the air.
  • FTilt can start strings with Dash Grab at low percent, and at mid percents can combo into FAir or IRAR BAir for more damage.
  • Pivot Cancel FTilt can kill confirm into FSmash at ledge
Up Tilt
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraUTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraUTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Anti-air with great combo ability

  • Great grounded combo starter, linking into itself, specials, and aerials
  • Great for catching a landing opponent near Mythra, although it has a blindspot behind her
  • Can set up platform techchases at mid-percents
Down Tilt
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraDTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraDTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Mythra's best combo starter and poke

  • Combos into most of Mythra's kit and for large windows
  • Can hit many ledge hangs, and when it does so can kill confirm into FSmash
  • Mythra's second fastest ground tool after Jab
  • At higher percentages, can kill confirm into USmash or Lightning Buster
  • Due to Mythra crouching during DTilt, she can low profile some moves. This is most notable against rising aerials OoS
Dash Attack
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraDashAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraDashAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Exceptional burst option that sets up techchases

  • Being large and fast makes this amazing for whiff punishing or catching landings
  • Generally unsafe on shield, but can cross-up versus some characters.
  • Can be comboed into out of fThrow or bThrow
  • Mythra's deep lunge allows her to low profile some moves
Forward Smash
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraFSmash_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraFSmash_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Exceptional burst option that sets up techchases

  • Being large and fast makes this amazing for whiff punishing or catching landings
  • Generally unsafe on shield, but can cross-up versus some characters.
  • Can be comboed into out of fThrow or bThrow
  • Mythra's deep lunge allows her to low profile some moves
Up Smash
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraUSmash_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'MythraUSmash_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Lingering multihit anti-air with decent kill ability

  • Mythra's fastest OoS option at frame 9
  • When used versus some fighters with a slightly damaged shield, it will shieldpoke
  • Can be comboed into out of DTilt, which can kill confirm at very high percents, around 140 on a midweight. This is more effective versus fastfallers as it has a larger window to work.
  • Mythra crouches on the startup of USmash (starting frame 1), allowing for her to low profile some moves

Aerial Moves

Special Moves

Grabs and Throws

Misc. Attacks


To edit frame data, edit values in SSBU/Pyra & Mythra/Data.
To edit pros and cons, edit information and descriptions in SSBU/Pyra & Mythra/Pythra ProsCons.
[[File:SSBU_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=SSBU/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[SSBU/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

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