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From Dragdown
Revision as of 23:25, 21 July 2022 by SlamJamicus (talk | contribs)


[[File:Ken_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ken/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ken/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] is a bait and punish character that, through neutral, finds openings to create strong advantage states to KO the opponent.

Ken Due to poor air acceleration and a fixed jump arc, Ken must take more care in the usage of jumping, as these poor stats can be taken advantage of by a lot of the cast. Ken has the ability to cancel the recovery of some attacks with the start of any 1 of his 5 command input specials, or 4 special moves. At medium range, Oosoto Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse) is an integral move for Ken because of its disjointedness, cancelability, access to Inazuma Kick, and intangibility properties. At close range, Light DTilt is an integral move for Ken, because of its fast startup and special cancel properties. At full stage, walking is an integral action for Ken because it keeps him grounded and gives access to all of his neutral abilities for reacting to the opponent's actions. NAir is one of Ken’s best aerials, because of its relatively fast frame data and because it is special cancellable. With good spacing, this move can become very safe and end up forcing the opponent into shielding. With bad spacing, Ken can cancel NAir into something potentially safer. Ken uses spacing and speed to put the opponent into a disadvantage, then keep them in disadvantage to eventually land a KO. Ken will want to mix offensive and defensive play in order to win, using defensive moves to stop the opponent from hitting Ken or using the opponent’s offense against them to bait them into a bad position. Ken uses both conditioning and reads to know when and where the opponent will be before they are actually there. This can lead to very high payoffs, however making the wrong read can be just as deadly.

This character is for people who enjoy a steep learning curve, enjoy traditional fighting games, or enjoy a satisfying challenge.
Pros Cons
  • Good frame data: Ken has multiple grounded moves that are frame 3 or faster. Due to special canceling, everything can be plus on block with very few exceptions.
  • Amazing punish game: 50% off of one combo is the norm for Ken. Reading escape options can easily be another 40%. On top of that, his kill moves start to kill as early as 50% on bad DI, which he can cause with DI mixups and SDI counterplay.
  • Amazing shield pressure: Ken has a lot of moves that either do a lot of shield damage or lead into a move that does a lot of shield damage. This makes getting shield breaks pretty easy and getting shield pokes into kills pretty easy.
  • Good setplay: Due to the good punish game and good shield pressure, the opponent basically doesn’t want to be near Ken. This can be used to Ken’s advantage to corner the opponent and block their escape attempts, leading to damage and kills.
  • High execution: Motion inputs, although simple and made easier to do in Smash, can be misinputted in the heat of a game. Pair this with multiple bugs and game design decisions that relate to Ken and Ryu, and a lot of actions become a nuisance to execute.
  • Unorthodox playstyle: Ken cannot play the same way normal smash characters play. This is mainly due to his low air acceleration turning his jumps into predictable arcs. Pair that with his great ground mobility and it is clear that he is not meant to play neutral in the air like everyone else.
  • Bad disadvantage: Despite having a frame 1 combo escape move with Focus Attack, it does limit Ken’s movement while also losing to multihits. Offstage recovering is worse with Tatsumaki Senpukyaku which moves slow, making edgeguarding easy. This can often force Ken to take risks and mix his resources up to make it back to stage.
  • Suffers from SDI: A lot of Ken’s moves have high SDI multipliers. This makes all combos not true with the correct SDI.
Auto-turn forces Ken to face his opponent at all times, and happens whenever Ken is not in lag for any reason. Auto-turn can be beneficial but does have some drawbacks.
  • Neutral
    • Auto-turn also causes the FGCs ([[File:Ryu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ryu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ryu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] [[File:Ken_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ken/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ken/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] [[File:Terry_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Terry/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Terry/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] [[File:Kazuya_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Kazuya/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Kazuya/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]) to be able to walk backwards while facing forwards. This can be used for micro spacing, as Ken has a fast initial walk speed. This also messes with their backdash. On the first 3 frames of backdash, Ken actually walks before doing the backdash.
    • Auto-turn also requires No results to be done correctly in order for them to turn around and jump. This makes doing BAir in neutral and in combos a lot harder than other characters, as other characters can mess up the No results in some way and still be able to get a BAir in their intended direction.
  • OOS
    • Ken can release shield and then do USmash or jump to do an auto-turn before doing the following action while also skipping No results frames.
    • Ken cannot do auto-turn Grab or any other auto-turn attacks No results without going through No results frames.
Input System
Light/Heavy Normals

Ken has access to light and heavy jabs and tilts.

  • Accessed by letting go of the attack button or CStick before the No results of the corresponding heavy normal except for FTilt.
    • FTilt: release the attack button or CStick within the first 5 frames.
  • For light normals, they will transition into the first frame of their move as soon as the attack button is released.
    • For example, if CStick up was held for 2 frames to get a LUTilt, on frame 3, the hitbox for LUTilt will not come out. The hitbox will come out 3 frames later as LUTilt has 3 frames startup. This can be fixed by buffering the light tilt.
    • Can cause medium tilts.
      • Holding the CStick up for 4-6 frames will give Ken the upper body intangibility of HUTilt, but because the CStick was released before frame 7, it will transition to LUTilt.

Proximity Normals

Ken Has access to proximity normals, being Proximity Heavy Jab (Pjab) and Proximity Light Ftilt (Ptilt).

  • They are accessed by doing the corresponding attack while close to the opponent, and both are meant for special canceling into specials for combos.
  • Limits to proximity detection:
    • Buffering attacks will lock the proximity detection to what it was at the beginning of the buffered sequence.
      • For example, buffering dash walk LUTilt > PJab can give you a LUTilt > HJab because all moves were buffered and the LUTilt was pressed when Ken was outside of proximity range.

Command Input Specials - Command inputs are important to learn as some specials are only input specials. Input specials have an added damage multiplier on them, and some input specials have better stats like extra intangibility. Numpad notation is the easiest way to describe inputs.

Light/Medium/Heavy Specials - Ken has access to 3 versions of each special: light, medium, and heavy. Each version has different properties.

Negative Edge - Negative edge is a way to do specials by releasing the attack buttons instead of pressing the buttons.

Typically, negative edge is considered bad and not useful at all, as it will always give the light version of the special. The most common occurrence of negative edge is when trying to recover to stage with USpecial but getting hit right before inputting USpecial and while in hitstun, the Ken player will release the attack button and the buffer system outputs Light Shoryuken, causing Ken to not reach the ledge and No results.
Special Canceling
Ken can cancel the endlag of most normals into a special. All moves that are special cancellable can become a lot safer. They are special cancellable on the first frame of hitstunA state that a character is in put after getting hit, which the afflicted character cannot act at all./shieldstunA short state that a character is in put after shielding an attack, which the afflicted character cannot act at all., so on shield they become +[frames of shieldstun] on block. Example: Jab 1 has 3 frames of shieldstunA short state that a character is in put after shielding an attack, which the afflicted character cannot act at all. but is -10 on shield. When special canceled, it becomes +3 on shield.

Note that 6 is forward and 4 is backwards. Note that command inputs in Smash are very lenient. All inputs do not need the final horizontal input and can finish on the diagonal down input with the exception of half circle inputs (41236/63214). Inputs that start on a horizontal input can start on the diagonal down input. (examples: half circles can be done by doing 1236 and Shoryuken (DP)s can be done by doing 323, and extra inputs in the middle can be included in the input. (Example: DPs can be done by doing 6236 or 63236.

Normal Moves

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJab1_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJab2_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJab3_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJabHeavyClose_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJabHeavyClose_1' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJabHeavyFar_1' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJabHeavyFar_2' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJab1_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJab2_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJab3_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJabHeavyClose_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJabHeavyClose_1' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJabHeavyFar_1' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'KenJabHeavyFar_2' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
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Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

This move is a fast combo starter and combo filler.

  • Tied for fastest grounded move with LDTilt.
  • Can be linked into Jab 2, but it must be buffered or the opponent can shield before then.
  • Special cancellable, but doesn’t give enough hitstun for the specials to properly combo.
  • Startup of the move starts when the attack button is released.

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