This is a Matchup Template spun off of the TheoryBox Template as well as referenced off Dustloop Wiki's MatchupSummaryBox
It is designed to provide details of what you can expect from a character matchup, as well as how you can play the matchup against the character.
{{MatchupSummaryBox |game = The game played.(Optional, will default to Root Page Name) |character = The character played. |favorability = How hard/easy you expect the matchup to be. (Recommended Terms to use: Hard, Struggle, Even, Easy, Very Easy. + or - matchup numbers is ill-advised.) |oneliner = One-liner. As per what dustloop says, go ham. |summary = Describe the matchup in more detail. Use bullet points if you have to |(OPTIONAL) extralink = You are able to add a link an extra external matchup resource here, such as a PDF, or a matchup frame data specificity spreadsheet/website. Not required for the template to be fully filled out. }}
All Default Values
Short Summary goes here.
[[MatchupSummaryBox/{{{character}}}|Opponent's Overview]] | [[MatchupSummaryBox/{{{character}}}/Data#Character_Stats|Advanced Stats]] |
[[MatchupSummaryBox/{{{character}}}/Matchups#Documentation|Inverse Matchup]]
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Basic Example
An explosive matchup. Both of you can blow each other up if they get in.
- Don't get hit by EWGF, or at least try not to. If he hits this, you're most likely dead.
Opponent's Overview | Advanced Stats |
Inverse Matchup
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It's like chasing a rat in real life.
- If you ever get hit by Dash Attack, good luck.
Opponent's Overview | Advanced Stats |
Inverse Matchup
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