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Donkey Kong
[[File:Donkey Kong_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] (DK) gains and maintains space with large, rewarding hitboxes, relatively quick movement, and whiff punishes with his large, quick burst options and tilt attacks in order to set up for potent RPS situations.
Donkey Kong Grounded Hand Slap’s (gHS) range and safety on block when spaced make it excel at catching grounded opponents with a launch. bAir’s large hitbox and low startup make it a strong air-to-air normal; catching opponents attempting to jump over gHS. Mixing in grounded burst options like dash attack or grab gives DK strong presence in neutral.
dTilt and fTilt are safe, large moves that are great at challenging grounded opponents, while reverse uTilt and fadeback bAir do the same for aerial opponents. When DK gets any hit, he can leverage that into strong combos and a strong advantage state.
One who wants to control space with explosive rewards would need to look no further than the leader of the bunch.
Pros Cons
  • Versatile: Donkey Kong is above average with just about everything, and can perform any style necessary for the situation or matchup.
  • Explosive Advantage State: If Donkey Kong gets his hands on his opponent, his potent juggling, combo trees, and edgeguarding can absolutely obliterate stocks.
  • Great Burst Options: Donkey Kong’s dash attack is incredibly large, so DK can call out grounded movement very easily. Aggressive reverse aerial rush back airs can catch aerial movement as well.
  • High Range for Startup: Donkey Kong’s moves have impressive range, but what’s more impressive is that unlike other characters, DK doesn’t sacrifice startup and can reasonably box out sword characters like Marth, Corrin, Ike, and many others.
  • Quick Mobility: Donkey Kong is above average in terms of mobility, which allows him to position himself better than most. He has a top 10 walkspeed in particular, which complements his ability to space.
  • Armor: Donkey Kong's Giant Punch, Grounded Spinning Kong, and Headbutt all have armor properties. This allows DK to deal with certain moves well and deal devastating punishes to opponents that aren't careful!
  • Easy to combo: While Donkey Kong is very heavy, his large size and poor options out of disadvantage means that he will die in very few neutral interactions.
  • Exploitable Recovery: Donkey Kong is very prone to being edgeguarded in a rinse-repeat fashion until death if he doesn’t mix up properly. Spinning Kong does not have particularly great vertical distance either, and lacks hitbox placements above and below him. This makes him very prone to dying off of meteors, which can kill Donkey Kong incredibly early if he doesn't have his double jump.
  • Poor Out of Shield Options: If Donkey Kong is forced to shield, his options are slower than most of the cast. He has niche options with armor in Grounded Spinning Kong, but they are not very reliable outside of hard reads.
  • Poor Diagonal Presence: If the opponent approaches DK at an angle, they will find it much easier to exploit DK’s blindspots.
  • Gets Whiff Punished Easily: If Donkey Kong misses an attack, he will be in endlag for a very long time. Furthermore, his whiffs massively extend his hurtbox, making moving around Donkey Kong for a whiff punish very effective.

Normal Moves

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongJab1_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongJab1_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongJab2_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Quick, weak launcher that allows for pressure with aerials. Very niche, but not completely useless.

  • Tied for DK’s fastest normal at frame 5.
  • Jab 2 can cover blindspots after launches where DK cannot get a grab or up air, and has better reward than up tilt due to its frame advantage.
  • Generally unrewarding at low percents.
  • On hit, DK can frame trap or force jumps with up airs or back airs at middle and high percents.
Forward Tilt
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongFTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongFTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongFTiltUp_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongFTiltDown_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

One of DK’s best neutral buttons as a result of its massive reach. Risky if it misses, but unlikely to do so.

  • Frame 1 backwards hurtbox shift combined with its long range causes this move to out space most attacks, even those coming from sword characters.
  • On Frame 6, DK’s hurtbox shift ends, but the hitbox is not out yet, so long lasting moves can beat it.
  • Against low lag whiffs, forward tilt is often DK’s most reliable punish.
  • Angling fTilt up makes for a good anti-air against shorthops.
  • On hit, gives DK a small positional advantage, but generally just tacks on some extra damage. At mid percents, this can set up tech chase / jab lock situations.
  • When angled downward, it can hit ledgehangs and 2-frame recoveries, but DK’s hurtbox extends downward, leaving him vulnerable to recoveries with hitboxes.
  • Very easy to use in grounded combos, but is generally outclassed in terms of combo potential and damage.
Up Tilt
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongUTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongUTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Anti-air normal with some good combo potential. However, it is relatively unsafe on hit, making it difficult to use at low percents. Reversing is almost necessary for the move to be useful.

  • When reversed, it is less unsafe on hit at lower percents, and allows combos on hit at middle percents. Reversing also makes up tilt a better anti-air, as the intangible hitbox reaches out farther behind him
  • Covers most types of jumps.Works well out of a pivot cancel against characters such as Mario, Yoshi, and Pichu.
Down Tilt
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Low poke with a 40% bonus trip chance. Very large, and is safe when spaced well. One of DK’s best moves out of a parry. Good at safely covering grounded approaches.

  • Until higher mid percents, has an approximately 47% trip chance (2 or 12% base chance + 40% bonus from down tilt).
    • With no trip, reset to neutral at lower percent, or combo into another down tilt at middle percents.
    • With a trip, DK is +20, and DK can combo into grab (notably DKO; see Cargo Up Throw), dash attack, Giant Punch, grounded Spinning Kong (grounded up special; gSK), or even Headbutt depending on the situation.
    • Even without a trip, at mid percents, dTilt can combo into itself or standing grab (if dTilt is unspaced).
    • When dTilt stops tripping (around 70% against a mid-weight), forward tilt will always combo. As percents rise from here, DA, Dash Grab, and Grounded Hand Slap will start comboing from dTilt.
    • At very high percents, causes a tech chase that is very favorable for DK.
  • Followups are spacing dependent. Some moves like Giant Punch won’t combo at max range, even with a trip.
  • Any move that is -3 or worse on block can be punished by a down tilt on parry, which can be devastating if luck is on DK’s side.
  • Safe on block when spaced.
Dash Attack
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDashAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDashAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Excellent burst option. Will catch any kind of grounded movement, even late shorthops or dashes backward. Poor priority means it will lose to good hitboxes.

  • Combined with DK’s movement, he can threaten a large amount of space with this move.
  • Gives DK’s dash grab more range if used immediately before.
  • One of DK’s most useful whiff punish options.
  • On clean hit, leads to up airs (starting at 0%) and back airs (starting ~10%) at low percents. Otherwise, puts the opponent into a juggle or edgeguard situation.
  • On late hit, leads to grabs or another dash attack at lower percents, and back airs at mid percents. Otherwise, leads to a potential kill with back air on a read of the opponent’s escape option.
  • Unsafe on block if done at most ranges.
  • If done at max range, is safe enough (at best -1 on block) for DK to punish an opponent’s out of shield option.

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongFSmash_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongFSmash_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Niche option with good range and reward. Generally outclassed by Giant Punch if it is already charged.

  • Generally safe on block if max spaced.
  • Very long range and good priority (does not clank) means that this can occasionally be used to read certain aerial approaches.
  • Fully charged, is DK’s strongest shield break punish outside of down air into Giant Punch, but this does not stale Giant Punch, so it is better when it kills.
Up Smash
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongUSmash_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongUSmash_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Great move to confirm into a kill. Can be used on a read for early kills in advantage.

  • Most commonly used after a landing Aerial Hand Slap (aerial down special; aHS) (when it launches) for a kill.
  • Can be used against opponents attempting to escape to a side platform. The charging animation can dodge many attacks that would normally go through the platform and hit DK.
  • In neutral, dash forward into up smash can be used as a highly committal read against jump forward for a kill. This is more reliable against fullhops, but possible against shorthops, but the high ending lag makes this risky regardless.
  • Can be used to read specific ledge options with a kill, though generally this is unreliable due to the strict timing and high ending lag on whiff.
  • Poor safety on shield, allowing opponents to drop shield and drop through platforms for a punish.
  • Very niche out of shield option. Can catch big bodies on the ground, especially behind DK where Up Smash has a bit more horizontal reach.
Down Smash
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDSmash_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDSmash_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Almost always outclassed. Very rarely has a real niche that cannot be done by another move with better coverage and risk-reward.

  • Can be used to two-frame better with slopes, but too risky and not quick enough to be reliable.
  • Can be used after Headbutt if the opponent has too good of a mash to get hit by forward smash. Can also be used if the opponent does not get caught by Up Smash when buried, and they have good mashing mix-up timings to escape from bury.


Neutral Air
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongNAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongNAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Long-lasting aerial whiff punish tool. One of DK’s better aerials to whiff punish with an autocancel on a SHFF, but its low priority makes for a poor option otherwise. Capable of frame trapping airdodges. Many combos require DK to drift in as neutral air hits.

  • Rising SHFF neutral air leads to down tilts, dash attacks, grabs, and even Giant Punch on hit.
  • Good for edgeguarding recoveries without a hitbox, but is not advised against any other recovery.
  • Excels at covering tech options if the opponent techs on a platform.
  • Can catch higher jump arcs than back air, but still note the bad hitbox.
  • As a combo extender (especially combined with a turnaround) or ender, can lead to frame traps into back air or up air.
  • Autocancels on every frame it is not active.
Forward Air
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongFAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongFAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Large arc with bad horizontal priority. Outclassed outside of specific matchups and situations. DK’s strongest spike, but too unreliable to matter.

  • The raw strength of the spike means it can occasionally kill onstage.
  • Decent air coverage option where its hitboxes and slow startup can complement the rest of his air tools. The arc makes this good against characters that struggle against diagonal hitboxes, such as Jigglypuff.
  • Worse combo potential (with the spike hitbox) than all of DK’s other launchers.
Back Air
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongBAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongBAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

DK’s bread. Will beat most characters air-to-air. Creates rewarding situations for DK when used in both as a rising and falling aerial.

  • Must be moving forward for rising back air to combo.
  • On hit, rising back air can combo into itself around low-mid percents. At higher percents, it can set up for tech chases and jump reads.
    • At lower percents (up until ~25%), rising back air -> falling back air is not a true combo; the second can be shielded.
  • Fadeback rising back air can catch many aerial approaches very safely, though it will not give DK any followup options.
  • Poor vertical range means that many characters can pancake under rising back air.
  • On hit, landing back air leads to forward tilt most consistently, and occasionally grab or down tilt depending on spacing.
  • DK’s safest aerial due to the ability to space very far.
  • On block, landing back air can be followed up with DK’s long-reaching attacks, such as another back air.
  • When unstaled, back air kills very well. However, this move is often so useful that it will likely be staled by the time the opponent is at kill percent, unless DK dies first.
Up Air
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongUAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongUAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Premier juggling tool due to its hitbox, frame data, and high jump. Often useful even in neutral to catch jumps.

  • If the opponent jumps at DK, up air can situationally be better than up ttilt due to the fact it sends the opponent upwards as well as the intangibility on DK’s head.
  • Beats many combo breakers outright, and will beat most on a read with the intangibility on DK’s head.
  • If the opponent airdodges without a fastfall, SHFF up air will frame trap into a grounded move.
  • Can be used to read jumps in advantage and neutral.
  • Used in kill confirms at percents where up smash or Giant Punch are not available.
  • Almost always outclassed when used as a jump-in due to landing lag, but can lead to itself on hit.
Down Air
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Incredible combo starter if it connects, and a powerful edgeguarding tool. Non-existent horizontal range relegates this move to being a whiff punish.

  • Offstage, the large downward reach will beat many recoveries, and two-frame reliably and safely if timed well.
  • In neutral, if the opponent whiffs as DK is jumping, he can dAir if in range.
  • In tech situations, down air is DK’s strongest option if it connects.
  • On hit, can lead to grabs, up airs, up smashes, and Giant Punch depending on the percent.
  • Due to the lack of horizontal range, DK needs to be on top of the opponent, and the sourspot is not very strong.
  • Excellent tool for punishing “safe” aerials as DK full hop dAirs against a blocked aerial -> spot dodge


Giant Punch (Neutral Special)
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongGiantPunchG_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongGiantPunchG_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongGiantPunchA_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongGiantPunchGM_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongGiantPunchAM_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

DK’s best move if he has it charged. Charging this move is how DK spends most of his time if he has any to kill. If he spends too much time charging, DK might give up his pressure. Once charged, makes a fantastic mid-range poke with its armor, range, and safety.

  • Has super armor, not heavy armor, allowing him to tank any move.
  • Has few armor frames in the air.
  • Is DK’s only armored move where the armor overlaps his active frames.
  • If DK starts the move in the air, then lands on the ground, the grounded super armor window will take over.
    • E.g. if he’s in the air on frame 10, then lands on frame 11, he will not have armor on frame 10 but will on frame 11.
  • After dying, DK has enough invulnerability to get a fully charged Giant Punch if he decides to get off the respawn platform immediately.
  • If the opponent does anything in response to Giant Punch other than a full hop or spotdodge, punishing is nearly impossible if DK spaces the move well.
  • On block, point blank Giant Punch is completely unpunishable by everyone. In fact, DK will be able to punish most options the opponent can do out of shield with a followup attack. If they attempt to shield the followup attack, their shield will likely break. On parry, Giant Punch is still safe when spaced.
  • Extremely high shield damage allows for shield breaks with minimal shield damage.
  • Can be comboed into from most of DK’s kit. Notable confirms include a down tilt trip, a down air, and the second hit of Aerial Hand Slap.
  • Can be used as an occasional ledge option to armor through an opponent’s ledgetrapping and potentially even kill them.
  • Can be turned around, b-reversed, and wavebounced, giving DK flexibility in using this move in the air, such as a fake out jump back -> wavebounce forward Giant Punch.
  • The charge cannot be b-reversed, but can be turned around. Turnaround charge is often paired with jump cancelling into back air, referred to as RCC (reverse charge cancel) bAir.
    • This gives DK an additional ledge option, with ledge drop -> RCC -> bAir. This entire sequence is rather reactable, but can catch non-disjointed ledge trap mashing options.
    • Ledge drop -> RCC empty land -> grab is a useful mixup when most are ready to shield a bAir instead.
    • When recovering, RCC can be used to give him access to bAir, at the cost of a jump or airdodge.
  • Has significant pullback hurtbox shifting on startup, which can induce whiffs targeted to stuff out Punch before super armor frames, or against grabs on all startup frames.
Headbutt (Side Special)
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongHeadbuttG_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongHeadbuttG_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongHeadbuttA_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Has one good niche, but is normally not a very reliable move.

  • Has super armor, not heavy armor, allowing him to tank any move.
  • Has a significant vulnerable gap in between his super armor and the active hitbox (5 frames).
  • DK can grab the ledge on every frame of this move’s animation. If DK can grab the ledge with Headbutt, he always should. Headbutt's armor allows DK to grab the ledge with less risk of getting hit.
  • If Headbutt hits the opponent as DK grabs the ledge, its ending lag is cut significantly, increasing the amount of potential followups.
  • On hit, forward smash or Giant Punch are the go-to options at higher percents. If the opponent can mash, down smash is often good too. With good mashing, the opponent can typically escape out of bury against Giant Punch until ~120%. *With an average mash, these moves can connect around 80%. A subpar mash can catch people as early as 60%.
  • Some characters can be hit by up smash after a headbutt. This is most useful if DK headbutts while right on top of his opponent.
    • If the opponent cannot be hit by up smash during the bury, DK can react to them popping out of bury (when their animation flashes yellow indicating they’re almost out). With good timing, this up smash is still inescapable.
  • Always negative on hit against airborne opponents (< 300%), including the spiking hitbox, making jump reliable counterplay.
  • When recovering, can be used facing away from the stage to give him access to bair. This is much slower than RCC (which typically doesn’t matter when launched across the stage), but does not cost a recovery resource.
Spinning Kong (Up Special)
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongSpinningKongG_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongSpinningKongG_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongSpinningKongA_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Grounded Spinning Kong (gSK)

A move with very niche use. Can kill at very low percents, but is very unsafe and reactable. If used near ledge, always hold in to avoid the opponent falling out of the move.

  • Has super armor, not heavy armor, allowing him to tank any move.
  • Has a vulnerable gap in between his super armor and the active hitbox (2 frames).
  • The reactable startup combined with poor safety means this move is reserved for reads.
  • Armoring through projectiles is a good idea on a read, but unreliable on reaction, as the opponent may be able to shield as a result of DK being frozen in hitlag.
  • Can occasionally catch landings, but extremely punishable on whiff, which can often lose DK his turn.
  • There’s an ejection hitbox behind DK that, if the opponent is hit by it, will leave DK very vulnerable.
  • Grounded Spinning Kong scales very well with rage, as it is mostly base knockback.
  • Against laggy moves on shield, serves as a great punish that works at many ranges.
  • Has significant pullback hurtbox shifting on startup, which can induce whiffs targeted to stuff out gSK before super armor frames, or against grabs on all startup frames.

Aerial Spinning Kong (aSK)

Some gimmicky use cases, but normally is relegated as DK’s recovery move.

  • Decent horizontal recovery and bad vertical recovery makes DK susceptible to spikes.
  • The poor vertical hitboxes means that DK is able to be edgeguarded in a rinse-repeat fashion very easily.
  • Makes a decent combo breaker, as it’s frame 4, as fast as his air dodge. It is quite unsafe on hit at low percents, however.
    • The unsafety on hit can be mitigated if DK can launch his opponent onto a platform, or if he can land on or under it.
  • Can be used to edgeguard characters with unpredictable timings because it lasts a very long time.
  • Technically DK’s fastest out of shield option, but doesn’t hit most of the cast at all.
  • Can almost guarantee a shield poke against opponents shielding at ledge or on a platform.
  • Holding down/snapping to ledge immediately for the stage spike 50/50 is a decent mixup if DK catches them with it offstage. Holding down while they're behind DK can potentially send them offstage and DK back to ledge.
Hand Slap (Down Special)
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongHandSlapG_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongHandSlapG_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongHandSlapA_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Grounded Hand Slap (gHS)

DK’s butter. Will beat most grounded approaches if done preemptively. Rewarding, especially if DK gets the second hit. Safe on block when spaced.

  • Each additional rep (e.g. between hits 2 and 3) takes another 26 frames. Maximum reps is indefinite.
  • On hit, the first hit will lead into a juggle scenario where DK is either even or slightly advantageous. DK can often use up air or back air to frame trap or force a jump.
  • On block, despite DK being highly negative, the pushback and spacing of the move will often render DK unpunishable. Beware of maximum spacing, however, as getting only the first hit on block makes DK punishable.
  • The opponent cannot jump out in between the first and second hit, but only when the move is fresh. It will catch their jump squat.
  • Certain characters can escape the second hit on block:
    • Mythra with her Foresight.
    • Bayonetta with her Bats Within.
  • Only hits grounded opponents, so this will lose to any opponent jumping over it.
  • Can still activate counters of aerial opponents.
  • Dashing back with b-reverse Grounded Hand Slap excels at catching landings.
  • If Grounded Hand Slap catches spotdodges, rolls, and techs, it will often get the second hit. Catching landings can also get the second hit.
  • On hit, the second hit will true combo into either up air or back air depending on DK’s orientation, the hitbox that connects (inner hitboxes launch more vertically), and the opponent’s DI.
    • Typically if DK is facing the opponent, up air. Away, and it’s back air. At some higher percents, this can lead to a kill.

Aerial Hand Slap (aHS)

Great movement option. Has the potential to be DK’s best combo starter, and has good range.

  • B-Reversals and Wavebounces allow Aerial Hand Slap to bait out and avoid many options in neutral and disadvantage.
  • The low landing lag and long range make Aerial Hand Slap very safe on block and whiff.
  • Can edgecancel, which when combined with b-reversals and wavebounces, makes for tricky movement.
  • On hit, leads to grabs, down tilts, and up smashes.
  • Will combo into Giant Punch or Grounded Spinning Kong if only the second hit connects on a grounded opponent.
  • Being -3 on block at best (for either hit) means that Aerial Hand Slap can often lead to pressure situations on shield.
  • The first hit has fixed knockback. If DK lands onto the ground with only the first hit, this can always combo into a grab or jab depending on spacing.
  • The second hit punishes two-frames and ledgehangs with a spike that has a high potential to outright kill the opponent if timed right. This is often the safest way of 2-framing and hitting ledgehangs as DK.
  • Long startup means the opponent can pre-emptively stuff this attack.

Grabs and Throws

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100


Shake my hand.
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100


Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

DK’s best out of shield option overall. Long range makes for a good punish tool.

  • Third largest non-tether grab makes this a very strong out of shield option if the opponent does something unsafe.
  • Generally not great outside of punishing unsafe moves.
Dash Grab
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDashGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDashGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Strong burst option to beat an opponent shielding.

  • Slightly lower range and speed than strong hit Dash Attack.
  • Forces opponents at mid range to shield less, allowing DK to push his other mixups better.
  • DK’s least useful grab, as it does not accomplish anything his other tools do not other than outright punishing shields.
Pivot Grab
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongPivotGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongPivotGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Great whiff punishing tool against approaching players.

  • Long range combined with DK’s mobility means this can whiff punish most burst options on a good read.
  • Catches landings fantastically.
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongPummel_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongPummel_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Pummel is rarely a favorable option due to grab escape carrying over from pummel into cargo. Even if you're going for a regular back throw, the instant throw with likely worse DI is pretty much always worth more than just a few percent.
Back Throw
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongBThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongBThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

DK’s main kill throw if his back is to the ledge. Kills very early on bad DI.

  • The quick animation of this move means that it is very difficult to DI on reaction. As such, this throw will kill much earlier than expected.
  • Pummeling betrays the quickness of this throw, and is often inadvisable unless the pummel will guarantee a kill.
Up Throw
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongUThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongUThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Virtually useless. Can be used to create a juggle situation, but is completely outclassed by CUT. Likely done as a misinput when attempting CUT.

  • Can be better in doubles to launch them vertically faster than CUT.
Down Throw
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongDThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Only able to set up niche tech situations, which are usually only worthwhile when near the corner.

Can lead to a DKO with the right percents, or a Giant Punch at ledge (when they can’t roll away).
Cargo (Forward Throw)
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongCargo_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100


Now we're getting carried away!
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongCargo_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Puts DK into a cargo state with his opponent. DK can move around, and has access to four different throws from this. They are often abbreviated as C_T. For example, Cargo Down Throw would be called CDT.

  • Mashing transfers over to cargo hold. I.E. if the opponent is nearly done mashing out of normal grab, they will likely mash out of cargo hold before the animation is finished.
  • Pummeling before putting the opponent in cargo hold is unadvised as a result of mashing transferring over.
  • The transition into cargo has invulnerability when most throws would. The actual cargo throws do not have invulnerability.
  • After the invulnerable frames, DK has knockback-based heavy armor until he initiates a throw. DK is able to tank up to 80 total knockback units (i.e. any move that induces tumble).
Cargo Forward Throw (CFT)
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongCargoFThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongCargoFThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

When offstage, DK’s earliest kill throw. If it does not kill, this is suboptimal for extending advantage.

  • Kills earlier than CDT in the event that you will go offstage with cargo hold.
  • Leads to worse edgeguards, and is not ideal for setting up juggles.
  • When going offstage for CFT, it is best to jump off as to not incidentally SD.
Cargo Back Throw (CBT)
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongCargoBThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongCargoBThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Outclassed until extreme percents, and still requires poor DI to get a kill.

  • When used to throw the opponent into the stage, if the opponent techs, they can footstool DK and kill him.
Cargo Up Throw (CUT)
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongCargoUThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongCargoUThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

The reason DK goes for grabs. This leads to DK’s main combos, as well as allows for one of his premier kill confirms, DKO.

  • Leads to up air from zero up until killing percents. [pDKO chart in DKcord]
  • Most combo starters that lead to grab will go into this throw.
Cargo Down Throw (CDT)
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongCargoDThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongCargoDThrow_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

DK’s best throw at setting up horizontal advantage. Is never a bad option, especially when DKO is not available.

  • Can set up for tech situations at low percents, though they can often be jumped out of.
  • When offstage, CDT sends at a much better angle for edgeguards.
  • Can be turned around when offstage to throw into the stage, and is safer than CBT.
  • Occasionally chosen over CUT for corner positioning.

Misc. Attacks

Ledge Attack
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongLedgeAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongLedgeAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

One of the best getup attacks in the game. Very good against overextensions.

  • High range means the opponent must space further out if they are not shielding.
  • Still incredibly risky, generally only useful against opponents misspacing or overextending.
Getup Attack
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongGetupAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongGetupAttack_1' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongGetupAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongGetupAttack_1' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Trip Attack
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongTripAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'DonkeyKongTripAttack_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Character Select

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