{{{Character-SSBU |character= Character Name(String) | weight = Character Weight(Integer) | airdodgen = Neutral Airdodge Intangible Frames (e.g: 3~17F intangible) | airdodgentotal = Neutral Airdodge Total Frames (e.g: 40F) | airdodged = Directional Airdodge Intangible Frames (e.g: 3~17F intangible) | airdodgedtotal = Directional Airdodge Total Frames, delimited with \ (e.g: 40 (Up) \ 30 (Diagonal Up) \ ...) | jumpsquat = Jumpsquat(If left blank, defaults to 3. But just type in just in case.) | hopheightshort = Short Hop Height(Integer) | hopheightfull = Full Hop Height(Integer) | hopheightair = Air Jump(double jump) Height(Integer) | hopdurationshort= Short Hop Duration (Integer) | hopdurationfull = Full Hop Duration (Integer) | hopdurationshff = Short Hop Fast Fall Duration (Integer) | hopdurationfhff = Full Hop Fast Fall Duration (Integer) | jumpstotal = Number of jumps(including ground jump). Defaults to 2 when blank. | gravity = Gravity (Integer) | airfallspeedn = Air Fall Speed (Integer) | airfallspeedfast= Air Fast Fall Speed (Integer) | hardlanding = Hard Landing Lag (Integer) | airspeed = Air Speed (Integer) | airaccelbase = Base Air Acceleration (Integer) | airacceladd = Additional Air Acceleration (Integer) | airaccelmax = Max Air Acceleration (Integer) | walkspeed = Walk Speed (Integer) | dashinitial = Initial Dash (Integer) | runspeed = Run Speed (Integer) | dashframesn = Initial Dash Frames (Integer) | dashframespivot = Pivot Dash Frames (Integer) | rollback = Backwards Total Roll Frames/Intangible Frames (e.g: 25/4~25F intangible). Not rollback netcode, which smash will never get | rollforward = Forwards Total Roll Frames/Intangible Frames (e.g: 25/4~25F intangible) | spotdodgetotal = Spotdodge Cancel/Total Frames (e.g: 20/25) | spotdodgeintan = Spotdodge Intangible Frames (e.g: 3~17F intangible) | grabrange = Grab Range (Integer) }} Blank Template down here {{{Character-SSBU |character= |weight= |airdodgen= |airdodgentotal= |airdodged= |airdodgedtotal= |jumpsquat= |hopheightshort= |hopheightfull= |hopheightair= |hopdurationshort= |hopdurationfull= |hopdurationshff= |hopdurationfhff= |jumpstotal= |gravity= |airfallspeedn= |airfallspeedfast= |hardlanding= |airspeed= |airaccelbase= |airacceladd= |airaccelmax= |walkspeed= |dashinitial= |runspeed= |dashframesn= |dashframespivot= |rollback= |rollforward= |spotdodgetotal= |spotdodgeintan= |grabrange= }}