Marks a specific term from the Glossary and provides a definition by hovering over the text.
{{term|[glossary term]|[underlined text]}}
[glossary term]
- Mandatory; the term being defined. Not case-sensitive.
[marked text]
- Optional; the text being written out that will be underlined and marked for hover-definitions. By default, this will simply match the glossary term.
This mechanic is what we call {{term|hitfall}}. It is very neat and cool.
---> This mechanic is what we call hitfallHitfall
A tech in which the attacker can buffer a fastfall during hitpause. Exclusive to Rivals of Aether and Rivals of Aether II.. It is very neat and cool.
When {{term|Hitfall|hitfalling}} Clairen's FAir, she may land the first hit and not the second.
---> When hitfallingHitfall
A tech in which the attacker can buffer a fastfall during hitpause. Exclusive to Rivals of Aether and Rivals of Aether II. Clairen's FAir, she may land the first hit and not the second.