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This Template is inspired from Dustloop's own version of PlayersToWatch. It shows up as a table reference of players who are notable for playing the characters and the playstyles to watch out/learn from, with video examples.
Standards for Players to Watch
- The section should be presented as "Players to Watch" not as "Notable Players". Players who are put into this table need to have a large amount of publicly available footage to observe, whether on YouTube or on a replay viewing site like (Placeholder).
- The section must link to example footage, for example:
EVO 2019 Grand Finals Vs. Tweek (Pokemon Trainer)
Multiple sources of footage, preferably against different characters, are strongly recommended. - The section should never link to social media for the players, only their footage. This section is not for endorsement, but for players to learn how to better play the character.
- The Notes field should provide some basic explanation of why the player's footage is noteworthy for watching.
- You should perhaps note if a player is retired or not, as that could impact their footage relative to older versions of the game or modern metas.
Do not vandalize these tables, and be careful with who you link to. Site wide standards of anti-racism, misogyny, transphobia and more apply to these tables. It's not very hard to be a nice, reasonable human being.
Entries = A list of {{PlayersToWatchEntry}} s custom = Either put yes or leave blank. yes will open up a header that says Custom, blank will leave it alone
{{PlayersToWatch|custom=|Entries= {{PlayersToWatchEntry}}..... }}
This section is not an endorsement of players as a people. This is a tool to help find videos to learn matchups, combos, and general play techniques. For guidelines and best practices, visit the Template Doc
Color | Name | Region | Sample Footage | Things to Watch For |
This section is not an endorsement of players as a people. This is a tool to help find videos to learn matchups, combos, and general play techniques. For guidelines and best practices, visit the Template Doc
Color | Name | Region | Sample Footage | Custom | Things to Watch For |