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View table: SSBU_MoveData_Test

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Table structure:

  1. chara - String
  2. attack - String
  3. name - String
  4. images - List of File, delimiter: \
  5. hitboxes - List of File, delimiter: \
  6. damage - Wikitext
  7. active - Wikitext
  8. endlag - Wikitext
  9. angle - Wikitext
  10. kbBase - Wikitext
  11. kbGrow - Wikitext
  12. stun - Wikitext
  13. safety - Wikitext
  14. autocancel - Wikitext
  15. rehit - Wikitext
  16. hitlagMulti - Wikitext
  17. sdiMulti - Wikitext
  18. shieldDamage - Wikitext
  19. protection - Wikitext
  20. notes - List of Wikitext string, delimiter: \
  21. caption - List of Wikitext, delimiter: \
  22. hitboxCaption - List of Wikitext, delimiter: \

This table has 0 rows altogether.

Page chara attack name images hitboxes damage active endlag angle kbBase kbGrow stun safety autocancel rehit hitlagMulti sdiMulti shieldDamage protection notes caption hitboxCaption
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