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SSBU/Version/8.0.0: Difference between revisions

From Dragdown
< SSBU‎ | Version
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(Created page with "{{SSBUPatch |version=8.0.0 |date=June 29th, 2020 |summary=placeholder |links=[ Official Site] }} ====General==== * ''{{StockIcon|SSBU|Min Min}}'' '''''joins the game as a playable character''''' ====Misc.==== * {{tt|Fountain of Dreams' lag spikes were fixed|The lag that comes from Wario turning while using his side-B still persists}} * Lylat Cruise has bigger ledges and it...")
mNo edit summary
Line 95:
{{clr|aerial|Fair}} has more range at the beginning<br>
Increased the cooldown before Diddy is able to throw another banana peel ({{clr|special|down-B}})
|{{StockIcon|SSBU|Lucas}} ||
{{clr|grab|Pivot grab}} stretches out more towards Lucas making it less likely to whiff at point blank range
| {{StockIcon|SSBU|King Dedede}} ||

Latest revision as of 13:27, 12 May 2023

Version 8.0.0

Date Released: June 29, 2020

Official Site

Previous Version
Next Version


  • Min Min joins the game as a playable character


  • Fountain of Dreams' lag spikes were fixedThe lag that comes from Wario turning while using his side-B still persists
  • Lylat Cruise has bigger ledges and it is overall easier to recover on it
  • Garreg Mach Monastery's Omega and Battlefield form's blastzones has been adjusted to match other omega stages

Fighter Adjustments

Fighter Adjustment

Dash Attack has less endlag and more knockback at the beginning of the move
Dsmash has less startup and more knockback
Fair's last two hits does more damage. The last hit has more knockback
Bair's sweetspot has more knockback
Down-B has more knockback

Captain Falcon

Dash Attack has less endlag
Dtilt has more knockback
Usmash's second hit has more knockback
Grounded side-B has more range, launches at a different angle and has less knockback
Aerial side-B is easier to spike with
Down-B has less startup. The sweetspot has more knockback


Fsmash is more consistent. The last hit also has more range


Dtilt has less startup and sends at a different angle
Usmash has more active frames and knockback. It has also been made more consistent
Nair's last hit comes out faster and has more range
Dair has less endlag and landing lag
Side-B has more active frames and less startup on the ground


Dsmash's tipper has more knockback
Fair's tipper is easier to hit
Bair's tipper is easier to hit
Uair's tipper is easier to hit


Bair has more knockback. The tip and middle of the tail also does more damage
Uair has more knockback
Dthrow has less endlag
Neutral-B does more damage when uncharged, on top of having less startup and endlag
Up-B has less landing lag (does not apply in freefall)

Meta Knight

Nair has more range
Fair has less endlag. It has also been made more consistent
Bair is more consistent
Neutral-B's sweetspot lasts longer
Up-B is more consistent. The first hit sends at a different angle, and the second hit has more range


Dtilt sends at a different angle and has less knockback
Usmash's last hit has more knockback
Dsmash's front hit sends at a different angle
Uair has less startup, less endlag, sends at a different angle and the final hit has more knockback
Getup attacks' endlag has beed adjusted to match other fighters
Down-B has less endlag

Dark Pit

Dtilt sends at a different angle and has less knockback
Usmash's last hit has more knockback
Dsmash's front hit sends at a different angle
Uair has less startup, less endlag, sends at a different angle and the final hit has more knockback
Getup attacks' endlag has beed adjusted to match other fighters
Down-B has less endlag


Dash Attack has more knockback
Dtilt has less knockback
Nair has more knockback and the sourspot has beed reduced
Fair has less endlag and does more damage (knockback stays the same)
Up-B's final hit has more knockback and sends at a different angle. Ike also can't trade after ascendingNeeds clarification


Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast

Diddy Kong

Dash Attack is more consistent. The final hit has more range
Ftilt has more range near the hands. It also sends at a different angle, and the sourspot has more active frames
Dsmash has less startup, and the second hit has more active frames
Fair has more range at the beginning
Increased the cooldown before Diddy is able to throw another banana peel (down-B)


Pivot grab stretches out more towards Lucas making it less likely to whiff at point blank range

King Dedede

Utilt does more damage and has more knockback
Dtilt sends at a different angle
Fair has more knockback
Uair's final hit has more knockback
Neutral-B has less startup. Fighters can also be inhaled from further away if used on the ground


Jab is more consistent
Utilt is more consistent. The arm and the head are also invincible
Usmash's fireworks does more damage and has more knockback
Uair has more knockback
Dair has less startup
Planting a seed (down-B) and watering it has less endlag
Axe swings (down-B when a tree is up) has more knockback and does more shield damage

Mega Man

Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast

Wii Fit Trainer

Dtilt sends at a different angle
Usmash has less startup
Dsmash has less endlag
Fair has less endlag and landing lag
Neutral-B has more knockback

Little Mac

Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast
Getup attacks' endlag has beed adjusted to match other fighters


Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast

Duck Hunt

Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast


Fsmash's tipper has more knockback, on top of having more range. It also does more shieldstun
Fair does more damage (knockback stays the same)
Bair's sweetspot does more damage and has more knockback
Uair does more damage and has more knockback
Side-B's lance attacks have less endlag. The kick's sweetspot has more knockback. Jumping after the stab has less endlag


Ftilt 3 has less endlag
Utilt has less startup and is more consistent. The final hit has more range and active frames
Fsmash has more knockback and active frames
Side-B has less endlag. Same goes for the followup
Up-B's SDI multiplier has been decreased


Down-B's tipper does more damage. It is also now considered a hitgrab, and as such, the sweetspot won't crumple throw invincible opponents

King K. Rool

Dash Attack has more knockback. The sweetspot also lasts longer
Usmash does more damage and has more knockback
Bthrow sends at a different angle
Side-B's crown has more priority
Belly armor is more durable in general


Dash Attack has less startup
Utilt has less endlag
Usmash has less startup
Uair has more knockback
Dair has less startup


Usmash has more knockback
Grabs has less startup in general
Fthrow has more knockback
Side-B starts grabbing sooner. The lariat followup also has more knockback on hit
Down-B has less endlag. On hit, the power up is increased

Piranha Plant

Utilt sends at a different angle and has less startup
Dsmash has less startup
Fair has less startup
Bair has more knockback
Uair does more damage and has more knockback


KaboomOne of the many spells accessible through Hero's down-B is more consistent

Banjo & Kazooie

Ledge Attack's back hit has more range

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