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SSBU/Steve/Steve NormalMoves MoveCards

From Dragdown
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Revision as of 04:08, 13 June 2023 by Tytaneum (talk | contribs) (→‎{{clr|aerial|Forward Aerial (Sword)}})
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Normal Moves

Jab Tilt

/ +

Disclaimer: Jab and Side Tilt are the same move. There are no differences between them as they are one in the same. It's almost always referred to as Jab and will be referred as Jab here forth.

Jab is an extremely potent and spammable combo and neutral tool. The holding and strafing mechanics give it similar pressure applications to U-Tilt, although it's less safe and less damaging. It combos into itself extremely easily, and can carry characters across the stage at low percents into a F-Air. This is especially effective against fastfallers like Fox and Greninja, who will repeatedly hit the ground after every sword swing and can potentially die early to a F-Air at the end. At lower percents, most characters will eventually start popping up into the air, allowing you to do an U-Tilt ladder combo or a pick loopRepeatedly comboing Jab -> F-Air. to very quickly rack up damage. While untrue, Jab can set up for a Grab at low percents, and by using TBC or PBRTechniques involving Block mechanics that essentially allow Steve to laglessly turn around mid-air. at higher percents, Steve can combo Jab into B-Air as a more situational kill confirm.

  • Steve will automatically mash Jab for as long as is held. While doing this, Steve can freely jump, double jump, and strafeA mechanic during a move that lets you walk forward or backwards without turning around.. Crouching cancels this. Jumping will transition into N-Air, which is virtually identical.
  • Punch Jab has high base knockback. While you can still technically combo off of it, it is significantly worse than other versions.

Up Tilt


An extremely fast, non-committal, high damage, and spammable move. This is mainly used for pressure in neutral, combos, and kill confirms. It chains into itself and U-Air very easily, and with strategic Block placement, it allows for high-damage, simple ladder combos that can exceed 50%. SDIInfluencing the user's position while in hitlag, typically in multihits Up and Away forces Steve to try the hardest to cover, but he's still able to get a full combo. At low percents, it combos into Grab for different routes. Also combos into U-Smash for kills at high percents of the ground or block ladder kill confirms at mid percents. Holding U-Tilt in neutral or on a shield can be very threatening due to the low lag and freedom of movement. Hitting a shield a few times very quickly threatens a shield poke and forces the opponent to act. This pressure is best escaped via a well timed roll, parry, or jump away, but contesting it is still difficult. Although it's safe on shield, it's usually spammed, making it more punishable due to the startup lag from the next U-Tilt. During combos, it's generally better to time U-Tilts and U-Airs instead of holding them for more flexibility.

  • Steve will automatically mash U-Tilt for as long as is held. While doing this, he can freely jump, double jump, and strafeA mechanic that lets you walk forwards or backwards during a move without turning around.. Crouching cancels this.
  • When airborne and holding the move, Steve will do aerial U-Tilt. It looks the same as U-Air, but is technically different because it's slower, has a more vertical launch angle, and has no landing lag. This nuance is important for combos.
  • Gold U-Tilt is very silly. It has gaps, but is almost a constantly active hitbox above Steve if held.
  • Punch U-Tilt is surprisingly okay. Unlike Punch Jab, it doesn't have high base knockback, so you can still combo fairly easily.

Down Tilt


Obnoxious combo and edgeguardUsing various means to prevent an opponent from recovering to the stage tool. D-Tilt is an extremely active multihit projectile that spawns in front of Steve and lingers. If he's close enough to the ledge or the edge of a platform/Block, it will appear in the air and slowly descend for its duration. This is great for edgeguarding, as you can hit many low recoveries with minimal risk. It has very little killing potential, but the high knockback angle allows you to repeatedly reset the situation and build damage. Onstage, it becomes more committal due to Steve being stuck in a laggy crouch animation while it's out, but its still an effective move. At low percents, D-Tilt can both start and continue combos. You can chain 3-4 on most of the cast, or follow it up with a F-Air or U-Air into imagination. With proper use of block cancellingstanding on a Block and using a move as it breaks to cancel endlag., Steve is left freely actionable while the flame is active, making it a projectile upwards of +70 on hit that can be followed up with basically anything.

  • While technically +5 on shield, that number only applies for the finisher hitbox. The 4 multihits before have gaps that can be escaped with a well-timed jump or roll.
  • D-Tilt can be reflected, but its movement will not change.

Dash Attack

while dashing or running

Steve's fastest burst option and a solid get off me tool. It has very limited combo application, but can technically combo into another Dash Attack at low percents. It can end combos but other options are better. It becomes a decent kill option with Diamond near the ledge.

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash

/ +

  • PlaceHolder

Up Smash


Extremely active move that covers the space above Steve, but also by far his most committal option. Steve is left open for about a second if whiffed, so always make sure to connect it properly. Up Smash is a fast, large, and strong anti air that can be comboed into, and opponents not moving around it carefully can easily fall into it. The multihits have extremely low priority though, so certain moves like Steve's Dair or Palutena and Ivysaur's Nairs will easily cut through it and hit Steve. Up Smash is an extremely potent combo tool, and is usually used as a finisher. It kills characters like Mario starting at about 110% of the ground, but can steal stocks of the top at as low as 70% when used to end a block ladder combo. Blocks also let Usmash extend and technically start combos via block cancelling. If a block breaks and interrupts Usmash during the multihits, then you can directly combo into an Utilt. This is best set up with dirt blocks, and doing Usmash on a block offstage or doing Utilt > Usmash on a block onstage. While the correct DI is away, it has little effect on Usmash's kill potential, only making it kill about 6% later.

  • Usmash is big enough to hit the opponent through the stage if steve is plankingcamping under the ledge to avoid interaction. You aren't safe standing on the ledge above him.
  • If block cancelled, the launcher hitbox of Usmash basically combos into anything. It has set knockback and a ton of hitstun.
  • If block cancelled, the finisher hitbox of Usmash lets you double jump into another Block > Usmash. You can chain this around 2-4 times at low percents.
  • The launcher hitbox has deceptive range. It will hit opponents that are slightly inside of Steve, and can also invisibly trigger pressure plates if he is close enough.
  • Usmash is bigger than a normal block for some reason. This is not a Minecraft reference.
  • Steve breaks the magma block with his pickaxe, but it's purely visual. It has no effect on tool durability or the strength of the move.

Down Smash


  • PlaceHolder


Neutral Aerial


N-Air is essentially aerial Jab, making it an effective but more situational combo and pressure tool. You can use it to continue Jab combos in the air or offstage, and it sets up for a F-Air with the correct positioning. Hitting N-Air -> F-Air may be more optimal to secure a kill depending on the character and situation, and you can also use it to switch up your combo route during an U-Tilt/U-Air combo. N-Air has extremely low commitment in every situation due to it's fast startup, low endlag, and the fact that you can double jump at any point during the move. This makes it a solid option for breaking untrue strings, getting out of tumble, and pressuring shields. Double jumping away after hitting a shield makes it unpunishable by moves like Mr. Game & Watch and Link U-Special.

  • Identical to Jab outside of staling independently.
  • Steve will automatically mash N-Air for as long as is held. While doing this, Steve can freely double jump.
  • N-Air is one of the few aerials in the game that lets you fall through platforms while doing it.

Forward Aerial (Sword)

Jump + +

Disclaimer: Steve has 2 F-Airs, one using a sword and one using a pickaxe. This one using the sword is called sword forward air (SF-Air), while F-Air on its own refers to the pickaxe version.

  • Placeholder

Back Aerial (Sword)

Jump + +

Disclaimer: Steve has 2 B-Airs, one using a sword and one using a pickaxe. This one using the sword is called sword back air (SB-Air), while B-Air on its own refers to the pickaxe version.

  • Placeholder

Forward Aerial (Pickaxe)

Airborne +


  • F-Air has 2 spike hitboxes, a weaker spike on frame X and a strong spike on the rest of the move. Hitting a specific spike is important for combos because the weaker spike will send into tumble later and make the combo longer.

Back Aerial (Pickaxe)

Airborne +

  • PlaceHolder

Up Aerial

Airborne +

  • PlaceHolder

Down Aerial

Airborne +

  • PlaceHolder
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