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From Dragdown
< SSBU‎ | Pit
Revision as of 10:15, 2 September 2022 by Naptec (talk | contribs)
[[File:SSBU_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=SSBU/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[SSBU/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]




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Shield Pressure

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Pit has one of the better disadvantage states in the game. His recovery goes very far, he has an excellent OOS option and his down-B alone makes him one of the best characters in the game when it comes to landing


Pit's recovery allows him to go very deep before having to recover. His up-B covers a great distance, so don't be afraid of going deep offstage as Pit. You might find that despite the myriad of options Pit has at his disposal, he can get easily edgeguarded. This is because you need to keep mixing up your recovery options in order to not get predictable. This is very important, because if you don't, Pit suddenly becomes way easier to edgeguard. Here are Pit's general options he can use to recover:

  • His 3 aerial jumps
  • arrow
  • side-B
  • up-B
  • down-B

Up-B timing mixups

On stages with walls, Pit can make his up-B go slower by hugging the wall (make your up-B go in the direction of the wall). Change up the timings and angles in order to keep your opponent on their toes when trying to two frameIn SSBU, a character is vulnerable for the first two frames of his ledge hang animation. A "two frame" refers to an attack that hit a character during those two frames you


As said earlier, Pit is one of the best characters in the game when it comes to landing. On top of having 3 air jumps, he also has the privilege of being the only character in the game to have access to a pseudo-aerial shield

Non-universal landing tools
  • Nair

While having poor downwards reach, Nair is Pit's fastest aerial option, making it good for brute forcing your way to the ground while fastfalling

  • Guardian Orbitars Forbidden SSBU air shield

Pit's down-B helps him a lot when landing, because it has the property of blocking physical hits while it's out. This makes landing against characters such as [[File:Ike_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ike/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ike/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] or [[File:Corrin_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Corrin/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Corrin/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] much easier than usual.

This attack isn't perfect, however. See, it has a blind spot on Pit's feet (and head). This makes landing against characters with more vertical Uairs such as [[File:Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]], [[File:Young Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Young Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Young Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] or [[File:Toon Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Toon Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Toon Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] harder than usual. Those blindspotsA space that can't be covered by none of a character's options also means that you will sometimes eat projectiles you were supposed to reflect

  • If a move hits both Pit's hurtbox and the Orbitars, the Orbitars takes priority.
  • Doing a B reverseAn advanced technique that allows the player to use a special move while inverting his momentum (and direction) makes this option even better, since Pit can change his trajectory on the fly without using an air jump

Getting off ledge

Pit can struggle very hard when getting out of the ledge against some characters, due to his poor air mobility. However, this doesn't mean that being at the ledge is a hopeless situation. If Pit wants to use a button when escaping the ledge, here are his smartest options:

How to mash out of the ledgeDon't always do this. Remember to use your other ledge options and be creative with them!
  • Ledge drop > Nair

If done properly, you can safely go back to the ledge while being -6 on shield (which is very safe). Excellent option for characters closer to the ledge, but still risky, as it costs one double jump to perform

  • Guardian Orbitars

This option is particularly good when coupled with a B reverseAn advanced technique that allows the player to use a special move while inverting his momentum (and direction). On top of protecting Pit from most aerials (such as against most swordiesA character archetype that is focused on playing neutral with disjointed attacks. Most characters in the archetype uses a sword, hence the name "swordie". A prime swordie in SSBU is [[File:Lucina_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Lucina/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Lucina/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]' ledgetrapping tools), he can also invert his momentum on the fly, maing going back to the stage safer since the opponent will most likely still be in endlag. Just don't forget about the feet blindspot

  • Ledge Attack

Not the best option there is, but it's still Pit's only intangible option in this situation. Very risky, but landing this guarantees a neutral reset

Combo breaking

Pit isn't that good at escaping combos. He relies on universal options such as his airdodge or jumping, and his fastest aerial option (Nair) comes out on frame 4, making it not ideal for mashing out of combos

Out of Shield

Out of Shield options
  • Usmash 6f above, 7f in front

Usmash is Pit's fastest out of shield option. However, it only hits above Pit, which doesn't make it the most consistent option there is. Still very useful for killing opponents at high percents

  • Nair 7f

Despite being one frame slower than Usmash, Nair is Pit's best out of shield option. It grants better reward than Usmash, especially at lower percents since you can combo off of it



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Fighting SSBU


Pit's neutral is flawed in two main ways:

  • He is mostly grounded due to poor air stats
  • His hitboxes are rather short and not that dangerous

These two flaws makes his neutral somewhat predictable, so the opponent can easily play around his options. Most Pit players will try to bait you into whiffing by dashing around before punishing you with one of his combo starters. The opponent can play around this by:

  • Throwing out a move that is safe on whiff; at worst, he gets a Dash Attack in
  • Not interacting at all and continue to camp him; Pit generally struggles against characters who are very mobile in the air

Overall, your goal is to make Pit whiff at a comfortable range for your character before going ham on him. Here are the moves you need to look out for (in order to whiff punish them):


Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PitNAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100


You'll see this one A LOT. Especially online
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PitNAir_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Pit's best move, and as such the move you should be wary of the most. This move has two major weaknesses:

  • It has short range
  • It has a long animation

This makes it particularly vulnerable against whiff punishing. Keep in mind that Pit players might try to autocancel this move in order to bait a punish, so be careful


Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PitDTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PitDTilt_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.
Pit’s best grounded neutral tool, and his main poke at lower percents. Despite having little recovery, you can still whiff punish it, although it is harder to do so on reaction


Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PitPalutenasBowMinimum_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PitPalutenasBowMinimum_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100


Put the hitbox in full screen in order to see anything
Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Pit's projectile, and this his main way of attacking at long range. Getting hit by this isn't really rewarding, it's mostly used for harassing or stopping you from rushing in at Mach 5. Since it's a projectile, it has high endlag, so you're free to punish it however you want

  • This move has blindspotsA space that can't be covered by none of a character's options at all diagonals

Dash Grab

Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `images__full` AS `images` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PitDashGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`images__full` LIMIT 100


The mid level Pit's best friend
Lua error: Error 1054: Unknown column 'moveId' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `hitboxes__full` AS `hitboxes` FROM `cargo__SSBU_MoveData` WHERE moveId = 'PitDashGrab_0' ORDER BY `cargo__SSBU_MoveData`.`hitboxes__full` LIMIT 100

Hitboxes Off
Hitboxes On
Error: No field named "input" found for any of the specified database tables.

Once Pit thinks he has conditioned you to shield his attacksIn reality, most Pit players will throw this out in neutral, regardless if you've been conditioned to shield or not, he will usually go for grabs more often. Grabs usually are easily punishable on whiff, so take this chance to go ham on him



Mix your DIs up. This is the biggest piece of advice any Pit player can give in the MU against his advantage state. His combo game is heavily DI reliant, so knowing when to mix your DIs will add mental stack in the Pit player's head, which can make them mess up. Of course, this is universal, but this is particularly useful against Pit for reasons cited above

However, if you don't want to do that and stick to a single DI, then DI up and away most of the time. This is Pit's hardest DI to follow, so chances are you'll take less damage after being opened up. Still, remember to change things up if Pit grabs you at the ledge at high percents (it's a DI trap 50/50)


A common Pit strategy when juggling is to shoot an arrow upwards in order to bait a reaction, before using his Uair to catch his opponent out of it. It is very effective, because if the arrow hits, Pit can catch a bonus option with his Uair if he's fast enough. Also, if you try to airdodge through his Uair, Pit can recover fast enough to hit you out of your airdodge with a move such as Dair

If the opposing character has an option that can help them bypass this (i.e a teleport), then please use it, but with moderation. Otherwise, it is better to simply retreat to the ledge


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Pit is one of the best characters in the game when it comes to landing, thanks to his down-B. However, he is also very easy to juggle if he doesn't have access to it. This rarely happens, but if Pit ends up losing his down-B somehow, make sure to capitalize on it when juggling him

For the rest of the time, learn what moves can consistently hit Pit's feet when Orbitars are out. For example, [[File:Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s Uair is a godsend against this move, as it's a purely vertical move. This is a case by case scenario, so this page won't list every single tool each character has. For that, please refer to your character's MU section

Another good countermeasure to Orbitars is to simply treat it the same as you would treat a shield. Contrary to a regular shield, Pit can't cancel its endlag, so he'll always be vulnerable once he drops it. Alternatively, you can also use your Dash Grab if Pit gets close to the ground with Orbitars out

  • This solution isn't extremely consistent, due to the presence of windboxesA type of hitbox that pushes the opponent in a particular direction, without inflicting damage nor knockbac to them


Pit has a lot of tools to mix things up while recovering. This can make edgeguarding him quite difficult, but that doesn't mean his recovery is flawless. The biggest issue with his recovery is that his up-B doesn't have anything to cover him while moving. A good starting point when edgeguarding Pit is to wait until he's out of options or goes low enough, since these are the two scenarios where he is more likely to use his up-B. Be wary of walls, however, because Pit can use them to his advantage when recovering (angling it the right way makes Pit ascend slower, making two framingIn SSBU, a character is vulnerable for the first two frames of his ledge hang animation. A "two frame" refers to an attack that hit a character during those two frames him a bit harder than other characters (unless the Pit player is being predictable with his angles)

Tips & Tricks

  • Trading with Pit is almost always very good for the opponent, since most of his moves are multi hits


[[File:SSBU_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=SSBU/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[SSBU/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

SSBU/Data Navigation

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