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SSBU/Patch Notes: Difference between revisions

From Dragdown
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(Made the page a bit nicer to read (kinda pointless but whatever). Only 13.0.1 has been done for now, will do the rest later. Also added a disclaimer on top of the page)
(Made the page a bit nicer to read (kinda pointless but whatever). Also added a ToC limit for an easier time navigating through the page)
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{{notice|These patch notes will only list changes that had an impact on competitive play. As such, things like Spirits, new game modes, Final Smashes and non legal stages will not be listed}}
Line 129 ⟶ 131:
! Fighter !!Adjustment
| '''Universal''' ||
Made it so opponents hit by {{{StockIcon|Kazuya}}'s {{special|side-B}} cannot be footstooled
| {{StockIcon|Jigglypuff}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 2}} has less endlag<br>
BAir{{aerial|Bair}} has less endlag and landing lag<br>
DThrow{{grab|Dthrow}} has less endlag and reduced knockback
| {{StockIcon|Dr. Mario}} ||
NAir{{aerial|Nair}}'s late hitbox has increasedmore knockback<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} dealsdoes more damage (knockback stays the same)<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}} has less startup<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has more active frames<br>
DownGrounded {{special|down-B}}'s super armor comes out earlier on the ground
| {{StockIcon|Zelda}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} has less endlag<br>
{{tilt|Rapid jabJab}} does more damage<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has increasedmore knockback<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has increasedmore knockback<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}}'s sweetspot has more range
| {{StockIcon|Lucario}} ||
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}}'s second hit has more knockback<br>
DTilt{{tilt|Dtilt}} has less startup
| {{StockIcon|Rosalina & Luma}} ||
Luma will appear in front of Rosalina when using DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} and turning around. Luma's attack has more knockback<br>
Luma now follows Rosalina when using {{special|side-B}} in the air
| {{StockIcon|Little Mac}} ||
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} does more hitstun<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} does more shield damage when angled down<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}} has more knockback, less startup and less endlag. Little Mac can now buffer the second buttonstrike<br>
{{special|Up-B}}'s last hit has more knockback<br>Down-B has a higher damage multiplier
{{special|Down-B}} has a higher damage multiplier
| {{StockIcon|Ridley}} ||
Can now jump out of {{special|side-B}} earlier
| {{StockIcon|King K. Rool}} ||
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} does more damage and has more knockback<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has more active frames and more range at the beginning of the move<br>
{{aerial|Fair}} has less endlag<br>
UThrow{{grab|Uthrow}} has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Isabelle}} ||
DTilt{{tilt|Dtilt}} has less endlag<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}}'s sweetspot has more range<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has increased range and knockback<br>
FThrow{{grab|Fthrow}} has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Incineroar}} ||
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} does more damage and knockback<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} deals more damage (knockback stays the same)<br>
{{special|Up-B}}'s descent sweetspot deals more damage (knockback stays the same). Same thing for the explosion on landing
Line 195 ⟶ 198:
! Fighter !!Adjustment
| {{StockIcon|Marth}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}}'s tipper has more damage and knockback. It is also easier to hit<br>
{{tilt|Utilt}}'s tipper has more damage and knockback. It is also easier to hit<br>
DTilt{{tilt|Dtilt}}'s tipper is easier to hit
| {{StockIcon|Young Link}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Olimar}} ||
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}}'s sweetspot has more active frames
| {{StockIcon|Rosalina & Luma}} ||
Luma now comes in front of Rosalina when doing {{special|side-B}} in reverse
| {{StockIcon|Mii Brawler}} ||
{{special|Neutral-B 2}} has more range in the front<br>
{{special|Side-B 1}} does more damage and knockback<br>
{{special|Down-B 1}} does more shield damage and knockback
| {{StockIcon|Mii Swordfighter}} ||
{{special|Side-B 1}} does more damage and knockback<br>
{{special|Up-B 1}}'s last hit does more damage and knockback<br>
{{special|Down-B 1}}'s invincibility comes out faster and has less startup to match it. On hit, the attack has less endlag<br>
{{special|Down-B 3}} has less startup
| {{StockIcon|Mii Gunner}} ||
The cooldown between two shots of {{special|Neutral-B 2}} has been reduced<br>
{{special|Up-B 1}} has less startup<br>
{{special|Up-B 2}} has more invincibility<br>
{{special|Down-B 3}} has less endlag
| {{StockIcon|Ryu}} ||
{{special|Shakunetsu Hadouken}} is now more consistent against knocked down opponents
| Bayonette{{StockIcon|Bayonetta}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} has more knockback and launches at a different angle<br>
{{special|Down-B}}'s slowdown against projectile has been increased
| {{StockIcon|Banjo & Kazooie}} ||
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} has more knockback<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has more knockback<br>
BAir{{aerial|Bair}} sends at a different angle (knockback stays the same)
| {{StockIcon|Min Min}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more startup and less knockback. The reflector also has more startup<br>
{{special|Up-B}}'s ledge detection has more startup
| {{StockIcon|Steve}} ||
Fixed a bug where opponents trapped inside {{special|side-B}} would sometimes go through the stage
| {{StockIcon|Pyra}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 2}}'s tipper has more hitstun<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has less pushback while charging
| {{StockIcon|Mythra}} ||
Airdodge has less invincibility frames<br>
{{tilt|Jab 2}}'s tipper has more hitstun<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has less pushback while charging<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}}'s last hit now takes the opponent's weight into account
* {{tt|A shadow change concerning {{StockIcon|Wii Fit Trainer}}'s {{special|side-B}} has been removed in order to match 10.1.0|Prior to this patch, WFT's side-B had her landing lag cut in half}}
Line 269 ⟶ 272:
* Players can now disconnect other players by pressing the {{Prompt|A button}} on their slot, at the character selection screen
====Fighter Adjustments====
{| class="wikitable" style="margin:auto"
|+ The crumple update
! Fighter !!Adjustment
| {{StockIcon|Link}} ||
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Captain Falcon}} ||
{{special|Up-B}} has less endlag on hit
| {{StockIcon|Jigglypuff}} ||
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Zelda}} ||
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Pichu}} ||
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}}'s self-damage has been reduced<br>
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} makes his ears invincible during the attack's sweetspot<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}}'s self-damage has been reduced<br>
FThrow{{grab|Fthrow}}'s self-damage has been reduced<br>
{{special|Side-B}}'s self-damage has been reduced<br>
{{special|Up-B}}'s self-damage has been reduced
| {{StockIcon|Ganondorf}} ||
{{special|Up-B}} has less endlag on hit
| {{StockIcon|Zero Suit Samus}} ||
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} has more landing lag<br>
{{special|Up-B}} has more startup
| {{StockIcon|Wario}} ||
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} has less active frames<br>
{{special|Down-B}} has more startup on level 3 and on max charge
| {{StockIcon|Diddy Kong}} ||
Increased the cooldown betweenbefore twoDiddy is able to throw another banana peelspeel ({{special|down-B}})
| {{StockIcon|King Dedede}} ||
{{special|Side-B}} has less endlag. The Gordo is also more likely to get stuck on the wall, and King Dedede can hit it back earlier when reflected
| {{StockIcon|R.O.B.}} ||
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Villager}} ||
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Little Mac}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more active frames
| {{StockIcon|Mii Brawler}} ||
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Mii Swordfighter}} ||
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Mii Gunner}} ||
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has more range<br>
Matched crumple state's endlag with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Palutena}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} has more endlag<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has more landing lag<br>
{{grab|Standing grab}} has less range
| {{StockIcon|Shulk}} ||
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Isabelle}} ||
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Joker}} ||
| Joker || Side-B (without Arsene) has more endlag<br>
Down{{special|Side-B}} (withwithout Arsene) has more endlag on whiff<br>
{{special| Joker || SideDown-B}} (withoutwith Arsene) has more endlag<br> on whiff
| {{StockIcon|Hero}} ||
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Banjo & Kazooie}} ||
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Byleth}} ||
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has more knockback<br>
{{special|Side-B}}'s tipper has more shieldstun and has less endlag in the air<br>
{{special|Up-B}} has less startup and more knockback against opponents above 50%<br>
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Min Min}} ||
Matched airdodge's endlag with other fighters<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}}'s charge time has been reduced. Dragon ARM's laser has less knockback<br>
DSmashDragon ARM's front attacklaser has less knockback<br>
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Steve}} ||
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has more range
| {{StockIcon|Sephiroth}} ||
{{special|Down-B}}'s multicounterattack hits are nowis more consistent
Line 379 ⟶ 385:
! Fighter !!Adjustment
| {{StockIcon|Fox}} ||
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} is more consistent, on top of having more range<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}} is more consistent. The move also has more range
| {{StockIcon|Luigi}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Zelda}} ||
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} is more consistent. The final hit has more range
| {{StockIcon|Pichu}} ||
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}}'s last hit has more range
| {{StockIcon|Young Link}} ||
Aerial {{special|up-B}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Toon Link}} ||
Aerial {{special|up-B}} is are more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Olimar}} ||
After throwing a Pikmin with an FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} or {{special|side-B}}, if there are other Pikmin nearby when using {{special|up-B}}, {{tt|an air attackaerial using a Pikmin|All of them except Nair}} will occur
| {{StockIcon|Rosalina & Luma}} ||
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} is more consistent. It also has less range above the skirt's hemline. The final hit has more range
| {{StockIcon|Mii gunnerGunner}} ||
UThrow{{grab|Uthrow}} sends at a different angle. The shot also has more range
| {{StockIcon|Duck Hunt}} ||
{{smash|Fsmash}}'s SDI multiplier has been decreased. It has also been made more consistent
FSmash's multi hits are more consistent, on top having a reduced SDI multiplier
Line 421 ⟶ 427:
* Fixed an issue where the player could not use the stick to jump while falling after creating an anvil using {{StockIcon|Steve}}'s DAir{{aerial|Dair}}
* Reverted the initial velocity of {{StockIcon|Samus}}'s and {{StockIcon|Dark Samus}}'s {{special|up-B}} back to how it was in 9.0.0
* Fixed an issue where sometimes fighters would go through stages when knocked back
* Fixed an issue in which characters could fall though the stage when breaking {{StockIcon|Steve}}'s blocks (neutral{{special|Neutral-B}})
* Fixed an issue in which characters could fall through the stage when caught between {{StockIcon|Steve}}'s anvil (DAir{{aerial|Dair}}) and a block (Neutral-B)
* Fixed an issue in which fighters could be frozen if hit with {{StockIcon|Steve}}'s sideminecart ({{special|Side-B}})
* Fixed an issue in which {{StockIcon|Steve}}'s side-Bminecart does not hit opponents when reflected off a wall
* Fixed an issue in which a fighter caught by {{StockIcon|Steve}}'s side-Bminecart teleports to the position in which they were caught
* Fixed an issue in which {{StockIcon|Meta Knight}} would clip through {{tt|any terrain which wasn't native to a stage|Things such as Steve's blocks/anvil or, Pac-Man's hydrant or Villager's tree}} after losing a stock
Line 448 ⟶ 454:
====Fighter Adjustments====
{| class="wikitable" style="margin:auto"
|+ The transcendance update
! Fighter !!Adjustment
| {{StockIcon|Donkey Kong}} ||
Increased grounded {{special|side-B}}'s vertical range against grounded opponents
| {{StockIcon|Link}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Pikachu}} ||
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Ness}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}}'s third hit does more damage and knockback<br>
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} does more damage (knockback stays the same)<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}} has less startup<br>
UThrow{{grab|Uthrow}} does more damage<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}} has less startup
| {{StockIcon|Captain Falcon}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Ice Climbers}} ||
{{tt|Nana|Refers to the second Ice Climber, regardless of the color used (some of Ice Climbers' colors swaps Popo and Nana's place)}} takes less damage and knockback in general, and has an improved AI<br>
{{tilt|Dash Attack}}'s {{tt|double hits|Popo's Dash Attack comboing into Nana's Dash Attack}} are more consistent, on top of having more range<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has more knockback<br>
{{special|Side-B}} starts grabbing the ledge earlier<br>
{{special|Up-B}} covers more distance. Also, Nana automatically using {{special|down-B}} does not prevent the player from using {{special|up-B}} anymore
| {{StockIcon|Sheik}} ||
UTilt's{{tilt|Utilt}} multi hits areis more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Young Link}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}
| {{StockIcon|Meta Knight}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}
| {{StockIcon|Wario}} ||
{{special|Up-B}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Ivysaur}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}
| {{StockIcon|Charizard}} ||
{{special|Side-B}} is more consistent<br>
{{special|Up-B}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Sonic}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} does more damage (knockback stays the same), on top of having reducedless endlag<br>
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} has less endlag<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent. It also has less startup and more invincibility during startup<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Lucario}} ||
Increased the max value Aura will strengthen damage<br>
{{tilt|Jab 1}} has less startup<br>
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} is more consistent<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has less startup<br>
{{special|Up-B}} has less landing lag<br>
{{special|Side-B}}'s projectile has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Mii Swordfighter}} ||
{{special|Up-B 3}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Robin}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}
| {{StockIcon|Shulk}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent<br>
Shulk takes more knockback while {{tt|Monado Shield|One of Shulk's power-ups obtained with his neutral-B}} is active<br>
{{special|Down-B}}'s counter has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Bowser Jr.}} ||
Adjusted certain landing behaviors to no longer prevent passing through platforms<br>
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} has more knockback<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has less startup<br>
FThrow{{grab|Fthrow}} has more knockback<br>
Ledge Attack does more damage after using {{special|up-B}}<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has more priority<br>
{{special|Up-B}} has less startup
| Bayoneta{{StockIcon|Bayonetta}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}
| {{StockIcon|Ridley}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}<br>
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}<br>
{{special|Up-B}}'s landing hitbox when going downwards now only affects grounded opponents
| {{StockIcon|Simon}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}<br>
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}<br>
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} does more damage, on top of having more base knockback<br>
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} has more base knockback<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has less startup and more knockback<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has more knockback<br>
{{special|Up-B}} has more range
| {{StockIcon|Richter}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}<br>
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}<br>
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} does more damage, on top of having more base knockback<br>
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} has more base knockback<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has less startup and more knockback<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has more knockback<br>Up-B has more range
DTilt{{special|Up-B}} has more range<br>
| {{StockIcon|Piranha Plant}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}<br>
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}
| {{StockIcon|Banjo & Kazooie}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}<br>
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}
| {{StockIcon|Min Min}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}}
Line 584 ⟶ 592:
* {{tt|Fountain of Dreams' lag spikes were fixed|The lag that comes from {{StockIcon|Wario}} turning while using his side-B still persists}}
* Lylat Cruise has bigger ledges and it is overall easier to recover on it
* Garreg Mach Monastery's Omega and Battlefield form's blastzones has been adjusted to match other omega stages
Line 593 ⟶ 601:
! Fighter !!Adjustment
| {{StockIcon|Kirby}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} has less endlag and more knockback at the beginning of the move<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has less startup and more knockback<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}}'s last two hits does more damage. The last hit has more knockback<br>
BAir{{aerial|Bair}}'s sweetspot has more knockback<br>
{{special|Down-B}} has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Captain Falcon}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} has less endlag<br>
DTilt{{tilt|Dtilt}} has more knockback<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}}'s second hit has more knockback<br>
Grounded {{special|side-B}} has more range, launches at a different angle and has less knockback<br>
Aerial {{special|side-B}} is easier to spike with<br>
{{special|Down-B}} has less startup. The sweetspot has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Sheik}} ||
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} is more consistent. The last hit also has more range
| {{StockIcon|Falco}} ||
DTilt{{tilt|Dtilt}} has less startup and sends at a different angle<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more active frames and knockback. It has also been made more consistent<br>
NAir{{aerial|Nair}}'s last hit comes out faster and has more range<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}} has less endlag and landing lag<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has more active frames and less startup on the ground
| {{StockIcon|Marth}} ||
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}}'s tipper has more knockback<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}}'s tipper is easier to hit<br>
BAir{{aerial|Bair}}'s tipper is easier to hit<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}}'s tipper is easier to hit
| {{StockIcon|Mewtwo}} ||
BAir{{aerial|Bair}} has more knockback. The tip and middle of the tail also does more damage<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} has more knockback<br>
DThrow{{grab|Dthrow}} has less endlag<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}} does more damage when uncharged, on top of having less startup and endlag<br>
{{special|Up-B}} has less landing lag (does not apply in freefall)
| {{StockIcon|Meta Knight}} ||
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} has more range<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has less endlag. It has also been made more consistent<br>
BAir{{aerial|Bair}} is more consistent<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}}'s sweetspot lasts longer<br>
{{special|Up-B}} is more consistent. The first hit sends at a different angle, and the second hit has more range
| {{StockIcon|Pit}} ||
DTilt{{tilt|Dtilt}} sends at a different angle and has less knockback<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}}'s last hit has more knockback<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}}'s front hit sends at a different angle<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} has less startup, less endlag, sends at a different angle and the final hit has more knockback<br>
Getup attacks' endlag has beed adjusted to match other fighters<br>
<br>{{special|Down-B}} has less endlag
| {{StockIcon|Dark Pit}} ||
DTilt{{tilt|Dtilt}} sends at a different angle and has less knockback<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}}'s last hit has more knockback<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}}'s front hit sends at a different angle<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} has less startup, less endlag, sends at a different angle and the final hit has more knockback<br>
Getup attacks' endlag has beed adjusted to match other fighters<br>
{{special|Down-B}} has less endlag
| {{StockIcon|Ike}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} has more knockback<br>
DTilt{{tilt|Dtilt}} has less knockback<br>
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} has more knockback and the sourspot has beed reduced<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has less endlag and does more damage (knockback stays the same)<br>
{{special|Up-B}}'s final hit has more knockback and sends at a different angle. {{tt|Ike also can't trade after ascending|Needs clarification}}
| {{StockIcon|Ivysaur}} ||
Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast
| {{StockIcon|Diddy Kong}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} is more consistent. The final hit has more range<br>
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} has more range near the hands. It also sends at a different angle, and the sourspot has more active frames<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has less startup, and the second hit has more active frames<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has more range at the beginning<br>
Increased the cooldown before Diddy is able to throw another banana peel ({{special|down-B}})
The cooldown between two banana throws has been extended
| {{StockIcon|King Dedede}} ||
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} does more damage and has more knockback<br>
DTilt{{tilt|Dtilt}} sends at a different angle<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has more knockback<br>
{{aerial|Uair}}'s final hit has more knockback<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}} has less startup. Fighters can also be inhaled from further away if used on the ground
| {{StockIcon|Villager}} ||
{{tilt|Jab}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Utilt}} is more consistent. The arm and the head are also invincible<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}}'s fireworks does more damage and has more knockback<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} has more knockback<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}} has less startup<br>
Planting a seed ({{special|down-B}}) and watering it has less endlag<br>
Axe swings ({{special|down-B}} when a tree is up) has more knockback and does more shield damage
| {{StockIcon|Mega Man}} ||
Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast
| {{StockIcon|Wii Fit Trainer}} ||
DTilt{{tilt|Dtilt}} sends at a different angle<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has less startup<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has less endlag<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has less endlag and landing lag<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}} has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Little Mac}} ||
Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast<br>
Getup attacks' endlag has beed adjusted to match other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Pac-Man}} ||
Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast
| {{StockIcon|Duck Hunt}} ||
Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast
| {{StockIcon|Corrin}} ||
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}}'s tipper has more knockback, on top of having more range. It also does more shieldstun<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} does more damage (knockback stays the same)<br>
{{aerial|Bair}}'s sweetspot does more damage and has more knockback<br>
{{aerial|Uair}} does more damage and has more knockback<br>
{{special|Side-B}}'s lance attacks have less endlag. The kick's sweetspot has more knockback. Jumping after the stab has less endlag
| {{StockIcon|Bayonetta}} ||
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt 3}} has less endlag<br>
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} has less startup and is more consistent. The final hit has more range and active frames<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has more knockback and active frames<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has less endlag. Same goes for the follow upfollowup<br>
{{special|Up-B}}'s SDI multiplier has been decreased
| {{StockIcon|Ridley}} ||
{{special|Down-B}}'s tipper does more damage. It is also now considered a hitgrab, and as such, the sweetspot won't crumple throw invincible opponents
| {{StockIcon|King K. Rool}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} has more knockback. The sweetspot also lasts longer<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} does more damage and has more knockback<br>
BThrow{{grab|Bthrow}} sends at a different angle<br>
{{special|Side-B}}'s crown has more priority<br>
Belly armor is more durable in general
| {{StockIcon|Isabelle}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} has less startup<br>
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} has less endlag<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has less startup<br>
{{aerial|Uair}} has more knockback<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}} has less startup
| {{StockIcon|Incineroar}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more knockback<br>
{{grab|Grabs}} has less startup in general<br>
FThrow{{grab|Fthrow}} has more knockback<br>
{{special|Side-B}} starts grabbing sooner. LariatThe lariat followup also has more knockback on hit<br>
{{special|Down-B}} has less endlag. On hit, the power up is increased
| {{StockIcon|Piranha Plant}} ||
{{tilt|Utilt}} sends at a different angle and has less startup<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has less startup<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has less startup<br>
BAir{{aerial|Bair}} has more knockback<br>
{{aerial|Uair}} does more damage and has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Hero}} ||
{{tt|{{special|Kaboom}}|One of the many spells accessible through Hero's multi hitsdown-B}} areis more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Banjo & Kazooie}} ||
Ledge Attack's back hit has more range
Line 761 ⟶ 769:
* ''{{StockIcon|Byleth}}'' '''''joins the game as a playable character'''''
====Fighter Adjustments====
Line 769 ⟶ 777:
! Fighter !!Adjustment
| {{StockIcon|Donkey Kong}} ||
Increased shield size<br>
DK's head is now invincible when releasing shield
| {{StockIcon|Link}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Samus}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}}'s sweetspot does more damage<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more knockback<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has more knockback<br>
UThrow{{aerial|Zair}} does more damage and has more knockbackactive frames<br>
ZAir does more damage and{{grab|Uthrow}} has more active framesknockback<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Dark Samus}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}}'s sweetspot does more damage<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more knockback<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has more knockback<br>
UThrow{{aerial|Zair}} does more damage and has more knockbackactive frames<br>
ZAir does more damage and{{grab|Uthrow}} has more active framesknockback<br>
Increased shield size<br>
TheirDark Samus' right arm is now invincible when pressing shield
| {{StockIcon|Yoshi}} ||
Increased shield size<br>
Yoshi's head and legs are now invincible when pressing shield
| {{StockIcon|Kirby}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Fox}} ||
{{tt|Changed animation when shielding attacks|Previously, Fox went back to his Smash 4 shielding animation after shielding one attack}}
| {{StockIcon|Pikachu}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Captain Falcon}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Bowser}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Ice Climbers}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Sheik}} ||
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has less startup and is more consistent<br>
{{grab|Standing grab}} has more range<br>
Aerial {{special|neutral-B}} has less landing lag<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has less endlag. The explosion is now {{tt|transcendant|Cannot clank with any attack}} and has more active frames<br>
{{special|Up-B}}'s explosion has more knockback<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Zelda}} ||
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} does more damage and has more knockback<br>
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} is more consistent and has less landing lag<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} has more range and more active frames. A late hit does less damage, while the sweetspot has more knockback<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has more active frames and a bigger sweetspot<br>
{{special|Down-B}} does more damage and has more knockback<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Dr. Mario}} ||
DTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} does more damage and has more knockback<br>
DTilt{{tilt|Dtilt}} does more hitstun and has less knockback<br>
NAir{{aerial|Nair}}'s sweetspot does more damage and has more knockback<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}} has more active frames<br>
{{special|Up-B}}'s sweetspot has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Pichu}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Falco}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Young Link}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} has less startup<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more knockback<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} has more knockback<br>
ZAir{{aerial|Zair}} is faster and launches at a different angle. It also does more hitstun<br>
FThrow{{grab|Fthrow}} has more knockback<br>
ZAir is faster and launches at a different angle. It also does more hitstun<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Ganondorf}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Mewtwo}} ||
Changed animation while shielding in order to prevent shield pokes<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Mr. Game & Watch}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Meta Knight}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Pit}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Dark Pit}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Zero Suit Samus}} ||
{{special|Down-B}}'s bury {{tt|has been weakened|It is shortereasier to mash out of bury}}<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Snake}} ||
Increased shield size<br>
Snake's head is now invincible when pressing shield
| {{StockIcon|Squirtle}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Charizard}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Diddy Kong}} ||
Diddy's arm is now invincible when releasing shield
| {{StockIcon|Sonic}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|King Dedede}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Olimar}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Lucario}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Toon Link}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} has less endlag<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has more knockback<br>
BAir{{aerial|Bair}} has less startup<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}}'s sourspot does more damage and has more knockback<br>
ZAir{{aerial|Zair}} has more active frames
| {{StockIcon|Wolf}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Villager}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Wii Fit Trainer}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Little Mac}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Greninja}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Mii Brawler}} ||
{{special|Down-B 3}}'s grab is bigger
| {{StockIcon|Mii Swordfighter}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Palutena}} ||
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}}'s last hit does more damage and has more knockback<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}}'s sweetspot has more knockback<br>
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} has less knockback, and the last hit has less range against airborne opponents<br>
DThrow{{grab|Dthrow}} has more knockback<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Pac-Man}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Bowser Jr.}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Duck Hunt}} ||
{{tilt|Rapid jabJab}} does more hitstun<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Ryu}} ||
{{tilt|Heavy DTiltDtilt}} sends at a different angle<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} is now special cancellable {{tt|on hit|Also doable on whiff. This is known as a kara cancel}}. It also does less shield damage<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}} does more shieldstun<br>
{{special|Shakunetsu Hadouken}} is more consistent<br>
Ryu's leg is now invincible when using Side{{special|side-B}}. The sweetspot also does more damage and has more knockback<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Ken}} ||
{{tilt|Heavy DTiltDtilt}} sends at a different angle<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} is now special cancellable {{tt|on hit|Also doable on whiff. This is known as a kara cancel}}. It also does less shield damage<br>
Ken's leg is now invincible when using Side{{special|side-B}}. The sweetspot also does more damage and has more knockback<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Cloud}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}}'s sweetspot has more knockback<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} is more consistent<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has less startup, as well as more knockback on the tipper<br>
{{special|Down-B}} fills the Limit gauge faster<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Corrin}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Bayonetta}} ||
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Ridley}} ||
Ridley's wing is now partly invincible when pressing or releasing shield<br>
Changed animation while shielding in order to prevent shield pokes
| {{StockIcon|King K. Rool}} ||
Adjusted the center of King K. Rool's shield in order to match other fighters<br>
Increased shield size
| {{StockIcon|Incineroar}} ||
Increased Side{{special|side-B}}'s Lariat (and back body drop)'s knockback against non grabbed opponents
| {{StockIcon|Piranha Plant}} ||
The Plant's lips are now invincible when releasing shield
| {{StockIcon|Joker}} ||
Downwards shots with aerial {{special|neutral-B}} has less range<br>
{{tt|Arsene gauge depletes faster when Joker gets hit while Arsene is summoned|This only applies in 1v1 games}}
Line 997 ⟶ 1,005:
* Fixed a bug where {{StockIcon|Terry}} could freeze some characters when hit by {{special|Buster Wolf}}
Line 1,011 ⟶ 1,019:
! Fighter !!Adjustment
| {{StockIcon|Donkey Kong}} ||
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} has more knockback<br>
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} does more damage and has more range<br>
Fully charged {{special|neutral-B}} has more knockback. The charge time for neutral-B has also been reducedshortened<br>
Grounded {{special|up-B}}'s armor comes out earlier. TheIt multiis hits arealso more consistent against airborne opponents. The final hit has more knockback<br>
Grounded {{special|down-B}} has less startup and endlag
| {{StockIcon|Kirby}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} has less startup<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}}'s sourspot has more knockback<br>
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} has less startup. The sweetspot also has more knockback<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} does more damage and has more knockback, on top of less startup<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}} starts inhaling stuff earlier. Kirby's Copy Abilities are made harder to remove (outside of taunting)<br>
Kirby's Copy Abilities are harder to take off (outside of taunting)
| {{StockIcon|Jigglypuff}} ||
{{tt|Airdodges|Both neutral and directional}} has less endlag<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}} has less landing lag, {{tt|as well as a larger autocancel window|It can now be autocancelled from a short hop if the move was buffered}}<br>
FThrow{{grab|Fthrow}} sends at a different angle<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}}'s charge time has been shortened<br>
{{special|Side-B}} does more hitstun and shield damage
| {{StockIcon|Robin}} ||
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} has more knockback<br>
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} has less startup<br>
The time for going from one version of {{special|neutral-B}} to another has been shortened<br>
{{special|Side-B}}'s fireball goes further (flame pillar stays the same)<br>
When the Levin gauge is empty, {{smash|Smash attacks}} fills up the gauge a bit more
| {{StockIcon|King K. Rool}} ||
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} has less landing lag<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}}'s sweetspot does more damage, has more range and sticks out longer<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} has more active frames. The sweetspot has more knockback<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}} has less startup. The cannon ball is easier to vacuum and shoots out earlier if vacuumed. The projectile has more knockback<br>
{{special|Down-B}}'s counterattack has less endlag, and the sweetspot has been increased. The hitbox detection on the counter is now bigger
| {{StockIcon|Incineroar}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 3}} does more damage and has more knockback<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has more active frames. A late hit does less damage<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}}'s spike is easier to hit<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}}'s early hit does more damage and has more range. The move lasts longer<br>
{{special|Down-B}} has more active frames, as well as less endlag, on hit and on whiff. The counterattack has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Hero}} ||
{{StockIcon|Rosalina's down-B& and Villager/IsabelleLuma}}'s neutral{{special|down-B}} no longer affects {{tt|{{special|Kafrizz}}|Neutral-B with max charge}} after hitting an opponent<br>
{{StockIcon|Villager}} and {{StockIcon|Isabelle}}'s {{special|neutral-B}} no longer affects {{tt|{{special|Kafrizz}}|Neutral-B with max charge}} after hitting an opponent
Line 1,066 ⟶ 1,076:
! Fighter !!Adjustment
| '''Universal''' ||
Made it so that a roll or a spotdodge cannot be buffered anymore after landing with an airdodge<br>
The time where a character can move after teching a {{grab|grab}} has been made more consistent across the board
| {{StockIcon|Yoshi}} ||
Can now buffer a {{grab|grab}} after a roll or a spotdodge
| {{StockIcon|Peach}} ||
{{special|Up-B}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Daisy}} ||
{{special|Up-B}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Ice Climbers}} ||
{{tt|Nana|Refers to the second Ice Climber, regardless of the color used (some of Ice Climbers' colors swaps Popo and Nana's place)}} can ledge trump again
Nana can ledge trump again
| {{StockIcon|Villager}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent against buried opponents
| {{StockIcon|Rosalina & Luma}} ||
Fixed a bug where Luma couldn't act after Rosalina got hit by {{StockIcon|Hero}}'s {{tt|{{special|Snooze}}|One of the many spells accessible through Hero's down-B}}
| {{StockIcon|Joker}} ||
The misstech animation facing down has been adjusted to match other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Hero}} ||
The final hit of {{tt|{{special|Kafrizz}}|Neutral-B with max charge}} can now be {{tt|shielded|When shield is already out. Clarifications are needed}}, reflected and absorbed<br>
{{tt|{{special|Magic Burst}}|One of the many spells accessible through Hero's down-B}}'s multi hits does more hitstun<br>
The misstech animation facing down has been adjusted to match other fighters
Line 1,111 ⟶ 1,121:
! Fighter !!Adjustment
| {{StockIcon|Mario}} ||
Adjusted their {{tt|wake up animation|Literally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone}} to match other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Donkey Kong}} ||
Adjusted their {{tt|wake up animation|Literally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone}} to match other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Link}} ||
Adjusted their {{tt|wake up animation|Literally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone}} to match other fighters<br>
Aerial {{special|up-B}} has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect<br>
Link can now shield SDI when blocking a projectile with their {{tt|shield|Not the bubble, the literal shield he is carrying around}}
| {{StockIcon|Samus}} ||
Adjusted their {{tt|wake up animation|Literally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone}} to match other fighters<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect
| {{StockIcon|Dark Samus}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect
| {{StockIcon|Yoshi}} ||
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has less pushback when charging
| {{StockIcon|Fox}} ||
Adjusted their {{tt|wake up animation|Literally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone}} to match other fighters
| {{StockIcon|Peach}} ||
{{special|Neutral-B}} is more consistent against attacks that are countered from behind<br>
{{special|Up-B}} has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect
| {{StockIcon|Daisy}} ||
Nautral{{special|Neutral-B}} is more consistent against attacks that are countered from behind<br>
{{special|Up-B}} has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect
| {{StockIcon|Bowser}} ||
{{tt|DAir{{aerial|Dair}} starts descending immediately when used out of hitstun|There was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun}}
| {{StockIcon|Sheik}} ||
{{tt|DAir{{aerial|Dair}} starts descending immediately when used out of hitstun|There was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun}}
| {{StockIcon|Young Link}} ||
Young Link can now shield SDI when blocking a projectile with their {{tt|shield|Not the bubble, the literal shield he is carrying around}}
| {{StockIcon|Mewtwo}} ||
The tail's hurtbox has been made smaller<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more active frames and more knockback<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has less endlag<br>BThrow does more damage<br>
BAir{{grab|Bthrow}} does more damage<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has less startup, and reflects projectiles earlier
| {{StockIcon|Mr. Game & Watch}} ||
{{tt|DAir{{aerial|Dair}} starts descending immediately when used out of hitstun|There was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun}}
| {{StockIcon|Pit}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} has less startup<br>
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} has less endlag<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}}'s front hit has more knockback<br>
BAir{{aerial|Bair}} has less landing lag<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}}'s spike has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Dark Pit}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} has less startup<br>
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} has less endlag<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}}'s front hit has more knockback<br>
BAir{{aerial|Bair}} has less landing lag<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}}'s spike has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Zero Suit Samus}} ||
{{tt|DAir{{aerial|Dair}} starts descending immediately when used out of hitstun|There was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun}}
| {{StockIcon|Snake}} ||
Adjusted their {{tt|wake up animation|Literally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone}} to match other fighters
| {{tt|Pokémon{{StockIcon|Pokemon Trainer}}|These changes applies to all 3 Pokémons}} ||
Grabbing the ledge after switching Pokémons in the air no longer shortens the invincibility gain from grabbing the ledge
| {{StockIcon|Ivysaur}} ||
DAir{{aerial|Dair}}'s sweetspot has less range. The sourspot has less knockback<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has more startup and more endlag<br>
Aerial {{special|up-B}}'s sweetspot has less knockback
| {{StockIcon|Charizard}} ||
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}}'s sweetspot has more knockback<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} does more damage and has more knockdown<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect<br>
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} has more active frames and less landing lag<br>
FThrow{{grab|Fthrow}} has more knockback<br>
{{special|Side-B}} grabs ledges earlier
| {{StockIcon|Lucas}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} has more active frames<br>
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} does more damage at the beginning of the move. The sweetspot has more knockback<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more invincibility at the start of the move<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} has less endlag<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has less landing lag
| {{StockIcon|Sonic}} ||
{{tt|DAir{{aerial|Dair}} starts descending immediately when used out of hitstun|There was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun}}
| {{StockIcon|Olimar}} ||
When using a Purple Pikmin, FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has more range and more active frames
| {{StockIcon|R.O.B.}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}}'s tipper does less hitstun
| {{StockIcon|Toon Link}} ||
{{tt|DAir{{aerial|Dair}} starts descending immediately when used out of hitstun|There was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun}}<br>
Toon Link can now shield SDI when blocking a projectile with their {{tt|shield|Not the bubble, the literal shield he is carrying around}}
| {{StockIcon|Villager}} ||
USmash's{{smash|Usmash}} multi hits areis more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Rosalina & Luma}} ||
Rosalina is easier to grab from the front<br>
Luma goes in front of Rosalina when doing jab{{tilt|Jab 1}} in the other direction<br>
Luma goes in front of Rosalina when doing FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} in the other direction<br>
Luma goes in front of Rosalina when doing USmash{{smash|Usmash}} in the other direction
| {{StockIcon|Greninja}} ||
{{tt|DAir{{aerial|Dair}} starts descending immediately when used out of hitstun|There was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun}}
| {{StockIcon|Little Mac}} ||
{{tt|{{tilt|Jab 3}}'s endlag will no longer be reduced depending on the timing after pressing jab{{tilt|Jab 2}}|This removed a technique named the "Sandman Express" that was introduced in 3.1.0. This used to make his jab safer on shield, as well as opening up new combo routes}}
| {{StockIcon|Mii Brawler}} ||
Fall speed has been reverted to how it was prior to 3.0.0<br>
{{special|Neutral-B 2}} has less startup and more knockback<br>
{{special|Up-B 1}} has more knockback
| {{StockIcon|Mii Swordfighter}} ||
{{special|Neutral-B 3}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Mii Gunner}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent. It also has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect
USmash's multi hits are more consistent<br>
USmash has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect
| {{StockIcon|Pac-Man}} ||
The fruit from {{special|neutral-B}} will no longer drop when charging, {{tt|even after a forced side switch|For example, being hit by {{StockIcon|Mario}}'s side-B}}
| {{StockIcon|Ryu}} ||
Any attack buffered out of parry will now be done while facing the opponent
| {{StockIcon|Ken}} ||
Any attack buffered out of parry will now be done while facing the opponent
| {{StockIcon|Corrin}} ||
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has more knockback<br>
{{tt|DAir{{aerial|Dair}} starts descending immediately when used out of hitstun|There was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun}}<br>
Jumping after using {{special|side-B}} has less endlag<br>
{{special|Up-B}} covers a greater distance, both horizontally and vertically
| {{StockIcon|Bayonetta}} ||
{{tt|DAir{{aerial|Dair}} starts descending immediately when used out of hitstun|There was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun}}
| {{StockIcon|Ridley}} ||
USmash{{tilt|Dash Attack}} has more active frames and more knockbackrange<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} ishas more consistentactive andframes hasand more knockback<br>
BAir does more damage<br>
{{aerial|Bair}} does more damage<br>
UAir's sweetspot has more range and is easier to hit<br>
Dash{{aerial|Uair}}'s Attacksweetspot has more range and is easier to hit<br>
Jumping out of {{special|side-B}} has less endlag. Additionally, the throw after reaching the ledge has more knockback<br>Up-B has less startup and moves faster
{{special|Up-B}} has less startup and moves faster
| {{StockIcon|Simon}} ||
{{tt|DAir{{aerial|Dair}} starts descending immediately when used out of hitstun|There was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun}}
| {{StockIcon|Richter}} ||
{{tt|DAir{{aerial|Dair}} starts descending immediately when used out of hitstun|There was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun}}
| {{StockIcon|Isabelle}} ||
Rolls covers a greater distance<br>
It is easier to combo jab{{tilt|Jab 1}} into itself<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more knockback<br>
{{special|Side-B}}'s UThrow{{grab|Uthrow}} has more knockback. It also starts grabbing opponents earlier<br>
{{special|Down-B}} comes out faster when activated
| {{StockIcon|Piranha Plant}} ||
{{tt|{{special|Side-B}} now has a damage cap when reflected|{{StockIcon|Villager}} and {{StockIcon|Isabelle}} could previously pocket the move repeatedly in order to make it to absurd amounts of damage in an instant (something like 200% in one poison cloud)}}. It also has less startup and more active frames<br>
{{special|Down-B}} does more shield damage and has less endlag. It also has less charge time
| {{StockIcon|Joker}} ||
{{special|Down-B}} (with Arsene out) cannot reflect projectiles that does more than 50% anymore
Line 1,296 ⟶ 1,307:
====Fighter Adjustments====
{| class="wikitable" style="margin:auto"
|+ The consistent jab update
! Fighter !!Adjustment
| '''Universal''' ||
There is now a cooldown before a character is able to wall jump again
| {{StockIcon|Donkey Kong}} ||
Fully charged {{special|neutral-B}}'s armor lasts longer
| {{StockIcon|Samus}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Dark Samus}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Fox}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 2}} > {{tilt|Rapid Jab}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Pikachu}} ||
{{grab|Grab}} has more range
| {{StockIcon|Luigi}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 2}} > {{tilt|Jab 3}} is more consistent<br>
ZAir{{aerial|Zair}} has more range when used before landing<br>
Grounded {{special|down-B}} is no longer invincible for the entire duration when rising in the air with a certain timing
| {{StockIcon|Ness}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 2}} has more range and the hitbox has been moved forward. Jab 2 <br> Jab 3 is now more consistent
{{tilt|Jab 2}} > {{tilt|Jab 3}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Captain Falcon}} ||
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} has more knockback<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}}'s sweetspot is bigger<br>
BAir{{aerial|Bair}} has more knockback<br>
{{special|Side-B}}'s strike has less startup and does more hitstun. The {{tt|hyper armor|Similar to super armor, except that it only goes through attecks that does a certain amount of damage}} has been enhanced<br>
Both versions of his {{special|down-B}} have more active frames
| {{StockIcon|Jigglypuff}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent<br>Jab 2 has more range
{{tilt|Jab 2}} has more range
| {{StockIcon|Peach}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has more knockback when using the golf club<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has less knockback<br>
BThrow{{grab|Bthrow}} has less knockback<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has more endlag {{tt|on contact|On hit and on shield}}<br>
{{special|Up-B}} is more consistent<br>
{{special|Down-B}} has more endlag
| {{StockIcon|Daisy}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has more knockback when using the golf club<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has less knockback<br>
BThrow{{grab|Bthrow}} has less knockback<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has more endlag {{tt|on contact|On hit and on shield}}<br>
{{special|Up-B}} is more consistent<br>
{{special|Down-B}} has more endlag
| {{StockIcon|Ice Climbers}} ||
The Ice Climbers gets back their double jumps the same way as other fighters do<br>
{{tt|Nana|Refers to the second Ice Climber, regardless of the color used (some of Ice Climbers' colors swaps Popo and Nana's place)}} will no longer jump when inputting {{grab|Grab}} + Jump
| {{StockIcon|Pichu}} ||
Pichu's hurtbox is bigger<br>
Increased shield size<br>
{{tt|Self-damage has been increased for all moves that inflicts self-damage|The only exceptions are his pummel and his Final Smash}}<br>
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} has less knockback<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has more endlag
| {{StockIcon|Lucina}} ||
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has less knockback<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has less knockback
| {{StockIcon|Ganondorf}} ||
DSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Roy}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Chrom}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Mr. Game & Watch}} ||
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Pit}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Dark Pit}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent<br>
Aerial {{special|side-B}} has less endlag {{tt|on contact|On hit and on shield}}
| {{StockIcon|Zero Suit Samus}} ||
{{special|Side-B}} is more consistent<br>
{{tt|{{special|Down-B}} covers more horizontal distance|This reverts the changes made in 3.0.0}}
| {{StockIcon|Snake}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Jab 2 moves Snake forward a bit more. Jab 2}} > {{tilt|Jab 3}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Jab 2}} moves Snake forward a bit more
| {{StockIcon|Ivysaur}} ||
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Charizard}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Jab 2 moves Charizard forward a bit more. Jab 2}} > {{tilt|Jab 3}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Jab 2}} moves Charizard forward a bit more
| {{StockIcon|Diddy Kong}} ||
Jab 2 has more range. {{tilt|Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent<br>
Neutral-B{{tilt|Jab 2}} has more endlagrange<br>
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} launches at a different angle<br>
USmash is more consistent and has more knockback<br>
{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent and has more knockback<br>
Uair has less endlag, as well as less landing lag<br>
DAir{{aerial|Uair}} has less startupendlag, as well as less landing lag<br>
{{aerial|Dair}} has less startup<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}} does more damage (shield damage remains the same). The charge time has also been reducedshortened<br>
Charging {{special|up-B}} makes Diddy fall slower. It also covers more vertical distance when charged
| {{StockIcon|Olimar}} ||
Olimar has a bigger hurtbox<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}}'s sweetspot is shorter. It also has more endlag<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more endlag<br>
UP{{special|Up-B}}'s flight time has been adjusted when using this move repeatedly
| {{StockIcon|Lucario}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} has less endlag<br>
{{tilt|Jab 2}} has less endlag<br>
{{tilt|Jab 3}} has less andlagendlag<br>
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} has more range<br>
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} has more knockback<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}}'s sweetspot has more range<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent<br>
NAir{{aerial|Nair}} has more range against grounded opponents<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}}'s sweetspot has more range<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}} is more consistent<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}}'s windbox has less range when charging. When max charged, the projectile has more range. It also has less endlag<br>
Opponents can no longer go through Lucario when using {{special|side-B}}. The grab's range has been increased
| {{StockIcon|R.O.B.}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Jab 2}} has more range
| {{StockIcon|Toon Link}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Wolf}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Jab 2 has more range. Jab 2}} > {{tilt|Jab 3}} is more consistent<br>
Jab 3 makes Wolf move forward. {{tilt|Jab 2}} > Jab 3 ishas more consistentrange<br>
{{tilt|Jab 3}} makes Wolf move forward<br>
DSmash's front attack has less knockback<br>
{{smash|Dsmash}}'s front attack has less knockback<br>
Neutral-B has more endlag<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}} has more endlag<br>
{{special|Up-B}}'s final hit has less range. It also sends at a different angle. The move in general is more consistent<br>
{{special|Down-B}} has less startup. The move is intangible earlier to match the new startup. Same goes for the reflecting hitbox
| {{StockIcon|Villager}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Wii Fit Trainer}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Rosalina & Luma}} ||
Luma has less endlag when using {{tilt|Dash Attack}}<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has more knockback when Luma is near Rosalina<br>
FAir{{aerial|Fair}} has less endlag and is more consistent. It also grabs the ledge earlier<br>
{{grab|Grab}} has less startup<br>
Rosalina can fastfall sooner after using {{special|up-B}}<br>
Luma has less endlag when using {{special|down-B}}<br>
Luma is easier to kill. {{tt|It also respawns faster|This change only applies to games with 3 or less players}}
| {{StockIcon|Little Mac}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1 has less endlag. Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Jab 21}} has less endlag and more range<br>
{{tilt|Jab 32}} has less endlag and more range<br>
{{tilt|Jab 3}} has more range<br>
FTilt{{tilt|Ftilt}} is more consistent against airborne opponents<br>
DTilt has more range<br>
{{tilt|Dtilt}} has more range<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}}'s super armor lasts longer<br>
Non-charged neutral-B has less endlag on the ground<br>
KONon-charged Punch{{special|neutral-B}} has less endlag on the ground<br>
Side-B{{special|KO Punch}} has more range at theless beginningendlag ofon the moveground<br>
{{special|Side-B}} has more range at the beginning of the move<br>
{{special|Down-B}} has less endlag on whiff
| {{StockIcon|Mii Brawler}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 2}} > {{tilt|Rapid Jab}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Rapid Jab}} has more range<br>
{{special|Neutral-B 2}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Mii Gunner}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Pac-Man}} ||
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Shulk}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 2}} has more range<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} sends at a different angle and is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Bowser Jr.}} ||
{{tilt|Dash Attack}} sends at a different angle<br>
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} has less endlag<br>
USmash{{smash|Usmash}} has more knockback<br>
{{special|Neutral-B}} has less startup in the air<br>
{{special|Side-B}} starts to move earlier<br>
{{special|Up-B}}'s hammer hit has more range and more active frames. {{tt|The explosion sends opponents at a different angle|Only on grounded up-B}} and is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Duck Hunt}} ||
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Ryu}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}}'s special cancel window is larger<br>
{{tilt|Jab 2}}'s special cancel window is larger<br>
{{tilt|Strong Pjab}} sends at a different angle. The knockback has been changed to match this new angle<br>
{{tilt|Close light FTiltFtilt}}'s special cancel window is larger<br>
{{tilt|Far light FTiltFtilt}} has more range on the tip<br>
{{tilt|Heavy UTiltUtilt}} sends airborne opponents at a different angle<br>
{{tilt|Light DTiltDtilt}} does more hitstun<br>
{{tilt|Heavy DTiltDtilt}} has less knockback<br>
UAir{{aerial|Uair}} has more active frames, as well as more range<br>
The light version of {{tt|{{special|his projectiles}}|Hadoken and Shakunetsu Hadoken}} travels slower, while the heavy versions travels faster. They also has less startup and does more damage. Hadoken{{special|Neutral-B}} has more range against grounded opponents<br>
Grounded {{special|side-B}}'s first hit has more range
| {{StockIcon|Ken}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}}'s special cancel window is larger<br>
{{tilt|Jab 2}}'s special cancel window is larger<br>
{{tilt|Strong Pjab}} sends at a different angle. The knockback has been changed to match this new angle. It also does more damage (knockback remains the same)<br>
{{tilt|Close light FTiltFtilt}}'s special cancel window is larger<br>
{{tilt|Far light FTiltFtilt}} has more range on the tip<br>
{{tilt|Heavy FTiltFtilt}} sends at a different angle<br>
{{tilt|Heavy UTiltUtilt}} sends airborne opponents at a different angle<br>
{{tilt|Light DTiltDtilt}} does more hitstun<br>
{{tilt|Heavy DTiltDtilt}} has less knockback<br>
FSmash{{smash|Fsmash}} has more knockback<br>
DAir{{aerial|Dair}}'s special cancel window is larger<br>
Grounded {{special|side-B}}'s first hit has more range. The SDI multiplier has also been decreased<br>
{{special|Up-B}} is more consistent. The SDI multiplierand has beena decreased SDI multiplier. The first hit can now trade with other attacks. {{tt|The heavy version|The one with flames}} has more knockback. The light version has more knockback against airborne opponents. The medium version travels less distance<br>
{{special|Crescent Kick}}'s SDI multiplier has been decreased<br>
{{special|Roundhouse Kick}} does more damage (knockback stays the same)<br>
{{special|Inazuma Kick}} does more damage (shield damage remains the same)
| {{StockIcon|Cloud}} ||
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} is more consistent
| {{StockIcon|Bayonetta}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1}} has more active frames<br>
{{tilt|Rapid Jab's finisher}} has more knockback<br>
{{tilt|Dash Attack}}'s sweetspot has more knockback<br>
UTilt{{tilt|Utilt}} is more consistent<br>
DSmash{{smash|Dsmash}} has more active frames. Side-B has less landing lag<br>
{{special|Up-B}} has less landing lag<br>
{{special|Down-B}}'s counter lasts longer. Bat Within can be triggered for longer in order to match the new duration. Witch Time recovers faster
| {{StockIcon|Inkling}} ||
Jab 3's hitbox has been moved forward. {{tilt|Jab 2}} > {{tilt|Jab 3}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Jab 3}}'s hitbox has been moved forward
| {{StockIcon|King K. Rool}} ||
K. Rool canCan grab the ledge earlier when using UAir{{aerial|Uair}}
| {{StockIcon|Isabelle}} ||
{{tt|Opponents won't get caught by {{special|side-B}} if the hook isn't moving. Reeling back the hook catches opponents|This reverts the changes made to this move in 3.0.0}}
| {{StockIcon|Incineroar}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 1's elbow hit sends at a different angle. Jab 1}} > {{tilt|Jab 2}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Jab 2}} > {{tilt|Jab 3}} is more consistent<br>
{{tilt|Jab 1}}'s elbow hit sends at a different angle
| {{StockIcon|Piranha Plant}} ||
{{tilt|Jab 3}} has more range<br>
{{tilt|Rapid Jab}} does more hitstun
| Joker ||
{{tt|{{special|Eigaon}}|Side-B when Arsene is active}} is more consistent

Revision as of 12:06, 20 September 2022

These patch notes will only list changes that had an impact on competitive play. As such, things like Spirits, new game modes, Final Smashes and non legal stages will not be listed


Fighter Adjustments

Fighter Adjustment
[[File:Donkey Kong_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 2 has less endlag
Dtilt does more hitstun
Neutral-B's super armor is active sooner

[[File:Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 has less startup
Dtilt sends at a different angle
Usmash has more knockback

[[File:Peach_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Peach/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Peach/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Side-B can grab ledges easier

[[File:Daisy_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Daisy/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Daisy/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Side-B can grab ledges easier

[[File:Ice Climbers_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ice Climbers/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ice Climbers/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack has less startup
Up-B has less startup. It is also easier to grab the ledge

[[File:Falco_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Falco/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Falco/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack does more damage (knockback stays the same)
Fsmash now matches the visual

[[File:Mewtwo_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mewtwo/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mewtwo/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ftilt has more damage and knockback
Fthrow does more damage

[[File:Meta Knight_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Meta Knight/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Meta Knight/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ftilt does more damage and has more knockback
Fthrow does more damage
Usmash has more range and will no longer trip with the first two hits.
Fair does more damage
Bair does more damage
Uthrow has more knockback

[[File:Wario_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Wario/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Wario/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 does more damage and has less endlag
Jab 2 does more damage (knockback stays the same). It also has less endlag

[[File:Ike_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ike/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ike/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 3 does more damage and has more knockback
Usmash's sweetspot has more knockback
Grounded side-B does more damage and knockback

[[File:Mega Man_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mega Man/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mega Man/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack has less startup and more knockback
Dsmash hits lower
Side-B does more damage

[[File:Rosalina & Luma_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Luma takes less knockback
Rosalina's Dsmash hits closer to herself

[[File:Robin_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Robin/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Robin/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab has more range and does more damage
Rapid Jab's finisher has more range

[[File:Bowser Jr._{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bowser Jr./{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bowser Jr./{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack is more consistent and does more damage.
Dtiltis more consistent and sends at a different angle
Usmash does more damage
Side-B has more knockback when spinning

[[File:Ryu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ryu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ryu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Heavy FTilt has less startup
Neutral-B does more damage (knockback stays the same)
Grounded side-B has less endlag

[[File:Cloud_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Cloud/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Cloud/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Limit Down-B has less startup

[[File:Inkling_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Inkling/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Inkling/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Recharging ink has less endlag
Ftilt does more damage and has more knockback
Utilt is more consistent against grounded opponents
Fsmash's sweetspot is bigger
Neutral-B has more range

[[File:Ridley_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ridley/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ridley/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack does more damage and has more knockback

[[File:Piranha Plant_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ftilt 2 has more knockback
Dtilt has more active frames and less endlag
Dair's spike lasts longer
Down-B can be charged for a shorter amount of time

[[File:Min Min_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Min Min/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Min Min/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

All arms do less shield damage
Knockdown animation adjusted to match other fighters
Nair has more landing lag
Dragon Laser lasts less long

[[File:Steve_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Steve/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Steve/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Reduced hitstun on Usmash multihits

[[File:Pyra_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pyra/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pyra/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Knockdown animation adjusted to match other fighters
Side-B has more endlag

[[File:Mythra_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mythra/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mythra/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Knockdown animation adjusted to match other fighters
Fsmash has less knockback

[[File:Sora_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Sora/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Sora/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Knockdown animation adjusted to match other fighters



  • [[File:Sora_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Sora/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Sora/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] joins the game as a playable character
  • Hollow Bastion has been added as a stage


  • The Shy Guys on Yoshi's Story (Hazards on) no longer carry food if items are turned off

Fighter Adjustments

Fighter Adjustment

Made it so opponents hit by {[[File:Kazuya_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Kazuya/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Kazuya/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s side-B cannot be footstooled

[[File:Jigglypuff_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Jigglypuff/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Jigglypuff/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 2 has less endlag
Bair has less endlag and landing lag
Dthrow has less endlag and knockback

[[File:Dr. Mario_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Dr. Mario/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Dr. Mario/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Nair's late hitbox has more knockback
Uair does more damage (knockback stays the same)
Dair has less startup
Side-B has more active frames
Grounded down-B's super armor comes out earlier

[[File:Zelda_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Zelda/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Zelda/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 has less endlag
Rapid Jab does more damage
Usmash has more knockback
Dsmash has more knockback
Dair's sweetspot has more range

[[File:Lucario_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Lucario/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Lucario/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ftilt's second hit has more knockback
Dtilt has less startup

[[File:Rosalina & Luma_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Luma will appear in front of Rosalina when using Dsmash and turning around. Luma's attack has more knockback
Luma now follows Rosalina when using side-B in the air

[[File:Little Mac_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Little Mac/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Little Mac/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Utilt does more hitstun
Fsmash does more shield damage when angled down
Neutral-B has more knockback, less startup and less endlag. Little Mac can now buffer the strike
Up-B's last hit has more knockback
Down-B has a higher damage multiplier

[[File:Ridley_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ridley/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ridley/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Can now jump out of side-B earlier

[[File:King K. Rool_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=King K. Rool/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[King K. Rool/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Utilt does more damage and has more knockback
Fsmash has more active frames and more range at the beginning of the move
Fair has less endlag
Uthrow has more knockback

[[File:Isabelle_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Isabelle/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Isabelle/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dtilt has less endlag
Fsmash's sweetspot has more range
Dsmash has increased range and knockback
Fthrow has more knockback

[[File:Incineroar_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Incineroar/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Incineroar/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dsmash does more damage and knockback
Uair deals more damage (knockback stays the same)
Up-B's descent sweetspot deals more damage (knockback stays the same). Same thing for the explosion on landing



  • [[File:Kazuya_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Kazuya/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Kazuya/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] joins the game as a playable character

Fighter Adjustments

Fighter Adjustment
[[File:Marth_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Marth/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Marth/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack's tipper has more damage and knockback. It is also easier to hit
Utilt's tipper has more damage and knockback. It is also easier to hit
Dtilt's tipper is easier to hit

[[File:Young Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Young Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Young Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Olimar_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Olimar/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Olimar/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash's sweetspot has more active frames

[[File:Rosalina & Luma_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Luma now comes in front of Rosalina when doing side-B in reverse

[[File:Mii Brawler_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Brawler/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Brawler/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Neutral-B 2 has more range in the front
Side-B 1 does more damage and knockback
Down-B 1 does more shield damage and knockback

[[File:Mii Swordfighter_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Swordfighter/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Swordfighter/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Side-B 1 does more damage and knockback
Up-B 1's last hit does more damage and knockback
Down-B 1's invincibility comes out faster and has less startup to match it. On hit, the attack has less endlag
Down-B 3 has less startup

[[File:Mii Gunner_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Gunner/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Gunner/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

The cooldown between two shots of Neutral-B 2 has been reduced
Up-B 1 has less startup
Up-B 2 has more invincibility
Down-B 3 has less endlag

[[File:Ryu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ryu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ryu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Shakunetsu Hadouken is more consistent against knocked down opponents

[[File:Bayonetta_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab's finisher has more knockback and launches at a different angle
Down-B's slowdown against projectile has been increased

[[File:Banjo & Kazooie_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Banjo & Kazooie/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Banjo & Kazooie/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Utilt has more knockback
Fsmash has more knockback
Bair sends at a different angle (knockback stays the same)

[[File:Min Min_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Min Min/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Min Min/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash has more startup and less knockback. The reflector also has more startup
Up-B's ledge detection has more startup

[[File:Steve_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Steve/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Steve/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fixed a bug where opponents trapped inside side-B would sometimes go through the stage

[[File:Pyra_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pyra/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pyra/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 2's tipper has more hitstun
Fsmash has less pushback while charging

[[File:Mythra_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mythra/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mythra/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Airdodge has less invincibility frames
Jab 2's tipper has more hitstun
Fsmash has less pushback while charging
Neutral-B's last hit now takes the opponent's weight into account



  • A shadow change concerning [[File:Wii Fit Trainer_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Wii Fit Trainer/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Wii Fit Trainer/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s side-B has been removed in order to match 10.1.0Prior to this patch, WFT's side-B had her landing lag cut in half



  • [[File:Pyra_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pyra/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pyra/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] and [[File:Mythra_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mythra/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mythra/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] joins the game as playable characters


  • Arenas will now close if the host's packets are dropped during a match
  • The average packet size was expanded


  • Players can now disconnect other players by pressing on their slot, at the character selection screen

Fighter Adjustments

The crumple update
Fighter Adjustment
[[File:Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Captain Falcon_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Captain Falcon/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Captain Falcon/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Up-B has less endlag on hit

[[File:Jigglypuff_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Jigglypuff/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Jigglypuff/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Zelda_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Zelda/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Zelda/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Pichu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pichu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pichu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash's self-damage has been reduced
Nair makes his ears invincible during the attack's sweetspot
Fair's self-damage has been reduced
Fthrow's self-damage has been reduced
Side-B's self-damage has been reduced
Up-B's self-damage has been reduced

[[File:Ganondorf_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ganondorf/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ganondorf/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Up-B has less endlag on hit

[[File:Zero Suit Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Zero Suit Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Zero Suit Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Nair has more landing lag
Up-B has more startup

[[File:Wario_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Wario/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Wario/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Utilt has less active frames
Down-B has more startup on level 3 and on max charge

[[File:Diddy Kong_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Diddy Kong/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Diddy Kong/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased the cooldown before Diddy is able to throw another banana peel (down-B)

[[File:King Dedede_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=King Dedede/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[King Dedede/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Side-B has less endlag. The Gordo is also more likely to get stuck on the wall, and King Dedede can hit it back earlier when reflected

[[File:R.O.B._{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=R.O.B./{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[R.O.B./{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Villager_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Villager/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Villager/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Little Mac_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Little Mac/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Little Mac/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash has more active frames

[[File:Mii Brawler_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Brawler/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Brawler/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Mii Swordfighter_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Swordfighter/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Swordfighter/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Mii Gunner_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Gunner/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Gunner/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash has more range
Matched crumple state's endlag with other fighters

[[File:Palutena_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Palutena/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Palutena/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack has more endlag
Fair has more landing lag
Standing grab has less range

[[File:Shulk_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Shulk/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Shulk/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Isabelle_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Isabelle/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Isabelle/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Joker_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Joker/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Joker/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Side-B (without Arsene) has more endlag
Down-B (with Arsene) has more endlag on whiff

[[File:Hero_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Hero/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Hero/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Banjo & Kazooie_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Banjo & Kazooie/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Banjo & Kazooie/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Byleth_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Byleth/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Byleth/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dsmash has more knockback
Side-B's tipper has more shieldstun and has less endlag in the air
Up-B has less startup and more knockback against opponents above 50%
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Min Min_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Min Min/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Min Min/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Matched airdodge's endlag with other fighters
Fsmash's charge time has been reduced
Dragon ARM's laser has less knockback
Matched crumple state's duration with other fighters

[[File:Steve_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Steve/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Steve/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dsmash has more range

[[File:Sephiroth_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Sephiroth/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Sephiroth/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Down-B's counterattack is more consistent



  • Sephiroth Challenge was removed

Fighter Adjustments

Fighter Adjustment
[[File:Fox_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Fox/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Fox/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fair is more consistent, on top of having more range
Dair is more consistent. The move also has more range

[[File:Luigi_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Luigi/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Luigi/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack is more consistent

[[File:Zelda_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Zelda/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Zelda/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash is more consistent. The final hit has more range

[[File:Pichu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pichu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pichu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash's last hit has more range

[[File:Young Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Young Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Young Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Aerial up-B is more consistent

[[File:Toon Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Toon Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Toon Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Aerial up-B is more consistent

[[File:Olimar_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Olimar/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Olimar/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

After throwing a Pikmin with an Fsmash or side-B, if there are other Pikmin nearby when using up-B, an aerial using a PikminAll of them except Nair will occur

[[File:Rosalina & Luma_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fair is more consistent. It also has less range above the skirt's hemline. The final hit has more range

[[File:Mii Gunner_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Gunner/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Gunner/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Uthrow sends at a different angle. The shot also has more range

[[File:Duck Hunt_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Duck Hunt/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Duck Hunt/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash's SDI multiplier has been decreased. It has also been made more consistent



  • [[File:Sephiroth_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Sephiroth/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Sephiroth/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] joins the game as a playable character
  • Northern Cave has been added as a stage


  • A new mode, Sephiroth Challenge, was added. It allows players to fight Sephiroth on Northern Cave on 3 different difficulty modes. Winning the fight unlocked both Sephiroth and Northern Cave



  • Fixed an issue where the player could not use the stick to jump while falling after creating an anvil using [[File:Steve_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Steve/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Steve/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s Dair
  • Reverted the initial velocity of [[File:Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s and [[File:Dark Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Dark Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Dark Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s up-B back to how it was in 9.0.0
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes fighters would go through stages when knocked back



  • Fixed an issue in which characters could fall though the stage when breaking [[File:Steve_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Steve/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Steve/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s blocks (Neutral-B)
  • Fixed an issue in which characters could fall through the stage when caught between [[File:Steve_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Steve/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Steve/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s anvil (Dair) and a block
  • Fixed an issue in which fighters could be frozen if hit with [[File:Steve_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Steve/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Steve/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s minecart (Side-B)
  • Fixed an issue in which [[File:Steve_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Steve/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Steve/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s minecart does not hit opponents when reflected off a wall
  • Fixed an issue in which a fighter caught by [[File:Steve_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Steve/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Steve/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s minecart teleports to the position in which they were caught
  • Fixed an issue in which [[File:Meta Knight_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Meta Knight/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Meta Knight/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] would clip through any terrain which wasn't native to a stageThings such as Steve's blocks/anvil, Pac-Man's hydrant or Villager's tree after losing a stock


  • One of [[File:Steve_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Steve/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Steve/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s victory animations was changed in order to remove the meat after it has been eaten



  • [[File:Steve_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Steve/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Steve/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] joins the game as a playable character
  • An issue where the movement delay after a parry was behaving incorrectly against projectiles has been fixedThis change was actually in the game for at least one year, but was only applied in training mode before this update


  • The tick rate for battle arenas with 4 or fewer players has been increased from 30Hz to 60Hz, instead of only applying to 1-on-1 battles without spectators
  • Adjustments have been made to the way GSP is calculated

Fighter Adjustments

The transcendance update
Fighter Adjustment
[[File:Donkey Kong_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased grounded side-B's vertical range against grounded opponents

[[File:Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Pikachu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pikachu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pikachu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fair is more consistent

[[File:Ness_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ness/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ness/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack's third hit does more damage and knockback
Utilt does more damage (knockback stays the same)
Dair has less startup
Uthrow does more damage
Neutral-B has less startup

[[File:Captain Falcon_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Captain Falcon/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Captain Falcon/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Ice Climbers_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ice Climbers/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ice Climbers/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

NanaRefers to the second Ice Climber, regardless of the color used (some of Ice Climbers' colors swaps Popo and Nana's place) takes less damage and knockback in general, and has an improved AI
Dash Attack's double hitsPopo's Dash Attack comboing into Nana's Dash Attack are more consistent, on top of having more range
Dsmash has more knockback
Side-B starts grabbing the ledge earlier
Up-B covers more distance. Also, Nana automatically using down-B does not prevent the player from using up-B anymore

[[File:Sheik_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Sheik/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Sheik/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Utilt is more consistent

[[File:Young Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Young Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Young Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab's finisher is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack

[[File:Meta Knight_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Meta Knight/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Meta Knight/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab's finisher is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack

[[File:Wario_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Wario/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Wario/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Up-B is more consistent

[[File:Ivysaur_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ivysaur/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ivysaur/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab's finisher is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack

[[File:Charizard_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Charizard/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Charizard/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Side-B is more consistent
Up-B is more consistent

[[File:Sonic_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Sonic/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Sonic/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack does more damage (knockback stays the same), on top of having less endlag
Utilt has less endlag
Usmash is more consistent. It also has less startup and more invincibility during startup
Uair is more consistent

[[File:Lucario_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Lucario/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Lucario/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased the max value Aura will strengthen damage
Jab 1 has less startup
Ftilt is more consistent
Dsmash has less startup
Up-B has less landing lag
Side-B's projectile has more knockback

[[File:Mii Swordfighter_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Swordfighter/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Swordfighter/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Up-B 3 is more consistent

[[File:Robin_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Robin/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Robin/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab's finisher is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack

[[File:Shulk_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Shulk/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Shulk/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent
Shulk takes more knockback while Monado ShieldOne of Shulk's power-ups obtained with his neutral-B is active
Down-B's counter has more knockback

[[File:Bowser Jr._{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bowser Jr./{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bowser Jr./{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Adjusted certain landing behaviors to no longer prevent passing through platforms
Ftilt has more knockback
Usmash is more consistent
Dsmash has less startup
Fthrow has more knockback
Ledge Attack does more damage after using up-B
Side-B has more priority
Up-B has less startup

[[File:Bayonetta_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab's finisher is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack

[[File:Ridley_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ridley/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ridley/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack
Rapid Jab's finisher is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack
Up-B's landing hitbox when going downwards now only affects grounded opponents

[[File:Simon_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Simon/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Simon/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack
Rapid Jab's finisher is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack
Dash Attack does more damage, on top of having more base knockback
Utilt has more base knockback
Usmash has less startup and more knockback
Dsmash has more knockback
Up-B has more range

[[File:Richter_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Richter/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Richter/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack
Rapid Jab's finisher is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack
Dash Attack does more damage, on top of having more base knockback
Utilt has more base knockback
Usmash has less startup and more knockback
Dsmash has more knockback
Up-B has more range

[[File:Piranha Plant_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack
Rapid Jab's finisher is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack

[[File:Banjo & Kazooie_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Banjo & Kazooie/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Banjo & Kazooie/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack
Rapid Jab's finisher is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack

[[File:Min Min_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Min Min/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Min Min/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab's finisher is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack



  • Small Battlefield has been added as a stage. It can be choosen in Quickplay and Elite Smash
  • Battlefield, Big Battlefield, Final Destination and Small Battlefield can now use music from all stages


  • The tick rate of 1-on-1 battles not involving spectators has been increased from 30Hz to 60Hz, matching the in-game frame rateThis improves responsiveness, but decreases stability on low quality connections
  • Average input delay of 1-on-1 battles not involving spectators has been reduced from roughly 5 frames to 4 frames
  • Matchmaking in Quickplay has been adjusted
  • Elite Smash's threshold has been adjusted in order to allow more players in



  • [[File:Min Min_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Min Min/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Min Min/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] joins the game as a playable character


  • Fountain of Dreams' lag spikes were fixedThe lag that comes from Wario turning while using his side-B still persists
  • Lylat Cruise has bigger ledges and it is overall easier to recover on it
  • Garreg Mach Monastery's Omega and Battlefield form's blastzones has been adjusted to match other omega stages

Fighter Adjustments

Fighter Adjustment
[[File:Kirby_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Kirby/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Kirby/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack has less endlag and more knockback at the beginning of the move
Dsmash has less startup and more knockback
Fair's last two hits does more damage. The last hit has more knockback
Bair's sweetspot has more knockback
Down-B has more knockback

[[File:Captain Falcon_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Captain Falcon/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Captain Falcon/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack has less endlag
Dtilt has more knockback
Usmash's second hit has more knockback
Grounded side-B has more range, launches at a different angle and has less knockback
Aerial side-B is easier to spike with
Down-B has less startup. The sweetspot has more knockback

[[File:Sheik_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Sheik/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Sheik/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash is more consistent. The last hit also has more range

[[File:Falco_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Falco/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Falco/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dtilt has less startup and sends at a different angle
Usmash has more active frames and knockback. It has also been made more consistent
Nair's last hit comes out faster and has more range
Dair has less endlag and landing lag
Side-B has more active frames and less startup on the ground

[[File:Marth_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Marth/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Marth/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dsmash's tipper has more knockback
Fair's tipper is easier to hit
Bair's tipper is easier to hit
Uair's tipper is easier to hit

[[File:Mewtwo_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mewtwo/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mewtwo/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Bair has more knockback. The tip and middle of the tail also does more damage
Uair has more knockback
Dthrow has less endlag
Neutral-B does more damage when uncharged, on top of having less startup and endlag
Up-B has less landing lag (does not apply in freefall)

[[File:Meta Knight_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Meta Knight/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Meta Knight/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Nair has more range
Fair has less endlag. It has also been made more consistent
Bair is more consistent
Neutral-B's sweetspot lasts longer
Up-B is more consistent. The first hit sends at a different angle, and the second hit has more range

[[File:Pit_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pit/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pit/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dtilt sends at a different angle and has less knockback
Usmash's last hit has more knockback
Dsmash's front hit sends at a different angle
Uair has less startup, less endlag, sends at a different angle and the final hit has more knockback
Getup attacks' endlag has beed adjusted to match other fighters
Down-B has less endlag

[[File:Dark Pit_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Dark Pit/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Dark Pit/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dtilt sends at a different angle and has less knockback
Usmash's last hit has more knockback
Dsmash's front hit sends at a different angle
Uair has less startup, less endlag, sends at a different angle and the final hit has more knockback
Getup attacks' endlag has beed adjusted to match other fighters
Down-B has less endlag

[[File:Ike_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ike/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ike/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack has more knockback
Dtilt has less knockback
Nair has more knockback and the sourspot has beed reduced
Fair has less endlag and does more damage (knockback stays the same)
Up-B's final hit has more knockback and sends at a different angle. Ike also can't trade after ascendingNeeds clarification

[[File:Ivysaur_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ivysaur/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ivysaur/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast

[[File:Diddy Kong_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Diddy Kong/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Diddy Kong/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack is more consistent. The final hit has more range
Ftilt has more range near the hands. It also sends at a different angle, and the sourspot has more active frames
Dsmash has less startup, and the second hit has more active frames
Fair has more range at the beginning
Increased the cooldown before Diddy is able to throw another banana peel (down-B)

[[File:King Dedede_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=King Dedede/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[King Dedede/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Utilt does more damage and has more knockback
Dtilt sends at a different angle
Fair has more knockback
Uair's final hit has more knockback
Neutral-B has less startup. Fighters can also be inhaled from further away if used on the ground

[[File:Villager_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Villager/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Villager/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab is more consistent
Utilt is more consistent. The arm and the head are also invincible
Usmash's fireworks does more damage and has more knockback
Uair has more knockback
Dair has less startup
Planting a seed (down-B) and watering it has less endlag
Axe swings (down-B when a tree is up) has more knockback and does more shield damage

[[File:Mega Man_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mega Man/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mega Man/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast

[[File:Wii Fit Trainer_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Wii Fit Trainer/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Wii Fit Trainer/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dtilt sends at a different angle
Usmash has less startup
Dsmash has less endlag
Fair has less endlag and landing lag
Neutral-B has more knockback

[[File:Little Mac_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Little Mac/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Little Mac/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast
Getup attacks' endlag has beed adjusted to match other fighters

[[File:Pac-Man_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pac-Man/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pac-Man/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast

[[File:Duck Hunt_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Duck Hunt/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Duck Hunt/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rolling techs' duration now matches the rest of the cast

[[File:Corrin_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Corrin/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Corrin/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash's tipper has more knockback, on top of having more range. It also does more shieldstun
Fair does more damage (knockback stays the same)
Bair's sweetspot does more damage and has more knockback
Uair does more damage and has more knockback
Side-B's lance attacks have less endlag. The kick's sweetspot has more knockback. Jumping after the stab has less endlag

[[File:Bayonetta_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ftilt 3 has less endlag
Utilt has less startup and is more consistent. The final hit has more range and active frames
Fsmash has more knockback and active frames
Side-B has less endlag. Same goes for the followup
Up-B's SDI multiplier has been decreased

[[File:Ridley_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ridley/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ridley/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Down-B's tipper does more damage. It is also now considered a hitgrab, and as such, the sweetspot won't crumple throw invincible opponents

[[File:King K. Rool_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=King K. Rool/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[King K. Rool/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack has more knockback. The sweetspot also lasts longer
Usmash does more damage and has more knockback
Bthrow sends at a different angle
Side-B's crown has more priority
Belly armor is more durable in general

[[File:Isabelle_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Isabelle/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Isabelle/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack has less startup
Utilt has less endlag
Usmash has less startup
Uair has more knockback
Dair has less startup

[[File:Incineroar_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Incineroar/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Incineroar/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash has more knockback
Grabs has less startup in general
Fthrow has more knockback
Side-B starts grabbing sooner. The lariat followup also has more knockback on hit
Down-B has less endlag. On hit, the power up is increased

[[File:Piranha Plant_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Utilt sends at a different angle and has less startup
Dsmash has less startup
Fair has less startup
Bair has more knockback
Uair does more damage and has more knockback

[[File:Hero_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Hero/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Hero/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

KaboomOne of the many spells accessible through Hero's down-B is more consistent

[[File:Banjo & Kazooie_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Banjo & Kazooie/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Banjo & Kazooie/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ledge Attack's back hit has more range



  • [[File:Byleth_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Byleth/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Byleth/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] joins the game as a playable character

Fighter Adjustments

The shield size update
Fighter Adjustment
[[File:Donkey Kong_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size
DK's head is now invincible when releasing shield

[[File:Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack's sweetspot does more damage
Usmash has more knockback
Dsmash has more knockback
Zair does more damage and has more active frames
Uthrow has more knockback
Increased shield size

[[File:Dark Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Dark Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Dark Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack's sweetspot does more damage
Usmash has more knockback
Dsmash has more knockback
Zair does more damage and has more active frames
Uthrow has more knockback
Increased shield size
Dark Samus' right arm is now invincible when pressing shield

[[File:Yoshi_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Yoshi/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Yoshi/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size
Yoshi's head and legs are now invincible when pressing shield

[[File:Kirby_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Kirby/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Kirby/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Fox_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Fox/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Fox/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Changed animation when shielding attacksPreviously, Fox went back to his Smash 4 shielding animation after shielding one attack

[[File:Pikachu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pikachu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pikachu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Captain Falcon_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Captain Falcon/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Captain Falcon/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent
Increased shield size

[[File:Bowser_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bowser/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bowser/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Ice Climbers_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ice Climbers/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ice Climbers/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Sheik_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Sheik/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Sheik/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dsmash has less startup and is more consistent
Standing grab has more range
Aerial neutral-B has less landing lag
Side-B has less endlag. The explosion is now transcendantCannot clank with any attack and has more active frames
Up-B's explosion has more knockback
Increased shield size

[[File:Zelda_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Zelda/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Zelda/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ftilt does more damage and has more knockback
Nair is more consistent and has less landing lag
Uair has more range and more active frames. A late hit does less damage, while the sweetspot has more knockback
Side-B has more active frames and a bigger sweetspot
Down-B does more damage and has more knockback
Increased shield size

[[File:Dr. Mario_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Dr. Mario/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Dr. Mario/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ftilt does more damage and has more knockback
Dtilt does more hitstun and has less knockback
Nair's sweetspot does more damage and has more knockback
Dair has more active frames
Up-B's sweetspot has more knockback

[[File:Pichu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pichu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pichu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Falco_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Falco/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Falco/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Young Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Young Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Young Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 has less startup
Usmash has more knockback
Uair has more knockback
Zair is faster and launches at a different angle. It also does more hitstun
Fthrow has more knockback
Increased shield size

[[File:Ganondorf_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ganondorf/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ganondorf/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Mewtwo_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mewtwo/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mewtwo/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Changed animation while shielding in order to prevent shield pokes
Increased shield size

[[File:Mr. Game & Watch_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mr. Game & Watch/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mr. Game & Watch/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Meta Knight_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Meta Knight/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Meta Knight/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Pit_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pit/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pit/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Dark Pit_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Dark Pit/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Dark Pit/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Zero Suit Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Zero Suit Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Zero Suit Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Down-B's bury has been weakenedIt is easier to mash out of bury
Increased shield size

[[File:Snake_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Snake/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Snake/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size
Snake's head is now invincible when pressing shield

[[File:Squirtle_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Squirtle/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Squirtle/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Charizard_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Charizard/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Charizard/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Diddy Kong_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Diddy Kong/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Diddy Kong/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Diddy's arm is now invincible when releasing shield

[[File:Sonic_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Sonic/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Sonic/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:King Dedede_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=King Dedede/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[King Dedede/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Olimar_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Olimar/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Olimar/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Lucario_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Lucario/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Lucario/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Toon Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Toon Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Toon Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack has less endlag
Dsmash has more knockback
Bair has less startup
Dair's sourspot does more damage and has more knockback
Zair has more active frames

[[File:Wolf_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Wolf/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Wolf/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Villager_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Villager/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Villager/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Wii Fit Trainer_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Wii Fit Trainer/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Wii Fit Trainer/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Little Mac_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Little Mac/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Little Mac/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Greninja_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Greninja/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Greninja/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Mii Brawler_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Brawler/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Brawler/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Down-B 3's grab is bigger

[[File:Mii Swordfighter_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Swordfighter/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Swordfighter/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Palutena_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Palutena/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Palutena/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Utilt's last hit does more damage and has more knockback
Dsmash's sweetspot has more knockback
Nair has less knockback, and the last hit has less range against airborne opponents
Dthrow has more knockback
Increased shield size

[[File:Pac-Man_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pac-Man/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pac-Man/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Bowser Jr._{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bowser Jr./{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bowser Jr./{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Duck Hunt_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Duck Hunt/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Duck Hunt/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rapid Jab does more hitstun
Increased shield size

[[File:Ryu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ryu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ryu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Heavy Dtilt sends at a different angle
Dsmash is now special cancellable on hitAlso doable on whiff. This is known as a kara cancel. It also does less shield damage
Neutral-B does more shieldstun
Shakunetsu Hadouken is more consistent
Ryu's leg is now invincible when using side-B. The sweetspot also does more damage and has more knockback
Increased shield size

[[File:Ken_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ken/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ken/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Heavy Dtilt sends at a different angle
Dsmash is now special cancellable on hitAlso doable on whiff. This is known as a kara cancel. It also does less shield damage
Ken's leg is now invincible when using side-B. The sweetspot also does more damage and has more knockback
Increased shield size

[[File:Cloud_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Cloud/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Cloud/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack's sweetspot has more knockback
Fsmash is more consistent
Usmash has less startup, as well as more knockback on the tipper
Down-B fills the Limit gauge faster
Increased shield size

[[File:Corrin_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Corrin/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Corrin/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Bayonetta_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased shield size

[[File:Ridley_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ridley/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ridley/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ridley's wing is now partly invincible when pressing or releasing shield
Changed animation while shielding in order to prevent shield pokes

[[File:King K. Rool_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=King K. Rool/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[King K. Rool/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Adjusted the center of King K. Rool's shield in order to match other fighters
Increased shield size

[[File:Incineroar_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Incineroar/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Incineroar/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Increased side-B's Lariat (and back body drop)'s knockback against non grabbed opponents

[[File:Piranha Plant_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

The Plant's lips are now invincible when releasing shield

[[File:Joker_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Joker/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Joker/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Downwards shots with aerial neutral-B has less range
Arsene gauge depletes faster when Joker gets hit while Arsene is summonedThis only applies in 1v1 games


Nothing of note happened in this update, as it only introduced support for two new amiibos



  • Fixed a bug where [[File:Terry_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Terry/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Terry/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] could freeze some characters when hit by Buster Wolf



  • [[File:Terry_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Terry/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Terry/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] joins the game as a playable character


  • Several QoLQuality of Life changes were made to arenas

Fighter Adjustments

Fighter Adjustment
[[File:Donkey Kong_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ftilt has more knockback
Nair does more damage and has more range
Fully charged neutral-B has more knockback. The charge time has also been shortened
Grounded up-B's armor comes out earlier. It is also more consistent against airborne opponents. The final hit has more knockback
Grounded down-B has less startup and endlag

[[File:Kirby_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Kirby/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Kirby/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 has less startup
Usmash's sourspot has more knockback
Nair has less startup. The sweetspot also has more knockback
Uair does more damage and has more knockback, on top of less startup
Neutral-B starts inhaling stuff earlier
Kirby's Copy Abilities are harder to take off (outside of taunting)

[[File:Jigglypuff_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Jigglypuff/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Jigglypuff/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

AirdodgesBoth neutral and directional has less endlag
Dair has less landing lag, as well as a larger autocancel windowIt can now be autocancelled from a short hop if the move was buffered
Fthrow sends at a different angle
Neutral-B's charge time has been shortened
Side-B does more hitstun and shield damage

[[File:Robin_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Robin/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Robin/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ftilt has more knockback
Nair has less startup
The time for going from one version of neutral-B to another has been shortened
Side-B's fireball goes further (flame pillar stays the same)
When the Levin gauge is empty, Smash attacks fills up the gauge a bit more

[[File:King K. Rool_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=King K. Rool/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[King K. Rool/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Nair has less landing lag
Fair's sweetspot does more damage, has more range and sticks out longer
Uair has more active frames. The sweetspot has more knockback
Neutral-B has less startup. The cannon ball is easier to vacuum and shoots out earlier if vacuumed. The projectile has more knockback
Down-B's counterattack has less endlag, and the sweetspot has been increased. The hitbox detection on the counter is now bigger

[[File:Incineroar_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Incineroar/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Incineroar/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 3 does more damage and has more knockback
Fair has more active frames. A late hit does less damage
Dair's spike is easier to hit
Neutral-B's early hit does more damage and has more range. The move lasts longer
Down-B has more active frames, as well as less endlag, on hit and on whiff. The counterattack has more knockback

[[File:Hero_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Hero/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Hero/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

[[File:Rosalina & Luma_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s down-B no longer affects KafrizzNeutral-B with max charge after hitting an opponent
[[File:Villager_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Villager/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Villager/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] and [[File:Isabelle_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Isabelle/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Isabelle/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s neutral-B no longer affects KafrizzNeutral-B with max charge after hitting an opponent



  • [[File:Banjo & Kazooie_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Banjo & Kazooie/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Banjo & Kazooie/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] joins the game as a playable character

Fighter Adjustments

Fighter Adjustment

Made it so that a roll or a spotdodge cannot be buffered anymore after landing with an airdodge
The time where a character can move after teching a grab has been made more consistent across the board

[[File:Yoshi_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Yoshi/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Yoshi/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Can now buffer a grab after a roll or a spotdodge

[[File:Peach_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Peach/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Peach/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Up-B is more consistent

[[File:Daisy_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Daisy/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Daisy/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Up-B is more consistent

[[File:Ice Climbers_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ice Climbers/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ice Climbers/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

NanaRefers to the second Ice Climber, regardless of the color used (some of Ice Climbers' colors swaps Popo and Nana's place) can ledge trump again

[[File:Villager_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Villager/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Villager/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent against buried opponents

[[File:Rosalina & Luma_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fixed a bug where Luma couldn't act after Rosalina got hit by [[File:Hero_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Hero/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Hero/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]'s SnoozeOne of the many spells accessible through Hero's down-B

[[File:Joker_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Joker/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Joker/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

The misstech animation facing down has been adjusted to match other fighters

[[File:Hero_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Hero/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Hero/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

The final hit of KafrizzNeutral-B with max charge can now be shieldedWhen shield is already out. Clarifications are needed, reflected and absorbed
Magic BurstOne of the many spells accessible through Hero's down-B's multi hits does more hitstun
The misstech animation facing down has been adjusted to match other fighters



  • [[File:Hero_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Hero/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Hero/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] joins the game as a playable character


  • Training mode's combo counter is more accuratePrior to this update, a combo could still go on even if the opponent wasn't in hitstun for a few frames at some point in the combo. This has been reduced to a single frame

Fighter Adjustments

The wakeup divekick update
Fighter Adjustment
[[File:Mario_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mario/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mario/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Adjusted their wake up animationLiterally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone to match other fighters

[[File:Donkey Kong_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Adjusted their wake up animationLiterally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone to match other fighters

[[File:Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Adjusted their wake up animationLiterally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone to match other fighters
Aerial up-B has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect
Link can now shield SDI when blocking a projectile with their shieldNot the bubble, the literal shield he is carrying around

[[File:Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Adjusted their wake up animationLiterally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone to match other fighters
Usmash has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect

[[File:Dark Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Dark Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Dark Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect

[[File:Yoshi_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Yoshi/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Yoshi/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash has less pushback when charging

[[File:Fox_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Fox/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Fox/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Adjusted their wake up animationLiterally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone to match other fighters

[[File:Peach_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Peach/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Peach/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Neutral-B is more consistent against attacks that are countered from behind
Up-B has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect

[[File:Daisy_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Daisy/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Daisy/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Neutral-B is more consistent against attacks that are countered from behind
Up-B has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect

[[File:Bowser_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bowser/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bowser/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dair starts descending immediately when used out of hitstunThere was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun

[[File:Sheik_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Sheik/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Sheik/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dair starts descending immediately when used out of hitstunThere was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun

[[File:Young Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Young Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Young Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Young Link can now shield SDI when blocking a projectile with their shieldNot the bubble, the literal shield he is carrying around

[[File:Mewtwo_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mewtwo/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mewtwo/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

The tail's hurtbox has been made smaller
Usmash has more active frames and more knockback
Dsmash has less endlag
Bthrow does more damage
Side-B has less startup, and reflects projectiles earlier

[[File:Mr. Game & Watch_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mr. Game & Watch/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mr. Game & Watch/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dair starts descending immediately when used out of hitstunThere was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun

[[File:Pit_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pit/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pit/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 has less startup
Utilt has less endlag
Dsmash's front hit has more knockback
Bair has less landing lag
Dair's spike has more knockback

[[File:Dark Pit_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Dark Pit/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Dark Pit/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 has less startup
Utilt has less endlag
Dsmash's front hit has more knockback
Bair has less landing lag
Dair's spike has more knockback

[[File:Zero Suit Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Zero Suit Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Zero Suit Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dair starts descending immediately when used out of hitstunThere was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun

[[File:Snake_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Snake/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Snake/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Adjusted their wake up animationLiterally, this animation is played when the sleep status effect is gone to match other fighters

[[File:Pokemon Trainer_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pokemon Trainer/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pokemon Trainer/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]These changes applies to all 3 Pokémons

Grabbing the ledge after switching Pokémons in the air no longer shortens the invincibility gain from grabbing the ledge

[[File:Ivysaur_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ivysaur/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ivysaur/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dair's sweetspot has less range. The sourspot has less knockback
Side-B has more startup and more endlag
Aerial up-B's sweetspot has less knockback

[[File:Charizard_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Charizard/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Charizard/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ftilt's sweetspot has more knockback
Fsmash does more damage and has more knockdown
Usmash has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect
Nair has more active frames and less landing lag
Fthrow has more knockback
Side-B grabs ledges earlier

[[File:Lucas_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Lucas/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Lucas/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack has more active frames
Ftilt does more damage at the beginning of the move. The sweetspot has more knockback
Usmash has more invincibility at the start of the move
Uair has less endlag
Side-B has less landing lag

[[File:Sonic_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Sonic/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Sonic/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dair starts descending immediately when used out of hitstunThere was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun

[[File:Olimar_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Olimar/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Olimar/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

When using a Purple Pikmin, Fsmash has more range and more active frames

[[File:R.O.B._{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=R.O.B./{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[R.O.B./{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1's tipper does less hitstun

[[File:Toon Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Toon Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Toon Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dair starts descending immediately when used out of hitstunThere was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun
Toon Link can now shield SDI when blocking a projectile with their shieldNot the bubble, the literal shield he is carrying around

[[File:Villager_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Villager/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Villager/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Rosalina & Luma_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rosalina is easier to grab from the front
Luma goes in front of Rosalina when doing Jab 1 in the other direction
Luma goes in front of Rosalina when doing Fsmash in the other direction
Luma goes in front of Rosalina when doing Usmash in the other direction

[[File:Greninja_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Greninja/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Greninja/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dair starts descending immediately when used out of hitstunThere was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun

[[File:Little Mac_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Little Mac/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Little Mac/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 3's endlag will no longer be reduced depending on the timing after pressing Jab 2This removed a technique named the "Sandman Express" that was introduced in 3.1.0. This used to make his jab safer on shield, as well as opening up new combo routes

[[File:Mii Brawler_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Brawler/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Brawler/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fall speed has been reverted to how it was prior to 3.0.0
Neutral-B 2 has less startup and more knockback
Up-B 1 has more knockback

[[File:Mii Swordfighter_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Swordfighter/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Swordfighter/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Neutral-B 3 is more consistent

[[File:Mii Gunner_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Gunner/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Gunner/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent. It also has less knockback when all hits doesn't connect

[[File:Pac-Man_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pac-Man/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pac-Man/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

The fruit from neutral-B will no longer drop when charging, even after a forced side switchFor example, being hit by Mario's side-B

[[File:Ryu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ryu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ryu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Any attack buffered out of parry will now be done while facing the opponent

[[File:Ken_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ken/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ken/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Any attack buffered out of parry will now be done while facing the opponent

[[File:Corrin_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Corrin/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Corrin/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash has more knockback
Dair starts descending immediately when used out of hitstunThere was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun
Jumping after using side-B has less endlag
Up-B covers a greater distance, both horizontally and vertically

[[File:Bayonetta_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dair starts descending immediately when used out of hitstunThere was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun

[[File:Ridley_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ridley/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ridley/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack has more range
Usmash has more active frames and more knockback
Bair does more damage
Uair's sweetspot has more range and is easier to hit
Jumping out of side-B has less endlag. Additionally, the throw after reaching the ledge has more knockback
Up-B has less startup and moves faster

[[File:Simon_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Simon/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Simon/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dair starts descending immediately when used out of hitstunThere was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun

[[File:Richter_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Richter/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Richter/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dair starts descending immediately when used out of hitstunThere was a bug where divekick-type moves would make a character fall slower (or not fall at all) when used out of hitstun

[[File:Isabelle_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Isabelle/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Isabelle/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Rolls covers a greater distance
It is easier to combo Jab 1 into itself
Usmash has more knockback
Side-B's Uthrow has more knockback. It also starts grabbing opponents earlier
Down-B comes out faster when activated

[[File:Piranha Plant_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Side-B now has a damage cap when reflectedVillager and Isabelle could previously pocket the move repeatedly in order to make it to absurd amounts of damage in an instant (something like 200% in one poison cloud). It also has less startup and more active frames
Down-B does more shield damage and has less endlag. It also has less charge time

[[File:Joker_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Joker/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Joker/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Down-B (with Arsene out) cannot reflect projectiles that does more than 50% anymore



  • New Quickplay rules can be chosen

Fighter Adjustments

The consistent jab update
Fighter Adjustment

There is now a cooldown before a character is able to wall jump again

[[File:Donkey Kong_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Donkey Kong/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fully charged neutral-B's armor lasts longer

[[File:Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Dark Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Dark Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Dark Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Fox_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Fox/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Fox/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 2 > Rapid Jab is more consistent

[[File:Pikachu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pikachu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pikachu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Grab has more range

[[File:Luigi_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Luigi/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Luigi/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 2 > Jab 3 is more consistent
Zair has more range when used before landing
Grounded down-B is no longer invincible for the entire duration when rising in the air with a certain timing

[[File:Ness_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ness/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ness/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 2 has more range and the hitbox has been moved forward
Jab 2 > Jab 3 is more consistent

[[File:Captain Falcon_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Captain Falcon/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Captain Falcon/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Ftilt has more knockback
Fair's sweetspot is bigger
Bair has more knockback
Side-B's strike has less startup and does more hitstun. The hyper armorSimilar to super armor, except that it only goes through attecks that does a certain amount of damage has been enhanced
Both versions of his down-B have more active frames

[[File:Jigglypuff_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Jigglypuff/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Jigglypuff/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent
Jab 2 has more range

[[File:Peach_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Peach/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Peach/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent
Fsmash has more knockback when using the golf club
Fair has less knockback
Bthrow has less knockback
Side-B has more endlag on contactOn hit and on shield
Up-B is more consistent
Down-B has more endlag

[[File:Daisy_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Daisy/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Daisy/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent
Fsmash has more knockback when using the golf club
Fair has less knockback
Bthrow has less knockback
Side-B has more endlag on contactOn hit and on shield
Up-B is more consistent
Down-B has more endlag

[[File:Ice Climbers_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ice Climbers/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ice Climbers/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

The Ice Climbers gets back their double jumps the same way as other fighters do
NanaRefers to the second Ice Climber, regardless of the color used (some of Ice Climbers' colors swaps Popo and Nana's place) will no longer jump when inputting Grab + Jump

[[File:Pichu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pichu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pichu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Pichu's hurtbox is bigger
Increased shield size
Self-damage has been increased for all moves that inflicts self-damageThe only exceptions are his pummel and his Final Smash
Ftilt has less knockback
Fsmash has more endlag

[[File:Lucina_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Lucina/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Lucina/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash has less knockback
Fair has less knockback

[[File:Ganondorf_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ganondorf/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ganondorf/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Fsmash is more consistent

[[File:Roy_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Roy/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Roy/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Chrom_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Chrom/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Chrom/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Mr. Game & Watch_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mr. Game & Watch/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mr. Game & Watch/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Utilt is more consistent

[[File:Pit_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pit/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pit/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Dark Pit_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Dark Pit/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Dark Pit/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent
Aerial side-B has less endlag on contactOn hit and on shield

[[File:Zero Suit Samus_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Zero Suit Samus/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Zero Suit Samus/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Side-B is more consistent
Down-B covers more horizontal distanceThis reverts the changes made in 3.0.0

[[File:Snake_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Snake/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Snake/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent
Jab 2 > Jab 3 is more consistent
Jab 2 moves Snake forward a bit more

[[File:Ivysaur_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ivysaur/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ivysaur/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Nair is more consistent

[[File:Charizard_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Charizard/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Charizard/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent
Jab 2 > Jab 3 is more consistent
Jab 2 moves Charizard forward a bit more

[[File:Diddy Kong_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Diddy Kong/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Diddy Kong/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent
Jab 2 has more range
Dash Attack launches at a different angle
Usmash is more consistent and has more knockback
Uair has less endlag, as well as less landing lag
Dair has less startup
Neutral-B does more damage (shield damage remains the same). The charge time has also been shortened
Charging up-B makes Diddy fall slower. It also covers more vertical distance when charged

[[File:Olimar_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Olimar/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Olimar/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Olimar has a bigger hurtbox
Fsmash's sweetspot is shorter. It also has more endlag
Usmash has more endlag
Up-B's flight time has been adjusted when using this move repeatedly

[[File:Lucario_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Lucario/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Lucario/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 has less endlag
Jab 2 has less endlag
Jab 3 has less endlag
Dash Attack has more range
Ftilt has more knockback
Fsmash's sweetspot has more range
Usmash is more consistent
Nair has more range against grounded opponents
Uair's sweetspot has more range
Dair is more consistent
Neutral-B's windbox has less range when charging. When max charged, the projectile has more range. It also has less endlag
Opponents can no longer go through Lucario when using side-B. The grab's range has been increased

[[File:R.O.B._{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=R.O.B./{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[R.O.B./{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent
Jab 2 has more range

[[File:Toon Link_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Toon Link/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Toon Link/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent

[[File:Wolf_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Wolf/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Wolf/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent
Jab 2 > Jab 3 is more consistent
Jab 2 has more range
Jab 3 makes Wolf move forward
Dsmash's front attack has less knockback
Neutral-B has more endlag
Up-B's final hit has less range. It also sends at a different angle. The move in general is more consistent
Down-B has less startup. The move is intangible earlier to match the new startup. Same goes for the reflecting hitbox

[[File:Villager_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Villager/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Villager/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Wii Fit Trainer_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Wii Fit Trainer/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Wii Fit Trainer/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent

[[File:Rosalina & Luma_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Rosalina & Luma/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Luma has less endlag when using Dash Attack
Fsmash has more knockback when Luma is near Rosalina
Fair has less endlag and is more consistent. It also grabs the ledge earlier
Grab has less startup
Rosalina can fastfall sooner after using up-B
Luma has less endlag when using down-B
Luma is easier to kill. It also respawns fasterThis change only applies to games with 3 or less players

[[File:Little Mac_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Little Mac/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Little Mac/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent
Jab 1 has less endlag
Jab 2 has less endlag and more range
Jab 3 has more range
Ftilt is more consistent against airborne opponents
Dtilt has more range
Usmash's super armor lasts longer
Non-charged neutral-B has less endlag on the ground
KO Punch has less endlag on the ground
Side-B has more range at the beginning of the move
Down-B has less endlag on whiff

[[File:Mii Brawler_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Brawler/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Brawler/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 2 > Rapid Jab is more consistent
Rapid Jab has more range
Neutral-B 2 is more consistent

[[File:Mii Gunner_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Mii Gunner/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Mii Gunner/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Pac-Man_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Pac-Man/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Pac-Man/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Usmash is more consistent

[[File:Shulk_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Shulk/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Shulk/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 2 has more range
Usmash sends at a different angle and is more consistent

[[File:Bowser Jr._{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bowser Jr./{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bowser Jr./{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dash Attack sends at a different angle
Utilt has less endlag
Usmash has more knockback
Neutral-B has less startup in the air
Side-B starts to move earlier
Up-B's hammer hit has more range and more active frames. The explosion sends opponents at a different angleOnly on grounded up-B and is more consistent

[[File:Duck Hunt_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Duck Hunt/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Duck Hunt/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Uair is more consistent

[[File:Ryu_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ryu/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ryu/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1's special cancel window is larger
Jab 2's special cancel window is larger
Strong Pjab sends at a different angle. The knockback has been changed to match this new angle
Close light Ftilt's special cancel window is larger
Far light Ftilt has more range on the tip
Heavy Utilt sends airborne opponents at a different angle
Light Dtilt does more hitstun
Heavy Dtilt has less knockback
Uair has more active frames, as well as more range
The light version of his projectilesHadoken and Shakunetsu Hadoken travels slower, while the heavy versions travels faster. They also has less startup and does more damage. Neutral-B has more range against grounded opponents
Grounded side-B's first hit has more range

[[File:Ken_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Ken/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Ken/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1's special cancel window is larger
Jab 2's special cancel window is larger
Strong Pjab sends at a different angle. The knockback has been changed to match this new angle. It also does more damage (knockback remains the same)
Close light Ftilt's special cancel window is larger
Far light Ftilt has more range on the tip
Heavy Ftilt sends at a different angle
Heavy Utilt sends airborne opponents at a different angle
Light Dtilt does more hitstun
Heavy Dtilt has less knockback
Fsmash has more knockback
Dair's special cancel window is larger
Grounded side-B's first hit has more range. The SDI multiplier has also been decreased
Up-B is more consistent and has a decreased SDI multiplier. The first hit can now trade with other attacks. The heavy versionThe one with flames has more knockback. The light version has more knockback against airborne opponents. The medium version travels less distance
Crescent Kick's SDI multiplier has been decreased
Roundhouse Kick does more damage (knockback stays the same)
Inazuma Kick does more damage (shield damage remains the same)

[[File:Cloud_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Cloud/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Cloud/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Dsmash is more consistent

[[File:Bayonetta_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Bayonetta/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 has more active frames
Rapid Jab's finisher has more knockback
Dash Attack's sweetspot has more knockback
Utilt is more consistent
Dsmash has more active frames. Side-B has less landing lag
Up-B has less landing lag
Down-B's counter lasts longer. Bat Within can be triggered for longer in order to match the new duration. Witch Time recovers faster

[[File:Inkling_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Inkling/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Inkling/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 2 > Jab 3 is more consistent
Jab 3's hitbox has been moved forward

[[File:King K. Rool_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=King K. Rool/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[King K. Rool/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Can grab the ledge earlier when using Uair

[[File:Isabelle_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Isabelle/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Isabelle/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Opponents won't get caught by side-B if the hook isn't moving. Reeling back the hook catches opponentsThis reverts the changes made to this move in 3.0.0

[[File:Incineroar_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Incineroar/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Incineroar/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 1 > Jab 2 is more consistent
Jab 2 > Jab 3 is more consistent
Jab 1's elbow hit sends at a different angle

[[File:Piranha Plant_{{{2}}}_Stock.png|link=Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|x25px|alt=]] [[Piranha Plant/{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]

Jab 3 has more range
Rapid Jab does more hitstun


EigaonSide-B when Arsene is active is more consistent









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