This template defines the table "ROA2_MoveData". View table.
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{{FrameData-ROA2 | chara = Character | attack = Attack | name = Specific hitbox name for attack | images = Array of move images, separated by (\) | hitboxes = Array of move hitbox images, separated by (\) | caption = Caption to show under non hitbox image(s), separated by (\) | hitboxCaption = Caption to show under hitbox image(s), separated by (\) | notes = Notes, separated by (\) | startup = Startup of the move. If it is active on frame 7, this value would be 6. | active = Interval(s) of active frames. | iasa = The first frame the character would be able to act. | endlag = Endlag of a character's move, post-active frames. | landlag = Relevant for aerials and special moves with unique landing lag (special landing). | damage = Damage (%) | baseKb = Base knockback | kbScale = Knockback scaling | angle = Knockback angle | autoFloorhugFlag = This move can auto-floorhug | isProjectileFlag = This means that the hit is a projectile, therefore able to be killed by hits which target projectiles as well as dealing half hitpause on shield. | isArticleFlag = A bit poorly named, this really just means that if true, the attacker and defender do NOT share the same hitpause window. For this field, Ranno's tongue, Clairen's Neutral Special and Forward Special plasma trail are not considered "articles" even if they technically are, as they are attached to the owner. | isThrowFlag = If this is a proper "throw", then the hit has no hitpause. This does not necessarily apply to all actual throws gotten off of standard grab in this game, since some of those throws have hit properties. | moveType = | bReverseCat = N/A, reverses momentum, or reverses the way the character is facing. | hitpauseMulti = | extraOppHitpause = | totalHitpause = | hitpauseMovementStrength = | ssdiMulti = | asdiMulti = | reverseHitFlag = | forceFlinchFlag = | groundTechableFlag = | weightIndependentFlag = | breakProjectileFlag = | knockbackFlipper = | hitstunMulti = | hitfallHitstunMulti = | parryReaction = | grabPartnerInteraction = | extraShieldStun = | totalShieldStun = | shieldDamageMulti = | totalShieldDamage = | shieldPushbackMulti = | totalShieldPushback = | shieldHitpauseMulti = | totalShieldHitpause = | fullChargeKbMulti = | fullChargeDamageMulti = | finalBaseKb = | forceTumbleFlag = | ignoreKnockbackArmor = }}
Stores values in the ROA2_MoveData Cargo Table.
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