< RoA2
Version 1.0 Hotfix
Date Released: October 29, 2024
Previous Version 1.0 |
Next Version 1.0.1 |
UI, Controls, and Other Polish
- Ranked now has blind character select, meaning you'll only see your own character selection until all players are readied up and the match is proceeding to stage select.
- Per popular request. Prevents game 1 counterpick shenanigans.
- Stage Select now shows each player's character choice along the bottom.
- We couldn't bother to remember that from 5 seconds ago either.
- Added a sound effect for when a match is found during matchmaking.
- The store now refreshes after a purchase so new currency & items are present immediately.
- Added mouse-click functionality to some main menu UI buttons that were missing them.
- Added loading spinner after purchases to safeguard against duplicate purchases.
- Added "Confirm Email Address" prompt during account creation.
- FFA now always selects a random stage and skips stage select.
- Casual Singles no longer has stage bans. Instead the loser picks stage for game 2 & 3 from the full set of 10 stages.
- Changed based on good feedback from a lot of players that striking and bans just wasn't something they were interested in for casual matches.
- Can no longer quit back to CSS in Casual Singles/Doubles/FFA.
- Players now properly suffer the consequences of their actions.
- Ranno bubble achievement damage requirement adjusted.
- While this achievement was possible to do, we thought it was unintentionally much too hard. If you got it before today you are Ahead of the Curve!
- Added Target Test music.
- Capped replay storage at 128 replays, if you have more than 128 replays older replays will be deleted as new replays are added.
- Replay file size is not negligible, so we've implemented this system so the game doesn't eat up all of your storage space. If you would like to save additional replays manually, you can copy replay files from "%localappdata%/Rivals2/Saved/Replays".
- Store bundles and item previews now include Item Type.
- Removed placeholder "default guy" icons from featured store display when the store is loading.
- RIP "default guy".
- Returning to the main menu now puts you on the expected main menu tab based on where you're coming from.
- Better currency formatting across regions.
- Decimal markers are now more worldly and stuff like that.
Bug Fixes
- Added a fix for side taunts not working.
- Save / load state sound effects should no longer play when they shouldn't.
- Fixed an alignment issue with right player display on versus screen.
- Added a bugfix for a Forsburn Clone SD issue.
- Fixed a rare version check crash.
- "Match Cancelled" / "Match Forfeit" messsages should properly display after being sent back to the main menu to help provide context on why you're no longer on the server.
- Players should no longer get stuck in a ranked lobby if the other player connected & disconnected while in the "Players Joining" phase. If not all players are present at the end of the "Players Joining" phase the match will be cancelled properly.
- Local tourney mode no longer shows incorrect button prompt glyphs.
- Fixed a bug that caused issues in the local tourney mode menu after going back to the character select screen from Stage Select or by Quitting.
- Implemented fix for Casual FFA hanging on initial ready up.