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Training Mode is a common mode in fighting games that allows the player to play the game in a configurable environment, usually against a controllable computer player. It is intended to allow players to practice their moves, learn how the game works, discover new strategies, and improve existing ones.

Training Menu

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Note that currently, CPUs are inconsistent with instantly acting out of tech or knockdown situations.


This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. Verify crouch behaviour.

These only apply to Dummy CPUs.

  • Stand: CPU will simply stand.
  • Shield: CPU will shield.
  • Crouch: CPU will crouch. Notably will crouch cancel and ASDI down when hit. DI is down.
  • Jump: CPU will full hop over and over again.


Toggles the amount of damage on a CPU, from 0% to 999%.

DI Mode

  • None.
  • Random.
  • Away.
  • In.

Get Up Option

This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. Are actions immediate or is there a delay?

This determines what a character will do after getting knocked down from a mistech.

  • Random.
  • None.
  • Stand (Getup Neutral).
  • Roll Away.
  • Roll In.
  • Attack (Getup Attack).
  • Special (Getup Special).

Tech Option

This determines what a character will do when teching a knockdown.

  • Random.
  • None. Leads to mistech.
  • Neutral. Leads to tech in place.
  • Away. Leads to a tech roll away from the opponent.
  • In. Leads to a tech roll into the opponent.

Counter Option (Ground)

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Action a CPU will take when getting hit while grounded. Inconsistent.

  • None.
  • Grab.
  • Up Special, Forward Special, Down Special.
    • Notably, no Neutral Special is possible here.
  • Up Strong, Forward Strong, Down Strong.
  • Neutral Air, Back Air, Down Air, Forward Air.
    • Notably, no Up Air is possible here.
  • Jab.
    • No tilts or dash attacks are possible here.
  • Short hop and full hop.

Counter Option (Ground)

This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. Are actions out of shield confirmed to be immediate or is there a delay?

Action a CPU will take when getting hit on shield. Directly triggers after a single hit, making it ineffective against multihits.

  • None.
  • Spotdodge.
  • Grab.
  • Up Special.
  • Up Strong.
  • Roll away and in.
  • Neutral Air, Back Air, Down Air, Forward Air.
    • Notably, no Up Air is possible here.
  • Short hop and full hop.

Notably, Parry is missing.

Grid Background

Enabling this will overlay a grid background across the stage. Useful for showing exact measurements of distance and spacing.

Debug Options

These can all be enabled at once with the Backspace key on keyboard.

Show Hitboxes

Show Hitboxes toggles whether or not the game will show the hitboxes, hurtboxes, and other visual frame data for each move.

  • Red: hitbox.
  • Green: grabbox and hurtbox. Characters will be grabbed if their grab hitbox makes contact.
  • Yellow: ungrabbable hurtbox.
  • Darker Yellow:
    • This usually is reserved for entity detection. This applies to Kragg's Rock Grab, Maypul's Lily and Terry.
  • Dark Blue: intangible. Neither character experiences hitpause on a hit.
  • White:
    • Shield hurtbox.
    • Parry hurtbox against projectiles.
  • Pink:
    • Grab hitbox. Any green box that intersects with this will result in a grab interaction.
    • Parry hurtbox. Will counter any attacks on hit.
  • Cyan:
    • On Clairen's hitboxes, this can be her Ionized Tip.
    • True invulnerability, whether from respawn platform or from a successful parry.

Show DI Lines

Show DI Lines toggles whether or not the game will show lines representing the maximum, minimum, and input directional influence when hit by an attack.

When Show DI Lines is enabled, there are three lines that show up when a character gets hit and is in hitpause. These lines cannot be seen after hitpause, meaning that SDI is not considered. These three lines will indicate DI out, no DI, and DI in, meant to illustrate the full range of possible DIs. The rhombus most accurately depicts where the character is expected to land if no other factors are considered.

  • Yellow lines: these are the most typical lines. Nothing special here.
  • Blue lines: these will cause the character to land before hitstun ends.
  • Red lines: these will kill.

Show Stage Collision

Will show the following:

  • A yellow rhombus around characters, representing their ECB. This determines whether they are grounded, touching a wall, whether a hitbox will send forward or backward (reverse hitboxes), etc. This can also be interpreted as the center of the character.
  • Blue lines will indicate platforms which can be platform dropped and shield dropped on.
  • Green box representing the stage collision, including floors, walls, and ceilings.
  • A red/green corner on ledge, indicating whether it is possible to grab. Green means yes, red means no.

Frame Advance

This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. This is an extremely rough draft that has not been polished in any way, despite being accurate.

Frame Advance allows you to move forward one frame at a time & see what state you & your opponent are in. For reference, there are 60 frames in a second. You can access this by selecting Frame Advance in the training menu or by pressing the Z button or T key.

As an example, let us suppose the following, using Kragg's Jab:

Jab - 15
Window 2 (Recovery 1) - 8 / 16
Hitpause: 0
Location: (-348.741, 0.012) (Grounded)
Velocity: (0.000, 0.000) + (0.000, 0.000)
Joystick: (-0.000, -0.000)

Let's break this down. The most important thing to keep in mind is that everything is counted starting from 0.

  • Jab - The first line indicates the state that a character is in. If it is an attack, it will be the attack name. If it is a movement option, it will often be that, including whether the character is stopping, turning around, etc. A full list of character states can be found under System Mechanics.
    • 15 - This indicates that Kragg is on the 16th frame of his Jab. In here, frames are counted starting from 0, meaning that the first frame would be Jab - 0.
  • Window 2 - If a state has multiple windows, it will specify which window it is here. Remember, this is counted starting from 0.
    • (Recovery 1) - Here, this refers to the actual window name under the move.
    • 8/16 - The first number represents which frame of the window Kragg is in, starting from 0. In this case, he is on the 9th frame of recovery. The second number represents the duration of the window, indicating how many frames a character is inactionable. If the first number is greater than or equal to the second number (ex: 16/16), then the character can already interrupt by the point. Note that this does not apply to cancels specifically.
  • Hitpause: 0 - If a character is in hitpause, this number will immediately start at the highest amount of hitpause, counting down until it reaches 0, at which point the character will enter the next frame.
  • Location: (-348.741, 0.012) (Grounded) - This represents the position of a character on stage, with the X and Y coordinates respectively. Grounded here refers to whether a character is considered airborne or grounded. If a character is grounded, the Y position will always be 0.012 when on the stage, and slightly above whatever the platform height is when on platforms.
  • Velocity: (0.000, 0.000) - This represents the controlled velocity of a character, with the X and Y coordinates respectively. Specifically, this refers to the player's regular velocity, which is influenced by gravity, fall speed, and drift. This is the most common number to pay attention to.
    • + (0.000, 0.000) - This refers to a character's knockback velocity, which will matter when being hit. This gradually decreases over time, but it cannot be reduced other than the grounded speed. The overall velocity of a character is determined by adding both of these two position vectors together.
  • Joystick: (-0.000, -0.000) - This refers to the position of the left stick. This can change based on stick settings. It should be noted that for joysticks, diagonals will be accurate, whereas for leverless or keyboards, this will register fully in both directions. Joysticks see a circle, whereas leverless will see a square.

HUD Options > HUD

This controls the game’s HUD display.

  • Showall: default. Frame advance info is shown.
  • OverheadOnly: only the character tag and numbers will be shown hovering over characters.
  • BottomOnly: only the character icon, name, and percent will be shown on the bottom of the screen. This also shows frame advance information.
  • None: both aforementioned options will be hidden.


Finding True Combos

A combo is a string of moves that doesn't allow the opponent to act in between them due to being in hitstun. During hitstun, it is not possible to act out of hitstun, nor is it possible to grab the ledge, but it is possible to grab ledge once hitstun ends. This is the currently the only real way to verify combos without directly using frame advance to view hitstun values frame by frame. If the character lands on the ground, there is no way to clearly see when they are actionable. [1]

  • Enable 'Show Stage Collision' in training menu. A green box will show on the first frame that a character is actionable. This represents the ledgegrab box.
  • If the green box appears between hits, the opponent can act and escape. However, if they cannot pick an option that would evade in time, the combo can still be true, especially if it hits before the character becomes intangible on frame 3.
  • If it doesn't appear, this means that the string is a combo.

Practicing Shield Safety

This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. Something about practicing options on shield with various out of shield counters.


Character Select

System Explanations

How to PlayControlsSystem Mechanics
StagesHUDTraining Mode
Detailed & Advanced Information
Universal StrategyFrame Data ExplanationEsoterica
Gameplay RecordingCharacter Stats
Archived Information
FAQPatch NotesDiscords
IconsEmotesCharacter Progression