The following is intended as a comprehensive overview of the mechanics in Rivals of Aether II. If any language seems confusing or requires clarifying, please mention them in the Talk:RoA2/System_Mechanics section.
Ground Movement
Like many other platform fighters, Rivals of Aether II uses analog movement, meaning that movement is determined based on a range of values rather than simple buttons. Many options are distinguished by the joystick value threshold, typically between -1 and 1, with any values outside of this range being capped within the range. A 1.2 value will behave the same as a value of 1.
This wiki uses the terminology tilt versus tap to distinguish different speeds for directional inputs. Gently "tilting" the left analog stick (sometimes only partially), versus "tapping" (quickly flicking) the stick all the way.
Digital interfaces, such as keyboards or leverless controllers, will commonly require binding a Walk Mod.Default Controls
KB: button is necessary to effectively emulate both tilt and tap inputs, unless they feature their own native modifiers for X and Y values.

- No directional or action input
Standing is the standard state for all characters, internally known as Idle or Fidget. When a game begins, this is the state that a character starts off as. All grounded options are available while standing.
Note, however, that this state does not mean that a character is stationary. Characters who slide across the ground while standing will still have all their standing options available, typically occurring during babydashes and wavedashes.

Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Will require light tilt of left stick
orWalk Mod.Default Controls
KB:(defaults to
for KB) /
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Will require light tilt of left stick
orWalk Mod.Default Controls
KB:(defaults to
for KB) (Hold OK)
The slowest grounded movement option from standing still. Useful for full access to options like Tilts or more precise control in tight spaces. Slower than dash and run, but still useful, especially as it can be buffered unlike the other two.
Walk can only be entered from standing. If the left stick's value is within that set by the Hard Press threshold in stick settings, it will register as a walk. It is only possible to dash backwards from walking and not forward, meaning that forward Dash Attack is not possible.
Stopping while walking will enter WalkStop which technically lasts 6 frames, but there is no effective difference between this state and standing.
A pivot (known internally as WalkTurnaround) is a 10 frame turnaround animation where characters can perform all of their standing options at will. Characters will always register as facing the direction of the input throughout the whole window, meaning that if a character pivots to face left, they will be facing left if they shield during their pivot, regardless of which frame they start shielding.
Characters cannot crouch out of pivot. Characters will start walking if a walk in the same direction is held after the pivot finishes, or will stop entirely if the direction is released. Characters can dash out of pivot.
Pivots can be buffered by holding the input. This option is most commonly seen out of dash, since pivots are the only way to interrupt dash with a standing action, the most important application of it.
- If a character taps back to trigger a dashback, they will enter 1 frame of pivot before dashing back.
- If the stick returns to the deadzone on the second frame, they will continue this pivot window for its full 10 frames. If not done from this 1F, it's known as an empty pivot.
- If a character tilts back instead of a full dashback, they will dash for 1 more frame, and then do an empty pivot. This is slightly slower, but much more consistent, as it is possible to input and hold diagonal directions, which can be useful for immediately inputting Tilts and Strongs.
In addition, characters can also pivot from standing still. Attempting to pivot from crouch will wait until crouch ends, and it is not possible to pivot during a run.
This is an essential option for characters with long dashes, as it is the only way to turn around as well as perform Tilts during a dash. A higher Hard Press Threshold will make pivots easier, but dashbacks harder.
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
orDefault Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
Dashing is a committal but fast burst movement option. It is possible from standing and crouching. Each character has a different dash length and duration. As a tradeoff, the following restrictions are in place for dashes:
- Unlike run and walk, a dash has a set number of frames before it ends.
- Once a dash is inputted, the left stick becomes much more restricted, with its only methods of interrupting a dash being a pivot or dashback.
- This means that it is not possible to crouch until the end of dash.
- A dashback is simply a dash in the backward direction, resulting in 1 frame of pivot followed by a new dash.
- If a character continues to hold in the same direction as they finish their dash, they will transition into their run.
- Inputting
AttackDefault Controls
KB:will always lead to a Dash Attack, making most
Wrastor can still input his Tilts, but it requires using the
StrongDefault Controls
KB:button. Jabs or Tilts not possible during dash.
- Inputting
StrongDefault Controls
SpecialDefault Controls
KB:will have them execute as normal.
- While
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:is still possible, it will instantly stop the character, known as a shield stop. If done with a parry however, the character will slide with horizontal momentum.
JumpDefault Controls
KB:behaves as normal.
GrabDefault Controls
KB:will lead to a Dash Grab.
Releasing the direction before the dash ends enters the DashStop state, which is functionally identical to the WalkStop state.
The movement option of repeatedly dashing back and forth is known as a dashdance, one of the key movement states in neutral due to its strong positional control with relatively little positional commitment.
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
orDefault Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
for 1 or 2 frames
Babydashing is an advanced movement option that allows characters to move similarly to a dash, while still being fully actionable (as standing), allowing for much tighter spacing. A babydash is done by returning the stick to neutral within 2 frames of a dash input. After a babydash, the character slides along the ground in a fully actionable "standing" state. This is most often used as a safer burst movement option, not requiring you to commit to a strong attack, jump, or special. This can also be powerful for approaching or retreating with Jab or a Tilt.
However, there is a movement penalty, as any Jab, Tilt, Dash Attack, Strong, or Grab performed out of the slide of a babydash will halve the character's velocity. This does not include defensive options like shield and parry, and it also will not change the velocity of Specials.

- Hold
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
after initial dash
After a dash, characters will begin to run. This is often the fastest and most consistent way to traverse the stage. However, since it is locked behind dash, it is much less effective at close ranges.
While not as restrictive as dash, there are still a few key traits:
- Run cannot be cancelled into another dash.
- The speed of run will vary depending on the left stick value. The lower the value, the slower the run. If it crosses the deadzone, the character will stop running, entering a RunStop animation of 6 frames. If the direction faces the other way, the character will then enter a lengthy RunTurnaround animation.
- Unlike dash, crouch is possible out of a run.
- Inputting
AttackDefault Controls
KB:will always lead to a Dash Attack, making most
Wrastor can still input his Tilts, but it requires using
StrongDefault Controls
KB:. Jabs or Tilts not possible during dash.
- Inputting
StrongDefault Controls
SpecialDefault Controls
KB:will have them execute as normal.
ShieldDefault Controls
JumpDefault Controls
KB:behave as normal.
GrabDefault Controls
KB:will lead to a Dash Grab.
Running allows for all the same actions as initial dash, aside from inputting another dash. If the direction is released the character will enter RunStop, and if the opposite direction is held after the first frame of RunStop, the character will enter a lengthy Run Turnaround animation before running in the other direction. This is costly, though certain advanced techniques purposefully use this state.
Notably, unlike dashing, it is possible to crouch out of a run, which removes many of the restrictions imposed by running. Using crouch is particularly useful for doing Tilts out of a run, as Dash Attack comes out otherwise.
Entering the RunStop state causes the character to stop for 6 frames before returning to their idle standing state. In this state, the following actions are possible:
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:and its associated out of shield options.
JumpDefault Controls
- Crouching.
- Buffering a forward dash (starting the first frame after RunStop).
- Buffering walk or walk turnaround (starting the first frame after RunStop).
Run Turnaround
- While Running,
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
/Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
in the opposite direction
Run turnaround is a committal turnaround done by tapping the opposite direction during a run. During this state, the character will be treated as fully turned around from their original state, despite being in the middle of turning around visually. There is no way to interrupt this action using conventional left stick movement. However, there are several actions that can be taken.
- Jumping is possible. Combining this with an Aerial is known as a reverse aerial rush (RAR), a unique approach option that allows the character to be facing backward while continuing to move forward with the momentum carried over from a run. A common application of this is approaching with RAR Back Air. A wavedash would also be facing the opposite direction, otherwise known as a RAR wavedash.
- Shielding is possible, which causes the character to slide with leftover momentum. This can be useful for grabbing ledge - slipping off stage while facing the center stage to grab ledge quickly (tapping fastfall once offstage can grab ledge even faster, though holding it too long while fall past ledge entirely).
- All of the associated options out of shield are available as well, including
ParryDefault Controls
- All of the associated options out of shield are available as well, including
- Inputting
GrabDefault Controls
KB:will result in a Pivot Grab.
- Strongs and Specials are always accessible from this state.
- If the character is on a platform, they can drop through it.
This state does not allow any attacks that would be normally accessible through AttackDefault Controls
KB: to be performed. It is also not possible to crouch, dash, or walk during this state.

- Facing right, moving left:
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
(Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
during dash)
- Facing left, moving right:
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Moonwalking is a unique movement option done out of dash where the character has their velocity shift to the other direction, eventually sliding past where their dash began through the DashStop state before returning to standing (or if the last direction is held, walking). It requires reversing the stick direction to the opposite direction of the dash without crossing over the stick's neutral position so as to avoid a pivot or a dashback.
This can be done most practically by doing a semicircle movement from one end to the other, making sure to avoid the center of the gate. This can either be done on the bottom half, or the top halfThis is only possible if Tap Jump is turned off.. Both methods are useful, especially the latter, as it is possible to moonwalk on platforms with this method.
This allows for even more movement mixups, as it is the fastest way to approach with a reverse move, like an approaching reverse Back Air or a reverse Up Tilt, due to being immediately out of dash. Because the moonwalk speed depends on the analog movement, the speed of the technique can be mixed up, making it hard for opponents to predict what kind of moonwalk is coming out and when they are moonwalking back.
Moonwalking is considered by the game to be in the Dash or DashStop states, being actionable in the same ways during the technique.
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Holding down allows you to crouch, shrinking the character's hurtbox. This is basically the same as standing with very few changes, being able to perform all the grounded attacks out of it. Gamepad users must tilt the left stick down Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
to crouch while on a platform, or else they may accidentally perform a platform drop; keyboard users under default settings must hold
Walk Mod.Default Controls
KB: before inputting down
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
to do the same.
Crouch is an effective way of immediately ending a run. This is especially useful as it is possible to jump and dash forward immediately out of crouch. Unlike standing, however, dashing back requires waiting six frames after crouch starts, and it is not possible to walk out of crouch. There's also a quirk that comes with being hit while crouching, which you can read here.
Crouch goes through three windows, internally labelled as "CrouchStart" (6 frames), "Crouch" (as long as the player holds them), and "CrouchStand" (6 frames).
- Crouch cancelling only takes effect if hit during "CrouchStart" or "Crouch".
- Dashing forward can be done during any window of crouching. Dashing back out of crouch cannot be done during "CrouchStart".
- Inputting
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:during the first 3 frames of "CrouchStart" will register as a spotdodge, while resgistering as shield during the rest of a crouch.
Wavelands and Wavedashes
If the character becomes grounded during their air dodge, they will perform a waveland, a movement option that slides across the ground. If done out of a grounded jump, this is called a wavedash. These provide a burst movement option that is incredibly useful for their speed and ability to be done from a jump. Mastering wavedashes and wavelands are essential to unlocking fluid stage movement.
A waveland has 10 frames of waveland animation before a character is actionable, meaning that a wavedash is 14 frames long before a character is actionable. Characters will face the same direction that they were originally facing, meaning that wavelands and wavedashes can be done backwards or forwards with the same orientation. Characters can use the remaining momentum after a waveland/wavedash to input a move while sliding. The length of a wavedash will vary depending on the angle of the air dodge into the ground, with a directly downward air dodge sliding zero distance, while a fully horizontal air dodge slides the maximum distance. If a character is air dodging and is close enough to a surface, the character will be pulled in and register as a waveland.
Wavedashing is incredibly versatile, as it can be done as long as the character can jump, which is almost every situation. This includes standing, walking, running, dashing, crouching, and shielding. Wavelands are equally useful, as it allows you to become grounded as soon as possible from the air, whether to the stage or a platform. They make platform approaches complex, as a character can go from jumping upward to wavelanding off a platform and falling with a move, making movement unpredictable and varied.
Platform Drop
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This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. What's the joystick threshold for dropping through platform? |

Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
while standing on platform
Tapping down allows the player character to fall through platforms when they are standing on top of one. The player must wait at least 3 frames before an Aerial or Special can be performed.
If the character is airborne, any held Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
input will have the character phase through platforms automatically. However, if a character is already performing Aerials or Specials while above a platform, they will not phase through. There is a faster way of dropping through platforms called shield drop, which can be read about here.
JumpDefault Controls
JumpDefault Controls
KB: is the primary way to get off the ground, providing upwards momentum. It is one of the most important options in the game, and it dictates the distinction between air and ground options between both characters. This can be done either with an assigned
JumpDefault Controls
KB: button, a short hop button, a full hop button.
This can also be done by inputting ShieldDefault Controls
KB: and Right Stick Up at the same time. Uniquely, this input option can be buffered, meaning that holding it will result in the character jumping as soon as actionable. However, it will also behave according to shield rules, meaning that a character who uses this method to jump out of dash will lose all horizontal velocity, causing there to be zero momentum when jumping. Additionally, if a character would not be able to shield at that point for whatever reason, this method would fail.
Jump has a brief startup before a character becomes airborne, known as jumpsquat. In many other fighting games, this is similar to "pre-jump". During jumpsquat, you are locked out of most actions and vulnerable to attacks and grabs.
Jumpsquat is universally 4 frames long. While most actions are not possible during jumpsquat, this can be universally cancelled into Up Strong*No, Wrastor cannot use his Up Tilt in place of Up Strong here., Up Special, and Grab. However, if any of these actions out of jumpsquat are performed, the character's horizontal velocity will be halved. This can be used as a way to control the velocity of a character to a minute degree.
In addition, on the final frame of jumpsquat, the left stick will be read to influence the character's horziontal velocity when jumping. Any input including directions of ( Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
) will launch the character correspondingly, with an initial horizontal velocity based on the horizontal value of the stick held. This phenomenon is commonly known as analog jump. It allows for more accessible ways to move in the air without depending on running momentum, and it also increases the horizontal jump range of a character.
Short Hop (SH)
- Input
JumpDefault Controls
KB:and release before jumpsquat ends, or press dedicated Short Hop macroNo button is bound to this by default;
this can be bound in your custom controls settings.
One of two grounded jump heights, short hops provide less height and consequently less air time. Short hop aerials are often the fastest offensive options with the most control, as it is possible to drift and perform an aerial with remarkable positional control. However, short hops typically cannot reach platforms from the ground, instead useful for aerials that shark the platforms above.
Full Hop (FH)
- Press and hold
JumpDefault Controls
KB:until after jumpsquat ends, or press dedicated Full Hop macroNo button is bound to this by default;
this can be bound in your custom controls settings.
The other of two grounded jump heights, full hops provide more height and more air time than a short hop. This can make them more useful in some situations for hitting an opponent. It also allows for characters to get onto platforms effectively. To perform a full hop, jump must still be held when a character exits jumpsquat.
Edge Cancel
![]() |
This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. Needs additional mention of teeter cancelling. |
If a character becomes grounded and moves over the edge of a platform or stage in the middle of an action, their action will be cancelled and they will become instantly actionable airborne. Edge cancelling can be done independent of the direction a character is faced, only relying on grounded momentum. This can make platforms vital to cancelling the endlag on moves, making normally risky but powerful offensive approaches much safer. This can also improve a character's edgeguarding by being able to quickly put out hitbox after hitbox at ledge with far less commitment.
There are a few known applications of this, though there may be more waiting to be discovered:
- Wavelanding off platforms is an essential platform movement option. It especially matters for characters with low running speeds but fast wavelands. Here, traction does not matter as much as a standard waveland or wavedash, since only a few frames of the waveland are needed for the initial velocity, with air traction taking over instead of ground traction. This allows for characters to unreactably maintain waveland momentum off platforms while being fully actionable. Approaching with a falling Aerial is a standard use of this.
- Edge cancelling a falling Aerial can be incredibly potent. This is done by drifting to carry momentum into the landing of the Aerial, landing near the edge to slide off and cancel its landing lag. This gives characters a way to bail out from an Aerial and suddenly come down with a new option. This can be especially effective if the opponent is shielding below a platform as they won't know if the character plans on landing on the platform, edge cancelling off the platform with a new option, or attacking shield directly. This also becomes useful at ledge against recovering opponents, as a character can put out a strong hitbox while avoiding the costly endlag for edgeguarding, being able to immediately retreat to safety or grab ledge right after.
- Attacking a shield and experiencing shield pushback can lead to edge cancelling grounded attacks.If a grounded character attacks an opponent's shield, they will normally experience shield pushback. This means that given enough shield pushback it is possible for a character to edge cancel their grounded options. This can be applied to two characters on the same platform, two characters near the ledge, or even characters on different surfaces near an edge. While this can be tricky to setup due to the spacing required, there are some notable options that open from this, with Strongs and Dash Attack typically benefiting from this (the former giving excellent pushback due to its high damage, and the latter being useful due to its burst movement forward enabling crossups). Both of these are especially useful as their typically high endlag can be edge cancelled, meaning that the character can immediately follow up on shield for creative shield pressure.
- Edge cancelling character recoveries can be niche, but useful. In most cases, characters want to recover directly to ledge and sweetspot it, rarely wanting to go high to be punished. However, if an opponent is already on the ledge, it can be necessary to recover on stage in a way that can be punished, since many Special moves for recovery incur high landing lag. In particular situations however, it's possible to mix up going onto stage by edge cancelling a Special's landing, and possibly regrabbing ledge as the opponent is baited into leaving ledge. This can introduce even more ambiguity for recoveries.
- Getting punished for parry fall can be avoided with an edge cancel. While parry will typically leave an airborne character in parry stun, if the character edge cancels the landing from parry fall, they will immediately be fully actionable. This also means that it is possible to grab ledge out of it, making it especially effective for parried offstage recoveries, as it bypasses the ledge intangibility penalty on parried recoveries.
Aerial Movement
While in the air, characters have a lot less control over their movement, but there are still a lot of options available.
Aerial Drift
- While in air
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Characters who enter the air while having an intial grounded velocity will continue to maintain their momentum and eventually slow down, but it is possible to control how a character moves in the air still. The speed at which a character moves is character dependent. Maypul has the fastestWrastor can tie with Maypul if he has Slipstream up. air speed, whereas Ranno has the slowest. This is always possible as long as the character is not in hitstun, meaning that it is possible to do during...
- Some Specials, typically those that do not involve movement.
- Aerials, with some exceptionsOne example is Orcane's Forward Air, which while technically changes trajectory depending on stick movement, does not function quite the same..
- Freefall.
- Tumble.
Midair Jump (Double Jump)
- While Airborne
JumpDefault Controls
All characters have at least one jump they can perform exclusively in the air. This is commonly known as a double jump. Double jumps are restored after landing, grabbing ledge, or getting grabbedThis includes command grabs which may be part of a Special or Attack outside of universal Grabs.. They are not restored upon being put in hitstun.
When a double jump is performed, white ring particle effects will be created at the character's feet. This can be used to visually detect double jumps the moment they occur, even when are quickly interrupted, such as an opponent double jumping immediately before being hit.
If a horizontal direction is held ( Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
) during the double jump, in addition to a vertical launch, the character will also horizontally launch in that direction. This allows for better airborne control and makes for better variation in aerial mobility.
Double jumps can be performed on the same frame as a Aerial or Special, causing the character to rise on that frame while starting that move.
A character's double jump is a very valuable resource. If a character uses their double jump and gets hit away from stage, their recovery becomes worse, as there are less options to mixup recovery back to stage. However, it can also be useful to vertically chase opponents high up in the air, often follow ups from combos.
- While airborne and falling
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
If the character is moving downwards, tapping down will put the character into fastfall. This causes the character to fall faster than their normal fall speed. A small spark will flash when initiating a fastfall. This can be also done during hitpause, known as hitfalling.
Wall Jump

- While holding
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
This assumes that the character is facing left against a wall, typically on the right side of a stage. against a wall,
JumpDefault Controls
All characters can wall jump. The input requires the character to be holding the direction against the wall and jumping. Characters have only one wall jump available offstage. If used up, a character can restore their wall jump by...
- ...Landing on a surface.
- ...Grabbing ledge.
- ...Being hit by another character.
- ...Notably, hitting another character. This can be incredibly useful for extended edgeguards that would otherwise be impossible to recover from.
- ...Getting grabbed, either through universal Grab or a command grab.
- Tap Wall Jump (On): While holding
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
This assumes that the character is facing left against a wall, typically on the right side of a stage. against a wall,
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
This input can be changed in the player's controls with the setting "Tap Wall-Jump", which makes the input instead holding the left stick towards a wall, then while touching said wall, tapping the left stick the opposite direction. Enabling this disables the default wall jump input.
Special Fall (Pratfall/Freefall)
After using certain Specials, your character will go into special fall, also referred to as helplessness, pratfall, or freefall. During this state, it is impossible to perform any other action besides aerial drift or fastfall, until the character...
- ...gets hit by an attack. The character becomes actionable and refreshes the use of all their Specials, notably Up Special. This does not refresh double jump, air dodge, or wall jump.
- ...grabs ledge or lands on stage. This refreshes many resources, including double jumps, wall jump, and air dodge.
- ...dies by falling into the bottom blastzone.
Some Specials, such as Clairen's Forward Special, will put the character in special fall afterwards, but allow for special fall to be cancelled by wall jump if available.
Landing Lag
When a character falls, they will typically go through a landing animation depending on the move used. If a move has no explicit landing lag, the game will default to the universal landing lag duration of 4 frames, during which the character cannot perform any action. The character will be considered standing still after landing lag.
This can be cancelled in a variety of ways, including:
- Edge cancels
- Teeter cancels
- No impact lands
- Aerial Interrupts
No Impact Lands
No Impact Lands (NIL) are when a character lands with minimal vertical velocity, such that they are considered immediately stationary and can cancel all impact lag.
The currently known and documented cases of these in Rivals of Aether II are done at the corner against a stage with a wall and a floor, where they will immediately enter the idle state upon landing and are actionable on the first frame of landing. The exact reason is unknown, but one current theory is that the engine attempts to correct the ECB and slides the character onto the stage, but because the character is still considered rising, no landing lag is incurred.
Every character has setups that can take advantage of this, using ledge drop and double jumps only. Note that these setups are near impossible on Harbor, where it requires maximum drift to the center stage away from ledge. Fleet is a notable exception, having no known NIL setups using only her double jump. However, she can uniquely access many of her own NILs that use her Slow Fall.
Character | Timings | Amount of Frames in Double Jump Before Landing |
![]() |
Regular (5F), Fastfall (6F) | 22 |
![]() |
Untested | Untested |
![]() |
Requires Slow Fall | N/A |
![]() |
Regular (3F), Fastfall (5F) | 20 |
![]() |
Fastfall (6F) | 19 |
![]() |
Fastfall (6F) | 23 |
![]() |
Fastfall (7F) | 20 |
![]() |
Fastfall (11F) | 24 |
![]() |
Fastfall (9F) | 25 |
![]() |
Regular (2F), Fastfall (7F) | 26 |
![]() |
Fastfall (5F) | 20 |
Note that because of this, it is also theoretically possible to do on other stage elements such as Kragg's Rock and Pillar.
NILs cannot be performed during Aerials that land outside of their autocancel windows (the first 4 frames of an aerial, or after an aerial's IASA frame). Attempting to perform a NIL during an Aerial outside of those periods will have the character land with the move's appropriate landing lag.
The only way to end the game is to deal more damage to the opponent than they deal to you, and take more stocks than the opponent takes from you. To do this, characters have a few categories of attacks, which vary depending on whether they are airborne or grounded, weak or strong, standard or unique.
Normal Moves
Grounded moves performed with the AttackDefault Controls
KB: input are usually pretty common across characters. While they may look a little different, they tend to serve the same function. These attacks are typically the weakest of any given character's toolkit, but they make up for being weak by being excellent at starting combos and being available as long as the character is standing.
AttackDefault Controls
KB:(No directional input)
Jabs are typically the fastest and weakest attacks in a character's moveset. These moves are useful for being noncommital, but in exchange, they tend to lack range and require the character to get up close to connect them. Their weak knockback makes them excellent for not launching opponents away, while able to interrupt opponent movement options like running and dash dancing.
Most characters have a Jab sequence, allowing them to input the same move with slightly different variations. You can press AttackDefault Controls
KB: multiple times in a row to perform a jab sequence. Most of the character roster will have Jab 1 > Jab 2 > Jab 3, simply by tapping
AttackDefault Controls
KB: >
AttackDefault Controls
KB: >
AttackDefault Controls
KB: . After Jab 3, the sequence ends. The exception to this rule is
Maypul and
Clairen, who have two Jabs (which follow Jab 1 > Jab 2 > Jab 1 > Jab 2 > ...) that link into each other, and one Jab which links into nothing, respectively.
Notably, all non-finisher Jabs can cancel into Tilts. As an example, Wrastor's Jab 1 or Jab 2 can cancel into Forward Tilt, Up Tilt, or Down Tilt. His Jab 3 cannot cancel, as it is considered a finisher. There are some exceptions, however.
Maypul doesn't have a finisher Jab, since either Jab can always cancel into the following Jab or Tilt.
Clairen's Jab can always cancel into another Tilt. It's much less apparent, however, as her Jab cancel window saves only a few frames, making it look like she's finishing her Jab and follwing up with a separate Tilt.
Note that while there are plenty of other moves which can also cancel into other normals, Jab is the only universal one. To find out more on what those characters have, please visit their respective character pages.
Jab has a unique property in that if a non-finishing Jab is parried, the attacker will not be penalised with any parry stun. Read about jab checks to learn more.
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
A light tilt of the left stick
orWalk Mod.Default Controls
KB:(defaults to
for KB)
will prevent accidental Dash Attacks. /Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
A light tilt of the left stick
orWalk Mod.Default Controls
KB:(defaults to
for KB)
will prevent accidental Dash Attacks. /Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
A light tilt of the left stick
orWalk Mod.Default Controls
KB:(defaults to
for KB)
will prevent accidental platform drops. +AttackDefault Controls
Tilts are considered the bread and butter of ground game. They're stronger and typically have better range than Jabs, while still being reasonably quick. They can serve a multitude of functions. There are universally three variations: Forward Tilt, Up Tilt, and Down Tilt.
- Forward Tilt is typically a get-off-me tool, sending horizontally outwards and intended to cover the longer range in front of a character. This is notably harder to input compared to other Tilts, since it can often be misinputted with Dash Attack instead. The best way of inputting this is buffering walk, as any horizontal direction with
AttackDefault Controls
KB:will only result in Forward Tilt, or inputting it out of crouch.
- Up Tilt is typically the character's anti-air tool. It covers the vertical range above the character, and sometimes it can cover the left and right range of the character. This is typically great at starting combos at low percents, as it will often pop the opponent up to be comboed into by Aerials. This also is often a go to tool underneath platforms, typically catching tech chases. However, it's not as good on shield most times.
- Down Tilt is typically a launcher for the character, eventually overtaking Up Tilt as the combo starter as percent climbs. This usually is designed to catch grounded opponents with a disjoint, reaching farther than the character's usual hurtbox, as well as having the ability to catch characers hanging on ledge.
Cancelling a Jab into a Tilt will reverse on hit, but not on whiff or on shield.
- On whiff or on shield, inputting Forward Tilt backwards will result in no move. Up Tilt and Down Tilt will not reverse even if they are inputted that way.
- On hit, inputting Forward Tilt backwards will result in a reversed Forward Tilt.

If part of a Jab sequence, Tilts can be directly cancelled from the startup of a Jab, known as tiltboosting. This is most notable because on many Jabs, characters will move forward and gain forward velocity, allowing them to move forward with Tilts.
To do this, perform a Jab sequence. On frame 2 or frame 3 of any non-starting Jab, input a direction to cancel into the corresponding Tilt.
As an example, Forsburn has one of the best tiltboosts in the game due to how far his Jab 3 moves forward. To perform
Forsburn's tiltboosted Up Tilt, simply input
AttackDefault Controls
KB: >
AttackDefault Controls
KB: >
AttackDefault Controls
KB: , and on frame 3 of Jab 3, follow up with
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
to cancel into a Up Tilt.
This can make characters have even more horizontal reach with their Tilts, while also serving as a useful way to carry opponents across the stage.
The following table contains the velocity gained with each Jab, corresponding to when the velocity boost occurs. For example, 6.4 [2] means that the character gains a velocity of 6.4 cm/s on frame 2 of the Jab startup.
Character | Jab 1 | Jab 2 | Jab 3 | Jab 4 |
![]() |
0 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
![]() |
2.85 [1] | 5.0 [3] | 14.0 [1] | N/A |
![]() |
0 | 4.0 [1] | 8.0 [1] | N/A |
![]() |
5.6 [1] | 12.0 [1] | 20.0 [1] | N/A |
![]() |
5.6 [1] | 11.3 [1] | 17.0 [1] | N/A |
![]() |
0 | 0 | N/A | N/A |
![]() |
0 | 0 | N/A | N/A |
![]() |
0 | 0 | 20.0 [1] | N/A |
![]() |
0 | 0 | 23.0 [1] | 16.0 [1] |
![]() |
5.66 [1] | 19.83 [1] | 14.0 [1] | N/A |
![]() |
4.0 [1] | 8.0 [1] | 12.0 [1] | N/A |
Dash Attack
- While Dashing / Running
AttackDefault Controls
Dash Attacks are committal burst options. They strike fast from a distance, but they are often very punishable when shielded. Depending on the character, they can sometimes be combo starters and lead to good rewards, but in general, they become worse and worse as options compared to Tilts due to how risky they are.
It can often be a chore to avoid misinputting Dash Attack. To help with that, here are a few techniques:
- Buffering walk out of endlag of another attack, landing, or just standing still can help you avoid Dash Attack, as it is not possible to do Dash Attack while walking.
- Counting as a standing position can help as well. If this is the case, wavedashingWavedash
A movement option in which a character appears to slide across the ground in which they can perform their usual tilts and smash/strong attacks without inputting a dash attack. and babydashingBabydash
A 2-Frame dash input that leaves you actionable sooner than a Wavedash.Babydash
A 2-Frame dash input that leaves you actionable sooner than a Wavedash. will help out a ton. Crouch can also be useful.
Dash Attack usually adds velocity to a character's current velocity, meaning that if a character wants to shorten the forward movement of a Dash Attack, it can be beneficial to do it out of a moonwalk.
Strongs typically serve as finishing blows. They deliver higher damage and knockback than normal moves. In exchange, they are very punishable on whiff and on shield due to high endlag. They also have generally higher startup, sometimes being punishable themselves if done raw in neutral. Depending on the character, there can also be utilty as combo extensions or starters for these moves.
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
StrongDefault Controls
The StrongDefault Controls
KB: input can also be held to charge the move for 60 frames, resulting in an even stronger blow.
There are universally three variations, depending on the direction of the left stick: Forward Strong, Up Strong, and Down Strong.
- Forward Strong is intended to kill off the side. These usually have very good horizontal range. Some also lean the character forward, moving them slightly forward after the move is finished.
- Up Strong is intended to kill off the top. These usually have excellent vertical range, and they can catch opponents out of the air. Notably, Up Strong is the only Strong that can be universally jump cancelled as well as done out of shield release frames, making it a potential out of shield option unlike other Strongs.
- Down Strong has the most variance. It usually has worse range than Forward Strong, but in exchange, will have better startup and cover both sides of the character. This can depend on the move, however, as it can either be one singular hitbox covering both sides, or it can be a sweep with multiple hits at a time, covering different spaces at different moments in time. Good for covering close range.
StrongDefault Controls
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
StrongDefault Controls
If no direction is held, StrongDefault Controls
KB: will default to Forward Strong. This means that practically, a direction is only required to be held for Forward Strong when the direction must be reversed.

- While Dashing / Running
AttackDefault Controls
KB:>Within 4 frames
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
StrongDefault Controls
GrabDefault Controls
There is a specific technique that can enable more horizontal coverage than a simple running Up Strong. Using the 4 starting frames of a Dash Attack and its horizontal momentum, a Up Strong can immediately be performed to preserve the momentum and gain considerable horizontal distance during the move. This is known as a DACUS, short for Dash Attack Cancel Up Strong.
There are several ways to input this, as it is a little tricky.
- If the left stick is already being held horizontally for dashing or running, the standard input is
AttackDefault Controls
KB:>Within 4 frames
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
StrongDefault Controls
KB:. This involves a quarter circle up.
- Depending on inputs, this can also be inputted with
AttackDefault Controls
KB:>Within 4 frames
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
GrabDefault Controls
KB:. This avoids cases where
StrongDefault Controls
AttackDefault Controls
KB:would be both face buttons, making the input more technically demanding and difficult to execute under high pressure.
- Alternatively, it is possible to use an angle of
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
that registers as both a dash or a run, and an Up Strong.
- Consistent alternative:
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
To perform the initial dashDefault Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
AttackDefault Controls
StrongDefault Controls
GrabDefault Controls
This alternative input takes advantage of the fact that, while dashing or running, inputting Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
AttackDefault Controls
KB: may still result in a Dash Attack, while
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
StrongDefault Controls
KB: /
GrabDefault Controls
KB: results in an Up Strong. Thus, the inputs for
AttackDefault Controls
KB: and
StrongDefault Controls
KB: /
GrabDefault Controls
KB: can be pressed simultaneously.
There is a small range of upward facing diagonal angles that, when tapped in that direction, will initiate a dash forwards and still count as Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
for Up Strong. This makes it possible to input DACUS within a single frame where the character is standing.
A notable exception is Etalus, who has no timing restriction on when he can Up Strong during his Dash Attack.
Aerials are, unsurprisingly, attacks performed when airborne. These can be done from a short hop, a full hop, while dropping off stage, dropping from a platform, from a double jump, and many more. This is typically the most versatile of a character's attacks, as players can control aerial drift, fastfall timing, and height of an Aerial. The speed and strength of a given aerial is largely dependent on the directional variant of the move, varying from weak juggle tools to strong finishers.
- (
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
+ )
AttackDefault Controls
KB:while airborne
There are universally five directional variations: Neutral Air, Forward Air, Back Air, Up Air, and Down Air. Unlike Tilts or Strongs, Aerials uniquely distnguish between forward and back, as a character can freely move in either direction without changing which way they face.
If a character does not have airborne Strongs, inputting StrongDefault Controls
KB: will also lead to Aerials, with the only difference being that inputting with no direction will lead to Forward Air instead. Wrastor is the only character who has airborne Strongs and cannot perform his regular Aerials using
StrongDefault Controls
KB: .

Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
during the hitlag of an on-hit aerial attack
If a character connects an Aerial with an opponent, they can immediately hitfall, or immediately fastfall during hitpause, allowing the character to fall to the ground as fast as possible. Hitfalling does not work on shield.
This is an important mechanic that increases combo speed. This is most beneficial for characters with low gravity and high jump speed, who typically will take the longest to land from a jump and therefore struggle to follow up and recover from a hit. Being able to land as soon as possible from an Aerial is beneficial to getting a new combo hit.
Hitfalling is not always preferable, however, as certain situations discourage hitfalling. For example, multihits like Maypul's Up Air are most useful when linking into the final hit, and hitfalling before the final hit connects can lead to Maypul being in frame disadvantage instead. There are also situations where it's more important to follow up with another aerial, such that there is no time to land in between without losing the combo. Hitfalling offstage is especially dangerous as it can put you in a poor situation to recover.
Certain Aerials will also suffer a penalty in hitstun if they have a hitfall hitstun multiplier, causing the move to deal less hitstun if it's done out of a hitfall, such as Forsburn's Up Air.
Specials are typically related to the gimmicks of each character. These moves have properties unique to each character's toolkit, serving many different functions.
- (
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
+ )
SpecialDefault Controls
There are universally four directional variations: Neutral Special, Forward Special (sometimes known as Side Special, Up Special, and Down Special. Compared to other types of moves, the correlation between input and function is much looser, as they can fit a wide variety of buckets.
Notably, Up Special is the only Special that can be done by cancelling jumpsquat or shield release, making it a potential out of shield option. In addition, it is possible to always have access to Neutral Special in the air while maintaining full control of a character with the left stick by setting Air Parry or Air Grab to "NSpecial", which will cause them to input a Neutral Special in the air, even if a completely different direction is being held.
Examples of Special Moves
- Projectiles:
Zetterburn's Fireball
- Forward Lunging Attacks:
Clairen's Plasma Echo
- Counters:
Clairen's NFZ
- Command Grabs:
Kragg's Rock Pull/Grab
- Recovery Moves:
Fleet's Wind Launch
B-Turnarounds, B-Reversing, and Wavebouncing
Characters can turn themselves around when performing Specials in order to perform them in the desired direction. There are a lot of approaches to this, all with different effects.
When airborne, the most recent left or right facing directional input done within 9 frames before a Special will cause the character to perform the Special facing that direction. If an input is made on frame 1, a SpecialDefault Controls
KB: input (along with any direction) on frame 10 will cause the character to face that way, but not frame 11. If the character reverses orientation, this is known as a Special Turnaround (B-Turnaround). There are also limitations on the joystick values in order to count as a turnaround. The joystick's horizontal value must be stronger than the vertical value to register a B-turnaround.
A B-turnaround input is not always necessary to register a Special facing the other direction, however, and there are ways around this. Note that all of these options can also be done while grounded, with the exception of inputting Neutral Special.
- Forward Special will always be inputted in the direction held.
- Down Special can be angled within
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
to face the direction.
- Up Special can be angled within
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
to face the direction.
- Neutral Special usually requires a B-turnaround input, but this can be avoided if air
ParryDefault Controls
KB:is set to Neutral Special. It is not possible to B-turnaround while grounded with Neutral Special.
A B-reverse is a Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
KB: /
or Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
KB: /
input made after a SpecialDefault Controls
KB: input is made, usually on the 4th frame of startup of a Special. It is not possible to B-reverse multiple times in the duration of a Special. This results in the character turning around. Unlike B-turnarounds, these can be done both on the ground and in the air. There are two types of B-reverse categories:
- Face-reversing moves, which simply change which way you face.
- Momentum-reversing moves, where your horizontal velocity is immediately reversed. This is the main use of B-reverses, as it is one of the few ways to truly reverse existing momentum on a character.
Character | Reverse Facing | Reverse Momentum | Cannot be B-reversed |
![]() |
Up Special | Neutral Special Forward Special Down Special | |
![]() |
Forward Special | Neutral Special Up Special |
Down Special |
![]() |
Down Special Up Special |
Neutral Special | Forward Special |
![]() |
Down Special Up Special |
None | Neutral Special Forward Special |
![]() |
Neutral Special (Neutral Throw) | Neutral Special (Cargo Grab) Forward Special Down Special Up Special |
None |
![]() |
Up Special | Neutral Special Forward Special Down Special |
None |
![]() |
None | Neutral Special Down Special Up Special |
Forward Special |
![]() |
None | Neutral Special Forward Special Down Special Up Special | |
![]() |
None | Neutral Special Forward Special Down Special Up Special |
None |
![]() |
Down Special | Neutral Special Forward Special Up Special |
None |
![]() |
Down Special Up Special |
Neutral Special Forward Special |
None |
There are some notable exceptions for moves that have different B-reverse frames.
Clairen's Up Special can only be B-reversed on frame 11 and 16.
Fleet's Up Special can only be B-reversed on frame 11.
Loxodont's Up Special can only be B-reversed on frame 9.
Wrastor's Up Special can only be B-reversed on frame 8.
Ranno's Up Special can only be B-reversed on frame 8.
A wavebounce is combining a B-turnaround and a B-reverse, which is only really applicable for momentum-reversing moves, since this movement results in a net zero change in the character's orientation, but reversing the momentum of the character fully.
All three of these are situationally useful in different circumstances. Understanding which can be used can make for trickier movement, as it can allow for turning around midair to change a character's orientation and their Aerials, but it can also change a character's horizontal momentum at will, switching between retreating and approaching movement.
GrabDefault Controls
KB:, or
ShieldDefault Controls
AttackDefault Controls
Universally, every character has a Grab. Not to be confused with command grabsSome unique moves will also grab characters in static states, but they do not function the same. For all intents and purposes, unless specified, Grab refers to the universal Grab done using GrabDefault Controls
KB: .. Grabs typically have a short range, fast startup, and uniquely beat shield and parry. However, they are completely vulnerable to all hitboxes, making it weak against attacks. Additionally, they have long recovery on whiff.
When a Grab is successful, both character and opponent experience 2 frames of hitpause. The grabber then has a grab time of 60 frames, during which they can input an action.
- Pummels can be inputted starting on the 16th frame. After a Pummel, both characters are reset to a grab time of 30 frames.
- Throws can be inputted on the 1st frame. Holding the left stick before grabbing the opponent will result in a Throw on frame 12, whereas holding the right stick will result in a buffered Throw from frame 1.
- If neither of the above are inputted after 60 frames, then the characters will enter grab release. The grab target will have 2 frames of advantage compared to the grabber.
When grabbed, opponents will also be given a regrab protection, indicated by a yellow shading over the character.
- The first time a character is thrown, this regrab protection will last until the character techs or inputs any action.
- If a character is grabbed while in their tech animation, this regrab protection continues to last throughout the character's full tech animation. Acting out of this will cause the regrab protection to be removed.
- This regrab protection can be broken with any attack, including both Pummels.
Grabs will also restore the grabbed character's double jump and air dodge if they have already been expended. This property similarly applies to command grabs.
If two characters attempt to Grab each other at the same time, they will also enter grab release, with both characters having equal frame advantage to each other.
Standing Grab
GrabDefault Controls
KB:while standing or walking
This is the fastest grab, universally coming out on frame 7. This Grab is the most versatile, as it is the safest Grab. It's possible to get this during standing, crouching, walking, and out of shield. In addition, it's possible to cancel jumpsquat frames to get a Grab, known as a jump cancel (JC) grab.
Dash Grab
GrabDefault Controls
KB:while dashing or running
Slightly slower and has more endlag, but has a longer reach than a standing grab. Comes out on frame 10.
Pivot Grab
GrabDefault Controls
KB:during a pivot or run turnaround
Can be done while turning around out of run, or during a pivot. This has even more endlag compared to a dash grab but with the same startup.
Pummels are light attacks that can be done while having an opponent grabbed, inputted with either AttackDefault Controls
KB: or
SpecialDefault Controls
KB: . Only one Pummel per Grab is possible.
Inputting AttackDefault Controls
KB: will lead to a Pummel Attack. Sometimes known as Normal Pummel or simply called Pummel, this is a simple strike during a grab. They typicallyThe only known exception is Fleet, whose Pummel Attack produces a food item. do not have any other special effects. Universally, these do 8% damage. They have a startup of 10 frames, are active for 1 frame, and they have a recovery of 20 frames.
Inputting SpecialDefault Controls
KB: will lead to a Pummel Special. Sometimes known as Spummel, this is a much more unique attack that typically does a unique effect, putting the opponent in further disadvantage. They may apply a special state or dramatically reposition the opponent before the throw. All properties vary wildly from character to character, including frame data and damage.
The opponent can break out of a Pummel by inputting the same input as the attacker before the Pummel hits. The last input will be checked to determine which one is used to break. Notably, breaks with AttackDefault Controls
KB: will lock out any
SpecialDefault Controls
KB: inputs for 10 frames.
GrabDefault Controls
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Throws are attacks that can be done out of a Grab. Notably, it is not possible to escape with SDI on these, and they typically can only be affected by DI. All throws are also weight independent, meaning that the only difference between characters on throws is hitstun gravity and air friction. There are universally four directional variations: Forward Throw, Back Throw, Up Throw, and Down Throw.
Grab Release
When a grab release occurs, the grabbed character can either choose to fall to the ground or to hold Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
to jump while being released, becoming airborne.
Command Grabs
Unlike Grabs, command grabs are typically locked behind other moves. They will similarly grant regrab protection, double jump, and air dodge to the character being grabbed. Many of these moves are also hitgrabs, which cannot beat shield. Unlike Grabs, however, these can lose to parry, and these can also grab opponents who are on ledge despite normally being ungrabbable. Grab breaks from command grabs will instead lead to 6 frames of inactionabilityLedgeSlip animation technically, which can grab ledge on frame 1 if the character is falling. before being able to act again, able to be triggered on simultaneous grabs or grabbing a character with regrab protection.
While characters who land command grabs do not gain their double jump back, they will regain their wall jump back.
Here is a list of all command grabs:
Ranno's Tongue, which ignores regrab protection
Kragg's Rock Grab
Loxodont's Stampede
Etalus's Up Air, a hitgrab which ignores regrab protection
Wrastor's Down Special, a hitgrab
Defensive Maneuvers

- Input
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:while grounded (Hold OK)
Shielding is a core defensive mechanic. It comes out on frame 1, and it can be done while grounded and during most actionable states, including:
- Idle
- Walking/Running, including while turning
- Dashing
- Sliding while idle
Once a shield is active, it must be out for at least 7 frames before shield can be released. It blocks all direct hits and projectiles, with exceptions. It loses to all universal Grabs, as well as most command grabs. However, it will block hitgrabs, command grabs that cannot beat shield, a notable example being Wrastor's Down Special.
Shield can be used defensively to avoid being hit, but it can also be used aggressively by positioning within the opponent's range such that their attack can be punished with an attack out of shield or a shield grab. Learning how to use shield in offense and defense is vital to the neutral game.
Shield Stun
After shielding an attack, the defender will enter a state called shieldstun where they cannot act. The defender's shield health will be reduced, and both attacker and defender will experience pushback of varying amounts, depending on the damage dealt, sometimes resulting in the attacker or defender being pushed off an edge. Shieldstun is calculated with the equation 0.8 * Damage + 1 + ExtraShieldStun, with the minimum shieldstun always being 2 frames.
Depending on the shieldstun of a move and how fast the opponent recovers, it can affect how safe a move is on shield for the opponent.
Shield Damage
After a character shields an attack, the shield will lose a significant amount of shield health instantly. Shield health will also decrease at the rate of roughly 0.2% per frame, with shields able to last a maximum of 240 frames. This rate is halved during shield stun, which is roughly 0.1%.
Characters will regain shield either passively or through attacking the opponent. Shield health can be restored upon hitting an opponent or their shield, restoring the equivalent of half of the damage dealt.
Shield damage is scaled quadratically with the percent a move does. To calculate the approximate amount, the formula is:
ShieldDamage = (0.0443(Damage)^2 + 0.6831(Damage) + 0.1244) * (ShieldDamageMultiplier)
Here is a table for all the standard damage values corresponding to shield damage values. This does not account for moves that can charge. Note that some moves have different shield damage multipliers, which can impact their shield damage:
- ...has a 2.0x multiplier on the tipper of Level 1-3 of her Neutral Special.
- ...has a 0.0x multiplier on the multihits of magma and a 0.5x multiplier on the final magma hit for his Strongs.
- ...has a 1.2x multiplier on his Down Tilt.
- ...has a 0.0x multiplier on diving hitbox of his Ledge Special and a 1.2x multiplier on the landing hitbox.
- ...has a 0.2x multiplier on his Neutral Special multihits.
- ...has a 0.5x multiplier on his Ledge Attack.
- ...has a 0.5x multiplier on his Neutral Air.
Damage | Shield HP Reduced | Total % of Shield HP |
1% | 0.83 | 1.7% |
2% | 1.67 | 3.3% |
3% | 2.60 | 5.2% |
4% | 3.54 | 7.1% |
5% | 4.69 | 9.4% |
6% | 5.73 | 11.5% |
7% | 7.08 | 14.2% |
8% | 8.44 | 16.9% |
9% | 9.79 | 19.6% |
10% | 11.35 | 22.7% |
11% | 13.02 | 26.0% |
12% | 14.79 | 29.6% |
13% | 16.56 | 33.1% |
14% | 18.33 | 36.7% |
15% | 20.31 | 40.6% |
16% | 22.40 | 44.8% |
17%Only charged moves can deal 17% damage. | 24.54 | 49.1% |
18% | 26.77 | 53.5% |
Shield Pushback
In addition, any time a character in shield is attacked, the shielded character will be pushed back. The shield pushback is determined by the initial velocity set when the attack collides with shield. This pushback is reduced by double the character's ground friction every frame, regardless of the current knockback velocity of the character. This means that for characters with lower ground friction, they will experience more shield pushback.
If another character is the attacker (as opposed to an article or projectile) and is grounded, their current horizontal velocity will be halved, as well as receiving shield pushback in the opposite direction. Airborne opponents receive no change to their movement when attacking shield.
The formula for the knockback velocity from shield pushback, measured in cm/s, is shield_pushback = (0.8 * Damage + 2) * ShieldPushbackMultiplier.
Shield Cracking, Break, and Pushoff

If there is no shield health remaining, the shield will break, enduring 20 frames of hitpause before a 100 frame animation. The character cannot act during this and will follow a set arc. If they land during these 100 frames, they enter an untechable knockdown. If the character still has not landed after 100 frames of shield break, the character enters tumble which can be teched and acted out of as usual.
After a shield break, the character's shield health will be reset to 20 HP (40% of total shield health). A successful parry will restore your shield health.
Shields are also susceptible to stage positioning. If a shielding character is pushed off an edge while in shieldstun, the character will enter a 25 frame ledgeslip animation, in which they are fully inactionable and cannot grab ledge. If they land on the ground during this state, they will enter knockdown with no option to tech. After this animation, they will enter tumble, which the character is able to act out of. This means that opponents should seek to avoid shielding at the edge, taking out of shield options to escape pressure and avoid getting shield pushoff.
If a character is pushed off an edge in shield but is not in shieldstun, they will simply enter regular fall animation.
Shield Options
While in shield and not in shieldstun, there are a plethora of options that can be done, typically called out of shield (OoS) options. These are useful for reversals to change your position from disadvantage and defense to advantage and offense.
Releasing shield results in a universal shield release lag of 15 frames. During this lag, the character cannot access most of their moves and is completely vulnerable, which can be easily taken advantage of. Because of this, it is best to look for other options for defense, either escaping offense or a reversal option that puts you on the offence.
There are many options that can be done while holding ShieldDefault Controls
KB: .
- ...
GrabDefault Controls
KB:. This is commonly referred to as shield grab. Can be done by pressing
GrabDefault Controls
KB:, but also
AttackDefault Controls
- Uniquely, this cannot be buffered. Strangely, after shieldstun ends, Grab cannot come out until one frame later than usual, making it effectively active on frame 8 if done perfectly.
- ...
JumpDefault Controls
KB:. Can be infinitely buffered with Right Stick Up as an input.
- Aerials and Specials can come out of this.
- WavedashWavedash
A movement option in which a character appears to slide across the ground in which they can perform their usual tilts and smash/strong attacks without inputting a dash attack. also can be done with this, an important option for moving out of shield. If you're gonna let go of shield, you may as well wavedash out since it's faster. - Up Strong and Up Strong can be cancelled out of jumpsquat, making them effectively able to be done out of shield instantly.
- ... Shield dropping. This can only be done on platforms.
- Aerials and Specials can come out of this.
- Curiously, some characters can also air dodge to waveland out.
- ... Spotdodge. Can be infinitely buffered with Right Stick Down as an input.
- ... Roll. Can be infinitely buffered with Right Stick Left/Right as an input.
- ... Parry. Can be done by pressing
ParryDefault Controls
KB:, but also
AttackDefault Controls
- ... Releasing shield. Just release
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:to do it.
The following are the startups and frame data for out of shield options.
Option | Starts on Frame... |
Shield Grab | 7 (8 post-shieldstun) |
Aerial (Aerial or Special) | 4Jumpsquat frames. + Move startup |
Up Special | Up Special startup |
Up Strong | Up Strong startup |
Shield drop attack | Move startup |
Shield release attack | 15Shield release lag. + Move startup |
Grounded attack out of perfect shield | Move startup |
Option | Starts on Frame... | Active Frames | Recovery | Total Length |
Spotdodge | 2 | 17 (Invul) | 10 | 28 |
Roll Forward/Back | 4 | 16 (Invul) | 13 | 32 |
Wavedash | 5 | N/A | 10 (Sliding) | 14 |
Parry | 6 | 8 (Active) | 20 (Failed) | 33 |
Shield Release

- While shielding, release
ShieldDefault Controls
When ShieldDefault Controls
KB: is released from shielding, characters will go through 15 frames of shield release lag. This is a generally ill-advised option due to how slow it is, as well as the even smaller amount of options available. This includes...
- ...
JumpDefault Controls
- Notably, however, this cannot be done with
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:and Right Stick up.
- Notably, however, this cannot be done with
- ...
GrabDefault Controls
- ...
ParryDefault Controls
- Notably, however, this cannot be done with the
ShieldDefault Controls
SpecialDefault Controls
KB:input. This also removes the projectile window that normally starts on frame 3, delaying it to frame 6.
- Notably, however, this cannot be done with the
- ... Shield dropping.
- Curiously, you can input straight
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
which will work.
- Curiously, you can input straight
Perfect Shield
![]() |
This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. How much shield health is restored upon a successful hit? Is it based on percentage dealt? |

A perfect shield is a way to perform grounded moves during shield release which is normally inactionable. Perfect shields are triggered if a character is hit during the first four frames of their shield being out, and a ShieldDefault Controls
KB: input was performed six frames at most before the hit connects.
Perfect shields are visually indicated by a larger striped bubble around the small shield and a tiny sparkle where the hit occurred. They can also be distinguished from a brighter shield hit sound effect.
The following will happen for a perfect shield:
- The attack deals no shield damage, instead restoring a bit of shield health. Shield health continues to reduce at normal rate during and after shieldstun.
- After shieldstun ends, for the next 15 frames, shield release is able to be cancelled into most grounded moves, including Jab, Tilts, Strongs, Specials, and taunts. After 15 frames, shield release's restriction will apply once again.
- The only way to reverse the character's orientation is through reversing Forward Tilt, Forward Strong, or using a B-reverse. Inputting Forward Special cannot reverse by itself, requiring a B-reverse to turn around.
- Because Dash Attack requires the character to be in dash or run, it is not possible to do from a perfect shield.
- It is not possible to input analog directions to move out of shield release. Only attacks can cancel them.
- After shield hitpause ends (not shieldstun), for the next 15 frames, any hit on shield will result in a perfect shield, resetting the shield release timer.
While not as rewarding as a successful parry, this option is faster and rewards precise timing with new reversal options. Having access to instant Tilts, Jabs, Strongs, Specials are incredibly valuable, especially since it is faster than an Aerial out of shield due to the lack of jumpsquat and can be more rewarding than just Grab. Each character's best options out of perfect shield vary wildly, so it's best to consider all options situationally.
Shield Drop
This is a unique option available to characters shielding on a platform. This can be done in a few ways:
- If multiple shield buttons are held, simply inputting any downwardThe left stick needs to see a vertical value of less than -0.3. direction (including
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
) will register a shield drop.
- If holding one shield button, any downwardThe left stick needs to see a vertical value of less than -0.3. direction excluding
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
will register a shield drop.
- Alternatively, releasing shield and any downwardThe left stick needs to see a vertical value of less than -0.3. direction will register a shield drop.
The way to input moves out of shield drop can be curious.
- Using
AttackDefault Controls
SpecialDefault Controls
KB:, and
StrongDefault Controls
KB:, it's possible to input an instant Down Air, Down Special, and Down StrongOnly if airborne.
Wrastor is the only one who can currently do this..
- Using air
GrabDefault Controls
KB:and air
ParryDefault Controls
KB:can be effective to input Neutral Air or Neutral Special instantly as well.
- All other moves require the right stick.
Note that shield dropping has no startup, where as any move out of a jump has 4 frames of startup, making it typically stronger.
This can also be used even without actively shielding. It is 3 frames faster than typical platform dropping and instantly actionable, making it typically a more optimal movement option compared to regular platform drops.
Shield DI
While in shield and during hitpause, input Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Not to be confused with SDISDI
Influencing the user's position while in hitlag, typically in multihits, this is a way to influence shield pushback. When attacked in shield, the defender can shift their position slightly toward or away the attacker by inputting a direction during hitpause. This can allow the defender to either maintain range to keep the offender unsafe from an out of shield option, or allow the defender to escape any following shield pressure.
Unlike SDI, this can only be done with the left stick (or equivalent). Right stick will not result in any shield DI.
ParryDefault Controls
GCN: /
KB: , or
ShieldDefault Controls
KB: +
SpecialDefault Controls
ParryDefault Controls
GCN: /
KB: is a high risk, high reward defensive option. The defender briefly flashes, and a small sound effect comes out. This is a powerful callout option that is both useful for countering predictable attacks, but also useful for countering projectiles. While this also loses to Grab like shield, it does counter all known command grabs.
Parry has two different windows, with different rewards.
- Parry will start countering projectiles on frame 3, and this window is active for 11 frames. Shield health is restored by 40% on success. If parry is done out of shield release, this projectile parry window will be the exact same as the direct hit parry window.
- Parry will start countering direct hits on frame 6, and this window is active for 8 frames. Shield health is restored to full on success.
If a hitbox connects with the defender while parrying, any subsequent hits from other articles (typically projectiles or created elements) will incur half their regular hitpause, and regular hits will incur 20 frames of hitpause. After parry hitpause concludes, the defender will gain 89 frames of true invincibility, including 20 frames of parry endlag, giving the defender 69 frames of actionable true invincibility. Any subsequent attacks on the defender will put the attacker in hitpause, but not the defender.
Hits can have properties when they are parried:
- Stun, where the attacker enters parry stun, unless the hit is a cancellable Jab.
- No Stun, where the attacker doesn't get stunned.
- Unparryable, where it simply goes through a parry and ignores the defender.
In addition, articles will have their own properties on parry:
- None, where the article will continue as normal.
- Destroy, where the article is destroyed on parry. This is typically irrelevant in competitive gameplay.
- Reflect, where the article have their velocity reflected. If a reflectable projectile is parried, the defender will typicallyThere are technically projectiles that are destroyed when parried, but they are inaccessible in normal gameplay. reflect the projectile, and the projectile now becomes the defender's, able to target the attacker.
If a hit is meant to stun the attacker on parry, the attacker will finish the move's endlag, and then enter parry stun. Stun lasts 40 frames. If the attacker is parried from an Aerial, its landing lag will be counted as additional stun, meaning that for a move like Clairen's Back Air with 10 frames of landing lag, once she lands, parry stun will be for 50 frames. This does not apply for Specials.
When an attack is parried mid-air, if the attacker is still airborne after the rest of the attack animation plays out, the attacker will go into parry fall.
- Parry fall will loop until they become grounded, going through 40 frames of parry stun afterward.
- During parry fall, they can input aerial drift, but they cannot fastfall.
- If they grab ledge after being parried, they are inactionable on ledge for 13 frames with zero intangibility. The initial 7 frame ledgegrab is vulnerable. In addition, they will also lose all intangible ledgehangs. This means that regrabbing ledge will not lead to any ledge intangibility.
- If the character still has a wall jump, they can wall jump out of parry fall, avoiding all of the consequences of parry fall. Grabbing ledge behaves normally as if ledge was grabbed without being parried.
- Parry fall can also be edge cancelled, leading to full actionability with no drawbacks.
Jab Checks
Cancellable Jabs have unique behavior against parry. If the defender parries a cancellable Jab, the attacker will not be put into parry stun, but they will be put into parry stun if they finish into a non-cancellable Jab or a Tilt. In return, the defender can instantly cancel the parry endlag animation, having now 89 actionable frames of invincibility.
This means that both characters will be actionable, but typically the defender will be in frame advantage as well as having the upside of invincibility. This makes Jab on parry very favorable toward the defender.
For example, let's look at Orcane's Jab 3.
- If
Orcane's Jab 1 gets parried, and he proceeds with Jab 2, he will not suffer parry stun.
- If
Orcane's Jab 1 gets parried, and he proceeds with Jab 2 and Jab 3, he will suffer parry stun.
- If
Orcane's Jab 1 and Jab 2 are shielded and Jab 3, he will suffer parry stun.
There are some notable mentions in terms of characters, of course, since it might not be apparent.
Maypul can cancel both her Jabs, making them both immune to parry stun.
Clairen has only a singular Jab, but she can still cancel it into Tilts, making it immune to parry stun.
Shielding on the ground can be limiting, and it can be useful to take alternative evasive maneuvers. Most of these can be done out of shield, but they can also be done in any state that the character can shield in.
While grounded, ShieldDefault Controls
KB: +
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
KB: /
/ Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
KB: /
/ Right Stick Left/Right*If done with right stick, this is Hold OK.
Rolling allows you to evade attacks due to intangibility frames during the roll. After these frames, however, the character is completely vulnerable and open to attacks. This is useful for repositioning for a potential punish on an attack. When rolling forward or backwards, the character will always end up facing the original position that they were at. A character cannot roll past the edge of a platform or stage and will simply stop at the edge.
Inputs can change this option a lot.
- Right stick will always buffer a spotdodge whenever possible.
- The left stick must be manually timed, and
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:must be inputted on the same frame or before
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
orDefault Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
. Continuing to hold the left stick after a roll will result in nothing. - Holding multiple
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:buttons will cause no roll with the left stick, but still possible with the right stick.
Inputs can change this option a lot, as a right stick will always buffer a roll whenever possible. The left stick must be manually timed, and ShieldDefault Controls
KB: must be inputted on the same frame or before
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
KB: /
or Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
KB: /
. Continuing to hold the left stick after a roll will result in nothing.
All rolls start on frame 4, in which they have 16 frames of intangibility, travelling the roll's distance. This is followed by 13 frames of vulnerability before the character is actionable again.
Spot Dodge
While grounded, ShieldDefault Controls
KB: +
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
KB: /
/ Right Stick Down*If done with right stick, this is Hold OK.
Spot dodges allow you to evade attacks and grabs due to intangibility frames during the animation. This is faster than a roll, and it can lead to useful punishes in place.
Inputs can change this option a lot.
- Right stick will always buffer a spotdodge whenever possible.
- The left stick must be manually timed, and
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:must be inputted on the same frame or before
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Quickly tap Left Analog Stick
. Continuing to hold the left stick after a spotdodge will result in nothing. - Holding multiple
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:buttons will cause no spotdodge with the left stick when on a platform, instead resulting in a shield drop. It is still possible if done with the right stick. Normal behavior occurs when grounded.
- This can also be misinputted for a shield drop if not done properly on a platform, whether due to angling or multiple
ShieldDefault Controls
All spot dodges start on frame 2, in which they have 14 frames of intangibility, followed by 10 frames of vulnerability before the character is actionable again.
Air Dodges
While in air, press ShieldDefault Controls
KB: (+ any direction, such as
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
), or
GrabDefault Controls
KB: /
ParryDefault Controls
GCN: /
KB: with Air Grab/Air Parry set to Air Dodge
While in the air, characters cannot shield, spot dodge, or roll, but they can use an air dodge to evade attacks. Characters remain fully actionable after air dodge.
Air dodge starts on frame 3, in which 15 frames of intangibility are granted, followed by 12 frames in place and 8 frames falling for a combined 20 frames of endlag. The character moves in the direction specified during their intangible frames. The maximum distance travelled by an air dodge is character dependent. Loxodont has the lowest air dodge distance, whereas Maypul has the highest.
Once a character air dodges, they can no longer air dodge again until they land or grab ledge. This resource is incredibly versatile, and it should be used with caution.
- It can be used to escape strings/untrue combos due to its fast startup and intangibility frames. However, opponents can react to the airdodge and punish, so be careful.
- It can also be used to recover. It can be useful to bring a character slightly closer to the stage with an air dodge, especially because it can be the only way to gain horizontal distance or vertical distance without entering special fall. Note that it is dangerous to grab ledge with this, however, as airdodging to ledge will remove all ledge intangibility, requiring a new regrab or a landing on stage to refresh ledge intangibility.
Notably, if a character is in tumble, pressing an air dodge input will not result in an air dodge. Instead, it is necessary to release the input to register an air dodge. This is meant to protect characters from mistakenly inputting air dodge when intending to tech.
Performing this into the ground will result in a waveland.
Actions on Hit
When a character gets hit, while the character mostly has no control over escaping, they can control a few things.
Directional Influence (DI)
- On the first frame of being launched, hold any direction
Moves determine a knockback angle based on the move when they connect, and this angle can be influenced right when it launches by holding a direction on your left stick, When you are hit and launched with knockback, you are sent at a particular angle according to the move. DI can be used to slightly change this trajectory, up to 18 degrees in either direction.
DI is done by holding a direction on the left stick. Directions are stronger the more perpendicular they are to the launch angle of the move are the strongest. If the angle held is within 23 degrees of a perpendicular angle to knockback, the angle will directly snap to the perpendicular angle, causeing the character to be launched 18 degrees away from the original direction.
When referring to DI, it is common to either refer to DI in or DI out, which means referring to ending closer or further away from center of stage.
If a grounded character is hit by a downward sending move and flinches, they cannot DI.
Shift Directional Influence (SDI)
On most attacks with hitpause, characters can also use Shift Directional Influence (SDI) to slightly teleport themselves at the end of hitpause. While it looks marginal at a glance, it is a crucial survival technique, especially for escaping multihits, wall teching, and especially crouch cancel and floorhugging.
Unlike DI, SDI can be done on both left and right stick, and any right stick SDI input will override the left stick, making it useful to DI with the left stick and SDI with the right stick for optimal survivability. There are two types of SDI. ASDI is weaker but more lenient, and SSDI is stronger but requires stricter timing.
Note that for SDI down, it is greatly reduced if the character is too close to the ground while still airborne to reduce the effect of floorhugging.
Automatic Shift Directional Influence (ASDI)
- Hold any direction when hitpause ends with leftThis controls your charcter's movement. For players who play without a joystick, this corresponds to the set of controls including "Move Up" in the bindings menu. or rightThis corresponds to the "Right Stick" macros on your character, allowing for quick directional attacks. stick (Hold OK)
On the last frame of hitpause, if a direction on either stick is inputted, the player's character will slightly shift their position (up to a maximum of 30 cm), known as ASDI. There is no timing requirement for when the direction must be started, making it nice and generous. There is no visual indicator for ASDI other than the character's position.
Single Shift Directional Influence (SSDI)
Start a new direction with leftThis controls your charcter's movement. For players who play without a joystick, this corresponds to the set of controls including "Move Up" in the bindings menu. or rightThis corresponds to the "Right Stick" macros on your character, allowing for quick directional attacks. stick during hitpause, and keep holding until hitpause ends(Hold OK)
In addition to ASDI, if a new direction is timed within hitpause, SSDI will also be inputted, typically a distance of 60cm. SSDI inputs are separate from ASDI inputs, and they will point in their respective directions.
SSDI must be started with precise timing, requiring the direction to be started on the first frame of hitpause. This can be achieved through two means:
- If the stick ever goes to neutral during hitpause, input a new direction. The earliest way to input this would be having the stick be neutral on the first frame of hitpause, then holding a direction on the second frame of hitpause.
- If the stick is already in a direction during hitpause, move to a new direction at least 45 degrees away. The earliest way to input one direction on the first frame of hitpause, then moving 45 degrees away to a new direction on the second frame of hitpause.
SSDI has a visual indicator, showing white arrows with blue outlines over the character. The arrow will point in the direction the character SSDIs in.
All hits have ASDI and SSDI multipliers, changing the strength of any SDI input done against this move. While most moves have 1.0x multipliers, here are some examples of nonstandard moves:
Maypul's Up Air multihit, with an SSDI multiplier of x0 and an ASDI multiplier of x1.2. This is the only move in the game that has a nondefault ASDI multiplier. This causes ASDI to be 36cm distance, and combined ASDI/SSDI to be 36cm as well.
- Many multihits like
Clairen's Neutral Air multihit have an SSDI multiplier of x0.5, causing ASDI to be 30cm, but combined ASDI/SSDI to only be 60cm instead of the usual 90cm.
- Some attacks, like
Orcane's bubbles have an SSDI multiplier of x0.0, making it pointless to input SSDI.
It can be tricky to understand SDI, especially when there are two sticks involved. Here's a few examples to run through.
Let's take a look at an example.
Clairen is landing from the air with an Up Air, and then she is hit by a
Maypul Up Tilt below her.
- Before getting hit, she started holding
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
with her right stick.
- During hitpause, she moves her stick away from neutral and starts holding
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
with her left stick.
- Both are held until hitpause ends.
Left Stick | Right Stick | Result | |
SSDI? | Since a new direction was started during hitpause, this inputs Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick KB: |
No new direction was started on this stick during hitpause, so no input. | SSDI will be Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick KB: |
ASDI? | Since it was held at the end of hitpause, this inputs Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick KB: |
Since it was held at the end of hitpause, this inputs Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick KB: |
ASDI will be Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick KB: |
This results in the character teleporting 60cm up and 30cm right as a combination of ASDI and SSDI. Now, let's take a look at an opposite situation, where we swap the order of the sticks we input.
- Before getting hit, she started holding
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
with her left stick.
- During hitpause, she moves her stick away from neutral and starts holding
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
with her right stick.
- Both are held until hitpause ends.
Left Stick | Right Stick | Result | |
SSDI? | No new direction was started on this stick during hitpause, so no input. | Since a new direction was started during hitpause, this inputs Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick KB: |
SSDI will be Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick KB: |
ASDI? | Since it was held at the end of hitpause, this inputs Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick KB: |
Since it was held at the end of hitpause, this inputs Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick KB: |
ASDI will be Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick KB: |
This results in the character teleporting 90cm right as a combination of ASDI and SSDI.
Ideally, we want to have ASDI and SSDI point in the same direction, since having ASDI and SSDI that point in different directions will result in less overall distance travelled. This means that it is best to be intentional about doing SSDI, and for best results, prioritize using your right stick to do it.
Crouch Cancelling (CC) and Floorhugging
Crouch cancel: While actionable and grounded, input Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
before being hit with an attack
Characters hit while crouching take only 80% of original knockback. This is indicated by a visual of yellow arrows going into the ground, as well as a unique sound effect. Continuing to hold down and register ASDI down will result in crouch cancelling, where characters will stick to the ground instead of getting launched into the air, indicated by a large white arrow going downward similar to SSDI.
- If they receive light/medium knockback, they goes through brief landing hitstun before becoming instantly actionable. Landing hitstun is calculated by halving the original hitstun, capped between 4 to 5 frames.
- If they receive heavy hitstun, they're forced to tech or enter knockdown.
- If they receive high enough vertical knockback, characters will be launched into the air regardless.
Crouch cancelling is at its strongest in the first case, where characters are able to quickly tank hits and counterattack. However, this requires the character to crouch and cannot be opted for if the character attacks.
Floorhugging: Input Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
on either stick by the final frame of hitpause, using SSDI or ASDI (Hold OK)
Floorhugging is a way to stick to the ground without crouching. However, it requires a timed input.
- If the character does ASDI down, they must input it at an earliest of 4 frames before hitpause to trigger floorhug. Otherwise, floorhugging will fail and the character will fly into the air while doing ASDI downward.
- SSDI down will always trigger floorhugging.
Just like crouch cancelling, it triggers brief landing hitstun (though slightly longer, capped between 4 to 8 frames), instant knockdown, or no effect depending on the strength of the hit. However, because of the lack of knockback reduction, floorhugging will become less effective earlier than crouch cancelling. Floorhugging has a visual indicator, using a white arrow with a blue outline, looking identical to SSDI.
While floorhugging typically requires a timing requirement with ASDI down, there are a few situations where the timing restriction is not necessary:
- The character was hit while crouching (crouch cancel).
- The character is still in landing hitstun animation.
- The hit is auto-floorhuggable, typically reserved for weak hits with light knockback.
Here is the full list of auto-floorhuggable moves. This can also be found in the move descriptions on each character page. Note that for moves with multiple hits, not all hits are auto-floorhuggable.
Character | Moves |
![]() |
Jab (Tipper & Sour), Up Special (Multihit Early, Multihit Late) |
![]() |
Jab 1 & 2 |
![]() |
Forward Air (Multihit), Jab 1 & 2, Forward Special |
![]() |
Jab 1 & 2, Forward Special (Pop)This does NOT include superclone Combust. |
![]() |
Jab 1 & 2, Up Tilt (Hit 1), Down Special (All hits), Neutral Special (Shards) |
![]() |
Jab 1 (Sweet & Sour) |
![]() |
Dash Attack (Hit 1), Jab 1 & 2 |
![]() |
Jab 1 & 2, Forward Air (Bubbles), Down Special (Bubbles and Droplet), Neutral Special |
![]() |
Jab 1, 2, 3, & Rapid Jab, Neutral Special, Up Special (Spin) |
![]() |
Jab 1 & 2, Forward Special (Splitter and Tornado) |
![]() |
Jab 1 & 2, Neutral Special (Uncharged), Forward Special |
Crouch cancel and floorhug can be complicated, especially due to inconsistent terminology that people will use. In this page, for convenience, crouch cancelling is a combination of floorhugging (remaining grounded) and "true CC" (knockback reduction). Others may use the convention of referring to knockback reduction as crouch cancelling, and referring to ASDI downward during crouch as combined crouch cancel and floorhug.
Examples and Usage
To demonstrate the effectiveness of crouch cancelling and floorhug, suppose Clairen just got hit by
Zetterburn's Up Strong at 0%.
- Without crouch cancelling,
Clairen is launched into the air with 38 frames of hitstun, entering knockdown when landing.
- With true CC,
Clairen is launched into the air with only 31 frames of hitstun. Because of there being fewer frames,
Clairen is actionable before landing.
- With floorhugging,
Clairen remains grounded and immediately enters knockdown. This can be avoided by teching preemptively, and a tech in place causes her to be actionable before Zetterburn.
- With crouch cancelling,
Clairen is given 5 frames of grounded hitstun, immediately actionable afterward. She does not enter knockdown. Importantly, Clairen is actionable before
Zetterburn, allowing her to punish Zetterburn and reversal him out of crouch cancel.
Crouch cancelling defines the early percent game, and it is valuable for the ability to get an opening by baiting a hit and counterhitting the opponent. However, it requires the character to be crouching, meaning that the character cannot crouch cancel during their own attacks, only able to floorhug instead. Crouch cancel can be seen as an alternate option to shielding, requiring the character to be at lower percents and losing to moves with heavy knockback, but there are ways to beat it.
Crouch cancelling and floorhugging are usually optimal with SDI straight down, and the following factors can impact the effectiveness:
- ASDI sometimes is not strong enough to floorhug a hit, requiring SSDI instead.
- DI itself can influence the angle of a hit and in turn affect the vertical knockback of a move, meaning that certain DI will change when a hit pops up on crouch cancel or floorhugging.
![]() |
This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. Include an example of a CC attempt to highlight the difference in percents for a pop up between ASDI anywhere but down, ASDI down, SSDI down, SSDI + DI down, and SSDI + ideal DI. |
Crouch cancelling and floorhugging are powerful aggressive options to earn openings, with crouch being frame 1 and floorhugging being possible against any hit with proper timing. It is common to do offensive options like Jabs, Tilts, or Grabs out of crouch cancel. It can also useful to shield or even parry out of crouch cancel, especially if the follow up option is unsafe on shield or can be easily parried to cover timing.
Crouch cancelling and floorhugging is powerful, but it is definitely beatable. The following are ways to directly break or ignore crouch cancel:
- You can always Grab. This removes the option entirely from the opponent.
- Moves that send at a downward angle ("spikes") will not cause the character to go through brief landing hitstun, instead causing them to flinch at earlier percents and launch into the air at higher percents. YOu can then follow up with another attack or a Grab.
- At certain percents, moves with strong enough vertical knockback will begin to break floorhug, and later crouch cancel. Launched characters from crouch cancel will also not be sent as far, making it easier to follow up. Knowing these percents where crouch cancel and floorhug are broken are incredibly valuable, and it can be valuable to focus on getting percent instead to break out of crouch cancel percent.
However, it's also important to consider that just like shielding, it's not always about beating crouch cancel, but instead baiting it out and exploiting it.
- Instead of shieldstun, the maximum 8 frames of hitstun is what defines frame advantage between the attacker and defender. This means that moves with safe endlag can be just as effective against opponents.
- It's also valuable to space around the opponent's options out of crouch cancel. CC Grab is the most immediate threat, but in addition to Aerials to worry about, there are also Tilts (and sometimes Strongs) to consider. Note that unlike shields, crossups are different since the defender will always face the attacker on hit.
- Timing mixups are also always available. Just like baiting a shield Grab from the opponent, baiting a reversal option from the opponent can be potent, allowing the player to punish the opponent for a preemptive approach. Note, however, that unlike shield grabs, Grab is bufferable here.
When a character is hit with enough knockback to send into tumble, it's trouble time. Characters who land during hitstun or tumble will go into a knockdown state when landing on a grounded surface, and they will bounce off any wall or ceiling surface. If a character is knocked into the ground at high enough velocity, they will also bounce on their own. This can leave characters in situations where they are vulnerable to attacks and at clear disadvantage.
If a character is knocked down on the ground, however, characters aren't helpless. They have many wake up options available, typically evasive options, but also a unique Attack and Special wakeup option to punish the opponent.
These disadvantage states an be avoided altogether, of course. This is done by performing techs, a timed preemptive input that will allows characters to gain temporary intangibility before becoming actionable again, skipping the knockdown state entirely. Note, however, that these are never truly 100% safe, as there is always a brief vulnerability window after intangibility, which if the opponent is there to punish it, can lead to another hit for the opponent. This sequence of sending characters into tech situations and tracking their wakeup options with a follow up is known as tech chasing, and it is one of the core gameplay punish loops.
Techs are typically inputted with ShieldDefault Controls
KB: , but they can also be done with
GrabDefault Controls
KB: or
ParryDefault Controls
GCN: /
KB: if they are bound to air dodge in the air.
Alternatively, to avoid the counterplay of teching, it is possible to use weak moves to get around the opponent's defense. This can be especially useful when wanting to prevent the opponent from teching walls during recovery.
Unique Knockdowns
There are a few situations in the game that will lead to an untechable knockdown.
- A character's shield is broken, and they land from their trajectory, entering knockdown.
- A character inputs taunt while airborne, causing a 25 frame uninterruptible ledge slip animation to appear which ends in tumble (which can be exited). Either ledge slip or tumble will lead to entering knockdown.
- This is the most reliable way of inducing knockdown on yourself without external input. Can be useful to intentionally grant getup options like Getup Attack and Getup Special.
- A shielding character is pushed off the edge of a surface and lands on a different surface beneath them, entering knockdown.
- A character is thrown by an untechable throw. Currently, only
Loxodont's Down Throw can do this.
- A character is hit by an untechable hit. Currently, only
Clairen's Getup Special can do this.
Tech Options
Teching is always a preemptive measure, and while it can be a reaction, it is best when done to anticipate the timing of the move as well as being knocked down from it. In addition, tech inputs must be precise. If a tech input is performed, and there is no knockdown within the next 20 frames, the following 20 frames will result in a tech lockout, causing any tech inputs during that timeframe to be ignored. After this lockout window, tech inputs will be registered once again. Inputting a tech during lockout will not affect the tech lockout window in any way.
Ground techs must be done before landing on the ground, usually after a hit connects. If a character crouch cancels or floorhugs a hit that would normally be sent into tumble, the tech input must be done before hitpause to avoid instant knockdown.
Option | Intangible startup | Vulnerable endlag | Total Frames |
Tech in Place | 20 | 6 | 26 |
Tech Roll Forward | 20 | 20 | 40 |
Tech Roll Backward | 20 | 20 | 40 |
Mistech | 0 | 27 | 27 |
Tech in Place
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:up to 20 frames before landing
Character will have 20 frames of intangibility, followed by 6 frames of vulnerable endlag. This lasts a total of 26 frames.
Tech Roll
ShieldDefault Controls
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
up to 20 frames before landing
Character will roll in the direction held. They have 20 frames of intangibility, followed by 20 frames of vulnerable endlag. This lasts a total of 40 frames. During the 20 frames of intangibility, characters will stay in place for the first 6 frames before moving in the following 20 frames.
- No
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:within 20 frames of landing while in tumble
Character will lightly bounce on the ground. This lasts 27 frames. After this, the character will be in knockdown.
Wall Tech
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:( +
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Assumes wall is to the left of the character. just before colliding with a wall
A wall tech can be inputted before or after hitpause of an attack. Inputting ShieldDefault Controls
KB: during hitpause will cause no wall tech to register. This is quite unique compared to grounded techs.
If a character inputs ShieldDefault Controls
KB: and gets hit within 20 frames while next to the wall, inputting
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Assumes wall is to the left of the character. at any point during hitpause will cause the character to instantly wall tech while in hitpause, continuing to remain in hitpause. They become instantly actionable post-hitpause.
If a wall tech comes out after hitpause, the wall tech will give the character 5 frames of hitpause.
Clairen's tipstun is uniquely affected by wall techs. You can input
ShieldDefault Controls
KB: before the hit, during the initial hitpause, or after the final tippause hit. Inputting during tippause will not result in any wall techs.
- Inputting
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:before getting hit and a
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Assumes wall is to the left of the character. input next to the wall while in initial hitpause will result in a wall tech like normal. However, the hitpause is instead limited to the initial hitpause window, effectively nullifying any tippause.
- Inputting
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:during initial hitpause will cause the character to wall tech after initial hitpause, being stuck in hitpause for the duration of tippause.
In addition, it is possible to tech hits that send into medium hitstun. Unlike heavy hitstun wall techs, these cannot be teched after and must be teched before the hit. You also have to be already inputting the direction of the wall by the time you are hit.
Wall techs grant 26 intangibility frames after exiting hitpause. Characters are immediately actionable post-hitpause.
- Any action inputted within 13 frames post-hitpause will cause the character's intangibility to end on frame 14.
- Any action inputted 14 or more frames after wall tech will cause the intangibility to instantly run out, making the character vulnerable.
Wall Jump Tech
ShieldDefault Controls
JumpDefault Controls
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
just before colliding with a wall
If the JumpDefault Controls
KB: is inputted while colliding with the wall, the wall tech will instead immediately cancel into the character's wall jump. This behaves the same as if you were wall jumping right after wall teching, but just skipping the wall tech to begin with. If you're planning to wall jump after wall teching, this will be the fastest way to do it.
- If wall jump tech is done pre-hit while next to a wall, the character will be suspended in hitpause with the hit, and post-hitpause, the charcater will be in wall jumpsquat for 5 frames before being fully actionable. Intangibility lasts 9 frames post-jumpsquat.
- If wall jump tech is done post-hit when colliding with a wall, the character will not experience any hitpause, and they will immediately be in wall jumpsquat for 5 frames before being fully actionable. Intangibility lasts 8 frames post-jumpsquat.
A notable point is that for Maypul, despite using her wall jump, she cannot use wall cling during this, forced to immediately wall jump similar to all other characters.
Ceiling Tech
- Press
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:just before colliding with a ceiling
Ceiling techs give the character 5 frames of hitpause, before entering a state of having 35 intangibility frames. However, the character is actionable starting on frame 28, and they will immediately lose intangibility when they act out of it (with the exception of drifting and fastfalling).
Getup Options
When knocked down, there are several options still available to characters.
Option | Intangible startup | Vulnerable endlag | Total Frames |
Getup in Place | 22 | 8 | 30 |
Getup Roll Forward | 20 | 16 | 36 |
Getup Roll Backward | 20 | 16 | 36 |
Getup Attack | Startup + Active Frames | Endlag | 50 |
Getup Special | Startup | Active Frames + Endlag | - |
Neutral Getup
- During Knockdown
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
ShieldDefault Controls
The character wakes up by standing in place with 22 frames of intangibility, followed by 8 frames of vulnerable endlag. This lasts 30 frames total.
Getup Roll
- During Knockdown
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
/ Right Stick Left and Right
Character will roll in the direction held. The character rolls with 20 frames of intangibility, followed by 16 frames of vulnerable endlag. This lasts 36 frames total.
Getup Attack
- During Knockdown
AttackDefault Controls
StrongDefault Controls
GrabDefault Controls
KB:/ Right Stick Up and Down
The character strikes with intangibility as they get back up. Currently, attacks will hit universally both in front of and behind the rising character, and all getup attacks last 50 frames. Intangibility lasts until the last active frame, at which point the endlag will be vulnerable. This has the longest endlag, and it is very easy to punish when blocked or crouch cancelled and floorhugged.
Getup Special
- During Knockdown
SpecialDefault Controls
As the character gets back up, they swing with a special attack with properties unique to that character: it may have evasive potential, better reward on hit, more safety, or other unique rewards. However, these typically only have intangibility during startup, being vulnerable during the attack's active frames. These are still generally quite punishable if predicted.
Jab Reset
When an opponent in knockdown is hit by a weak move, they will enter a 14 frame knockdown hurt animation.
- During this animation, weak hits will result in the hurt animation being reset to frame 1 of 14.
- Strong hits will result in regular hitstun, proceeding like any normal hit and launch.
- If this animation completes, a jab reset occurs.
On a jab reset, the character is forced into getting up, either with a neutral getup or a getup roll. It also clears the input buffer, meaning that a new directional input after the reset must be made in order to perform roll getup.
Whether or not a move is considered "weak" enough to jab reset is determined by hitstun. This is generally reserved for Jabs, excluding finisher Jabs including Clairen's Jab. Many multihit moves are also weak enough to jab reset opponents in knockdown, provided only the weak hits connect and not the strong hits. It also means that it is possible to chain multiple weak moves on an opponent before a jab reset occurs, notably the multijab hit of
Ranno's Jab being able to jab reset an opponent in knockdown forever, at least in theoryIn reality, Ranno's multijab makes him gradually start accelerating in the opposite direction, unable to hit the opponent in knockdown after a certain point. If you trap him with
Kragg's Rock or Pillar,
Ranno will reach terminal velocity and die off the side blastzone instead..
If a character is in knockdown with horizontal momentum, whether it due to be floorhugging an attack or the natural momentum of a move, and slides off the edge of any surface, they will enter 6 frames of inactionable ledgeslip, similar to shield pushoff. You can start acting on frame 7 with any airborne action, whether it be a double jump, an Aerial, Special, or grabbing ledge. Notably, because the character enters tumble, air dodging requires the input to be released instead of pressed.
If the character hits the ground, they will enter knockdown which can be teched. After 25 frames of LedgeSlip state, the character will enter tumble.
This can be useful for escaping platform tech chases, as being sharked under platforms while being in constant knockdown or tech options can be easily chased down, and this allows the character to get back onto the stage, likely able to punish the opponent's endlag in time. This can also be useful if sliding off the edge of a side platform to immediately grab ledge out of it, forcing the opponent to switch from standard punish to ledgetrapping.
If a character is not in knockdown and slides off the edge after getting hit, the character is instantly actionableThis is technically the FallStart animation, meaning that you cannot immediately grab ledge behind you from this..
When recovering from offstage, characters can grab the edge of the stage as a stopping point to get back to stage safely, known as ledge.
Grabbing ledge will restore a character's midair jump(s), wall jump, and air dodge.
Conditions for Grabbing Ledge
Grabbing ledge happens when a ledge is captured by the character's ledgegrab box. This can be found in "Show Stage Collision", shown by a green rectangle surrounding the character. Ledgegrab boxes will only be active and occur in the following circumstances:
- The character must be moving downward. Moving upward will cause the ledgegrab box to not appear.
- The character must not be inputting
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
. Doing this will cause the character to fall past ledge, and the rectangle to turn red.
In addition, there are a few more nuances to the size of the ledgegrab box and where it is positioned:
- When a character moves off a surface and starts falling, they go through a brief FallStart animation. During this animation, the ledgegrab box only appears in the direction that the character is facing and does not appear at all on the other side. This means that characters cannot immediately grab ledge facing the other way when walking off a ledge.
- After FallStart enters Fall, the character will be able to grab ledge, but the ledgegrab box has much less reach behind them. This often requires the character to be right up against the ledge to grab it backwards.
- During many Special moves that enter pratfall, the ledgegrab box will extend to be equal distance forward and backwards, making it possible to grab ledge both ways with equal generosity. However, this is calculated with the character's ECB, not the character's hurtboxes, meaning that some characters will look like they can grab ledge from further away facing one way versus the other.
It is not possible to grab ledge out of most active actions such as air dodging, Aerials, or many Specials. Specials that can travel downward can usually grab ledge, however, even if they have an active hitbox.
Ledge Intangibility
When a character grabs ledge, they will enter a 7 frame ledgegrab animation which is inactionable. After this, they will enter ledgehang, which grants 29 frames of intangibility. This intangibility can carry over if the character chooses to drop from ledge or ledgejump.
Characters have access to a max of three total intangible ledgehangs, and once they are all used up, any subsequent ledgegrabs will not grant ledgehang intangibility.
- Landing on stage or platform will grant all three intangible ledgehangs back.
- Hitting an opponent will restore one intangible ledgehang.
- Grabbing a ledge out of an air dodge grants no intangibility both on ledgegrab and ledgehang, but it will still reduce the amount of intangible ledgehangs a character has by one.
- Grabbing ledge out of getting parried will remove all intangible ledgehangs for a character. For more on how parry interacts with ledge, read here.
Actions from Ledge
When you grab a ledge, you have multiple actions possible while hanging onto it. Here, directional notation presumes character is facing right, hanging from the left ledge on a stage like Hodojo.
Ledge Option | Intangible Startup | Releases Ledge On | Endlag | Total |
Stand | 30 | 31 | 5 | 35 |
Roll | 30 | 41 | 18 | 48 |
Jump | 14 | 15 | (Airborne) | 14 |
Drop | 0 | 1 | (Drop) | 1 |
Attack | Startup + Active Frames | 31 | Endlag | 55*![]() |
Special | Startup | Varies | Active + Endlag | Varies |
Ledge Stand
- During Ledgehang
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
(towards stage)
The character climbs up onto the stage from the ledge normally. The character is intangible during the first 30 frames, but vulnerable for the last 5 frames, lasting 35 frames total. Ledge is no longer occupied starting on frame 31.
Ledge Roll
- During Ledgehang
ShieldDefault Controls
The character rolls onto the stage from the ledge. The character is intangible during the first 30 frames, but vulnerable for the last 18 frames, lasting 48 frames total. Ledge is no longer occupied starting on frame 41.
Ledge roll and ledge getup have an identical animation during the first 15 frames, making it much later to react to.
Ledge Jump
- During Ledgehang
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
JumpDefault Controls
The character jumps up from the ledge. The character is intangible while on ledge for 14 frames, followed by any leftover ledgehang intangibility once they leave ledge, jumping high into the air. Ledge is no longer occupied starting on frame 15. The character can interrupt with any Aerials, Specials, or air dodge, all of which can interrupt upward momentum. However, doing so will cause the character lose all intangibility.
The horizontal velocity gained from ledgejump changes depending on the horizontal direction inputted during ledgejump as well.
- If they hold directly toward stage (
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Assumes the character is facing left.), they will receive the full maximum horizontal speed.
- If they hold no direction, they will receive half of the maximum horizontal speed.
- If they hold directly away from stage (
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Assumes the character is facing left.), they will receive no horizontal speed whatsoever.
Ledge Drop
- During Ledgehang
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
(away from stage) /
GrabDefault Controls
The character releases ledge and drops down. The character will preserve any leftover ledgehang intangibility. This action can be done with many inputs, all which have different results:
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
results in an immediate fastfall from ledge.
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
(away from stage) results in a drop with normal fall speed. It will also cause the character to slightly drift in the direction specified.
GrabDefault Controls
KB:results in a drop with normal fall speed and no horizontal drift.
When dropping from ledge, there is typically a wall jump lockout window. However, GrabDefault Controls
KB: will not trigger this lockout, enabling an immediate wall jump.
This is often the most versatile option due to its intangibility from ledgehang. Ledgehops are the term used for dropping from ledge and doing a double jump, giving more offensive options for characters, since unlike ledgejumps, it's much closer to stage, and actions performed will not interrupt ledgehang intangibility. This can be used for invincible Aerials from ledge, whether it be to edgeguard opponents from getting to ledge or challenging opponents who are attempting to ledgetrap.
When wavelanding out of this state, characters will remain intangible during the waveland, but they will immediately lose intangibility once they are actionable out of their waveland. Performing an invincible waveland to return to stage is also known as a ledgedash.
Ledge Attack
- During Ledgehang
AttackDefault Controls
The character climbs into the stage with an attack that has a generous amount of intangibility. While the attack startup and recoveries vary, they all will leave ledge starting on frame 31 and usually* Maypul's lasts 60 frames. last a total of 55 frames. Can be used to knock away opponents who are attacking at the ledge. If the ledge has not been re-grabbed, the invincibility lasts until the attack is no longer active. On additional ledge grabs without touching the ground, the attack is vulnerable before it becomes active. Regardless of invincibility, ledge attacks are generally very unsafe on shield.
Ledge Special
- During Ledgehang
SpecialDefault Controls
The character performs a special action at ledge with properties unique to the character. Some ledge specials are big flashy strikes, having much less invincibility frames and being even more punishable on block. Other ledge specials are a delayed attack as they get back on stage. There even exist ledge specials that do not even strike the opponent, instead serving a completely different function altogether.
Character | Intangible Startup | Ledge Leave Frame | Total Frames |
![]() |
32 | 27 | 79 |
![]() |
26 | 20 | VariesKeeps going until he stops sliding. |
![]() |
33Fleet actually has an invincible hitbox with this move. | 31 | 79 |
![]() |
39 | 16 | 78Thrown by decoy. / 89Throws decoy. |
![]() |
45 | 46 | 88 |
![]() |
30 | 31 | 72 |
![]() |
N/A | N/ATerry does not cause Maypul to ever leave ledge. | 31 |
![]() |
VariesHe's only vulnerable starting on his active hit. | 15 | Varies |
![]() |
30 | 31 | 63 |
![]() |
40Wrastor's invulnerability goes away in the middle of his active hitbox, but it's where his height is generally close enough to the stage to get hit anyway. | 21 | 81 |
![]() |
31 | 31 | 76 |
- Performed with
on gamepad or
on keyboard, under default control configuration
Taunts are long and inactionable animations that every character can do. They typically have no use in terms of gameplay, as they are extremely punishable with zero reward for the risk. Some taunts can be looped if the input is held.
Taunting in mid-air will perform an intentional tumble.
Every character has a collision box that interacts with the stage, platforms, and other characters/objects. It allows characters to jostle, or push each other slightly be being near each other, though it is trivial to overcome and move past another character if moving fast enough.
Dying and Respawning
If a character meets the blastzone, they will enter 90 frames of death animation, before returning on a respawn platform which lasts for 210 frames, but this can be interrupted at 30 frames with any action. This counts as being airborne, meaning that JumpDefault Controls
KB: will use the character's double jump instead of a grounded jump. While on respawn platform, the character is intangible.
Once a character acts, the respawn platform fades, and the character is granted 89 frames of true invincibility.
In Rivals of Aether II, there are two states in which a character cannot be hit, preventing any damage or knockback from affecting the character, intangibility and true invincibility.
True invulnerability occurs mostly during two cases.
- Characters who step off from the respawn platform post-death will be invincible.
- If a character successfully lands a
ParryDefault Controls
KB:, they will become invincible.
True invincibility causes any hits from opponents to continue to experience hitpause, but the character themselves experiencing no hitpause.
Intangibility, on the other hand, is where all attacks will fail to connect with the intangible character, experincing no hitpause on both ends. No percent or knockback will be dealt, and this state is generally much more common. Much of the game centers around management of this intangibility and exploiting the follow up from these options, through tech chases, punishing spotdodges or rolls, or punishing ledge options.
During the course of a regular game, intangibility most typically occurs during the following actions, which are universal:
- All options from grabbing ledge
- Rolling, spotdodging, air dodging
- All tech options (apart from mistech/missed tech)
- All wakeup options
Some parts of characters will be intangible as well, either during certain windows to prevent a hitbox placement from clipping a potential hurtbox, or for disjointed parts that are not classified as the character's strict hurtbox. Many objects will also have their own intangibility, such as all of Fleet's items.
There are also select moves that each character has which will grant their entire character intangibility. For these moves, intangibility typicall does not last the whole time, and there is a drawback to it. For more specifics, please visit each character's page.
Clairen's Down Special will grant her intangibility if she is hit during the window.
Clairen becomes briefly invisible during Forward Special, where she is intangible.
Fleet's Down Special causes her to briefly dodge through the air, granting her intangibility.
Forsburn's Decoy will be granted intangibility when it detonates.
Damage, Knockback, Hitstun
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This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. Damage/Knockback are currently very shallow at the moment. More research is required, including formulas for damage, hitpause, hitstun, etc. |
If a hitbox connects with a hurtbox, the engine will determine how much the move will launch a character. This will put the character into a certain amount of hitpause, before sending them off at a trajectory depending on the knockback angle of the hitbox, as well as a set amount of hitstun that the hit does, determined by the percentage of the victim. The damage in percentage will be first dealt, before the knockback is calculated.
Knockback for moves are generally split into three parts:
- Base knockback. The higher this is, the more it will do consistently across all percents.
- Knockback growth. The higher this is, the more significant knockback will be dealt at higher percents.
- Knockback angle. This determines the base angle that the move will send at, before factoring in directional influence (which can shift the trajectory up to 18 degrees).
Hitstun is divided up into three categories:
- Light hitstun. This becomes landing hitstun if the character hits the ground and cannot be wall teched or ground teched.
- Medium hitstun. This becomes landing hitstun if the character hits the ground and cannot be ground teched. It can be wall teched, but it requires a tech input before being hit and can only be wall teched if the character is touching the wall during hitpause, being inputted before the hit.
- Heavy hitstun. Characters enter knockdown if they hit the ground and can ground tech to avoid it. They can wall tech during hitpause or after hitpause after hits, so long as they are touching the wall. This is also known internally as "HitstunUp" and "HitstunDown" if the angle is vertical enough. Post heavy hitstun, characters will enter tumble instead of entering fall.
If characters are grounded and hit by a move that sends downward but is at a low enough knockback, they will be sent into flinch (FlinchHeavy), remaining grounded post-hit. This state cannot be DIed, but it can be SDIed. If the character is at a high enough knockback, they will instead be popped up (HitstunBounceLight) which will also trigger tumble after.
Calculating Launch
This is a technical breakdown of which numbers affect which factors of knockback.
When a character is hit, they are set with an initial knockback velocity. The angle of this velocity is determined by the angle of the hit (as well as any angle flippers). The magnitude of this knockback is factored by the base knockback as well as the knockback scaling. Knockback scaling causes a character to go through more knockback depending on the percent they have.
- The higher the base knockback, the higher the magnitude becomes across all percents.
- Increased knockback scaling will increase the difference in magnitude when a character is at 0% versus when a character is at a higher percent (ex: 100%). This also allows for moves to combo at early percents and kill at late percents.
- Weight is also factored, with higher weight causing the knockback to be reduced.
Once a character's DI and SDI is factored in, the character will begin to move with knockback momentum.
- The knockback will be decreased by 0.54 cm/s every frame, spread across both horizontal and vertical components.
- In addition, the character's vertical velocity will accelerate to become more negative over time, until it reaches the character's max fall speed. The first few frames will increase linearly by fractions of hitstun gravity, which is dependent on the hitstun gravity value. Once the maximum hitstun gravity value is reached, the velocity will continue to accelerate by the full hitstun gravity.
- For example,
Fleet with a hitstun gravity of 1.2 and requiring 4 frames to reach maximum gravity, will have a velocity of 0.3, then 0.9, then 1.8, then 3.0, then 4.2 cm/s. Note that for each frame, she accelerates by 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2 cm/s^2, and then will continue to accelerate by 1.2 cm/s^2. Fleet will no longer accelerate once she reaches her max fall speed of 20.6 cm/s.
- For example,
The character's position is calculated by combining the knockback and character velocity, and adding it to the character's position on the previous frame.
Armor is a way to negate hitstun and knockback upon a hit connecting. Both characters will enter regular hitpause, but no hitstun will be incurred, and both characters will continue their current state. Characters cannot DI or SDI upon being hit. This does not prevent statuses from being afflicted, such as Zetterburn's burn or
Ranno's poison, nor does it prevent damage. However, it will also negate tipstun from
Clairen's hits, having regular hitpause instead. It's also always possible to grab characters out of their armor. There are currently two types of armor:
- Sometimes known as "weak armor", knockback armor is armor that negates hitstun as long as the hit doesn't send at high enough knockback. This means that as percent climbs, weak armor will become less and less effective. If the knockback threshold is exceeded, the knockback armor is broken and the character will be sent into hitstun per usual.
- Currently, only one move applies weak armor, which is
Etalus' Forward Air.
- Currently, only one move applies weak armor, which is
- Super armor is armor that will always negate hitstun. Super armor cannot be broken.
- With ice armor,
Etalus' Up Special, Strongs, and Getup Special have durations of super armor.
- With ice armor,
Additionally, Kragg's Forward Special also exhibits armor, but it does not technically qualify as true armor, as it transitions
Kragg into a unique Armored Hit state, as well as slowing him down.
Hitbox Attributes
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This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. Need to explain some crucial details such as the following: reverse hits, weight independence, hitbox priority (sweetspot versus tipper). |
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This page is missing significant information. You can help by editing it. Need to explain more. |
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