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Going through here, you'll notice there is a color code to help anyone look over tech and understand how useful or how prevalent they will be used during matches.

  • Essential - Any tech with Essential are important to learn as they are commonly used in match-ups.
  • Useful - Any tech with Useful are often very useful and good for mix-ups and many common situations.
  • Situational - Any tech with Situational are tech that won't commonly be used but still have a level of viability, something that you might pick up once you've learned anything above it in tiers.
  • For Fun - Any tech with For Fun don't offer any advantage to play, usually just for style.


In total, Lily lasts 600 frames once she's properly spawned.

  • If an opponent hits her, she'll be hurt, and this timer goes down significantly, but the opponent also goes into hitpause. This has pros and cons, as it can extend their active frames, but it can also freeze them in place to be punished.


Curious about how long wrap lasts? Well, it depends on how the opponent was wrapped.

  • For her Strongs, it depends on the opponent's % after the hit. This uses the formula of roughly WrappedFrames = 0.1315 * PostHitPercent + 42, give or take a frame.
  • If it was into Lily, this depends both on opponent's % after wrap as well as the distance from Lily to her Maypul. The farther away Maypul is, the longer the wrap will last. There's a spreadsheet with numbers for this, but we'll update this later. At 0 distance, Lily wraps for 31 frames at 0%, 41 frames at 100%, and 51 frames at 200%. In addition, she gains roughly a frame of wrap for every 100cm that Maypul is away from her.


Tether is a pretty crazy mechanic, and it has a lot of quirks.

Triggering Tether (Pre-Tether)

How does tether activate? Well, it needs two separate inputs to be inputted simultaneously. One needs to constitute a SpecialDefault Controls
component, and one needs to constitute a AttackDefault Controls
(or its counterparts).

Tether Input
Category Special Attack
Regular Buttons SpecialDefault Controls
AttackDefault Controls

GrabDefault Controls

StrongDefault Controls
Right Stick Special Attack, Strong, Reverse, Adaptive
Air ParryDefault Controls
GCN: / +
Nspecial, Special Nair, Attack, Strong
Air GrabDefault Controls
Nspecial, Special Nair, Attack, Strong

As long as you fit in one input from each column, you can get both inputs off. However, there are a few caveats.

  • The general rule for all is that the special input must always come first before the attack input.
  • The attack input can be done at most 6 frames after the special input, within the universal buffer range.
  • However, if the input can normally register as a Jab, Tilt, Dash Attack, or Aerial, then it can be done first. This means using the actual AttackDefault Controls
    input, or anything like it.
    • This includes the actual button, using any air parry or air grab, the right stick, and strong in the air.
  • It's actually possible to buffer the input during the endlag of other moves as well.
    • If you're going to use Forward Tilt into tether, you can simply just hold the attack input for it and input an additional special input to follow. Same with things like Forward Throw, Neutral Air, et cetera.

In addition, you can cancel other moves into tether. This does not change the frame data of the move, but it gives some additional leniency to inputting tether, so you cannot accidentally flub it by getting an attack out instead. It has to be a Jab, Tilt, Dash Attack, Aerial, or Special. That's everything but Strongs and Grabs, yes.

  • The cancel can be done, at latest, on frame 9, or the last frame of startup, whichever is earlier. For example, SpecialDefault Controls
    must be inputted on frame 5 of Forward Tilt, as inputting it any later will result in the move actually coming out.
  • For Up Special specifically, you can input it as late as frame 10.
  • You cannot cancel from the cooldown ("HUH?") version of Down Special.
  • Cancelling on the 5th frame of startup will directly lead into the 5th frame of Up Special which cancels into tether, meaning that this method does not make tether come it earlier or later.

Tether Startup and Travel

If done from neutral, tether works like this:

  • The startup of Up Special is used, which is 9 frames. Maypul's velocity freezes to (0,0) here.
  • Tether startup begins, lasting 5 frames.
  • Tether travel begins. The first frame is when the direction of tether is determined. More on this later.
  • Once Maypul travels to the opponent, she enters 12 frames of tether endlag.

Maypul can choose to tether to either the left side, the right side, or directly above the target. The direction is determined on the first frame of tether travel, simply by the horizontal value on your left stick in the moment. Higher than 0.3 will result in tether right, lower than -0.3 will result in tether left, and any value in between will result in tether above. This means that you can simply hold the direction before this to get the correct side. Which side you are on has direct implications for frame data and actionability.

The duration of tether travel is determined by the distance between Maypul and her target, the distance being 6 + (Distance / 114).

  • If Maypul chooses to tether to above the target, tether travel increases by 2 frames.
  • If Maypul chooses to tether to the opposite side of the target, tether travel increases by 6 frames.
  • If the target is not in hitstun, tether travel increases by 6 frames. This will never apply if tethering to Terry.

This means that if you want to tether as fast as possible, always choose the side closest to you. After the first frame of tether travel, you no longer need to hold the directional input.

During tether travel, Maypul cannot be hit by projectiles. She can also directly warp through the stage, losing her collision box in the process, though she can still be hit by hitboxes.

Tether Recovery (Offence)

Once Maypul reaches the target and finishes her tether travel, she enters tether recovery. The following things will happen.

  • Maypul's velocity is set to (0,0), and she experiences no gravity, meaning that she is effectively frozen in place.
    • If Maypul tethers to the side, she will always be facing in the direction of the target.
    • If Maypul tethers above, she will be facing the tether direction she was travelling in. This requires verification, but elkiies said it, so I'm trusting her for now.
  • The target's velocity is set to (0,0), but they will experience gravity, beginning to fall gradually.
  • Maypul will always be spaced the same distance from the opponent regardless of percent. However, it will depend on the character, depending how wide the character is (or more specifically, their ECB width).

This isn't much by itself. However, the important part is when Maypul has tethered to an opponent in hitstun or tumble. As long as they have not inputted an action yet or have not wiggled out of tumbleInputting a directional input such that they are now regularly falling instead of tumbling., Maypul will be able to do the following:

  • She can Aerial. Her most practical options are Up Air, her Neutral Air, and Forward Air. This only works when tethering left/right.
  • She can use Seed.
  • She can use Leaftasm.

Once she's inputted an action, Maypul can begin to drift as well as fastfall again. Let's expand some more on those Aerials of hers:

  • Neutral Air is the fastest option. It'll net early kills off the side blastzone, and it's old reliable. Drift and fastfall won't mess this up for the most part, so you can feel free to input drift back with Neutral Air to give yourself the best odds of recovering.
  • Up Air is a quirky move. Don't input any drift or fastfall on this, since it will correctly link into itself when done correctly.
    • However, the opponent can ASDI up to escape the Up Air hit, meaning that the final hit will whiff.
    • There is a way to beat this option, however. By delaying Maypul's Up Air to a later frame of tether recovery, the opponent will be low enough such that ASDI up will not escape. Of course, this is a window that is pretty frame tight and depending on hurtbox placements. It's frame perfect against small characters like Maypul, and lenient against big characters like Loxodont.
  • Forward Air is a good finisher as well. In general, this will always hit regardless of drift.
    • However, against Clairen specifically, if you drift too far in, the hit will actually reverse. This is important to keep in mind. Just drift back fully and Forward Air to avoid this scenario.

Something to keep in mind is that against grounded opponents, any side tethers will lead to Maypul being placed at ground height, but still considered airborne. This has some major implications:

  • If she does nothing, she will land with 4 frames of universal landing lag.
  • Inputting an Aerial will lead into a NIL, allowing for any immediate action. This is important since it's one of the few ways to get an NIL without a complicated setup, and because NILs will cause you to immediately stand, you can buffer a dash this way.
  • Inputting Seed and Up Special will be normal.
  • Inputting Leaftasm and Down Special will be airborne, meaning that Maypul can fall off ledge as well as not plant Lily.
  • You can also input an airdodge, causing an immediate waveland if done horizontally or downward. This can be used to get distance or slide off an edge.


Once spawned, Terry lasts for 5 seconds (300 frames). Throwing a Seed will trigger his hitbox and also reset his timer. If Maypul is interrupted while fully summoning Terry, he will disappear again.

While you can't do anything with Terry offensively, you can get a lot of advantage off of having him up. The three directions for Terry are onstage, above, and ledge. Terry can be visible off-screen with the magnifying glass.

  • At onstage, Maypul is considered ground height, but still airborne. See section about how tether interacts with grounded opponents, since it's the same idea.
  • Above, Maypul's options change with her drift. Whether she grabs ledge or lands on stage when inputting no drift is entirely dependent on the stage. Regardless, she will either...
    • ...take ledge on frame 15, frame 6 with fastfall.
    • on stage, she'll land on frame 13 (and then 4 frames of universal landing lag), frame 6 with fastfall.
  • At ledge, Maypul takes ledge on frame 8, frame 3 with fastfall. Drift will not impact her ability to grab ledge here. The only way to not take ledge is to either input an Aerial or fastfall past ledge.

Practical Tips

  • If you hit an opener that you know will confirm into a tether kill, start holding one of your tether inputs and get ready to press the other one. Whichever one is the best will depend wildly on button layout, so find the one that is comfortable. Start holding your tether direction as well.
  • Once you're travelling, you no longer need to hold the direction. Focus on inputting the correct move now. In fact, it's usually best to not input any direction, since drift and fastfalling can mess up trying to hit the opponent.
  • Be ready to escape as soon as you've hit your move. Many times, you'll be offstage, so have the correct route to get back to stage.
  • If you're tethering to Terry on the ledge side and planning on regrabbing ledge, fastfalling can be useful. If you don't fastfall, Maypul grabs ledge in 8 framse after tether recovery, but if you do, she grabs ledge in 3.

Unique Techniques

Elk Seedelkiies found this one!


How It Works
In Rivals 2, Seed is one of the fastest projectiles in the game, being easily spammable and non-commital. To avoid spamming the projectile, there is a hidden lockout window that prevents Maypul from throwing another seed immediately after landing or her endlag. However, it is possible to bypass this by using an Elkseed, named after Maypul player elkiies.

Perform an initial Seed Toss in the air, such that Maypul immediately lands after tossing Seed, being grounded during her 1 active frame. This causes her to immediately enter landing lag right after. After the four frames of landing lag, Maypul can instantly throw another Seed. This is a frame-perfect input, naturally. In other words, Maypul has to perform the latest possible Seed Toss such that it is barely considered grounded, followed by a grounded Seed Toss.

One consistent setup for pulling this off is doing a fullhop, fastfall at the apex of your fullhop, and then seed instantly after your fastfall.

Here's elkiie's original post! The information in the video has since been corrected, having done further research in MaypulCord, but the setup described here is the same thing as what was performed by elkiies here.
While in air SpecialDefault Controls
> Land right after Seed Toss's active frame > SpecialDefault Controls

This allows you to throw two Seeds, which can be useful for racking up damage if you want to get chip damage through your projectiles. It also allows you to cover multiple timings, making it much harder for the opponent to avoid getting marked.

You don't need to do this for other moves as a follow up to Seed Toss, since you are instantly actionable after 4 frames of landing lag with aerial Seed Toss anyway. To be optimal, however, Maypul should be tossing an Elkseed, as it is the fastest possible Seed Toss, with only four frames of endlag and being fully actionable with any move, including another Seed.

Toss Hogiliys found this one!


How It Works
Tether will remove the marking from the opponent when Maypul flies toward them. But why should that be the case?

To perform a Toss Hog, input and hold Seed Toss, and on the sixth frame, input AttackDefault Controls
or GrabDefault Controls
to tether toward your opponent. This will cause the Seed to be launched at the same time as she tethers toward the opponent.

This is a frame perfect input. Too late, and tether will not come out. Too early, and Seed Toss will be overridden by tether.

Here's BossHog's post, where you've probably seen the tech from! Note that the video erroneously indicates frame 5, but after further investigation from MaypulCord, the correct info has been listed here.

This interaction was originally found by iliys during the Kickstarter beta, and it was posted in the Rivals of Aether Discord.
SpecialDefault Controls
(Hold OK) > On frame 6, SpecialDefault Controls
+ AttackDefault Controls
or SpecialDefault Controls
+ GrabDefault Controls

The biggest application of this is to serve as a combo extension. This requires the opponent to be at a distance such that a Seed Toss will connect, as well as the opponent in being disadvantage to allow for a safe tether follow up, whether it be hitstun from a previous hit or a successful Wrap.

Being able to apply Mark while tethering means that Maypul can go for multiple tether combos, most likely horizontally. This means it is most practical in an edgeguard, a tether Neutral Air finisher, or doing a follow up from one platform to the other, such as on Godai Delta. This has not been explored in-depth, so have fun experimenting!

Ledge RefreshThe ledge is comfy...


How It Works
After grabbing ledge, let go as fast as possible, input a double jump for 1-2 frames, and Side Special into the ledge. Here, both regular Leaftasm as well as RSB are usable, with RSB being slightly easier. Releasing ledge should be performed with either Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / /
or GrabDefault Controls
to avoid fastfalling and dropping too low. Without the double jump, Maypul's ledgegrab box is too low, and she is unable to regrab ledge.

Wanna see it in action? Here's a message link from Maypulcord.

While ledgehanging GrabDefault Controls
(No Hold) or Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / /
Presumes character is grabbing ledge while facing right.
(Hold OK) > JumpDefault Controls
for 1-2 frames > As soon as possible...

  • Default Controls
    Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
    KB: / / /
    + SpecialDefault Controls
    (Side Special), or
  • Default Controls
    Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
    KB: / / /
    + SpecialDefault Controls
    > Default Controls
    Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
    KB: / / /

While it is not possible to infinitely refresh intangibility at ledge, it is still crucial as a timing mixup and can be important for waiting out ledgetrap options that the opponent has committed to, such as a charged Strong attack to cover getting off ledge. This is also useful for ledgehogging, since even if you miss ledge, you will still have intangibility left over, giving additional insurance to recovering and taking back stage control.

Uppercut CancelIt's faster than normal.


How It Works
While Up Special is normally hard to follow up after a hit, if you do it from a platform, you can cancel the rest of the move after getting the first hit.

To do this, simply input Up Special, and then immediately input a platform drop right after the first hit connects. This may sound difficult as it is a one frame leniency, but you can buffer the input due to the hitpause that comes from the initial hit. Maypul will cancel the rest of her move and fall through the platform, which can be followed up with a waveland to stay on the platform and immediately continue with a follow up
While on a platform, input Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / /
+ SpecialDefault Controls
> Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / /
right after the first hit connects
This can be used as a quick combo extension. More to be added once we find out!



How It Works

When characters run off an edge and transition to their initial falling animation, their ground speed is capped to their maximum air speed. For Maypul, this is crucial, since she plummets from her maximum run speed of 25 cm/s to 17 cm/s. It's still fast, but it's a considerable loss in speed to consider. However, if the character is inputting a Special while falling off the edge, they will maintain their grounded velocity due to not entering the falling animation.

For Maypul, there's only really one move she can do this with effectively, since all of her other moves directly change her velocity, and that's Seed. It's particularly effective as well since it autocancels on landing, has quick startup and endlag. To do this, just literally input Seed while you're running off.

  • If you want to face forward off edge, run forward and let go of the directional stick as soon as you input Seed.
  • If you want to face backward off edge, run forward and turnaround at the very last moment, inputting Seed right after. It should look like Run -> RunStop -> Nspecial if you do it right in frame advance.

The later you input seed, the later you'll be actionable, but the more speed you will carry. Since Maypul's air friction is much less than her ground friction, she can carry way more momentum in the air from a good seedboost.

While running, SpecialDefault Controls
right before leaving an edge

This can be useful for going out there for some really deep edgeguards, especially if it's to meet them with a Forward Air or push them far enough away with a Back Air. Typically, Terry will be super useful in these situations.

This can also be used for tricky platform movement, since it's possible to also B-reverse these, switching up even more momentum.

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