In truth, Fleet thrives in the midrange, as while her arrows are good, her bow is the real gem of her toolkit, a powerful disjoint that pushes out opponents. That's where her true archetype lies, an aerial bait-and-punish character who hits like a truck in the air. Her light weight is actually a boon, as it allows her to easily escape combos and punish opponents for overextending. She may thrive in the air, but her ground game is not shoddy at all. She has an extremely active anti-air Up Tilt and Dash Attack which punish opponents for landing against her, and excellent launchers with Down Tilt and hitfall Neutral Air to aid. She even has a pseudo ground game with instant Slow Fall (ISF), greatly improving her "grounded" mobility and attacks with access to her excellent Aerials. She also has a unique mechanic to many of her arrows, her Wind Chime, a timed explosion that functions as a hot potato between the opponent and her. If it explodes, best believe that it's a free hit for the other character, and it's not always easy to just shield or parry, since Fleet herself will be running at you with her own hit, especially with an active tornado from her Side Special.
Unlike other characters, however, her punish game is not characterized as much by pure tech chases or air juggles. Instead, Fleet's greatest strength is her offstage game. Once an opponent is offstage, Fleet can edgeguard the mess out of them with her Slow Fall Aerials, whether it's shoving off with Forward Air, or high power moves with both Up Air and Back Air that can kill at any moment. She can even edgeguard with Down Air, which has a deceptively wide range along the initial hitbox as well. She doesn't always have to kill offstage, though, since she has powerful grounded kill options like DACUS, with the bow hitbox of her Up Strong being unusually strong, as well as Down Strong, an incredibly active move compared to her quick arrows.
There may be many Fleet players out there who play the zoner game by shooting only arrows, but when in the right hands, Fleet does not play at all like a zoner. Fleet actively pushes against the opponent's positioning and baits out committal attacks to hit the airborne fox, and her hazy control of the midrange space can be played in a variety of approaches and playstyles. If Fleet is coming in with an attack on the opponent, it's not the "zoner" who's in trouble. It's the opponent.
![]() |
Pros | Cons |
Slow Fall is triggered by inputting JumpDefault Controls
KB: while inputting
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
, meaning that the two can be input simultaneously. Both of these inputs can be held starting at any point, as holding any input and then performing the other input will result in the Slow Fall.
- If you want to get a Slow Fall from any height, hold
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
, and then press
JumpDefault Controls
- If you want to jump and then slow fall at a select height, hold
JumpDefault Controls
KB:, and then press
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
Importantly, once Fleet enters Slow Fall, it is no longer necessary to keep holding these inputs. Fleet can fastfall starting on frame 10, though it does not actually remove the Slow Fall effect. Fleet will also automatically trigger Slow Fall if she continues to hold JumpDefault Controls
KB: and reaches the apex of her jump height, but this can only be done from a jump. Aerials will not disrupt her slow fall state, though all of her Specials will.
This is a core part of her gameplay, whether in neutral, advantage, or disadvantage state. Fleet has only one Slow Fall per airtime, and it's only possible to regain it after landing on stage. Grabbing ledge does not restore Slow Fall.
If done at a grounded height, Fleet will perform an Instant Slow Fall (ISF), coming out on frame 6 since Fleet needs to spend a frame airborne before Slow Fall. Fleet's specific velocity break down is that she resets to zero vertical velocity at the beginning of slow fall, and then reaches her maximum slow fall speed2 cm/s. at frame 3. On frame 60, Fleet will lose the Slow Fall effect and begin to accelerate to her regular fall speed as per usual.
If Fleet is in Slow Fall, Fleet will gain an upward boostHer vertical velocity is set to 25 cm/s. while gliding over her own Tornado (Side Special). This works even if you fastfall into it.
Three audible chimes will go off every second60 frames., rising in pitch, and the wind tornado circling around the character will gradually rise, indicating the countdown to the explosion. When the countdown is up, the character will be hit into the air by the explosion, resetting all the momentum that they previously had. During this delay of 3 seconds, if a character with Wind Chime hits another character (including Fleet), the Wind Chime will be transferred over. This can be continued to be transferred back and forth until the explosion is triggered.
This effect can stack as many times as you want. For more, read Neutral Special.
Normal Moves
AttackDefault Controls
KB: ( >
AttackDefault Controls
KB: >
AttackDefault Controls
KB: )
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Jab 1 | 3% | 5 | 6-7 | 14 [3]Regular endlag. [In-between frames before this Jab can be cancelled.] |
22 [11]Regular IASA. [Earliest Jab cancellable frame.] |
N/A | 4.0 + 0.0 | 45 | 3 | Stun |
Jab 2 | 3% | 4 | 5-7 | 15 [2]Regular endlag. [In-between frames before this Jab can be cancelled.] |
23 [10]Regular IASA. [Earliest Jab cancellable frame.] |
N/A | 4.0 + 0.0 | 50 | 3 | Stun |
Jab 3 Sweet | 6% | 5 | 6-9 | 21 | 31 | N/A | 5.5 + 0.4 | 35 | 5 | Stun |
Jab 3 Sour | 5% | 5 | 6-9 | 21 | 31 | N/A | 5.5 + 0.4 | 45 | 5 | Stun |
- Jab 1 and Jab 2 can be auto-floorhugged.
- Jab 1 can be cancelled into Jab 2 and Tilts starting on frame 11.
- Jab 2 can be cancelled into Jab 3 and Tilts starting on frame 10.
- Jab 3 can be empowered with Wind Chime. Notably, it will only spend Stamina on shield and not on whiff.
A quick three-part jab that ends with an arrow stab.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Jab 1 | True | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 4 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 4.400 | 2.57 | True | True | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Jab 2 | True | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 4 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 4.400 | 2.57 | True | True | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Jab 3 Sweet | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 12 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 12 | 6.800 | 5.82 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Jab 3 Sour | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 8 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 8 | 6.000 | 4.65 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Forward Tilt
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
A light tilt of the left stick
or Walk Mod.Default Controls
KB: (defaults to
for KB)
will prevent accidental Dash Attacks. / Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
A light tilt of the left stick
or Walk Mod.Default Controls
KB: (defaults to
for KB)
will prevent accidental Dash Attacks. + AttackDefault Controls
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
7% | 10 | 11-13 | 20 | 34 | N/A | 3.5 + 0.85 | 45 | 6 | Stun |
A basic swipe in front of Fleet which hits opponents away horizontally. This move is great at creating space for Fleet, as well as a get-off-me tool.
Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 10 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 10 | 7.600 | 7.08 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Up Tilt
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
AttackDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Multihit | 2% | 8 | 9-11, 13-14, 16-17 | 15 | 36 | N/A | 4.0 + 0.0 | 110 | 2 | Stun |
Final | 3% | 8 | 19-20 | 15 | 36 | N/A | 6.5 + 0.65 | 90 | 3 | Stun |
- Multihit has a 0.5x SSDI multiplier and a 0.2x shield push multiplier.
An upward multi-hitting bow twirl with good combo potential at low and mid percents. Acts as a very forgiving anti-air in front of Fleet due to its disjoint and long active frames. Can combo into Up Air.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Multihit | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 4 | 0.5 | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 2.320 | 1.67 | True | True | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Final | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 10 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 10 | 4.400 | 2.57 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Down Tilt
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
A light tilt of the left stick
or Walk Mod.Default Controls
KB: (defaults to
for KB)
will prevent accidental platform drops. + AttackDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Sweet | 6% | 9 | 10-12 | 16 | 29 | N/A | 7.0 + 0.4 | 85 | 5 | Stun |
Sour | 6% | 9 | 10-12 | 16 | 29 | N/A | 6.0 + 0.4 | 40 | 5 | Stun |
A low-hitting swipe which pops opponents upward for strong combo followups, with a sourspot which sends out. This combos into Grab, Up Tilt. This also combos into Up Air as a kill confirm. Also useful for ledgetrapping due to the sourspot's angle, and the sweetspot comboing into Up Strong.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Sweet | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 8 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 8 | 6.800 | 5.82 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Sour | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 8 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 8 | 6.800 | 5.82 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Dash Attack
While Dashing / Running AttackDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Multihit | 2% | 8 | 9-11, 12-14 | 23 | 41 | N/A | 5.0 + 0.55 | 45 | 2 | Stun |
Final | 4% | 8 | 15-17 | 23 | 41 | N/A | 5.0 + 0.55 | 45 | 4 | Stun |
- Has a shield push multiplier of 0.5x.
A multi-hitting lunge attack. Rather interestingly, despite having three hits, all the moves deal the same knockback and angle, with the only difference being percent. This is Fleet's only grounded burst movement option, which can be rough due to her lackluster ground movement in general.
This move can be useful for whiff punishing as well as a useful get off me tool, being surprisingly competent at all percents, even able to link into hits like Up Strong on DI in at high percents. This makes it possible to set up for edgeguards at high percents. Try to not throw this move out too much in neutral, however, as it is very punishable on shield or on whiff.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Multihit | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 4 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 2.000 | 1.67 | False | False | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Final | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 8 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 8 | 3.600 | 3.57 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Strong Attacks
Forward Strong
( Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
+ )
StrongDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK)
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Early | 11% | 18+4 [22]Pre-charge Frames + Post-charge Frames [Total Uncharged Startup] |
23-25Fleet shoots the arrow on frame 23 and immediately enters endlag. | 32 | 56 | N/A | 8.0 + 0.9 | 45 | 9 | Stun (Reflect) |
Mid | 5% | 18+4 [22]Pre-charge Frames + Post-charge Frames [Total Uncharged Startup] |
26-30Fleet shoots the arrow on frame 23 and immediately enters endlag. Requires verification. | 32 | 56 | N/A | 6.0 + 0.75 | 45 | 5 | No Stun (Reflect) |
Late | 5% | 18+4 [22]Pre-charge Frames + Post-charge Frames [Total Uncharged Startup] |
31+Fleet shoots the arrow on frame 23 and immediately enters endlag. Arrow lasts 300 frames. | 32 | 56 | N/A | 5.0 + 0.4 | 45 | 5 | No Stun (Reflect) |
- Can be empowered with Wind Chime.
A unique Strong Attack that shoots an arrow forward. Charging the move will make the arrow travel faster and further. Has a close-range sweetspot with significantly more knockback, acting as a strong but somewhat slow kill option. The long-range arrow is excellent for edgeguards and tech chases, though admittedly a bit more passive compared to using her Aerials for the same function.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Early | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 12 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 6 | 10.800 | 13.00 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Mid | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 10 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 5 | 6.000 | 4.65 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Late | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 7 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 3 | 6.000 | 4.65 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Up Strong
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
StrongDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK)
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Early | 14% | 16+4 [20]Pre-charge Frames + Post-charge Frames [Total Uncharged Startup] |
21-22Fleet shoots the arrow on frame 21 and immediately enters endlag. | 32 | 54 | N/A | 7.0 + 1.15 | 90 | 12 | Stun (Reflect) |
Mid | 10% | 16+4 [20]Pre-charge Frames + Post-charge Frames [Total Uncharged Startup] |
23-27Fleet shoots the arrow on frame 21 and immediately enters endlag. | 32 | 54 | N/A | 7.0 + 0.9 | 85 | 9 | No Stun (Reflect) |
Late | 8% | 16+4 [20]Pre-charge Frames + Post-charge Frames [Total Uncharged Startup] |
28-90Fleet shoots the arrow on frame 21 and immediately enters endlag. | 32 | 54 | N/A | 7.0 + 0.55 | 80 | 7 | No Stun (Reflect) |
Falling | 4% | 16+60+4 [80]Pre-charge Frames + Full Charge + Post-charge Frames [Total Fully Charged Startup] |
91+Fleet shoots the arrow on frame 21 and immediately enters endlag. Arrow lasts for 300 frames. This window only activates when fully charged. | 32 | 54 | N/A | 6.0 + 0.0 | 270 | 4 | No Stun (Reflect) |
- Can be empowered with Wind Chime.
Similar to Forward Strong, but shoots an arrow straight up instead. The close-range sweetspot has strong vertical knockback, while the arrow itself can be an oppressive juggle tool, especially against bigger characters.
If the move is fully charged, the arrow will come back down after a few seconds, with similar properties to Down Air's arrow. This seems like mostly a gimmick, due to how long it takes to set up and the predictable timing and narrow hitbox of the arrow, but it's also really funny when it works.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Early | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 13 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 6 | 13.200 | 18.37 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Mid | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 12 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 6 | 10.000 | 11.39 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Late | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 9 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 8.400 | 8.42 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Falling | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 5 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 2 | 5.200 | 3.57 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Down Strong
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
A light tilt of the left stick
or Walk Mod.Default Controls
KB: (defaults to
for KB)
will prevent accidental platform drops. + StrongDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK)
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Early | 10% | 6+10 [16]Pre-charge Frames + Post-charge Frames [Total Uncharged Startup] |
17-19 | 18 | 51 | N/A | 7.5 + 1.15 | 65 | 9 | Stun |
Late | 8% | 6+10 [16]Pre-charge Frames + Post-charge Frames [Total Uncharged Startup] |
20-32 | 18 | 51 | N/A | 7.0 + 0.7 | 65 | 7 | Stun |
Unlike her other Strongs, this puts a tornado down in front of Fleet. This attack has a long lasting and large hitbox and is considerably faster than her other attacks. However, unlike most characters' Down Strongs, it only hits in front rather than on both sides.
This move is a solid grounded kill option that covers Fleet's close range, and it is a strong ledgetrapping option due to its many active frames, able to combo into her other kill options like Back Air or Up Air.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Early | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 14 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 14 | 10.000 | 11.39 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Late | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 10 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 10 | 8.400 | 8.42 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Neutral Air
While Airborne AttackDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Early | 9% | 4 | 5-7 | 20 | 41 | 9 | 4.25 + 0.85 | 45 | 8 | Stun |
Late | 6% | 4 | 8-20 | 20 | 41 | 9 | 2.6 + 0.7 | 45 | 5 | Stun |
A spinning attack that hits on both sides and has long active frames. It comes out incredibly fast, and it has really low landing lag.
This is one of Fleet's most important moves, as it can really serve any role in Fleet's gameplan. This move becomes especially good when combined with ISF or low Slow Fall, and combined with hitfallingHitfall
A tech in which the attacker can buffer a fastfall during hitpause. Exclusive to Rivals of Aether and Rivals of Aether II., this becomes one of Fleet's most lagless pseudo-grounded moves. Of course, hitfalling the Neutral Air may be all you need to link into either another Neutral Air or potentially an Up Tilt.
ISF hitfall Neutral Air is essential combo filler when it comes to carrying the opponent offstage, and it can be great for edgeguarding, as its speed makes it the ideal starter when the opponent is actionable offstage, even being a possible kill option when positioned near the side blastzone. This move also makes for a great option out of shield, although the angle of the attack means it has a harder time hitting opponents behind her.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Early | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 10 | Default | Default | 1.0 | 1.0 | 10 | 9.200 | 9.86 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Late | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 8 | Default | Default | 1.0 | 1.0 | 8 | 6.800 | 5.82 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Forward Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Presumes character is facing right. +
AttackDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Multihit | 2% | 7 | 8-10, 11-13, 14-16 | 20 | 40 | 11 | 3.5 + 0.0 | 45 | 2 | Stun |
Final | 3% | 7 | 18-19 | 20 | 40 | 11 | 5.0 + 0.4 | 45 | 3 | Stun |
- Multihit can be auto-floorhugged.
- Multihit has a 0.5x SSDI multiplier and a 0.5x hitstun multiplier.
A multi-hitting bow twirl. Good as a spacing aerial and for dragging opponents across the stage, but does have the tendency for opponents to fall out if not used with correct spacing. This is best for pushing opponents offstage, shoving them out further and further away until they are too far to recover.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Multihit | True | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 4 | 0.5 | 1.0 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 4 | 3.600 | 1.67 | True | True | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Final | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 7 | Default | Default | 1.0 | 1.0 | 7 | 4.400 | 2.57 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Back Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Presumes character is facing right. +
AttackDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Sweet | 10% | 9 | 10-12 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 5.3 + 1.02 | 45 | 9 | Stun |
Sour | 7% | 9 | 12-13 | 24 | 38 | 12 | 4.75 + 0.92 | 45 | 6 | Stun |
Reverse | 5% | 9 | 10-12 | 24 | 38 | 12 | 5.0 + 0.4 | 55 | 5 | Stun |
A powerful backwards bow swing, strongest at close range. Will turn Fleet around if done high in the air, but not if she lands quickly after using the move. This move is a powerful finisher for her, and it importantly is a DI mixup coupled with Up Air. Notably, this move has a reverse hitbox, making it really tricky for DI crossups. It's a good pressure tool, and it also is useful to contest grounded opponents by landing with this aerial.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Sweet | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 12 | Default | Default | 1.0 | 1.0 | 12 | 10.000 | 11.39 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Sour | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 11 | Default | Default | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 7.600 | 7.08 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Reverse | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 7 | Default | Default | 1.0 | 1.0 | 7 | 6.000 | 4.65 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Up Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
AttackDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Early | 10% | 11 | 12 | 25 | 41 | 13 | 4.5 + 1.02 | 72 | 9 | Stun |
Late Sweet | 7% | 11 | 13-15 | 25 | 41 | 13 | 4.5 + 0.88 | 75 | 6 | Stun |
Late Sour | 5% | 11 | 13-15 | 25 | 41 | 13 | 4.5 + 0.55 | 75 | 5 | Stun |
A upwards bow swing similar to Back Air. Has a powerful sweetspot directly in front of Fleet. Again, a DI mixup coupled with Up Air. Useful as a combo tool from low to mid percents. Due to its sweetspot, it can break crouch cancelled floorhugging very early, and it can often be chained into itself against fastfallers. However, the sourspots are generally not great, and the move is overall quite laggy. Low Slow Fall Up Air is the go-to for hitting grounded opponents due to this move being slower. Powerful finisher at high percents on platforms.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Early | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 11 | Default | Default | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 10.000 | 11.39 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Late Sweet | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 10 | Default | Default | 1.0 | 1.0 | 10 | 7.600 | 7.08 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Late Sour | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 8 | Default | Default | 1.0 | 1.0 | 8 | 6.000 | 4.65 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Down Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
AttackDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Early | 11% | 17 | 18-19Fleet releases the arrow on frame 18 and immediately enters endlag. | 29 | 48 | 15 | 5.5 + 0.55 | 270 | 9 | Stun (Reflect) |
Late | 6% | 17 | 18+Fleet releases the arrow on frame 18 and immediately enters endlag. Arrow lasts 300 frames. | 29 | 48 | 15 | 5.0 + 0.2 | 270 | 5 | Stun (Reflect) |
- Can be empowered with Wind Chime.
Shoots an arrow downwards. Acts as a powerful spike at close range, and still spikes (albeit very weakly) even at further ranges. This is a great tool for beating crouch cancelled floorhugging, and the early hit can serve as a great combo starter and tech chasing tool. Combined with Slow Fall, it is also quite the edgeguard tool, especially as it can continue being thrown out even if the opponent wall techs.
Curiously enough, if Down Air is parried, and Fleet is not hit by the reflected arrow, she will enter parry stun, despite it being a projectile attack.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Early | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 9 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 10.800 | 13.00 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Late | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 6 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 3 | 6.800 | 5.82 | True | True | False | HostVelocityAngle |
Neutral Special - Tornado Arrow
SpecialDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Enchant | N/A | 8 | N/A | 8 | 17 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Disenchant | N/A | 0 | N/A | 16 | 17 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Rummage | N/A | 80 | N/A | 20 | 101 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Rummage Fail (Aerial) | N/A | 8 | N/A | 30 | 39 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Wind Chime | 3% | 60 (x3)It will chime three times at the start of every window. | 181 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 8.0 + 0.25 | 90 | 3 | No Stun (None) |
When used, this consumes 1 Stamina and enchants Fleet's bow. The next physical arrow attack Fleet uses will be empowered, applying a Wind Chime onto the opponent on hit. Wind Chime explodes after a delay of 3 secondsExactly 180 frames., popping opponents slightly upward for easy follow ups. Wind Chimes can stack on a character if well-timed, potentially leading to two, three, or even four chained Wind Chime explosions in a row. However, if the opponent hits Fleet before the Wind Chime explodes, it will transfer to her instead, so be careful. Because they count as hitboxes, opponents can also shield or parry Wind Chimes. Fleet will not be put into stun if Wind Chime is parried, but the opponent can gain invincibility off it.
Missed empowered arrows will remain on the ground for a short period of time, which Fleet can pick up to regain 1 Stamina. Fleet can have up to a maximum of 6 Stamina. If Neutral Special is used while her bow is already enchanted, it will disenchant her bow, refunding 1 Stamina.
Using Wind Chime is one of Fleet's best ways of racking up additional hits on the opponent while she is out of range, as she can chase after opponents and follow up due to it. Because it is a timed hit, it can reset knockback velocity on characters who would otherwise be launched too far to get a combo hit on at high percents, allowing Fleet to get additional follow ups. However, leaving opponents with Wind Chime unattended is very dangerous, as parrying it puts Fleet into great disadvantage. This often means that Fleet has to chase after opponents to guarantee a follow up, punishing opponents for shielding the explosion by using Grab, or putting out more hits that prevent the opponent from timing a parry.
If Fleet has no Stamina and uses grounded Neutral Special, Fleet will go through a long animation, pulling out a piece of food to regain 1 Stamina. Due to its lag, it is generally better to use Pummel or Getup Special to refill Stamina.
If she has no Stamina and uses aerial Neutral Special, she will go through an animation and regain no Stamina at all. This has no practical use other than style.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Enchant | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Disenchant | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Rummage | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Rummage Fail (Aerial) | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Wind Chime | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 9 | 0.0 | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 4.400 | 2.57 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Forward Special - Jet Stream Shot
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
SpecialDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Wind Arrow (Early) | 5% | 27 | 28-35Fleet shoots the arrow on frame 28 and immediately enters endlag. | 20 | 49 | N/A | 7.0 + 0.35 | 70 | 5 | No Stun (None) |
Wind Arrow (Late) | 5% | 27 | 36-39Fleet shoots the arrow on frame 28 and immediately enters endlag. | 20 | 49 | N/A | 5.0 + 0.25 | 70 | 5 | No Stun (None) |
Tornado | 1% | 27 | 80-139Tornado is spawned and vulnerable starting on frame 75. | 20 | 49 | N/A | 6.0 + 0.0 | 45 | 6 | No Stun (None) |
- Can be angled up or down at numerous angles.
Fleet fires a special wind arrow. If the arrow is not destroyed by clanking with another hitbox, after a short delay, it spawns a small Tornado that follows the path the arrow took. Tornado will push any opponent on hit along its trajectory, having a long active frame window and repeatedly hitting the opponent. If Fleet is hit by an attack or Grabbed after the arrow is fired, Tornado will despawn immediately. Tornado will also despawn if any attack connects with it, including many projectiles. There is also a brief window where the Tornado is vulnerable for 5 frames before gaining a hitbox. If Fleet is in Slow Fall and lands on top of the Tornado, it will give her a quick upward momentum boost.
If the arrow is parried, the Tornado will spawn in the opposite direction, and the opponent will instead be immune to the Tornado, with Fleet being hit instead upon contact.
The arrow itself is a good combo starter, as well as a tech chase tool given the sweetspot. Fleet is completely actionable while the tornado is active. This is one of her best ways of controlling space, as it forces the opponent to make a decision, either having to throw out a hitbox to contest tornado, or retreat to potentially parry the tornado. Shielding the tornado is generally a winning exchange for Fleet, as the opponent cannot both defend against Tornado and Fleet's Grab at the same time. The Tornado can also function as a combo extension for Fleet, becoming a powerful tool in her punish and combo game.
However, Fleet cannot just run away and Side Special over and over again. If given enough space or timing, the opponent can easily parry the Tornado to give themselves the space advantage, reversing the projectile and creating the pressure on Fleet. This becomes especially a problem for Clairen, who can freely trigger her NFZ if Fleet isn't attentive. Fleet should always have a follow up plan to pressure and protect her Tornado.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Wind Arrow (Early) | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 8 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 6.000 | 4.65 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Wind Arrow (Late) | True | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 6 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 3 | 6.000 | 4.65 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Tornado | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 5 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | N/A | 2 | 2.800 | 0.85 | False | True | True | SpecifiedAngle |
- The tornado will rehit 10 frames after the previous hit.
Up Special - Wind Launch
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
SpecialDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Rising | 4% | 10 | 11-12 | 4,13 | 55+ | 30 | 12.0 + 0.3 | 70 | 4 | Stun |
Launch | 12% | 10 | 30 | 4,13 | 55+ | 30 | 6.5 + 0.9 | 145 | 10 | Stun |
Travel | 9% | 10 | 31-44If Fleet is descending, she can grab ledge. | 13Fleet enters pratfall on frame 14. | 55+ | 30 | 6.5 + 0.85 | 70 | 8 | Stun |
- Can be angled for a total of 19 angles. The highest, middle, and lowest angle are depicted.
- Puts Fleet into pratfall.
Fleet's primary recovery move where she leaps upwards and then forwards. This move notably stops Fleet in place, resetting any previous momentum Fleet had. The second leap can be angled up or down during startup to alter the trajectory, and both hits come with a hitbox to provide a bit of coverage. Fleet can start grabbing ledge when she starts moving downward, meaning the lower the angle, the earlier she can grab ledge. This move can also be edge cancelled on downward angles during travel, propelling her forward with high burst velocity, allowing for additional movement mixups.
This move is surprisingly strong, which can allow it to be a flashy kill option.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Rising | False | ReverseFacing | N/A | False | False | False | 9 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 9 | 5.200 | 3.57 | False | True | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Launch | False | ReverseFacing | N/A | False | False | False | 11 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 11 | 11.600 | 14.70 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Travel | False | ReverseFacing | N/A | False | False | False | 11 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 11 | 9.200 | 9.86 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Down Special - Dodge Shot
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
SpecialDefault Controls
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
7% | 8+10+12 [30]Startup. Dodge. Drawing bow. [Total Effective Startup.] | 31+Fleet shoots it on frame 31, then immediately enters endlag. The arrows lasts for 300 frames. | 42She can start fastfalling on frame 16. | 74 | 22On whiff. / 8On hit. | 8.0 + 0.4 | 85 | 6 | Stun (Reflect) |
- Can be empowered with Wind Chime.
- Can be cancelled into wall jump.
Fleet leaps backward with some intangibility and shoots an arrow diagonally down.
This move is a useful evasive tool, creating space between Fleet and the opponent, but it has very high recovery and landing lag, though the landing lag is significantly reduced if Fleet hits the opponent with the arrow. It can be useful as a combo tool in certain scenarios. This move is useful for recovery, as reversing it allows for Fleet to get closer to the wall, and she can wall jump out of its endlag. Note, however, that Fleet will be put into parry stun if she gets parried for it.
Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 9 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 7.600 | 7.08 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Grabs & Throws
Standing Grab: GrabDefault Controls
Dash Grab: While Dashing / Running GrabDefault Controls
Pivot Grab: During Run TurnaroundState when reversing direction during a Run GrabDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Grab | N/A | 6 | 7-8 | 23 | 32 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Dash Grab | N/A | 9 | 10-11 | 27 | 39 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Pivot Grab | N/A | 9 | 10-11 | 30 | 42 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Fleet's Grab is finicky, due to her rather static ground game. She can confirm into it off of hitfallingHitfall
A tech in which the attacker can buffer a fastfall during hitpause. Exclusive to Rivals of Aether and Rivals of Aether II. Neutral Air or Up Air, but other than that, she mostly gets edgeguard situations or tech chases with Forward Strong. Her shield pressure is also not phenomenal, making her Grab game worse, since her Aerials either are missing the range to properly space on shield or are too laggy to function as proper pressure. Her best pressure is generally locking the opponent in shield through usage of Tornado coupled with pressure from her own normals, but in general, she has a harder time getting Grab off.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Grab | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Dash Grab | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Pivot Grab | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Pummel Attack
GrabDefault Controls
KB: >
AttackDefault Controls
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
8% | 10 | 11 | 20 | 32 | N/A | 4.0 + 0.0 | 45 | 7 | Stun |
Drops a food item behind Fleet that will recover 1 Stamina when picked up.
Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 4 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 8.400 | 8.42 | False | False | True | SpecifiedAngle |
- Drops a food item to charge arrows.
Pummel Special
GrabDefault Controls
KB: >
SpecialDefault Controls
Bomb has been planted.
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
6% | 10 | 11 | 20 | 32 | N/A | 4.0 + 0.0 | 45 | 5 | Stun |
Will place a Wind Chime on the opponent without spending any Stamina.
Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 4 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 6.800 | 5.82 | False | False | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Forward Throw
GrabDefault Controls
KB: >
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Presumes character is facing right.
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Throw | 2% | 11 | 12 | 24 | 88 | N/A | 10.0 + 0.0 | 70 | 2 | Stun |
Arrows 1 and 2 | 1% | 11 | 13, 40 | 24 | 88 | N/A | 8.0 + 0.15 | 45 | 2 | Stun (Destroy) |
Arrow 3 | 1% | 11 | 57 | 24 | 88 | N/A | 8.0 + 0.15 | 45 | 2 | Stun (Destroy) |
- Homing arrows cannot be SSDIed.
- Final homing arrow is not weight independent.
Pops the opponent upward and then shoots homing arrows at them three times in succession. Excellent for setting up edgeguards because it consistently sends quite far.
While the opponent can technically DI to a platform and tech the initial throw, this at best can only avoid one of the three homing arrows. However, since this is a multihit move, this move can be DIed on four different hits to end up in vastly different places.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Throw | False | N/A | N/A | False | False | True | 7 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 7 | 3.600 | 1.67 | False | True | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Arrows 1 and 2 | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 7 | 0.0 | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 3 | 2.800 | 0.85 | False | False | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Arrow 3 | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 7 | 0.0 | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 3 | 2.800 | 0.85 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Back Throw
GrabDefault Controls
KB: >
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Presumes character is facing right.
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Throw | 2% | 8 | 9 | 26 | 42 | N/A | 12.0 + 0.0 | 135 | N/A | N/A |
Arrow (Early) | 2% | 8 | 15 | 26 | 42 | N/A | 8.0 + 0.4 | 45 | 2 | No Stun (Reflect) |
Arrow (Late) | 2% | 8 | 15 | 26 | 42 | N/A | 4.0 + 0.4 | 45 | 2 | No Stun (Reflect) |
- Arrows cannot be SSDIed.
- Can be empowered with Wind Chime.
- Arrow tumbles starting at 14%/77% depending on if early/late.
Throws the opponent backwards and then shoots a spread of three simultaneous arrows at them.
Notably, this is the only Throw that can use Wind Chime off of Neutral Special, making it possible to get a double Wind Chime on the opponent when combined with Pummel Special. After the end of Pummel Special, double Wind Chime will come out if Back Throw is inputted on Frame 18 of grab window or later
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Throw | N/A | N/A | True | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 1.0 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | True | True | N/A |
Arrow (Early) | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 9 | 0.0 | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 3.600 | 1.67 | False | True | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Arrow (Late) | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 7 | 0.0 | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 3 | 3.600 | 1.67 | False | True | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Up Throw
GrabDefault Controls
KB: >
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
Throw | 3% | 10 | 11 | 28 | 46 | N/A | 11.0 + 0.0 | 90 | N/A | N/A |
Arrow | 2% | 10 | 17 | 28 | 46 | N/A | 8.5 + 0.4 | 75 | 2 | No Stun (Reflect) |
- Homing arrow cannot be SSDIed.
- Arrow always tumbles.
Throws opponents straight up with a homing arrow. This is a good combo throw, especially on fastfallers, able to combo into all of her Aerials depending on DI, as well as potential juggles with Up Strong.
Hit / Hitbox | Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Throw | N/A | N/A | True | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 1.0 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | True | True | N/A |
Arrow | False | N/A | N/A | True | True | True | 9 | 0.0 | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 3.600 | 1.67 | True | True | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Down Throw
GrabDefault Controls
KB: >
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: /
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
4% | 15 | 16 | 21 | 38 | N/A | 8.0 + 0.3 | 65 | 4 | Stun |
- Weight independent.
- Always tumbles.
A solid combo throw. Useful for tech chasing and combos, especially against floaties. At high percents on DI in, this can combo into Aerials and kill confirm into Down Strong on fastfallers, and kill confirm into Up Air on floaties.
Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
False | N/A | N/A | False | False | True | 8 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 8 | 5.200 | 3.57 | False | True | True | SpecifiedAngle |
Misc. Attacks
Ledge Attack
During Ledgehang AttackDefault Controls
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
6% | 28 | 29-31 | 24 | 56 | N/A | 8.0 + 0.3 | 45 | 5 | Stun |
- Intangible between frames 1-31.
- Ledge is no longer occupied starting on frame 31.
Very standard ledge attack.
Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 8 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 8 | 6.800 | 5.82 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Ledge Special
During Ledgehang SpecialDefault Controls
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
7% | 32Fleet becomes vulnerable on frame 31. Aim is determined before frame 30. | 33+Fleet shoots on frame 33 and immediately enters endlag. Arrow lasts 300 frames. | 26 | 60 | N/A | 8.0 + 0.4 | 70 | 6 | No Stun (Reflect) |
- Intangible between frames 1-33.
- Ledge is no longer occupied starting on frame 31.
- Can be empowered with Wind Chime.
- Can be angled left or right for a total of 3 angles on the arrow.
Shoots an arrow at an upward arc. Can be angled left or right to change the trajectory of the arrow.
Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 9 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 7.600 | 7.08 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Getup Attack
During Knockdown AttackDefault Controls
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
6% | 16 | 17-25 | 25 | 51 | N/A | 9.0 + 0.25 | 45 | 5 | Stun |
- Intangible between frames 1-25.
Very standard getup attack.
Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
False | N/A | N/A | False | False | False | 8 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 8 | 6.800 | 5.82 | True | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Getup Special
During Knockdown SpecialDefault Controls
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Scaling. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. | ShieldstunThe amount of shieldstun a hit incurs. To know how to count this in shield advantage, read here. | Parry?Determines the behavior of the attacker (and article) when the hit is parried. For more, read here. |
4% | 22 | 23+Fleet throws meat on frame 23 and immediately enters endlag. Meat lasts 300 frames. | 37 | 61 | N/A | 8.0 + 0.3 | 45 | 4 | No Stun (Reflect) |
- Intangible between frames 1-21.
Throws a food item to each side as a short-ranged projectile. If (and only if) one makes contact with the opponent, it bounces back and can be consumed to restore 1 Stamina.
Auto-FloorhuggableCan this hit be auto-floorhugged? Read more about this here. | B-Reverse CategoryThis determines whether or not a B-reverse changes the velocity, the way a character is facing, or nothing at all. | Is Throw?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Is Projectile?If yes, this cannot be SDIed and has no hitpause, throwing immediately. | Shares Hitpause?If yes, both characters will freeze in hitpause. If not, only the defender will freeze in hitpause while the attacker continues to move. | Force TumbleDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's SSDI on hit. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of opponent's ASDI on hit. | Hitstun MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hit. | Hitstun Hitfall MultiplierModifies the amount of hitstun incurred upon hitfalling the hit. | Shield HitpauseDoes the hitbox force tumble regardless of knockback? | Shield PushbackThe initial pushback velocity of a shielding opponent (and potentially attacker) if the attack connects. | Shield DamageHow much damage to shield does this do? Note, a shield has 50 health in total. | Can Reverse Hit?If true, the angle will send depending on where the defender is relative to the attacker. If false, the angle will send depending on which way the attacker is facing. For more, read here. | Ground Techable?Can this hit be teched on the ground? If not, this will always force a knockdown. | Weight Independent?If yes, this hit will treat all characters as the same weight of 50. Different characters at the same percent will receive the same amount of hitstun. | Knockback FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
False | N/A | N/A | True | True | False | 8 | Default | Default | 1.0 | N/A | 4 | 5.200 | 3.57 | False | True | False | SpecifiedAngle |
Unlocked at Character Level 50. Cannot be purchased in the shop.
Default | Red | Blue | Green |
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Unlocked at Character Level 50 | Unlocked at Character Level 50 | Unlocked at Character Level 50 | Unlocked at Character Level 50 |
Unlocked at Character Level 100. Cannot be purchased in the shop.
Default | Red | Blue | Green |
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Unlocked at Character Level 100 | Unlocked at Character Level 100 | Unlocked at Character Level 100 | Unlocked at Character Level 100 |
Kickstarter Backer exclusive skin.
Default | Red | Blue | Green |
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Kickstarter Backer exclusive | Kickstarter Backer exclusive | Kickstarter Backer exclusive | Kickstarter Backer exclusive |
Common Tier skin available for purchase in the rotating Coin Shop or in the Bucks Shop.
Default | Red | Blue | Green |
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Purchasable in the Coin Shop | Comes with purchase of this skin | Comes with purchase of this skin | Comes with purchase of this skin |
Common Tier skin available for purchase in the rotating Coin Shop or in the Bucks Shop.
Default | Red | Blue | Green |
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Purchasable in the Coin Shop | Comes with purchase of this skin | Comes with purchase of this skin | Comes with purchase of this skin |
Rare Tier skin available for purchase in the Bucks Shop.
Default | Red | Blue | Green |
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Purchasable in the Bucks Shop | Comes with purchase of this skin | Comes with purchase of this skin | Comes with purchase of this skin |
Night Owl (Pyjama)
Rare Tier skin available for purchase in the Bucks Shop. This costume was created as part of the Kickstarter tier "Skin in the Game," which allowed the backer at this tier to design a skin to appear in the game. The Kickstarter palette was given exclusively to the skin's Kickstarter designer to give away.
Default | Red | Blue | Green | Kickstarter |
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Purchasable in the Bucks Shop | Comes with purchase of this skin | Comes with purchase of this skin | Comes with purchase of this skin | Designer exclusive |
Rare Tier skin available for purchase in the Bucks Shop or in the Lovestuck Bundle.
Default | Red | Blue | Green |
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Purchasable in the Bucks Shop | Comes with purchase of this skin | Comes with purchase of this skin | Comes with purchase of this skin |
Fan Girl (Fan)
This costume was created as part of the Kickstarter tier "Skin in the Game," which allowed the backer at this tier to design a skin to appear in the game. It is currently unavailable but will be added in the shop in the near future. The Kickstarter palette was given exclusively to the skin's Kickstarter designer to give away.
Default | Red | Blue | Green | Kickstarter |
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Currently unavailable. | Currently unavailable. | Currently unavailable. | Currently unavailable. | Designer exclusive |
Badger Princess
This costume was created as part of the Kickstarter tier "Skin in the Game," which allowed the backer at this tier to design a skin to appear in the game. It is currently unavailable but will be added in the shop in the future. The Kickstarter palette was given exclusively to the skin's Kickstarter designer to give away.
Default | Red | Blue | Green | Kickstarter |
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Currently unavailable. | Currently unavailable. | Currently unavailable. | Currently unavailable. | Designer exclusive |
This skin is currently unavailable. It's Kickstarter palette indicates that it may have been designed as part of the Kickstarter tier "Skin in the Game," although only 3 of those tiers were reached. It is possible that this skin was either merged with or is an early version of the Princess skin above. It is currently unavailable and unknown if it will be added in the future.
Default | Red | Blue | Green | Kickstarter |
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Currently unavailable. | Currently unavailable. | Currently unavailable. | Currently unavailable. | Currently unavailable. |
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To edit frame data, edit values in RoA2/Fleet/Data. |

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