Where can I buy Rivals of Aether 2? Is it on console?
Currently, Rivals of Aether 2 is only on Windows via Steam, though the developers have commented about a console release eventually.
Who should I play?
Whoever looks coolest to you!
The competitive meta of Rivals of Aether II is currently in its infancy; there is currently no definitive consensus on which particular characters are strong or weak. With that said, the developers at Aether Studios have a previous track record of spending years balancing the roster of their first title, to where any character can compete at a high level with enough effort.
Don't worry about who's easiest or who's the most "beginner friendly". The basic mechanics of the game apply to all characters, and at the same time, each character has their own unique quirks and gimmicks to learn. Kneecapping your enjoyment of a character to what's "best for your skill" will only take you so far.
If you aren't sure where to start, take a look at some of the character pages here on the wiki. Reading character summaries, viewing moves, and having links to clips and VODs may give you a better idea of which playstyles, strengths, and weaknesses fit you as a player.
Where can I meet other players?
Rivals can be found all over the interwebs, but the main hubs for the game are in either the official Rivals of Aether Discord (aka NAcord) or the Rivals of Aether Academy, which offers coaching and tournaments.
How is Rivals of Aether II different from Rivals of Aether?
The following is a non-exhaustive list of changes in core universal mechanics from the first game to the second.
Unlike the first Rivals of Aether, the sequel...:
- ...implements shields and spot-dodges as a universal mechanic, in addition to the existing dodge rolls, air dodges, and parry. The
ShieldDefault Controls
KB:input is now the default grounded defensive option.
ParryDefault Controls
KB:can still be bound to a dedicated button, and can also be performed by inputting
ShieldDefault Controls
SpecialDefault Controls
- ...implements grabs as a universal mechanic. In addition, Rivals of Aether II implements pummel specials in a first for the genre. Once grabbed, the player can either immediately throw, or go for a 50-50 with one of two different pummels: a standard Pummel Attack performed with the Attack input, or a Pummel Special featuring a character-unique follow-up. The opponent must guess between the Normal or Special to escape a grab.
- ...features grabbable ledges, and by extension, ledge options - including Ledge Specials, in a first for the genre. Once on the ledge, the player has options similar to what is possible in other platform fighter titles (getup, jump, drop, roll, and attack), or the new Ledge Special which features some character-unique property distinguishing itself from a typical ledge attack.
- ...features a knockdown state, and by extension, getup options - including Getup Special (also a first for platform fighters), which has a bonus effect in damage, range, or resources.
- ...does not allow for wall-jumps out of special fall for a one-time refresh of up-special. With the implementation of grabbable ledges, the developers determined that a sequence of up-special >> wall-jump >> 2nd up-special, all in the same air time, would be too much for recoveries.
- ...does not feature whifflag, which was an increase in endlag for missing an attack. To compensate, RoA2 has more endlag on moves overall.
- ...does not have Drift DI, a mechanic unique to the first Rivals of Aether, which was the ability to influence your horizontal trajectory acceleration during hitstun by holding a direction. This acted as a "secondary directional influence" of sorts that applied after DI-ing the initial knockback launch angle, and it was crucial for escaping combos and kill confirms. The developers have decided that the mechanic was subtle and difficult to explain to newcomers, and they have worked to create a system compatible with a lack of Drift DI.
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