Style Guide for Full Movelist Notation
Most of these are simple copy-and-paste jobs, but pay attention to cases where different notation might be necessary:
- Try to recall any moves in a character's kit that exists outside the standard universal movelist.
- See Maypul's Tether as a prime example for this.
- Note the different number of Jabs in jab sequence
- Remember to add the name of the special move:
- Neutral Special - Poison Darts
- Use (Hold OK) wherever applicable
- All Strongs should be marked (Hold OK) when listed out in a character page, unless RoA2 ever has a character without a chargeable Strong attack.
- Use "While in Air [input]" wherever applicable. Avoid (Air OK) tag in 99% of cases.
- All aerials are, of course, labelled "While in Air".
- Specials were considered for the "(Air OK)" tag, however since Specials are universally "Air OK", it was judged redundant.
- The rare edge case for an "(Air OK)" tag would be a universal move that wouldn't normally operate the same/similarly on both ground and air. The only examples we could come up with were Elliana's Strongs, from a character who is currently not in Rivals 2
- Wrastor's Strongs would NOT be tagged "(Air OK)". His Strongs are exclusive to the air, so they should be notated using "While in Air":
- While in Air Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + StrongDefault Controls
- While in Air Default Controls
- Splitting up moves into parts
- If a move involves another (possibly different) input for a possible follow-up move, you should consider multiple lines of splitting that move into multiple moves, and notate each accordingly.
- See Forsburn's Forward/Up Strong and Ranno's Up Special for prime examples of both.
- If the same move behaves differently under different states/circumstances, you should consider splitting that move into multiple moves, and notate according to the differences in state.
- See Kragg's Neutral Special as a prime example for this.
- If a move involves another (possibly different) input for a possible follow-up move, you should consider multiple lines of splitting that move into multiple moves, and notate each accordingly.
If at any point you are unsure how to notate a particular move, use the Discussion page or consult the Dragdown Discord server.
Case Study 1: Maypul's Tether
SpecialDefault Controls
KB: + AttackDefault Controls
KB: / GrabDefault Controls
KB: / StrongDefault Controls
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Growth; the distance the move launches the target, calculated with the move's damage and the target's percent. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. |
While her opponent has the Watcher's Mark, Maypul can pull herself to their location with her tether. She can control which side of the opponent she appears on with either Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / or Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / , appearing on the left or right side of her opponent respectively. If a direction apart from these two is held or no direction is held, Maypul will appear above the opponent. After Maypul tethers to the opponent, she is fully actionable.
With tether, Maypul's recovery becomes a mixup. It allows for her to survive positions where she could not recover. It is very exploitable, however, since the opponent can anticipate this with a strong move of their own, netting a KO. It is important for Maypul to mix up which direction she tethers to in order to avoid being free fodder.
Tether is not just for returning to stage, however -- it also allows Maypul to net important kill confirms offstage, far into the blastzone. For follow-up hits, Maypul usually tethers to the side of the opponent and never above, though there are exceptions.
- If the opponent is sent toward the side blastzones, she can side tether and Neutral Air as a kill confirm. Alternatively, she can use Forward Air to set up an edgeguard sequence if Neutral Air does not kill yet.
- If the opponent is sent toward the top blastzone, she can net an early kill with tether Up Air, though this is not a true confirm on DI up, as they are hardcoded to fall out of the multihit. However, even on DI up, Maypul can still salvage a kill with other options if the opponent picks poor follow-up defensive options. Maypul can also use Neutral Air to kill on DI up at high enough percents, or Forward Air alternatively to continue the combo.
In addition, Maypul can do tether mid-combo and onstage for kills. Sky's the limit for what is possible here, so get to labbing.
Maypul can also tether to Terry. Terry does not last for an incredibly long time, so try to be mindful of timing him right. To minimise risk, you should only use Terry as a last resort recovery for an off-stage kill that Maypul would otherwise die from.
If multiple tethers are available on the stage, Maypul will prioritise tethering to Terry, followed by marked opponent(s) in order of whoever is closest to Maypul.
Overall, mastering tether is what allows Maypul to net incredible KOs and deepening her punish game.
Autocancel WindowThe range of frames where the moves landing lag is skipped. | Auto FloorhuggableCan the hitbox be auto floorhugged? | Force TumbleCan the hitbox force tumble? | Shield StunThe amount of frames the move afflicts stun on the opponent's shield. | Shield Push MultiplierAdjusts the strength of the opponent's knockback if shielding the move. | Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun. | Hitfall Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun when hitfalling the move. | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Single Shift Directional Influence against the move. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Automatic Shift Directional Influence against the move. | Angle FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Case Study 2: Forsburn's Forward/Up Strong
Forward Strong
Cape: ( Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / / Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + ) StrongDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK)
Cape > Knife: ( Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / / Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + ) StrongDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK) > StrongDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Growth; the distance the move launches the target, calculated with the move's damage and the target's percent. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. |
The first hit of Forward Strong is disjointed, has a lot of range, and is fast, making it a powerful poke. On hit it brings the opponent closer to Forsburn. By pressing StrongDefault Controls
KB: again, Forsburn will do a stab with his dagger, which is very good at taking stocks. The first hit can be cancelled into a Jab or a Tilt to combo or pressure shields.
Of note, after performing Cape, the Knife follow-up occurs only after inputting StrongDefault Controls
KB: with the stick in a horizontal ( Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / / Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / ) or neutral position.
Hit / Hitbox | Autocancel WindowThe range of frames where the moves landing lag is skipped. | Auto FloorhuggableCan the hitbox be auto floorhugged? | Force TumbleCan the hitbox force tumble? | Shield StunThe amount of frames the move afflicts stun on the opponent's shield. | Shield Push MultiplierAdjusts the strength of the opponent's knockback if shielding the move. | Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun. | Hitfall Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun when hitfalling the move. | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Single Shift Directional Influence against the move. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Automatic Shift Directional Influence against the move. | Angle FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Up Strong
Cape: Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + StrongDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK)
Cape > Knife: Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / (Hold) + StrongDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK) > StrongDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Growth; the distance the move launches the target, calculated with the move's damage and the target's percent. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. |
Similar to Forward Strong, the first hit of Up Strong is a swing utilizing Forsburn's cape, although this time he swings the cape in an arc over his head. Again, pressing StrongDefault Controls
KB: a second time will have Forsburn stab with his dagger. The first hit can also be canceled into a Jab or a Tilt.
Of note, after performing Cape, the Knife follow-up occurs only after inputting StrongDefault Controls
KB: with the stick in the upwards position.
Hit / Hitbox | Autocancel WindowThe range of frames where the moves landing lag is skipped. | Auto FloorhuggableCan the hitbox be auto floorhugged? | Force TumbleCan the hitbox force tumble? | Shield StunThe amount of frames the move afflicts stun on the opponent's shield. | Shield Push MultiplierAdjusts the strength of the opponent's knockback if shielding the move. | Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun. | Hitfall Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun when hitfalling the move. | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Single Shift Directional Influence against the move. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Automatic Shift Directional Influence against the move. | Angle FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Case Study 3: Ranno's Up Special
Up Special - Poison Lunge
Rising: Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + SpecialDefault Controls
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Growth; the distance the move launches the target, calculated with the move's damage and the target's percent. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. |
This move sees Ranno launch himself upwards with a poison-infused strike. [insert smth about angles lol] If there is no dive follow-up, Ranno will be placed in a vulnerable fall state afterwards.
Autocancel WindowThe range of frames where the moves landing lag is skipped. | Auto FloorhuggableCan the hitbox be auto floorhugged? | Force TumbleCan the hitbox force tumble? | Shield StunThe amount of frames the move afflicts stun on the opponent's shield. | Shield Push MultiplierAdjusts the strength of the opponent's knockback if shielding the move. | Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun. | Hitfall Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun when hitfalling the move. | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Single Shift Directional Influence against the move. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Automatic Shift Directional Influence against the move. | Angle FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Dive: Rising > Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + SpecialDefault Controls
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Growth; the distance the move launches the target, calculated with the move's damage and the target's percent. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. |
At the apex of the initial rising strike, Ranno can lunge downwards. Landing with it can be edge-cancelled. Ranno remains actionable after the dive, and can be cancelled early with a double-jump, as soon as frame 42 from dive-startup.
Autocancel WindowThe range of frames where the moves landing lag is skipped. | Auto FloorhuggableCan the hitbox be auto floorhugged? | Force TumbleCan the hitbox force tumble? | Shield StunThe amount of frames the move afflicts stun on the opponent's shield. | Shield Push MultiplierAdjusts the strength of the opponent's knockback if shielding the move. | Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun. | Hitfall Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun when hitfalling the move. | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Single Shift Directional Influence against the move. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Automatic Shift Directional Influence against the move. | Angle FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Spin: Rising > AttackDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK)
DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Growth; the distance the move launches the target, calculated with the move's damage and the target's percent. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. |
At the apex of the initial rising strike, Ranno can spin into a poisonous vortex, suspended in mid-air while throwing poison darts at down-forwards and up-backwards angles. This is a cheeky way to tack on damage and poison stacks on unsuspecting foes, but it leaves Ranno very vulnerable if the opponent avoids the vortex or needles, and it also renders Ranno in the vulnerable fall state afterwards.
Autocancel WindowThe range of frames where the moves landing lag is skipped. | Auto FloorhuggableCan the hitbox be auto floorhugged? | Force TumbleCan the hitbox force tumble? | Shield StunThe amount of frames the move afflicts stun on the opponent's shield. | Shield Push MultiplierAdjusts the strength of the opponent's knockback if shielding the move. | Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun. | Hitfall Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun when hitfalling the move. | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Single Shift Directional Influence against the move. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Automatic Shift Directional Influence against the move. | Angle FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Case Study 4: Kragg's Neutral Special
Neutral Special - Rock Pull
While Grounded SpecialDefault Controls
KB: (No Rock Out)
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Growth; the distance the move launches the target, calculated with the move's damage and the target's percent. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. |
Kragg pulls a giant rock from the ground. The rock can be thrown at enemies by inputting (an optional direction plus) AttackDefault Controls
KB: or SpecialDefault Controls
KB: . While Kragg holds a rock, he cannot jump in midair or use any other moves until he throws it.
This is Kragg's most versatile tool. The rock acts as a wall while on the ground and has a hitbox with decent knockback while airborne. If it's hit by ANY attack, it will break and launch rock pellets in the hitbox's general knockback direction. The pellets deal small damage and hitstun to anybody it hits.
Kragg can use the boulder in a plethora of ways to control the field and pressure the opponent, both on-stage and off-stage. However, be wary of when to pull the rock, as the opponent can take advantage of the startup to knock Kragg offstage while holding it, limiting options to get back.
Hit / Hitbox | Autocancel WindowThe range of frames where the moves landing lag is skipped. | Auto FloorhuggableCan the hitbox be auto floorhugged? | Force TumbleCan the hitbox force tumble? | Shield StunThe amount of frames the move afflicts stun on the opponent's shield. | Shield Push MultiplierAdjusts the strength of the opponent's knockback if shielding the move. | Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun. | Hitfall Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun when hitfalling the move. | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Single Shift Directional Influence against the move. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Automatic Shift Directional Influence against the move. | Angle FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
While Airborne SpecialDefault Controls
While Grounded SpecialDefault Controls
KB: (Rock Out)
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Growth; the distance the move launches the target, calculated with the move's damage and the target's percent. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. |
Anytime in the air, or else once Kragg's Rock has already been Pulled, Neutral Special results in a unique grabbing animation. During it, Kragg picks up either his own Rock, or another Kragg's Rock, if nearby.
This move is also a command grab. This grab puts an opponent in a Rock-like state, allowing Kragg to carry them offstage, and/or throw them in a direction, just as he would with a Rock.
Hit / Hitbox | Autocancel WindowThe range of frames where the moves landing lag is skipped. | Auto FloorhuggableCan the hitbox be auto floorhugged? | Force TumbleCan the hitbox force tumble? | Shield StunThe amount of frames the move afflicts stun on the opponent's shield. | Shield Push MultiplierAdjusts the strength of the opponent's knockback if shielding the move. | Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun. | Hitfall Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun when hitfalling the move. | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Single Shift Directional Influence against the move. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Automatic Shift Directional Influence against the move. | Angle FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Rock Throw: During Cargo-Hold ( Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / / Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / / Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / / Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + ) AttackDefault Controls
KB: / SpecialDefault Controls
Hit / HitboxWhich hit timing (such as early or late), or hitbox (such as sweetspot or sourspot) of this move that the data to the right is referring to. | DamageThe raw damage percent value of the listed move/hit. | Startup WindowThe number of startup frames before the attack comes out. | Active FramesThe number of frames a move is active and can affect opponents. | EndlagThe number of frames before a character can act after the move becomes inactive. | IASAInterruptible As Soon As; the earliest frame a character can act after using the move. | LandlagThe landing recovery frames the move incurs when the attacker lands. | KnockbackBase Knockback + Knockback Growth; the distance the move launches the target, calculated with the move's damage and the target's percent. | AngleThe angle at which the move sends the target. |
Kragg tosses his rock in one of 4 different angles: in a small arc in front of him with no directional input, directly in front of him Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / / Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / , straight up Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / which spikes opponents when it falls back down, or straight down Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / which directly spikes.
Kragg also tosses cubed-up opponents at these same angles.
Hit / Hitbox | Autocancel WindowThe range of frames where the moves landing lag is skipped. | Auto FloorhuggableCan the hitbox be auto floorhugged? | Force TumbleCan the hitbox force tumble? | Shield StunThe amount of frames the move afflicts stun on the opponent's shield. | Shield Push MultiplierAdjusts the strength of the opponent's knockback if shielding the move. | Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun. | Hitfall Hitstun MultiplierAdjusts the frame duration of the opponent's hitstun when hitfalling the move. | SSDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Single Shift Directional Influence against the move. | ASDI MultiplierAdjusts the strength of Automatic Shift Directional Influence against the move. | Angle FlipperOne of three Knockback Flippers: SpecifiedAngle, AwayFromHostCenter, and HostVelocityAngle. |
Full Boilerplate Notation
This is where you may copy-paste the rest of this page, but be vigilant! Always look for instances where a move's notation should be treated differently.
SSBU Boilerplate
Normal Moves
AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
GCN: A (Hold OK)
AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
GCN: A ( > AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
GCN: A ( > AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
GCN: A > AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
(multiple vers. depending on number of jabs in sequence) (Every jab should be "(Hold OK)" unless I'm forgetting some weird edge case. You should include the very first notation listed here, then use the secondary examples to number the jabs if multiple)
Rapid Jab
Jab 3 > AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
GCN: A (Hold OK)
(if it exists; adjust "Jab 3" to whichever is last normal jab in jab sequence)
Forward Tilt
Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
A light tilt of the left stick
will prevent accidental
Forward Smashes. / Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
A light tilt of the left stick
will prevent accidental
Forward Smashes. + AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Up Tilt
Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
A light tilt of the left stick
will prevent accidental
Up Smashes or Tap Jumps. + AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Down Tilt
Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
A light tilt of the left stick
will prevent accidental
Down Smashes or platform drops. + AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Dash Attack
While Dashing / Running AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Smash Attacks
Forward Smash
Default Controls
Quickly tap Left Analog Stick / Default Controls
Quickly tap Left Analog Stick + AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
GCN: A (Hold OK)
Up Smash
Default Controls
Quickly tap Left Analog Stick + AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
GCN: A (Hold OK)
Down Smash
Default Controls
Quickly tap Left Analog Stick + AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
GCN: A (Hold OK)
Neutral Air
While Airborne AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Forward Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
Presumes character is facing right. + AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Back Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
Presumes character is facing right. + AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Up Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
+ AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Down Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
+ AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Watch for moves that warrant the (Hold OK) tag! Specials are also more likely to require unique qualifier tags, e.g. Snake's DSpecial's (C4 Out) / (No C4 Out)
Neutral Special - Kiss of Death
SpecialDefault Controls
Switch: B
Forward Special - Pointed Dash
Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
/ Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
+ SpecialDefault Controls
Switch: B
Up Special - Flying Rage
Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
+ SpecialDefault Controls
Switch: B
Down Special - Totally Not Just Another Shine
Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
+ SpecialDefault Controls
Switch: B
Grabs & Throws
Standing Grab: GrabDefault Controls
Switch: L/R
Dash Grab: While Dashing / Running GrabDefault Controls
Switch: L/R
Pivot Grab: During Run TurnaroundState when reversing direction during a Run GrabDefault Controls
Switch: L/R
[singular info box covering all three]
GrabDefault Controls
Switch: L/R
GCN: Z > AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Forward Throw
GrabDefault Controls
Switch: L/R
GCN: Z > Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
Presumes character is facing right.
Back Throw
GrabDefault Controls
Switch: L/R
GCN: Z > Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
Presumes character is facing right.
Up Throw
GrabDefault Controls
Switch: L/R
GCN: Z > Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
Down Throw
GrabDefault Controls
Switch: L/R
GCN: Z > Default Controls
Left Analog Stick
Misc. Attacks
Ledge Attack
During Ledgehang AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Getup Attack
During Knockdown AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
Trip Attack
While Tripped AttackDefault Controls
Switch: A
RoA2 Boilerplate
Normal Moves
AttackDefault Controls
AttackDefault Controls
KB: ( > AttackDefault Controls
KB: )
AttackDefault Controls
KB: ( > AttackDefault Controls
KB: > AttackDefault Controls
KB: )
(multiple vers. depending on number of jabs in sequence)
Rapid Jab
Jab 3 > AttackDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK)
(if it exists; adjust "Jab 3" to whichever is last normal jab in jab sequence)
Forward Tilt
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / A light tilt of the left stick
or Walk Mod.Default Controls
KB: (defaults to for KB)
will prevent accidental Dash Attacks. / Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / A light tilt of the left stick
or Walk Mod.Default Controls
KB: (defaults to for KB)
will prevent accidental Dash Attacks. + AttackDefault Controls
Up Tilt
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + AttackDefault Controls
Down Tilt
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / A light tilt of the left stick
or Walk Mod.Default Controls
KB: (defaults to for KB)
will prevent accidental platform drops. + AttackDefault Controls
Dash Attack
While Dashing / Running AttackDefault Controls
Strong Attacks
Forward Strong
( Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / / Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + ) StrongDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK)
Up Strong
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + StrongDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK)
Down Strong
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / A light tilt of the left stick
or Walk Mod.Default Controls
KB: (defaults to for KB)
will prevent accidental platform drops. + StrongDefault Controls
KB: (Hold OK)
Neutral Air
While Airborne AttackDefault Controls
Forward Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / Presumes character is facing right. + AttackDefault Controls
Back Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / Presumes character is facing right. + AttackDefault Controls
Up Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + AttackDefault Controls
Down Air
While Airborne Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + AttackDefault Controls
Watch for moves that warrant the (Hold OK) tag! Specials are also more likely to require unique qualifier tags, e.g. Kragg's Neutral Special's (Rock Out) / (No Rock Out)
Neutral Special - Kiss of Death
SpecialDefault Controls
Forward Special - Pointed Dash
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / / Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + SpecialDefault Controls
Up Special - Flying Rage
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + SpecialDefault Controls
Down Special - Totally Not Just Another Shine
Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / + SpecialDefault Controls
Grabs & Throws
Standing Grab: GrabDefault Controls
Dash Grab: While Dashing / Running GrabDefault Controls
Pivot Grab: During Run TurnaroundState when reversing direction during a Run GrabDefault Controls
[singular info box covering all three]
Pummel Attack
GrabDefault Controls
KB: > AttackDefault Controls
Pummel Special
GrabDefault Controls
KB: > SpecialDefault Controls
Forward Throw
GrabDefault Controls
KB: > Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / Presumes character is facing right.
Back Throw
GrabDefault Controls
KB: > Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / / Presumes character is facing right.
Up Throw
GrabDefault Controls
KB: > Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / /
Down Throw
GrabDefault Controls
KB: > Default Controls
Xbox/GCN: Left Analog Stick
KB: / / /
Misc. Attacks
Ledge Attack
During Ledgehang AttackDefault Controls
Ledge Special
During Ledgehang SpecialDefault Controls
Getup Attack
During Knockdown AttackDefault Controls
Getup Special
During Knockdown SpecialDefault Controls